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The New Dancer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:23 am
by Tasinga Nightwolf
Lily Shea was a young Fea. She had just left her traveling companions and now was alone as a traveling Dancer. She walked up to the Inn hoping to stay the night and get some rest. She entered the building carefully looking around at everyone inside and then walked towards the Inn keepers desk to purchase a room for a few days. She walked slowly her eyes looking around curiously as she always did. She was also smelling the food and felt her stomach twist as it reminded her it was empty. She had a small traveling sack with her dancing clothes but made sure to keep her money somewhere else so it would stay safe.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:16 am
by Almondus
Alren made his way into the inn. The scruffy faced man dressed casually tonight. White cotton shirt and black slacks with a warm black cloak to go about his shoulders. He didn't look all that physically impressive compared to the barbarians walking about town, but his lean figure possessed compact muscle.

Grey-blue eyes scanned the room and lit upon an unfamiliar face. "Hello.." he said walking up towards the fae. "My name's Alren and.. I .. well I was just looking for a bit of company to chat with. Are you free?" he asked Lily. The man motioned towards the bar with a tilt of his head. "Why don't you come join me at the bar for a drink or two. food isn't the best really, but that's because they've got trolls in the kitchen," he said as if that explanation were enough to say it all.

The aeromancer didn't wait to see if she'd follow when he turned and moved towards the bar. "Bottle of wine Fugly" he said calling the bartender by name. "And two glasses if you would.." he added.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 7:35 am
by Tasinga Nightwolf
(out of form. Is there a way to post the description I made for my Fae on a public post)

Lily smiled at him politely her light blue eyes bright with interest. Her lavender painted lips almost had a smirk to them then when he offered a drink. "I'm Lily...". She said then sat next to him. Her ivory skin almost glowed in the candle light. She tossed her long blonde almost white hair over her shoulders. "You buying?" she asked. She set her bag in her lap so no one would take her things.

She studied this man he looked like he took fairly good care of himself. She had her arms crossed her small but full breast smiling at him. She decided to be nice no matter what. Though if she got drunk it would get interesting.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 3:17 pm
by Almondus
(Your character description can be looked up by others by using the website and going to If you'd like to imbed a link in your post, click the URL button and place the link between the url start and url finish (/url). Hope that helps :) )

Alren smirked and looked back at the fae. "Yes, I'm buying. For better or worse I've been around Nath for some time, and though I do a bit of traveling, seem to keep coming back here for one reason or another," he said with a light hearted chuckle.

He'd keep half an eye on her as he poured them each a glass. The red elfin vintage he'd chosen splashing about the curved bottom of the stemmed vessel and left to rest upon the counter for her. "What's your name? And just what are you looking for in town?" the man added allowing his eyes to fall upon the fae's invitingly soft breasts. She almost had a nervous way about her, the way she clutched to her bag and kept it close when really she should be more fearful of herself then her possessions.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 5:46 pm
by Tasinga Nightwolf
Lily said to him smiling then.'Lily Shea... that is my name." She carefully took the glass with both hands at first making sure not to drop it. She listened to him was he spoke always with a slight smile. She took a sip of her drink to test it."Hmmmmm.... sweet." She took another sip bu made sure to go slow.
She then said to him."I'm a dancer... So I just am looking for a place to dance and earn some money. I can cook a little but not the worlds best."
Her stomach then growled to remind her it was low on food.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 12:43 am
by Almondus
Alren listened to the fae's soft voice as he drank from his glass. The mage keeping note of what she'd said. He'd known dancers of course. Some might say that he even had a collection of them. Still he didn't really know much about the girl at all and wanted her to have a good fit in town.

"Well, yes.. making coin is very important, especially when you just get here and are likely thinking about getting your own home, someplace a bit more permanent then the inn. I'd talk to Shasha, she's a manager at the inn here.. or Ehlanna could hire you as a dancer. On top of a normal fee you could earn tips by patrons that appreciate the performance Lily," he added before his eyes trickled down her body once more.

"Of course, a lot of that depends on how well you dance. I have an idea," he said resting his glass upon the counter and turning to face her directly. "Why don't you give me a bit of a show now. There a stage right over there hun, and you've got me curious as to your abilities," Alren admitted. Lily would find that the stage had a large pole in the middle of it. Leather throngs at the top to capture a slaves wrists and hold her there. The infamous 'slave poles' of the inn.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 5:04 am
by Tasinga Nightwolf
Lily having finished her drink was up for anything. She smiled nodding her head and left the room to change into her dancing outfit.
A few minutes later she stepped onto the stage in her dancing outfit. The outfit had her walk bear foot having white colored leg wraps on her lower legs starting at the ankle going to just under her knee cap. Then having a lavender cloth that goes around her hips. The cloth was shaped like a triangle but at an angle with the longer side on her left leg ending at the mid thigh and on the right it is only a half an inch from the top of the cloth. Her ivory belly, sides and back were visible so she could show off her belly and trim fit look. On her chest was a strapless top that covers just her breast. The top was lavender with a white outline off the breast and as it went to the back to attach it thinned to about a half an inch. Lastly her wrist had white colored cuffs on them.
Lily smiled looking at the pole for a moment then instantly started using to let her self twirl around. She made sure to move her hips and she slid down the pole and spun near the ground. She then stood up and grabbing the leather throngs climbed the pole so she was facing forward. Several men whistled as she spun and showed her strength along with skill.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:31 am
by Almondus
Lily would feel the weight of the man's gaze upon her sensual form as she slipped up the stairs to change. The man moved next to the stage, left with his thoughts on just how talented the young fae would be. He didn't have to long. In only a few minutes the vivacious woman was gracefully stepping down the creaking stairs of the inn. Bar feet feeling the grit of the worn floor boards beneath her as she made her way up to the stage.

