Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Questions and suggestions for new locations, business plans, and changes to shops or other places around the empire

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Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Postby Thunder on Sat Apr 22, 2023 2:24 am

Why am I wanting to do this? That is simple I think and hope it will bring about more rp and get people to want to take the Brewing and Wine making skill. We already have many that have it but really what's the point of having a skill where you really have no place to put it to use. I think if we reopen the Brewery then we can get people with that skill to come and share what kinds of drinks they love to make. I am not asking for a payroll of any kind; anyone that might work there would do it as a volunteer. It would help get more to rp and bring about a new place to meet new players. I would like to see more types of drinks. To be honest there are a few but I know that everyone has a wonderful imagination and this is one way that the ones with the skill can use it. People could get together brewing their own but be in there with others doing the same and who knows together they might be able to come up with a new type of ale, wine, or even beer. When you get more than one together magic happens. I would really like to bring back the old brewery.

People are always changing and this is something that some only see some of the time. While others see it more. I know there are many drinks one can get at the inn and at one time at the CVC. But the CVC is no longer around so a lot of the drinks they had there are no longer in the game as I understand it. I know you can go and buy things from the market and from the inn to drink. However I have not seen any of those places buying or taking bottles from others that have the skill to makes drinks and bottle or barrel them. Just thought it would be nice to have a place that one can go to not only get the types they have made under another character but that one can buy and try other characters blends and maybe who knows come with a new blend all together.

The only thing that will be needed is maybe if one does not wish to do it where they pay the person but one would only need four codes and this is what the four would need to be glass bottle, six pack of glass bottles, case holding 24 bottles and barrels. But one can put it in the notes on their page too so really it would bring in I think more rp and could be fun if we were able to bring it back. Even if I do all the playing in it it would give me hope to bring more rp to the place. In hopes to bring about something new. Well actually old but bringing back to life something that was once here and lost to time. Though there are a good 43 types of aleish drinks I think there can always be more.

This is the list of the ones that the inn has and down below will be the ones that I will give a list of and what they are made of that I have myself came up with. Though I think it would be fun to bring them to the game.
The inn has the following drinks:

1. Ye olde ale
2. Moriel Ale
3. Light Cream Ale
4. Honey Meade
5. Angry Meade
6. Blood Meade
7. Halfling Beer
8. Dicken’s Cider
9. Dwarf Sweat
10. Blood Wine
11. Fire Wine
12. Wild Troll
13. BirdSong
14. Old Magi
15. Ol’ 4 Fingers
16. Jester’s
17. MadDog
18. Princess
19. DandyLion
20. Whiplash
21. SourMash
22. Ye Olde Wine
23. Dragon’s Tears
24. Flaming Magic
25. Absinthe
26. Barbarian Iced Tea
27. Black Chirot
28. Nymph Orgasm
29. Troll Sunrise
30. Ogre Punch
31. CatNip
32. Crying Goblin
33. FingerNail
34. Slow Hard Screw
35. SaltyDog
36. Blood Swan
37. Cave-in
38. Black Root
39. Mad Blood
40. Fox Lust
41. Angels kiss
42. Black Widow
43. Ballbusters, or Horse Breaker

Now the items I would want to offer at the brewery is:

1. Gin- Clear liquid that looks as if it is water with a strong kick.

2. Passion Fruit- Passion Fruit with a hidden kick

3. Thunder's Surprising Kiss - Is a mixture of a dark passion with a mix of lp9

4. Tropical Fusion -A fruity cocktail of fruits that has a sweet kick

5. Devin Treat - A red mix of ales with different kinds of fruit added.

6. Lightning Feel - A kick in the ass is what all drinks need but this one only strikes when the iron is hot. It is a striking ale of clear that causes your taste buds to tingle.

7. Peek into the Soul - A dark ale that can cause one to feel so they have peeked into their own soul.

8. Love's Touch - Duessa's touch and LP9 mixed in with a clear strong ale that can turn anyone into the most sexual of moods.

