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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 3:14 pm
by Marena
The Songmistress

A practice had led to a mistake. A mistake had led to a cut. A cut had led to call for healer. And Marena found herself tending to the beautiful torian's wounds. In payment for her care, the mermaid asked to touch and listen and that was when the soft wing of feathers brushed to her skin and the musics of the songmistress beguiled her.

The redwinged torian began to play a soft, slow tune redolent with low, rolling arpeggios that segued into lighter, higher measures. Back and forth the tune flowed, rising and falling in intensity as her mismatched eyes closed and the bardess surrendered herself to the music. Perhaps by accident, perhaps from something else, she had chosen to play an old melody written about the ocean by a retired sailor who finally died of heartbreak for he could never sail the seas again.

Marena caught herself humming softly towards the end of a refrain, an eery sound that was not of strength or that vocal but followed. She listened entranced and, without further use of magics needed than the beauty in the songmistress' skill which when coupled with her new sensory overload of soft feather to skin and the sweet smell that was Ellyssa's feathers, drew the maid of the sea deeper to the oceans the song spoke of and brought tear to her eyes. The salty droplets spilled from each of her eyes to trickle down her tanned cheeks.

Again and again the redwing played the verses, lost to the beauty as if the music was playing her rather than the reverse. As she played, she seemed to lose control of herself for a seemingly endless moment and imbued the song with a hint of magic. The spell, took a hold of Marena's consciousness, summoning to the front of her mind that which she most desired sexually. Unaware of the spell she had inadvertently cast, the redwing played on, her eyes opening and she smiled to see the emotional reaction se had inspired in the young girl who had healed her wound.

The maid of the sea was almost swaying as the soft soulful music wended its magic through her mind, soothing yet probing but the groundwork had already been set without magic; the siren's daughter was being lured by a songmistress of unknown intent. With the soft sensual breath of feathers merging with the sorrowful song of the oceans, Marena was lulled into thought by Ellyssa's inadvertent magical potency to her music and images flooded her mind first of a dark skinned male with ivory hair and braids sitting the maid to his lap on a throne made all of various and delicate metal work. This image then blurred to show her between two bodies of fur, both male with ten bouncing tails flouncing around her wreaking soft havoc to the skin to her legs, one wore a pair of glasses, the other male image seemed to reform into that of a merman. Lastly, there came hazier image, one yet again of a male with a large heavy scaled tail sitting with her in a pool of bubbling hot water. The images faded gradually but left their mark to her body as it could clearly be seen that her full breasts beneath the black dress were rising and falling with deeper breath and her nipples stood out hard against the silky material.

The beautiful songmistress gradually wound her song to a close on a wavering note and her eyes widened in chagrin. She had not meant to cast a spell on her audience. Not literally anyway. But she saw, as if in a pool of water, the reflection of her companion sporting with powerful men of various races. And in the last image, there was something odd to be seen, but she could not lay her mental finger on just what it was. And just as she had not intended to cast the spell, nor had she intention of manipulating it even if she could. Normally she saw the images crisply and clearly but not this time, they seemed distorted. Her pale cheeks flushing in her embarrassment, she met the other girl's eyes and noticed the signs of arousal. "The girl has a liking for strong men" she murmured almost to herself and decided to pretend as if the spell hadn't happened.

The images of desire inspired, coupled with the emotion the song of the oceans that stirred within Marena, gave suspicion to the redwing torian that the girl was more than she seemed. Trust was given, truths were told and an excitement of the sharing rose to both girl's breasts; one for having found new friend to connect with who gave her safe and sensory overload, the other for having found new friend who could open up for her another world beneath the waters.

[[My thanks to Ellyssa Flamewing for a beautiful RP session. The story here could not do it all justice and is but a snippet of the play.]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 1:06 pm
by Marena
Mastering 'Scentses' and the Art of Blending

The day was spent in the Apothecary and Marena was introduced to the art of Blending. The rules were simple; no magic other than those to clean the surfaces and instruments not even to light the small room that was used for blending for she was to use a lantern instead. This was all a precaution to ensure the blend did not become contaminated and go awry, lose its potency or worse have other ill effect that the effect that was intended.

Her first instruction was upon how to blend perfume and the Master of Scents himself took upon this task. After a fumbling to his robe pocket in search of the special key to the little darkened room while the Lord had his hands full of tea cup, Marena opened the blending room door, lit lantern and was given tour of the dragon's secondary treasure chamber.

