First time arriving.

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First time arriving.

Postby Phoenice on Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:46 pm

Aaron would smile as he made his way into the inn.His legs moving him swiftly as the rather large black cloak hung loosely around his shoulders concealing most of his features as he made his way over to one of the chairs to sit down.His slender fingers moving up to move down the hood of the cloak as he let out a soft sigh and motions he wanted a glass of water for now to quench his thirst as his pointed cat ears darted back and forth some.

A slow soft purr emanating from him as he felt a soft blush appear on his cheeks.He had been wandering from town to town for so long it was nice to finally find a town he could stay in and relax for a while.As the waitress walked over with his glass of water he smiled and gave her a coin before wrapping both of his hands around the side of the glass and gulping down the refreshing water.His mind not paying much attention for the moment to those around him as he realized how thirst he truly was.
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Re: First time arriving.

Postby Malekith on Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:21 am

((OOC: I hope you don't mind if I join in, do you?))

The hooded figure was perched on his stool, his eyes concentrating on his drink, the hood pulled up tight and over his head, trying to hide his face as best he could. He thought back over the recent events in his life and frowned slightly, for there was a reason that he wore a hood pulled up tightly. His desire for anonymity was strong this evening, and the only feature that would stand out from the front was a pair of red eyes that peered out from the dark of the hood. Aaron would see this when he turned his head away from his drink for but a moment to look over the new arrival.

He heard that soft purr, his eyes running over the cat-boy, before turning away from him and back to his drink, the bottle of dark red wine that he had ordered from the bartender who had currently been working. Aaron would see the man dressed in a long grey coat, his black pants peeking out from beneath them. He would note the dark leather that covered him, a part of the suit of shadow weave armor he wore beneath the coat. A purple-blue hand reached out and took the glass that sat in front of him, and raised the wine up to his lips, letting it pour down his throat with a brief, invisible smile.
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Re: First time arriving.

Postby Phoenice on Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:24 pm

((OOC:Oh not at all still learning how this site works so no worries.))

Aaron's crystal blue eyes continued to trail around the room before stopping for a moment to catch the strangers appearance as he grew a bit curious about the hooded person that was perched up on the bar stool.He could almost relate to the person who seemed to wear a cloak knowing how nice it was to not have people know who or what you were as it allowed you to observe others.His hands quickly moving back to his glass of water as he tried not to be to disconcerting on his inquires about the room but especially about this individual.

His eyes taking note of the blue hand as it seemed to reach out of now were and pick up the strangers class as he tilted his head to the side trying to think of what race the person could be.His hands moving down to fiddle with the edge of his cloak as it hide the pure black tunic that had small trails of gold where ever the seems would meet.A small golden crest with two daggers crossed over each other rested right on the right side of it hidden underneath the cloak as one of his hands that had been holding the glass of water snaked down and rested right at the tip of one of his daggers as he sat there relaxing.His eyes closing for a moment as she had a small smirk across his lips.
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