ISA rules for slaves.

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ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Tawny on Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:56 am


The following is purposed codes of conduct for a slave. A slave should follow these codes of conduct to the letter as it means that the slave is made more pleasing to their Owner, which in turn brings to themself that pleasure in return. It should also be noted that if a slave breaks these codes of conduct they can expect the consequences for suchs actions to be handled by their owner and the person they have angered by doing so. The ISA will not become involved in such menial Problems.

1. The slave will speak in a respectful manner. This includes the use of Master or Mistress for their owner, and possibly others at the discretion of their Owner. When in the company of free people a slave will use a respectful title until told to do otherwise. This includes the words Lord, Lady, Ma’am, Miss, Missus, and Sir.

2. The slave will always keep thier appearance fitting within the rules of their owner. The slave will follow any guidelines in appearance no matter how strict for they strive to be pleasing in their Owner’s eyes.

3. The slave will in no way be disrespectful in their behavior. While it is understood that a slave may have differing opinions than their owner there is always a time and a place for polite disagreement. When expressing a differing opinion or belief a well trained slave will always speak with respect, and listen to the opposing point of view with thought and an open mind. This type of disagreement does not include yelling, and will only be discussed at the Owner’s permission. If a discussion is deemed closed by the Owner the slave will immediately halt his or her argument.

4. A slave will not engage in acts of senseless violence. A slave will never provoke an attack, nor initiate one. However, the bond between Owner and slave is so deep that a slave would be likely to do anything for their Owner to save them. It is common that Owners do not permit their slaves to act in their defense, as they are the protectors rather than the slave, however should an Owner be unconscious and near death it is possible that a slave would attempt to save their owner by whatever means possible. However, there would be no seeking of revenge or retaliation afterwards.

5. A slave will not disobey a direct order from their Owner. This includes all matters, be they sexual, domestic, or otherwise, no matter how frightening the task the slave will obey and do his or her best to appear pleasant in the completion of such.

6. A slave will be honest at all times. The only time a slave may possibly lie would be to protect their Owner, but that would only be in the most desperate of situations. When asked information that is too personal of a slave he or she would rather state that they would prefer not to answer than to speak in a lie.

7. As all slaves are people they are bound to make mistakes at times. A slave will accept punishment with grace and poise. They will not argue their punishment and they will not beg to have it rescinded. Instead a slave will do as required for their punishment and will do so with complete obedience and respect for their Owner.
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Re: ISA rules of slaves.

Postby Tawny on Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:57 am

General guide to offenses and punishments for slaves,their owners and all others.

Crime and punishments for Slaves:

Minor offenses...including but not limited too..

Causing bodily injury to a free person by hitting kicking biting scratching.

The use of non Lethal weapons such as mugs, plates, whips on a free person.

The use of none lethal spells such as sleep, stun bolt, and other on a free person.

Being caught stealing or destroying others property.

Major Offenses...including but not limited too..

The use of Deadly weapons or spells against any free person or slave.

Any type of offense against the Emporer or Noble.

Any type of threat or action against the empire.

Murder, Kidnapping or rape of anyone.

Of course each case will be judged individually and the slave allowed to tell their side of the story.

If the slave had good reason for their actions such as fighting off rape or an attempt to kill them or in defense of a badly injuried owner,whos life is at stake, these things will be considered when the case is being looked at.

Punishment for each degree of offense

For slaves...

Minor offenses

1st offense...1 day in slave kennels at ISA office

2nd offense...2 days in slave kennels and 2 sessions with a slave trainer

3rd offense...5 days in slave kennels at the ISA office and 5 sessions with a slave trainer

4th offense...3 days in the stocks in the town square. Any more offenses will double the 4th offense punishment each time.

Major Offenses

1st offense...5 days in the slave Kennels at the ISA office and 5 sessions with a slave trainer

2nd offense...3 days in the stocks in town square and 10 lashes from a whip in public.

3rd offense...5 days in the stocks in town square and 25 lashes with a whip in public.

4th offense...Loss of collar and 30 days in ISA kennels under ISA collar.

Punishment for each degree of offense

For owners for crimes committed by their registered slave.

Minor Offense

1st offense...10mhl fine

2nd offense...25mhl fine

3rd offense...50mhl fine

4th offense...50mhl fine and 1 day in stocks in town square. Any more offenses will double the 4th offense punishment each time.

Major Offenses

1st offense...50 mhl fine and 1 day in the stocks in town square

2nd offense...100 mhl fine and 2 days in stocks in town square.

3rd offense...200 mhl fine and 3 days in stocks in town square with 10 lashs from a whip in public.

4th offense...loss of the slave and 5 days in the stocks in town square with 25 lashes from the whip in public.

Offenses made against a slave by a free person such as attacking, kidnapping, or rape resulting in a badly injured slave that can no longer serve its owner without healing, if not acting in self defense, may result in having to pay for the healing of the slave, fines, stocks and public whippings or even an ISA collar for a period of time. The killing of any slave may result in the previsously stated punishments as well as the lose of the privilege to own a slave either for a set amount of time or permanently. If someone kills a slave and is found not to have be acting in self defense, they will pay the cost to resurrect that slave.
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Stormbringer on Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:25 pm

Thanks for posting that. Comments on the first post will be integrated into a new web page on social expectations of life in the empire. Comments on the second post will be integrated into a definitive page on ISA regulations and penalties.
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Thria on Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:03 pm

Obvious response: What if following the fifth rule violates one of the others? Which takes precedence? (Owner orders the slave to lie; owner orders the slave to rape. etc etc)
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Stormbringer on Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:34 pm

Good point. The slave has to follow her owner's orders first. Hopefully he'd be honest enough to admit it too, and not order her to lie and say it was all her own doing.