Over sips of the simple infusion, she was shown the crystal rods that were used to stir the mixtures, how to start with the base and build up the individual scents with a crush of petals and addition of droplet of the concentrated secondary perfumed essence and how to hold and stir with the rods to achieve the perfect blend; not too fast, not too slow, leave to steep or remove after but a moment. It all depended on the perfume and the desired potency and delicacy of the aroma. Lastly she learned how to sieve, jar and seal the final product and what may be done with the remnants.

Innocent enough. Except.....

It wasn't.

It started with the spectacles perched to nose and peered over with the most unusual tri-colored eyes.

It was aggravated then by the voice where the blending instructions were whispered to her ear in rumbling sensual purring tones.

It was further exacerbated by the delicious scents of the blend being created; the soft floweriness of rose petal being stirred with the subtle fragrance of jasmin.

It was inflamed by the slight sensual touch of the oily blend to her skin to a duo of erogenous zones.

The sensory overload brought the mermaid to climax where she sat to the bench during the tutelage. It surprised her and bade the question of whether she could be brought to such release by only a single pure or even just a paired tease of the senses alone where three for the most part had been inspired and in play during this training.

The question for now was to remain unanswered but the results of the training were twofold; Marena gained access to the blending room by loan of the key but her focus for now was to remain on learning the perfumes. Marena also gained permission if she so wished to work there naked, something she would do during the quiet times within the Apothecary and in the summer months when the temperatures warmed to make the little room hot and stuffy with its scents.

Marena took away from the Apothecary that day, a thought of how in future she could leave her mark on her own blendings, some special way of denoting which were of her creation. She also took away as gift from the Lord of Scents the vial of perfume she had assisted in making together with the little note that was left with it bearing the words "For the memory" upon it.

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:20 am
by Twerlinger
Recollections of Scents and other indulgences

She'd arrived at the store in order to see what might be needed to learn in order to progress in her wants and her field, and he'd agreed to explore her talents with her in those moments. The rules were offered, of how to deal with the items and surfaces within that small room, to leave the magic alone to keep the purity of what the store created for its customers, except in the smallest of occasions.

Then the teaching started, the slow explanations of the tools required, that choice of his own for the task, before she was assisting with the motions, stirring his rod as needed into the mixture, encouraging things to bloom and blossom within the room, to allow the scent, or in this case scents to slowly emerge, one wanted, the other appearing from the press of bodies, that slow intoxication that she was seemingly experiencing, even though he wasn't doing a thing.

Those little motions, the sounds, the little glances were all seen and noted, and he tried his best not to play upon them or into them, until she reached the crescendo in his lap like that, his fingers simply holding her in place with the unexpected timing and occurrence of it all.

She left, after gaining the permission she was after to use the room as needed, with the reminder that he would be checking up upon her work now and again, that step towards her being promoted to that next step in place.

His views upon her had changed however, gone from the simple attentive worker that she had been, to something more, she'd let slip little facets of herself, and those he found interesting, intriguing almost, that made him want to learn more, to see what made her tick, to explore and push the limits just a little to see what he could unearth from beneath that clothing, from beneath that quiet little exterior of hers. His curiosity had been piqued, and he was going to try and peel her just a little to see just what made her so unique in this realm of uniqueness.

All the feline could do was watch and wait, to flex those clawed digits against the counter to leave those little marks within the wood, and to contemplate the next lesson that he might be delivering to the little bundle of curiosity

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:21 am
by Marena
The Eagle and the Lake

The Healer of House Verkot finally rose from the Templar's bedside, leaving instruction with the guard to send for her if the halfling's condition changed any for the worse but she was confident that the girl simply needed sleep now to add to her healing. Marena was sorely in need of a bathing and decided to wander the forests, as was her want, to source hot spring or pooled river to rest herself. While sleep was one way of recuperating, so too was a bathing of her skin. The mermaid left the castle keep to head deeper into the forests and once some distance away, caught sight of a golden glimmer circling high to the sky above the treeline. Her bonneted head tilted back to watch hearing the bird calling cry. The golden sight was familiar....and familiar to one who she knew. The sight made her grin and she began to follow the large bird, humming out softly towards the creature and joining it in songcall. Her barefeet trudged through bracken and fern and over muddy track at times as she followed slowly, stumbling at times on her unsteady landlegs. She wore the black bonnet with its white frills that covered her matted massive hair mass, and her body was robed in the little black dress with the slits high to the thighs.


