The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Roleplay in the forest around Nanthalion, or other wild and lonely places. See the separate forum for all of Valencia play. IC posts only in this forum

Re: The End is the Beginning (Divorce Sorgram & Tehya)

Postby Miranda on Sun Mar 19, 2017 1:02 pm

Of course Miranda knows nothing about any of this given the strange shadow world she is currently inhabiting (and a damned odd one too! - but that is another story) as she plays "Alice from Thallis" to a whole new audience......

People are however changed by events. Not just those that impact upon them directly but also those around them. What the sewer mouthed thief turned singer will make of her death is hard to say. Harder still to say will be impact of having the royal bard and a noble coming to her aid; and heavens alone knows what impact hearing of his majesties displeasure will involve.

As someone, who Miranda would no doubt have got on famously with - even if it had not been reciprocated!, once said "Art is the only serious thing in the world. And the artist is the only person who is never serious." It had rather been her core as she took to the arts with surprising speed. But events dear boy, events. She had died saving the world. Died again saving her virtue and now we wonder what she will be like upon her resurrection....Lessons learned? Almost certainly. But as every teacher knows the lesson one wishes to impart and the one actually taken on board can often be very different...

So one day she would be back. The questions are as what and when?
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