Touched by Akril (Tehya)

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Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Tue May 06, 2014 10:22 am

Sorgram visited her in her suite at the palace. It was best she was there, though he had thought her protected. However he now had to warn her to take more precautions. Arriving as he would, he would see her in her dreaming state, asleep and in the dream land, taking only one metaphorical step, he would press into her slumber and call her to him.

Place: A hill outside the Palace, in the dead of winter.
Time: Many years ago, in winter.
Situation: She would be held in his arms, panting having just completed a dance.

he knew it was one of her favorite memories and would be easiest to call her to it, though he would not leave it there for long.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Tue May 06, 2014 6:59 pm

It was a dream that sealed her fate in being mated after resisting bonding for 10 years that and that one fatal kiss. But with the magical mirror guiding her she awoke and went to it sitting there sleepy and frazzled.

(To be continued... more to come sorry had this freak accident and it might only be 2 days more if all goes well and I will bb to rp. This will give me time to think on how Akril got into the palace too :P)
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Fri May 09, 2014 6:57 am

Again he would try the dream, she must assuredly know the difference between him and another, his dreams bathed her heart. None other could do that.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Fri May 09, 2014 3:53 pm

Soothing protective dreams even made her touch her earring during her sleep which was a turbulent mix of his memories co inhabiting hers. There was only one person that would remember that hill to the palace lined with the ice statues and the swirls in the snow mixed with tears.

This time her rebellious streak or shall we call it curious nature didn't rush off to areas she was told to stay away from, but instead she wrote a letter to her mate telling him to be safe, and below she signed it C,

The small yellow parrot sat on her windowsill and she began teaching it the words Patron help ...temple, just in case she was in trouble and needed him at the Temple of Stormbringer. The parrot was quick to learn with the urgings of treats handed to him for every right word.

In more settled times she would of signed the letter to her mate, don't even think of reprimanding me for doing my job, but that dream still lingered in her mind refining her quick wit and softening her heart.

Rumors had their way of finding their way to the palace and she heard of the shenanigans going on at her half built temple. It was time to pen Orik a letter who by now completed the statue of the Emperor's crest and the altar, and time to find Logolar and Morgan.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Sun May 11, 2014 5:03 am

Sorgram could only visit dreams in a limited manner, and the thwarting of him by his mate was making him unhappy. She had to know that it was him, that it was him by the scene he set. If she did not want to have the most clandestine type meeting, then she would have an open one, that could be heard by anyone listening.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Sun May 11, 2014 1:47 pm

Soothing protective dreams even made her touch her earring during her sleep which was a turbulent mix of his memories co inhabiting hers. There was only one person that would remember that hill to the palace lined with the ice statues and the swirls in the snow mixed with tears.

She certainly knows who its from and has only went to the new temple grounds and the palace to stay safe for now.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Tue May 13, 2014 9:39 am

Sorgram would arrive in the dead of night, moving into her window with an ease that made him a bit concerned and more irate. his eyes would look over the room and at the sleeping woman, moving to her bed, he would put his hand over her mouth and then seek to waken her. He would start by tickling her neck just under her sensitive ear, waiting to see if she would awaken. When he did, he would place his finger to his lips and shake his head to negate her talking at first.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Tue May 13, 2014 4:36 pm

When she was awakened by someone putting their hands over her mouth those blue eyes sprang open with shock. Certainly the feeling of being safe within the palace added more to that expression. But alas it was her mate staring down at her, making her hand raise up to be sure it was him.

The ring sparkled on his finger and his touch being so familiar she fell back more relaxed. The tickle of her neck made her squirm upon the mattress and the release to her mouth immediately brought whispers to him.

"What has happened?"

They had so much catching up to do. Thinking he must have passed the new temple grounds she asked, "Are you all right, are the temples safe?"
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:37 am

Her mate looked down on her with his intense gaze and he shook his head.

'It is you who are not safe, temples be damned woman.' He moved to rest him self on her bed, looking over to the hearth and banking it up with spells to make it burn warmer, he turned to look at her and his look would seem to pierce her gaze.

'I have heard about the troubles at this Temple of yours, I have myself helped you with it. I have protected you myself, though it was something that was nearly not able to be done. Gods, woman, as much as I have love for you, I want to make your ass burn and not with fire either' He tells her as he presses his hands to her shoulders and gazes deep into those cornflower eyes.

'If men were anyless vexing, I would choose to love them instead, but I prefer the fairer sex, with all its flaws.' He bent over and kissed her hard, before he would let her respond.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Thu Jun 05, 2014 2:40 pm

The scent or brimstone and those eyes alive with passion and rage alerted her it was Sorgram, not a hoax or an illusion. He was right the Stormbringer Temple brought many different reactions from people.