The eagle was a little smarter than any natural raptor and recognised that bonnet from before. She knew that her torian companion liked the owner of that bonnet and so she circled lower and lower, crying out so as to attract the girl's attention. Eventually she landed on a low branch hanging out over the road and peered at Marena out of one startlingly blue eye until she was sure she had the woman's attention.

The mermaid giggled and tilted her bonnetted head at the golden eagle with the piercing blue eyes "She know it....she recognise her...she follow" The maid of the sea treated this now like a playful game but just hoped the creature would allow her the time it took for Marena to traverse the forest on her legs. Perhaps it would take her to the Ellybird, her new friend and fast becoming a rather special friend for the bardess had touched something of the mermaid's soul with her music and a recent quest companionship. "Fly....lead her where...will" she spoke softly to the bird, though hoped it was not miles and days for the mer only had so much energy to find water's grace.

Akilina let out a high shrill call, which was meant to carry the command "follow me!" To someone who could actually understand an eagle... She pointed her wing down the road to the east and took off laboriously, for she was a heavy bird at 15 pounds and started to fly off to the east a little bit, circling low enough to be easily seen...

The young girl sang as she followed the golden circling trail of the skyward creature, the eagle's flight path showing her the general direction through the forest. Marena headed east, though she was no navigator to land as she was to sea, she knew enough by the time of day and sun's rise of the directions. The language of the eagle was above her ability, the only tongue she knew well and to the waters was her mertongue, even common words and sentences escaped her knowledge at times. Her hands brushed to fern and long grass as she made her way and followed the eagle, laughing at times and totally unwary of potential predatory danger around her. The companionship of the eagle and what it represented gave her some assurety of her safety.

And indeed, Akilina kept a careful watch out for predators, both of the two and four footed variety, and it was only a very few more minutes before she arrived at her destination, leading her ground bound follower through a stand of trees and up to the shores of a pretty little lake, fed by a waterfall with a stone dock and two buildings of like construction attached to it. The raptor landed on a post at the end of the dock and waited for the girl to catch up...

Marena finally arrived through clearing and could almost taste the sweetness of fresh waters to her tongue even before she set eyes upon the little lake. She watched the golden eagle now settle to postal perch as she approached both bird and lake "She knows....she knows....Elly's for the Elly bird" the mermaid smiled brightly and moved to the edge of the pretty lake, lifting her gaze to the waterfall and sighing with delight at the serenity and beauty of the watery abode. She looked towards the buildings nearby but had no mind as yet to explore those. Her need was for a bathing and the cold waters of the lake with its waterfall was perfect for now. She shrugged off her black silky dress, letting it slither to the grass and untied her bonnet to lay atop the silk. Her golden head of hair was a mass of tangled matted curls, an ugly clump that lay heavy to her head and ran down her back. There was no one about but she did make quick scan of the area just in case before releasing the bonnet. If her hair had been untangled and unmatted, its length would have likely reached the Elly bird's own wingspan once unfettered by its curse. Marena dipped toe to the waters and Marena: edged in slowly, making wave to the eagle as if she were greeting Ellyssa herself through the bird's eyes.

The eagle watched the girl disrobe with purely platonic interest. She could leave now and pursue her dinner, but she felt something of her companion's protective instincts where the healer was concerned so she simply watched the girl, noting that there was something different about her head fur than other two-legs, but not really being sure. Though a part of her clucked internally at the evidence of lack of grooming... Surely the human would collect bugs! If she were a lesser bird, she might have considered hopping on the woman's shoulder and looking for bugs. But no, such would be beneath the dignity of such as she so she settled for watching her intently, first out of her blue eye and then out of her green.

