The knife slid free with a wet sound before it was wiped on the pillow case. Green eyes watched carefully as the light left the other's eyes, as the breathing stopped.. those earring lined ears lowered and he reached to grab the head of ruffled brown hair, fingers twisting into the strands before the blade was moved again, head coming loose and tossed to the floor. It would be added to the collection later when he reached it come morning.
Then she climbed from the bed, a very long days worth of deposit sliding down her thighs, the pretty golden elf wiping blood off her face as she moved towards the map and figures in the room. A soft shimmer as the illusion faded and his normal colors and gender returned, hands resting on the edge of the table as he leaned on it, weight shifted to one of those curved hips. Those pretty eyes darted over the figures, over the positioning of them, and ever so carefully over where they weren’t. Slowly, ever so slowly, a hand reached out, Clean cast to tidy up the mess of himself, his head tilting as he found a figure of himself several camps away from where he was currently. So they knew he was coming. That wasn’t unexpected, however not knowing immediately where he was… an eartwitch again, nose wrinkling.
A quick sniff, his own figure was scooped, and inspected briefly, before it was set down in the square to represent the camp he had currently invaded.. the camp commander’s figure was knocked over with a flick of his finger as he turned to look at a few scrolls. Slow. Steady. Absorbing more than reading slowly. His almost-obsessive need to record things had vanished a few weeks ago, committing things to memory as eventually scrolls and books got heavy. The only bit of parchment or paper he carried now was a map of the region, with each camp he could find marked on it, X’s on the ones he had been through already.
Perusing the documents, weight shifted again, bare toes wiggling a touch as the map was moved, an eyebrow raising.. “Well that’s interesting,” was whispered from split lips which oh so slowly curled into a smile. The first genuine one in weeks.. The new discovery was placed on top, his head tilting a touch before he gave a nod and that page was folded as small as he could get it. Over to the pile of clothes he had shed hours ago, a hiss coming as the wound on his side bled again, but he would ignore it for the most part. Clothes pulled on, he rummaged for supplies such as bandages, lamp oil, whatever he could find, even food provisions. Cheese, bread, a couple bottles of wine, and some salted meat buried under the bed’s mattress! Ha! “Jackpot.”
Everything was crammed into a bag, along with the folded bit of information he had acquired, and a blanket was snagged with another cast of Clean to get the blood off. It was fucking cold out there, and while he could keep himself warm, his precious companions could not. To the back of the tent and he knelt, tying off his boots while he listened to the movement outside. When the time was right, he slit the tent and behind him Mend was cast, a nearby bush rushed to and hidden in. They probably wouldn’t notice him dead until tomorrow afternoon, and he could get pretty far in that amount of time, and by now the scouts would be noticed missing. Timing was everything now.
Silence as the patrol passed, trying to blend into the shrubbery.. and once he deemed it safe, then Dimension Door was cast once he stood, the very edge of his vision in the waning light. His eartwitched and he stepped through, coming out in the safety of the woods, picking up a quick trot in an easterly direction, holding his bag close to ensure things wouldn’t rattle or clatter about. It didn’t take long for him to find his way, coming into a rocky, uncomfortable-looking clearing where his bag was set and a pair of wolves gnawed on the last remains of a pair of scouts from the camp he just left. The wind walker lounged in a tree with a thigh bone under one paw, licking to groom themselves, tail swaying. They all popped up excitedly, but knew better by now to make any noise, the little elf setting his pilfered items down before they were all greeted with love. “Good babies,” was said to them, ear scratches and butt scratches doled out gladly as he got all sorts of kisses.
He took a load off, a groan as he flopped down onto a larger rock, starting to go through everything. What could he leave behind? What could he keep? Is the lamp empty? The fluffy companions settled close with their prizes while he searched and managed things. Sleep. He needed sleep… but he didn’t want to stay too close, but things had to be done before he could rest. Out came herbs, and oils, bandages, and another leather bag, the head snagged from smuggled things, beginning to treat it for preservation purposes. The herbs and oils would take time to do their jobs, but they were quick to apply, and once that was done, the bandages were wrapped around it and it was crammed into the leather sack. A deep breath, then he started treating his own wound, packing it with herbs and then putting on new bandages. When that was done, everything was tucked away where it belonged, a few things left behind as it was getting expensive. Another eartwitch, bag and blankets tied together, the collection of leather sacks strapped in place, then he was up. A quick owl hoot got the fluffballs to their feet, joining him as he began a lazy lope for his new destination, eyes darting quickly about as he listened and watched for more scouts as he left the patrol area.
His could almost smell the scent of decaying sage already, something that made him sick to his stomach even to this day after being so long removed from it. Something he could never seem to scrub off.. It wasn’t all that far away, either.. not too much longer now.. not top much longer. Revenge flittered through his mind briefly, but it was justified, right? He was protecting what little bit he had left.. he was protecting anything he ever would have.. he was protecting others, not just seeking vengeance for decades of—his teeth clenched, fists doing the same. Scars across him tightened as his whole body tensed, that gold hair flopping lazily on his head, as it was cut rather short for now. To be safe.
It was about being safe. Right?