Skill Suggestion: Forgery

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Skill Suggestion: Forgery

Postby Aticus on Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:28 pm

The forgery skill is fairly useless and I don't see it being used In Game. This is a rough draft, but I think it would help utilize it more, especially with the Thieves Guild.

While the forgery skill can be used to create any non magical counterfeit item, the chance of successfully passing one off varies depending upon several factors:

•The forger must be proficient in the appropriate skill or will suffer a penalty to the forgery roll. This penalty is -50%.
•The forger gains a bonus to their roll if they have the appropriate skill. Which is as follows:
*Apprentice +0
*Novice +5
*Journeyman +10
*Master +20

In order to spot a forgery the investigator must have the appropriate skill for the item they want to examine. If they do not, they cannot determine whether or not the item is counterfeit.
If they do have the appropriate skill, they gain a bonus dependent upon the skill level they have. See above chart for bonus.

The cost of the item being forged is 30% of the price of the original and can be sold normally. Example: (A mithril circlet costs around 700 mhls. The forging costs 210 mhls and can be sold, if not identified as a counterfeit, for the standard 50% cost of 350 mhls.)

However, if a forger is caught, then the IG or Shop Manager will determine a suitable punishment.
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Re: Skill Suggestion: Forgery

Postby Akaton on Fri Sep 06, 2019 11:09 pm

First major problem I see is this.

"While the forgery skill can be used to create any non magical counterfeit item"

Forgery is just the action of forging or producing a copy of a document, signature, banknote, or work of art.

You can't make knock off collars or other goods with forgery. That would be counterfeiting. Also they way you had it means they can make anything without having any other appropriate skills like Smithing etc...
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Re: Skill Suggestion: Forgery

Postby Tehya on Sat Sep 07, 2019 3:24 pm

I agree with Aketon if they could do all that everyone would want that skill and shops would suffer. As it is there is a lot you could rp using it.
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