Marena had the thought in the back of her mind that the eagle's eyes were like a glass through which her friend might sense her, maybe even see her. She did not know the name of the bird, if it were told, it was forgotten, but she recognised it well enough. The mermaid swam first atop the lake water, stroking the coolness to the sides and around her body, not yet diving. She turned to cast glimpse to the familiar bird from time to time, wondering what Ellyssa might make of this. But finally the water's touch to her skin brought her control to keep legged form at end. Marena's legs fused beneath the pool, transformed to one heavy large tail of bluey-green scale that was longer than her landlegs and ended with a sweeping broad tailfin of a deeper blue. She made a plunging dive, lifting her scaled rear out of the water and following through with her tail, the tail fin standing some three feet in height above water furling and ready to thrust downwards upon submerging. Marena dove and her tail thrust to propel her deeper and along the lake's bottom. For many minutes she remained below and only a small bubble trail gave sign of her path until even that dissipated when the mer began to breath water. She rose again, golden head rising to peer out to see if the golden eagle still remained on its perch.

Of course the golden eagle was maintaining her silent vigil, mostly watching the antics of the strange woman, but every now and again looking all around for possible threats or prey. The sight of the girl sprouting a fish tail caused a measure of confusion to the proud huntress. Fish were for eating, but people, as Ellyssa had been at pains to teach her, should be left alone! Besides, this was rather too large a fish for her to contemplate catching! Ruffling her feathers in annoyance, she launched herself into the air, and, as if to reassure herself about her place in the world, she stooped to catch one of the more normal fish which had been disturbed by the mermaid's splashing, flying to drop it on the dock once it had stopped wriggling.


The mermaid emerged from the lake, the water droplets glistened in the morning's rays as they streamed off her face and golden lashes. Her tangled mass of matted golden hair lay at first like fountain but to the sun's warmth soon bounced back to heavy and voluminous weight behind her head and down her back. The willowy sea maiden swam towards the lakeside, gently idling her broad tail's bluey scaled fin to propel herself leisurely with matching breaststrokes to finally hoist her betailed form to the edge. The water now ran over her tanned body and drenched the grassy bank where she sat. Marena had taken refuge and slept the night in the pretty lake with its nearby buildings. She knew whose residence this was having followed the redwinged's golden eagle the previous evening. Marena sighed with no small contentment. She had found good source for her needs to this side of the forest to allow for her necessary bathing regime and even without needing to ask permission, she knew the torian would not be minding her use of the lovely lake.

Were she to sea and rockside, were she to be typical mermaid bathing now under the sun, were even she to be with comb and glass, it might seem like suitable scene for the sea maiden to comb out the heavy tangles to her lustrous locks of gold. But strangely, she did not. She did not even touch them other than to shove back an errant matted sodden tangle to stay with the others behind her back. Thus were her plump breasts exposed with their coral tipped nipples where often the mermaids would offer more tease to the passing vessels by allowing these morsels of lush flesh to be only partly exposed by having their swathes of glory trailing across bosom and nipple. This particular mermaid stretched her arms, lifting her chest to the sun and her sea green eyes caught sight again of the large eagle and made a twisting wave of her raised wrist and hand in light wave to the skybird, a beaming bright smile now playing to her lips. Her greeting was soft and silky, but of a common that was broken and stilted "Morning ...Elly's bird...may she find the best...bugs and breakfast well" the mermaid giggled softly, lazing to the lakeshore.

The eagle offered an unmistakeable nod to the mermaid and, seeming to reach a decision, launched herself off of her perch, circled once over the lake and then flew off over the forest to the Northwest, vanishing from Marena's view as she landed on the balcony outside the main room of Ellyssa's treehouse, and, seeing the torian through the window, sent a visual report of all she's seen of her guest to Ellyssa. The torian in turn sat bolt upright and smiled at the images. She had known Marena was a mermaid, but to see the proof in Akilina's memories was quite startling. And she hadn't seen that matted blonde lump of hair before... She wondered why the mermaid didn't take care of it.... Briskly, feeling much recovered from her illness, she stood up, banished her flute into its magical storage, strapped on her satchel and weapons and, throwing her cloak over her shoulders, she stepped out onto her balcony, still out of sight of Marena.

The young girl watched the eagle take flight after small acknowledgement of her morning's greeting and sighed following it with her sea green gaze until it fell out of sight behind the treeline surrounding the lake. The creature's absence was felt and the mermaid was alone again with but the fish to play with and she had teased them to sleep with her song already that morning. She inhaled deeply and peered up towards the buildings wondering whether to leave the lake side and explore a little more of the property. But, Marena did not feel in any rush to take the land legged form. She had spent long enough in the town stumbling around on her legs that to find perfect forest retreat like this....warranted some lazy times with her tail. Yet the mermaid was by nature a social creature and the fish really held no appeal for more than a few hours. She lay back to the grass, spreading her arms out wide and watched the puffs and wisps of cloud passing. Her bluey-green tailfin still idly toyed with the lake water where it dipped.