"It wasn't planned to be like this, but it shall be! Soon it will be finished I have found the ideal druid to do the roof so it looks like part of the forest. Patron I beseech you, the idea of punishment shall be waived and I do only what you do every day at your temple. A work force of those by my side both guard and build it."

There was a sparkle in her eyes when he mentioned making her ass burn, and she reached up and placed her hands over his lips to hush, "I just do my job is all."

Well that might be stretching things a bit too far, but if it calmed his rage all the better.

That kiss drew her up from the bed like a magnet attached to a piece of steel. Glued to his body she succumbed to a very ardent kiss. When the kiss broke she rested her chin on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

"Please meet me when the druid shows us his magic...for that will be the day the temple is done and opens. I will need you there."
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Fri Jun 06, 2014 11:42 am

I can only promise I shall try, but with you in spirit I shall be' he tells her as he slips his arms around her. 'you girl need spankings daily to keep you in line. You keep getting in trouble and I having to rescue you. I am not a Knight in Armor for such tasks, I am the Dragon, it is I who devours the maidens, not saves them.' He tells her recounting old tales as his hands slips down ward, moving over her bum to hold it.

Kissing her again, he would squeeze that rear and lift her to his lips again. 'If you should die from this, I will rezz you in my temple and chain you to the bed, so that when I wake, I can punish you as you deserve.' He tells her lifting his head to look into her eyes. 'Name a number between 5 and 40' He tells her, in an authoritive tone.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:36 pm

"Rescue me? Oh just once when that heathen Belson kidnapped me and practically beat the Imperial horse to death, but that's the only time I remember, well except the time with the ice statues."

She had that grin that made his blood boil. Maybe that was what kept her with him going on their fourth year of being bonded... there was never a boring minute between them. Along side of her bed there was a quill and she whispered, "let them all think I work doing one thing, when indeed I am weeding out the rebels without even trying. I shall write you and the Emperor with this magical ink."

He enticed her asking her to state a number, "Ten of course as many years as it took for you to catch me."

Catching her was one thing, but allowing her freedom with that wildfire they shared was another.

Her hand caught his and she stated. "Many things I do are for a reason, dangerous perhaps, but certainly attached to my if you're thinking of ten punishments...lets think instead about the totems and Akril, some are whispering its connected with the future temple. I think not!"
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:56 am

He let his hand be captured and he would look her over.

'It matters not if it is not connected. If people perceive that it is, then it is a matter of issue for you and therefore for me. I am not associated with a traitor and I shall not have anyone thinking that my mate is one. I will ensure that you are protected from all such nonsense. As I have' he states as he twirls her around and slips himself into a chair to spin her right into his lap. Looking at her, he would stroke her hair back from her ear and he would smile. 'The punishments remain, because I have decided to give them' he tells her with a playful smile so she knows not all will be painful and bad.
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Tehya on Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:32 pm

There was a definite change in her expression when he mentioned a traitor and then she gave him a pretty luscious smile at his choice of words.

"No Patron the one who builds the temple for the Emperor is anything but a traitor. The one that brings the followers and supporters is anything but that, and you do realize those that have the tendency to be traitors are are crawling out of the woodwork?"

That pleased Tehya because for all these years it was hard to see behind the masks of those rebels. Now their masks were melting away and they confronted her, some even attacked the temple.

She loved that he found her and slid onto his lap with her arms around his neck. "Tomorrow evening we will be plant over the roof of the temple after we thatch it with grass and mud so living things can grow on it. It will then look like part of the forest when Lord Stormbringer goes for his rides and walks, and not something pretentious with gold and silver."

Some of his punishments she enjoyed so she referred to it like it was the worst punishment she could have, when in reality she wanted it.

"Please don't take me to where that black dragon mark came from...please!"
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Re: Touched by Akril (Tehya)

Postby Sorgram on Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:32 am

His eyes looked at her, not remembering that mark. He would wrap his arms around her and pull her close to him. Too long he had been sepsarated from her. he would smile as he would hold her close and inhale her scent. his lips were licked as he breathed in her hair.

'Just be careful, it is my demand of you. If you get hurt, I will kill the person that does it and then I will pull you to the temple and chain you inside for a month, keeping you from the sun. of course, I will enjoy that milky whiteness of your skin in such a case until it feels the bruises of over use'

He was smiling and joking though a part of her would certainly tell her that he was not totally being mirthful. There was a promise in those words. Before she could speak, he press his finger to her lips.

'do not tell me that you will wither and die if chained up, no, you will flourish in the songs of captivity you will write and sing to your Lord and Master. You will grow as the night flower blooms in the darkness. I will seek to fertilize you with love and creativity for the time I hold you thus. Do not test me for I will have the Empire wonder what happened to the Imperial Bard'

He moves his finger from her lips and kisses her again.

'I shall not have to do this, shall I?'

He would not moved to prevent her speaking but he was seeking an oath from her that she would keep her self safe.
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