She'd find that the conversations about the room would all slowly fade away as all eyes turned towards her. Alren had pulled up a chair to the edge of it. A part of him was rather impressed at how she'd just set herself to task. No shyness, no fidgeting, she'd come here to entertain and it was clear that she knew how to catch a man's eye. Alren's appraising gaze rose up her thighs, his lower vantage place giving him a tempting angle to look up towards where her toned legs disappeared past triangle shaped skirt.

As Lily took hold of the pole, he found himself curious to know more about her. Not just help her become more connected in Nanth, but perhaps bring her home to meet his slaves. The man idly wondering what they'd make of the 'cuffs' about her wrists. She climbed the slave pole, spinning her body slowly as she slid down, legs crooked to show off the creamy skin of exposed thigh. More then a few wolf whistles could be heard now from the crowd, yet Alren remained silent, only adjusting himself in his seat to make room for the thickness she was awakening in him.

Should the fae look down from her spot on stage, she'd notice that bulge, that hidden length of cockflesh defining itself against the inseam of his pants. He'd watch, but if any others In the room tried to stop her, tried to claim her for himself the man would allow his power to flex about him, filling the air as a warning to them that she was his before those predatory eyes would once again settle upon the entrancing sight of her body in motion.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 7:43 am
by Tasinga Nightwolf
Lily could feel all the men looking at her and loved it. She had one weakness her want for constant attention to the point it was like a lust in her body. She liked the feeling of being able to sway a man just with her looks. She also knew how to tease the men as one learned near the stage. she spun down the pole and gracefully walked over to the man not looking at him. She then moved so one of her legs were bent as the other was pointed out and spun till she was so low her butt almost touched the stage but still moved gracefully. Her foot almost touching the man a look on her face daring him to try it.
He went to touch her but she moved quickly bringing her leg up and over spinning her entire body. Away from the poor man. She put her arms out and then when the foot came down had them above her head in a snake arm style as she rocked her hips. She leaned back going until her shoulder blades touched the stage but her pelvis up. She trusted a few times loving the men's gasp and other sounds She smirked a little but and rolled a crossed the stage back to the pole which she grabbed and moved half way up then using her arms only she spun with her body like a flag straight out.
She then brought her body back to the pole so her legs were around it letting go of it with her arms she leaned so she was upside down but her legs were crossed just right to keep her skirt up. in the front though her thighs were now well made visible. She then went back up and spun so her ankles were crossed in back of her around the pole and her hands in the cuffs. She slid down and landed crossed legged and blew a kiss winking to end her little show.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:03 am
by Almondus
The fae finished her dance. Showing off every bit of the power held in her body and the flexibility of her legs and spine. He watched as she dipped down low and teased the man with her leg, watched as she bent over backwards, resting her shoulders upon the stage as she thrust her hips upwards, giving the audience a sinful little sneak peek of if she wore any panties beneath that skirt before she revealed her mastery of the pole.

She finished with that coy wink, the look of one that knew just how desired they were upon her as she rested there, flawless skin holding a natural glow upon it from the firelight. "Leave your things here Lily, you can get them tomorrow if you'd like, but you'll be spending the night at my place," he said getting to his feet. There was an almost physical sense of power about the man, and the others in the room that had taken such delight in watching her dance never questioned it. The fay might very well assume that Alren was known if not feared in town.

"I want to learn a bit more about you, and see if your the sort of girl that's worthy of my protection," he explained. She didn't come across as a naïve woman. No doubt she'd already endured her share of desperate lovers and already would have known of slavers in the area that would consider her fair game for a collar. "And I'll tell you right now, if you don't have some protection Lily.. you'll end up someone's pet within the week... then again.. if you make too good of an impression I just might take you for my own, 'he said impishly as he offered his arm to the girl.

Re: The New Dancer

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 8:14 am
by Tasinga Nightwolf
The entire dance Lily had noticed Alren's face changing in just the slightest bit. She had been taught by her traveling friends how to read any man like a well written book. He had gone from impressed to intrigued to a sense of need. She looked at him when he told her to leave her things judging what she could. He was not trying to be frightening towards her but towards the other men in the room whom all either looked away or backed off completely.

She right now was sitting with her legs to one side. She looked at him a faint smile as always on her face but her eyes not missing a beat off this man. When he mentioned wanting to learn more about her it was not a question though she was not one to be ordered she had a feeling that arguing would settle nothing with this man. She knew this kind of man. One that wanted finer things for himself and if she was wrong it was only because of the actions he was taking.

However when he mentioned being a pet she smirked almost at the thought. How did he know what she may enjoy for thoughts. But when he finished his statement about her being his she took it as a challenge. She was a hard to impress Fea. She stood slowly and she she walked up to him gracefully yet like a cat toying around. She stated to him."Well we will see wont we." She was confident even though physically weaker to this man. She then said. "Lead the way."