Fiery red wings spread wide and the air mage hurled herself into the sky and glided just above the treetops, descending over the gentle slope to where she could now see Marena, half out of the water. In a span of a few moments, she alighted in a flurry of beating wings nearby. Folding them she moved to drop into a crouch near the lovely, naked merlady and smiled her greetings. "Hello Marena, I see you have stumbled upon my home. You are most welcome!"

Marena felt the stirring of the breeze across her damp body yet saw no movement of treeleaf that suggested the winds had picked up, only to be startled out of her sunbathing reverie with the deeper sweep and rush of winds and appearance of a set of broad feathered redwings with its red headed torian make landing nearby. Her initial reaction was of surprise at the sudden disturbance with thought to slip back to the lakewaters and take cover to hide her golden mop but as she rose to sit and twist body to prepare to slide back into the lake, the realisation came to her that she knew this figure and form and it was not a threatening one and definitely not unwelcome. Marena no longer felt the urge to hide, not even her 'shame' from this new found friend and a bright beam of an inherited siren's smile passed across her lips and shone through her almond shaped eyes. Softly yet happily she uttered her own greeting and sat upright fully as she spoke her silky words of stilted common " greeting. Yes she followed...her bird...and found her pretty. Is thanking...most gracious...for her welcome yes"

Ellyssa allowed her eyes to run freely over what she could see of Marena's form, appreciating the rounded orbs of her breasts, her cute little navel adorning her belly but especially the magnificent blue scaled tail. "I had no idea your tail would be so pretty Marena" she said breathlessly as she walked along the shore and stepped onto the stone dock, walking out into the lake a little. She fingered the clasp of her cloak and hung it on a pylon, adding her weapon belt atop it. Her satchel she set on the deck beside her. "The water looks nice. Would you mind if I join you?" she asked lightly. "Or if you prefer, we could step into my bathhouse where I have hot and cool springs and soap..."

The mermaid smiled at the compliment for one of her tail was truth, her tail -was- magificient and knew the truth her redwinged friend made. But a gift was to be returned so she made one of her own, another truth given softly and quietly "Her large and beautiful, her flight...must be grace..itself. To air, like to water...they both strong and...of grace" she giggled lightly and gestured with a slender hand towards the lake, shuffling her scaled bottom closer now to its edge. Her sea green gaze had followed Ellyssa's derobing, unembarrassed to be so directly staring at the girl's body but it was followed with a few words "Elly bird...lovely all over yes" before she slipped hers smoothly into the cool waters with narry a splash and lifted her arm to beckon to the torian "She wish to....see her start with ..lake yes.....come"

It was the work of only a few more moments for Ellyssa to shed her gloves, boots, loincloths, leggings and bra, baring her form to Marena's eyes, not seeming to mind that regard on her pale, lightly freckled flesh. She took another moment to cast a spell on her wings. Conscious both that she could not swim beyond the most rudimentary dog-paddle, but also that she was very buoyant due to her hollow bones, she stepped off the pier and allowed the wind to lower her gently into the water, causing barely a ripple as the water rose to just below her neck and she started to tread water, looking to the mermaid with a breathless anticipation.

Marena watched everything, the young voyeur, sculling a few metres away, curious how a bird-girl would cope in the waters. The sea maiden moved swiftly towards the redwing once she was neck high to reach for her arms,touching them lightly beneath to help the torian's buoyancy as her legs kicked out to tread the water. Smiling to Ellyssa she posed her question in her silky soft voice "Elly..friend of the skies...she ask her...will she trust her life to these her to keep her safe in" Her own tail was curving and swaying gracefully in the lake about her providing her all she needed to stay afloat and head above water without much arm movement required.

Ellyssa was of course sobered by the question posed to her in that manner, but even though the girl had made mistakes as a healer, her intent had shown through clearly in all their previous interactions, and Ellyssa had not yet regretted trusting herself to Marena. Without hesitation, she nodded. "Of course I will, my friend" she said softly. "What do you need me to do?"