Gets complicated doesn't it?
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Tawny on Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:06 pm

Actually it isnt really complicated. Infact it has the potential to lead to interesting RP. Note the line which reads...
It should also be noted that if a slave breaks these codes of conduct they can expect the consequences for suchs actions to be handled by their owner and the person they have angered by doing so. The ISA will not become involved in such menial Problems.

In other words the owner can expect the slave to pay the consequences for the actions they took unless the Owner is man or woman enough to stand up and state that they infact ordered the slave to do such action and then they themselfs would face the consequences not the slave.
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Thria on Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:52 pm

See, to me that reads as "Any slave with a Master who doesnt give a damn can get off scot free". Without the ISA's intervention, a Master can simply dismiss the claims of the complainant - and the complainant cant act against the slave for being convicted of damaging another's property.
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Tawny on Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:14 am

Then your still not reading it right.

they can expect the consequences for suchs actions to be handled by their owner and the person they have angered by doing so.

The ISA is not there to stifle the rp of anyone wearing a collar. The items listed in the codes of conduct are nothing that cant be handled IC with good rp. With the expection of the breaking of rule 4 in a more than slight way. If a person dont like how a Owner responds to their complaint about a slave breaking the code of conduct for slaves then that person can always attempt to open a can of whop ass on the owner or smack the slave good next time they see them. But keep in mind the punishment should fit the offense..IE ..dont kill a slave because then didnt lower their eyes and except to get away with it. That will get the ISA involved.
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Infernis on Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:11 am

3. The slave will in no way be disrespectful in their behavior. While it is understood that a slave may have differing opinions than their owner there is always a time and a place for polite disagreement. When expressing a differing opinion or belief a well trained slave will always speak with respect, and listen to the opposing point of view with thought and an open mind. This type of disagreement does not include yelling, and will only be discussed at the Owner’s permission. If a discussion is deemed closed by the Owner the slave will immediately halt his or her argument.

Is this a truly necessary rule? Are we defining slave behavior to the point where the Empire concerns itself with whether or not a slave is 'yelling' at her owner? Why would the Empire even care? I thought this was to do with how slaves interact with the public at large?

4. A slave will not engage in acts of senseless violence. A slave will never provoke an attack, nor initiate one. However, the bond between Owner and slave is so deep that a slave would be likely to do anything for their Owner to save them. It is common that Owners do not permit their slaves to act in their defense, as they are the protectors rather than the slave, however should an Owner be unconscious and near death it is possible that a slave would attempt to save their owner by whatever means possible. However, there would be no seeking of revenge or retaliation afterwards.

I've seen cases where a slave provoked a free person by mistaking that free person for a bartender in the Inn and asking for a cup of tea. I think we 'might' consider defining what's acceptable as an excuse for taking offense at a slave's actions. Likewise, we might consider rewording this to where slaves are free to defend themselves and their incapacitated owners with 'non-lethal' spells and abilities, with the intent to flee.

5. A slave will not disobey a direct order from their Owner. This includes all matters, be they sexual, domestic, or otherwise, no matter how frightening the task the slave will obey and do his or her best to appear pleasant in the completion of such.

This should probably be amended to just 5. A slave will not disobey a direct order from their Owner. Otherwise, you're trying to dictate how players get to play out their character's emotions. Not all slaves are happily smiling automatons blithely following seemingly terrifying commands.

The use of none lethal spells such as sleep, stun bolt, and other on a free person.

This should be amended to allow the use of these spells in self defense, as long as the slave is using them with the intent to flee.

Causing bodily injury to a free person by hitting kicking biting scratching.

Again, this should be amended to allow the slaves to defend themselves with the intent of trying to flee their attacker.

Murder, Kidnapping or rape of anyone.

Rape is not a serious crime in this setting. This should be amended, and rape moved to the 'minor offense' category.

Lastly, I would suggest that if the slave has been ORDERED to do something, whatever it is, even a crime, that if the slave was indeed commanded to do so, that this absolves the slave of any guilt whatsoever. Slaves do not get to choose to disobey their owners, after all.

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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Kaytoo on Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:09 am

This looks oddly familiar.....thanks for the hard work.

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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Stormbringer on Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:19 am

Is this a truly necessary rule? Are we defining slave behavior to the point where the Empire concerns itself with whether or not a slave is 'yelling' at her owner? Why would the Empire even care? I thought this was to do with how slaves interact with the public at large?

This is from post one which concerns social conventions, no ISA or empire involvement at all. Such things will be built into a roleplaying guide on how society will tend to expect a slave to behave, not an imperial list of requirements.

@K2 - its from the previous discussion, to give a clearer field for commenting.
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Re: ISA rules for slaves.

Postby Moss on Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:32 pm

will these things be put on the site soon? i had a heck of a time finding out the rules around harming a free person because i tend to use the website first, like someone new to the realm might. thankfully tamryn helped me out and now i know what the consequences 'might' be for such action. it'd be great to get this on the site soon though! let me know if there's some way we can help!
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