9. Blue Lust - LP9 mixed with Duessa's touch left to sit in the sun and ferment. Once it has fermented and left for a week after it is then placed into that of a fruit. It soaks up within the fruit. After a few weeks of that then the fruit is smashed up and all juice taking from the as the fruit is then ground up so well that it is not even noticed other then its icy shards that are actually the pieces of fruit.

10. Death's Touch- Is two types of alcohol mixed together with a juice. ((AKA Washington Apple))

11. Drunken Monkey – A deep brown ale with an intoxicating smell that can cause the most experienced drinker to become drunk.

12. Whiskey - Warm amber colored stout drink.

13. Rose Rum - Deep warm red liquid that burns going down that warms the blood in all the right places.

14. For Ever clear - Clear like Gin however this can take the paint off your toes

15. Frozen Death - Pinkish in color with honey and passion fruit within. However there is a small hint of alcohol that one glass is more then enough for it hits you when you do not expect it. It is always cold no matter the season.

16. Spring day - red wine apple spice

17. Summer Breeze - red honey mint

18. Moonlight Walk - white rasepberry with a crisp apple

19. Dreamer's dream -white wine with nymphs breath a hint of strewberry

20. Rainy Day- white wine a honey giner

21. Lustful - White wine laced with lp9

22. Blissful want - white wine flavor of cinnamon and apple

23. Needful desire - ruby red berry flavored wine laced with Duessa's touch

24. Sinful Nymph - red wine laced with lazy rape bait

25. Twisted tongues - sweet red wine laced with tongue tied

26. Dragon Milk- A deep rich beer that is placed in a bourbon barrel and aged.

27. Amber Ale- A deep golden beer that has a hint of caramel.

28. Amber Lager- The liquid is a amber tone taste of cinnemon

29. Black Mead- Black as night liquid that makes one forget of the pain and remember the good of their past

30. Cream - is a creamy white mead that tastes just like it sounds cream. It brings the thought of the one which is desired back to the most entense encounter they had once before.

31. Imperial Port- Stormy brew that would put hair on ones chest it is a mix of Imperial Red and Duessa's touch

32. Imperial Red Mead- Bright red with a heat like never known. It had a spice to it and given its name for it remind her of the spicy L`aquera

33. Chocolate- deep brown with the taste fo sweet chocolate

34. Honey- Honey brown tone with a hint of honey and apple

35. Sour Desire- bright brown liquid that with first sip takes like you took a bite from a lemon yet after the first two drinks it becomes a warmth and no sour taste left

36. Fruit and Field- apple and orange mixed giving a warm brown in color

37. Pumpkin- a warm orange color taste like pumpkins with a hint of spice

38. Apple- bright red tastes like apples

39. Banana- Banana flavored light brown in color

40. Fruit lust- a mixture of all fruits in tli making the color red

41. Thunders Devin- hard black liquid with a flavor like no other. For depending on the person would depend on the taste. Some might taste apples while another might taste peppermint.

42. Whiskey Dawn- is a coffee mixed with whiskey that is to be warmed up slowly and placed in a mug that will give you awake up call you ain't had before.
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Re: Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Sat Apr 22, 2023 1:10 pm

As I am always a fan of not seeing TLI stagnate I love the idea of seeing the old brewery re-open; personally I also like that you have seen fit to put some dependency upon other shops that exist within the world in order to promote the 'economy' of the game
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Re: Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Postby Thunder on Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:28 pm

I do hope that others see it the same way. I would like to bring it back and use places already in game that can be used like the Apothecary and the Silent Embrace to also help with the making of some drinks. I think it would be really fun honestly and maybe can figure out new ways to add more and what to call them later.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Postby Sikyat`Pallaton on Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:33 am

I agree. If the skill is not being used for any other job within the game, then it is going to waste. Looking at the original post, that is a lot of work put into it. I applaud Thunder for putting it together and hope she continues her many contributions to the game.
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Re: Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Postby miyuka on Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:45 pm

will show this to HC
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Re: Just wanting to bring back the old Brewery

Postby Thunder on Tue Apr 25, 2023 6:09 pm

Thank you very much Miyuka That means a lot to me
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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