Marena tugged off the little silver ring she wore to her finger and slipped it onto one of Ellyssa's. The enchantress would likely instantly recognise its powers that gave the mermaid a good level of defense and bore the spell of Tongues. Marena had no idea whether Ellyssa knew it already or even spoke her own language, so very few did, so for simplicity, she just gave her the ring for this time. " wear swim deeper" And the mermaid then guided the redwing to swim further out with her towards the middle of the lake, well out of her depth to be able touch the bottom with her feet. Marena kept that light touch under Ellyssa's arm all the way, keeping her voice soft and calm watching for signs of any panic.

Ellyssa studied the ring being handed to her and recognized the patterns of the enchantments on it as enchantments that she herself has woven before on several occasions. She realized that she didn't actually need the ring, but she simply smiled and allowed the mermaid to put it on her finger. Carefully, with some effort, the redwing swam after the mermaid, into the center of the lake. She wasn't actually worried, because even though she couldn't really swim, that had never bothered her in the water because of her buoyancy. She looked to the beautiful mer with the badly matted blonde hair expectantly. "What now?" Her mismatched eyes seemed to say.

The mermaid beamed a grin and there was a playful element to the sparkle in her sea green orbs " to go under....and to stay be afraid....she not let trust" her stilted silky words were cut off as the mermaid sunk beneath the surface, the golden mass of her matted hair sworled around them both. She gave a gentle tug at first upon Ellyssa's arms then realising the torian had a certain buoyancy in the water that kept her afloat, she tugged harder to draw her under, now curling her heavy scaled tail about the girl's legs and letting loose one hand from its light hold to wrap about the redwing's waist. She drew Ellyssa down beneath the lake waters only a couple of feet from the surface so that if her eyes remained open, she would still easily see the skies of blue and white above.


Under other circumstances, the torian might have felt arousal building at the feeling of being wrapped into the embrace of the naked mermaid, her legs trapped by a powerful tail, her breasts pressing into soft, supple flesh. But despite her curiosity and trust in the other girl, there was a moment of sheer panic as she was pulled beneath the surface. She swallowed a mouthful of lake water before holding her breath desperately as her eyes tracked up to the sky which she loved so dearly. Her wings began to churn the water behind her.

Only a few moments passed during which Marena let Ellyssa flail in the lake water with her arms, that first sign of panic before she curved her body fully around the girl, breast touching to breast and reached now with her hands to cup Ellyssa's face firmly, drawing herself closer, Marena now placed her lips to the girl's to press in for that necessary kiss. Her lips were soft, warm and teased Ellyssa's to part to share of the kiss, eventually fully encompassing her mouth with her own at a slight angle. Breath was shared, sweet life giving breath that would enable the redwing now to breath beneath the waters for a time. Marena however, clung on to the girl tightly while beneath until Ellyssa realised she could actually now breath under water and her panic would subside.

Ellyssa was startled out of her panic to feel Marena wrapping herself around her more fully. The touch of those soft lips awakened a dim memory of something she had read and that (and a completely natural desire to kiss the lovely creature) prompted her to spread her own lips and drink deeply of Marena's. Her arms wrap around the mermaid as her wings stilled. Her right hand drifted up Marena's bare back to press against the back of her neck gently while her left drifted down over flesh and then scales to pull against the part of her tail where her ass would be if she were on land.

Marena lingered longer to the kiss than would have been absolutely necessary, for some reason this songmistress called to her and the sweetness of the kiss inspired Marena's own song. The kiss shifted from an earnest full press of lips to a more subtle tasting of the sweetness of it, a light exploration even as she drew the torian down a couple more feet to the shadier depths, the lake waters a little murkier but still light passed through atop them from the skies. Drawing her head finally back she arched slightly, feeling Ellyssa's grip to her rounded scaled bottom she grinned, unabashed to be in such embrace with this new friend. Her words when she spoke next were in the mer tongue and as graceful as she was in body within the waters, so too now her speech flowed as gracefully too, still of soft and silken tone but the words had a certain old fashioned quality to them "Ellyssa, sweet angel of the skies, beautiful creature who flieth the blues of above, welcome to my world. I shall show to thee the pleasures of it"

Ellyssa found herself being drawn deeper, but as soon as she realised that she could breath normally, her panic was replaced by wonder and curiosity! Her brows arched at the archaic address from Marena, but she had always known that the woman could not be so halting in her speech below the surface of the water. With the aid of the ring and her own enchantments, she understood it as if it were her own tongue, though of course she could only speak common and torian, and she didn't know how well she would be understood underwater. "Thank you for your enthusiastic welcome oh beautiful and gracious dweller in the deeps" she ventured with a smile, watching the bubbles from her attempt float to the surface. "Long have I wished to see you in your own habitat."

