Previous work

Discussion area for the creation of maps, both of the empire and the wider world of Belariath

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Previous work

Postby Tamryn on Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:44 pm

I will give here a bit of the previous work that has been put into maps from our folks:

This is the oldest map we had and a lot of the information on there has changed a bit due to the RE maps and demands of putting the empire on a larger content to allow it to grow a bit. Of course Valencia is not represented. I am not sure who the original author of this map was. When I started to work on these a bit, I think Nich still had an old copy and he got it to me.

With those in mind and the concept of us wanting to give the empire room to grow and having lots of areas for players to help create future content I began to work on this:

This was a starting point and a very sort of zoomed out view. The empire is inside the brown boarder. The goal was to get a relative idea of where the empire stood in the larger area of the world. It is a roughly 500 mile square in the northern part of the continent. The two cities are Nanthalion in the middle east of the empire and a coastal city, the empire other major city. Valencia is not on here, as this was created pre-Valencia, as are very little of the other areas of the world. I was trying to get players to help fill out the other spots a bit with stuff from their backgrounds and the like that would be allowed.

Ideally we would have laid out a rough outline of the world with a few of the racial type areas defined vaguely where they would have been at and then we would have went for a much more detailed map of the immediate area of the empire, much like the first map, but updated with the newer goings on in mind.

Anyway, there is a bit of what has been worked on abit before, mapwise. A lot of work was left unfinished as I got little input from players to help flesh it out when i was working on it, and rl drug me away for a bit. Such is the way of it.
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Old Map

Postby Brane on Tue Mar 13, 2007 8:58 pm

Ok thats a Campaign Cartographer map, do you have the CC: file of it, or only this jpg?

I was given a totally different map, and had begun to work on it. Maybe we can find a sythesis of these.
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Postby Shogeton on Thu Mar 15, 2007 12:54 pm

If I may offer a suggestion, I'd make the Empire a bit smaller compared to the continent. As it is now, it seems to be one of the 'Big Dogs', while I have the impression it's more of a frontier nation. Then again, size can be deceptive, might all be mountains and forest.
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Linked map

Postby Brane on Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:28 pm

Ok seeing the linked map, I think no further mapping on my part is required. :D

Thats a pretty nice made one, I still wonder though if anybody has the original CC file for it ?
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Postby Tamryn on Thu Mar 15, 2007 3:37 pm

I am looking for it, unfortunately I think it is saved on a old HD I have setting aside. There is a lot of work to be done still even if we use this base. Personally I would like to see a more up close of the empire and surrounding areas done. I am going to try and get that drive hooked up this weekend and find that i do I will send it your way Brane.

As to your question Shoge, a lot of the empires space is forest and mountain. Is a 500X500 space, but most of it is sparsely populated. There aren't a ton of large cities or anything.
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Postby Brane on Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:08 pm

That would be nice, I can recreate it from scratch I think, but the original file would be nice, I have CC2.
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Postby Aramis on Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:08 am

The petty fiefdoms were my creation, originally, and they're not part of the empire. Their names are Arrowstorm, Argus, and Saldomia (from west to east). Arrowstorm is run by a bunch of catpeople tinkers, Argus was the largest port on the western coast, very affluent and pretentious, with an arrogant nobility. Saldomia is a puritannical, sexually repressive theocracy of the sea god Saldomus. There's also a pirate town north of Saldomia called Deridus. Argus was recently sacked and burned to the ground by those pirates.

This is all I can remember, but their original writeups were on the original messageboard from about 2 years ago.
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Postby Pender Kender on Mon May 07, 2007 2:40 am

I have copies of the linked map in both bitmap (6.43mb) and png (1.25mb) formats. It was done at least 2 years ago. I do not know who made it.
I also have alternative maps of the continent done by Marzey and Zoltaire as well as all the stuff I did for the Real Estate Board.
As well as the original Lonely Inn map (done by someone who left long ago; his female character used to run Real Estate) with my initial modifications.
Most of the maps I have in jpeg, bmp, and png formats.
I used MSpaint shop for all my map making (in bitmap) then converted the results into jpeg and png formats. SB wanted the stuff I sent him for the website in png because it had the best detail, truest color, and was easy to post.

I also have initial maps of the western continent (northern and southern portions) where Pender, Becky, and Xevious came from originally. (see the tale "Humble Beginnings" in my character background)

I can zip the larger files down to email-able size if you send me an email addy. I am leaving on vacation (to Australia) in a few days, and may not have time to send them before I go. If so, I will send them when I get back around the end of May.

You can reach me at <>
I'm a pack rat and never deleted any of my old files.
I will send whatever you need that's there.

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Postby Archaon on Sat Jun 02, 2007 2:26 am

Though it's only mentioned briefly in Archaon's story, he is from a cave network in the northern area of the world called the Wyrmcove, which is now devoid of life.

Using the map, I would say, in a general standpoint, that the Wyrmcove is nestled within The Spine of the Dragon's northern edge, close to Dragon's Teeth Pass.

Thought I'd add a bit more to the mapping ;)
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Postby Fionnuala on Sun Aug 12, 2007 3:06 pm

I want to use some of this map in Ju's background... is it all right if I name a couple of the empty towns on the map in the Western River lands?
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Postby Brane on Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:20 pm

Fionnuala wrote:I want to use some of this map in Ju's background... is it all right if I name a couple of the empty towns on the map in the Western River lands?

A map is in the making, it would be nice if players would wait for it.
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Re: naming

Postby Fionnuala on Sun Aug 12, 2007 8:40 pm

Brane wrote:
A map is in the making, it would be nice if players would wait for it.

Since where Juusii is from and events that happened there are integral to her background, that creates a difficulty for me. I suppose I could just be totally generic, and go back and fill in names later, but that would mean revamping my level 5 background for her completely after the fact.

I had -hoped- I could be of assistance by, at the very least, naming a couple places...
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Postby Brane on Mon Aug 13, 2007 1:47 pm

Actually only bigger towns will appear on the map, so if you can live with a village or hamlet, you can just go ahead and name it as you like.

The main point of the map is to create one out of the versions that fly around, and as soon as SB has checked and approved it, all others will be invalidated. Also the area outside the empire will be held vague, so if your towns are outside the empire (to the south-east-north) you again can name them as you like.
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Postby Fionnuala on Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:34 pm

Okay, thank you Brane... I will probably keep it generic then, and go back and add to my background later, as I want to use places inside and out of the empire.
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Re: Previous work

Postby lyllamarie on Fri May 22, 2009 1:59 pm

is no longer a valid link, is there any updated work/link that can be used?
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