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Nature spirits, fae and tournaments

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 11:59 pm
by Naomh
This is a reminder from the Op team that nature spirits (Nymphs, Swan maidens, satyrs, Duessa, pixies and nixies) and Fae, are races that have a strong aversion and dislike for violence . While they can fight in self-defense or defense of what they hold dear -if necessary-, this does mean that tournaments that are primarily violent in nature are something that they will not participate in. It is literally a case of someone who have it in their very being to refrain from violence going to an event that is primarily about violent event to participate in said violence.

This does not have an impact on quests/events. Due to the nature of such things and the extra flexibility of such things, they can still participate and have a part in, but when it comes to combat-based tournaments, these races are not allowed to join and participate.