Sound travels with more muted ability in water, but this close and with the gift of breath, the torian's common was understood and heard by the mermaid. Fearful that her natural boned buoyancy would have the girl rising all too soon, Marena still held on to her with arm about the waist. Their breasts still brushed at times and hips nudged with the sway of tail and leg "Wish you to see deeper and make an exploration with me, beautiful songbird?" her voice was a song itself beneath the water, silky and enticing to those that had ear or lack of will. But Marena was ...well Marena... and innocent of the lurings of her race, though a siren's daughter she was making no effort other than by what came naturally to draw the redwing into her mer clutches. In fact, Marena was just grinning with shining and radiant pleasure at having female friend to share her watery world with.

Ellyssa seemed unaware of the dangerous lure buried in that voice. It was unlike any she had heard before, but she was a trained bard and had a voice fit to manipulate its hearers herself. She kept her left hand around Marena's waist, idly rubbing her scaly rump as she looked into sea green eyes. "I would gladly make an exploration with (or of, she thought to herself) you that you wish to make oh finned dweller in the world beneath the waves" she said, easily matching the other woman's turns of phrase if not her language.

"Then hold on to me closely and should thee feel shortness of breath, ask again for my kiss" the mermaid then twisted her agile body and drew the torian's arm about her waist to have her back now against Ellyssa's torso. With a strong flip of her bluey-green scaled tail, she propelled them both deeper to the murkier green depths of the lake. Her golden matted clump would buffett and bob behind her and Ellyssa would have to avoid getting mouthful of the gold tangles. Here and there, Marena would point to small shoal of lake fish then to one bigger monster who lurked to shadier depth, likely a pike or spikey toothed catfish. She would swim through the lake fern and frond and draw the green plant to brush against the redwings skin. At times she would turn and twist and with frontal embrace again, guide the torian to the rocky edges of the other side of the lake. In between the sights she would speed up the motion, so that Ellyssa would feel the rush of waters pass around their bodies, not so fast as the girl might fly to the skies but a different sensation of speed in the denser waters.

"And what if I should desire thy kiss for other reasons?" The girl said almost under her breath as she was drawn against Marena's body and swept on a whirlwind tour of her lake, seeing things she hadn't even imagined as someone who had never swum below the surface before. She spat out a clump of hair as they swam and wondered again why Marena didn't care for it. Sure, it was rather ugly in its unkempt state, but there was no reason that it couldn't be startlingly beautiful, she mused to herself as she folded her wings tightly against her bare back to reduce the drag. "It is simply amazing down here" she enthused. "Thank thee for showing it to me."

Finally, Marena slowed their whirlwind tour of the depths of the lake to turn and blink golden lashes while facing Ellyssa, pondering over her words, ensuring her ugly shame is sworling elsewhere than Ellyssa's beautiful face or in front of them too much "Then, thee may and perhaps shall I learn it is desirous also" then the mermaid grinned girlishly, her youthful body coiling about the torian's whose own threatened to rise to the surface again. Marena drew her back by wrapping arm about her waist again. "This is my pleasure, rare it is to have friend to share this with.......the oceans now, those are truly spectacular, but also more dangerous Songbird. Perhaps thee will share that with me too in time" she was unaware of Elly's thoughts and musings about her tangled cursed hair, just happy that the girl was with her.

[[OOC two beautiful RP sessions went into this part and I have posted the whole of it as it flowed just as the RP was, changing only a word or two and the tenses to align. Thank you Ellybird for this delicious RP and story addition]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 9:42 pm
by Marena

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:59 pm
by Marena
From Customer to Tutor

She had stumbled by accident upon a sweet river pool and private retreat in her hunt for suitable forest pools and springs to bathe in. What was merely an acquaintance, turned into a budding friendship and what was once merely a customer turned into a tutor.

Of all the companions, acquaintances and friends the mermaid had made to the land, it was the fire hurling drak sen of the Arena who was vexed enough with her poor grasp of common and stilted speech to take her in hand, literally, to give her lessons. Some had offered but it seemed only token gesture, that other matters had taken precedence. It would surely test his patience to the limit but if it so bothered him, Marena was willing to try even though languages were not her strength.

The male had hot spring on his property, not too far from the town but as he valued the secrecy of his retreat he requested she be blindfolded but then trusted her enough to simply keep her eyes well closed. That gift of trust was returned for Marena revealed herself of body, tail and golden shame when she joined him to the steamy pool, her eery song lending its sweetness to a mating's fruition in the heated waters.


The lessons began in earnest later to the Arena, when propped against training dummy she was bid to speak and her words were corrected for repetition. Each correct sentence recounted was rewarded with a simple kiss. Each kiss grew hotter the harder the sentence that was achieved. Marena was taxed where the drak sen had been vexed but the mermaid progressed, best she could, in hope to achieve her small scheming goal for unfettered access to another hot spring.

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2017 2:14 pm
by Marena
Messy fingers - Castle Verkot

Messy fingers had almost (but not quite) gotten the mermaid into trouble with one Lord and yet with another Lord, it was a requisite.

Marena had approached the Lord Matwyn straight from a visit to the newly found gardens to the rear of the Castle Keep, her fingers dirty with the earth she had been scraping away from new shoots and budding plants she had found there. The sea maiden was no gardener as such but the sight of the light green shoot she recognised as a herb fighting its way through harsher landweed and heavy grass made the girl stop and look to tending the plot. This section was unkempt and wild and she had thought to bring a little order to it.

When seated by the short vulpine noble and making her report and enquiries, she took to brushing his soft russet white tipped five tails with those earth crusted fingers, leaving a trail of dry dirt and dust in her fingers' wake, marring the Lord's fine appendages. While learning of the appointment of a new house healer and the reason for the cultivation of the five pointed white siphlor blooms that ran amok around the grounds, the Lord washed her fingers using a spell murmuring of bubbles and she hurriedly cast a little cleaning on his fine tails before he noticed the mess she had caused on them. The combing inspired the Lord for more and the young maiden gladly obliged, thankful that her dirt making error had not caused the paddle to be withdrawn from his desk drawer instead of a fine wooden comb.

She practised a little of her learned common speech while tending to the combing, a natural ability to wield such as instrument giving pleasure to the vulpine and she found herself being shown new position for a mating, to wobble on knobbling knees and hands 'Tit down, ass up' or 'vulpine style'. This lasted but a few moments however and the Lord took pity on her wobbling, likely to have them both toppling over at the first thrust, so the mermaid ended to her side a leg running vertically against his white furred chest. The Lord was kindness itself to be so thoughtful to her limitations and even promised to bring mirriors the next time so the little voyeur could see it all from his perspective.

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 10:38 am
by Marena
Messy fingers - The Fifth Element

Dirt was washed another time from a certain maiden's fingers to a water butt in the Apothecary's herb garden. The butt had previously hosted a half naked noble kitten who had doused head and neck in the cold waters to fully awaken and decobweb the mind. But it was bespectacled again that the noble invited the mermaid to inspect the little garden, the territory of another's fair handed work. As she wandered the beds and stony pathways between, touching at new growth to gain scent to her fingers and match to those dried and contained in the shop's jars, she resolved to meet with the garden's keeper to share knowledge of it for her own purposes.

Marena was respectful of the orderly efforts and care that was being put into the little garden and was careful not to disturb too much, her study and touch were tender for she knew that if any other stole and rampaged in her sea and water bed and ran riot with her attempts with the kelp or grape, she would be annoyed. Discussing a little of her wishes and plans for introducing something of her own garden into the Apothecary's stores and to share her work with others brought a certain joy to the maiden. The sea garden had suffered a bit from the ravages of the illness that had set to the western oceans but she had done her best to revive it, it was still in its infancy and rather wild. One cross eyed kiss later as the young girl tried to keep her eyes upon the spectacles and tri-colored eyes and she had gained promise of the lord to pay visit to her own gardens in due time. Few ever joined her to the seas for they could be cold and harsh but Marena was working on gaining access to the sea caverns of the Il Mutah Har for her cultivations that would provide a little more temperate climate for visitor as they were hewn from the volcano's old lava tunnels.

After gift of compliment and return paid and in balance, it was to the blending room that Marena returned with the Lord of Scentses to try her hand at a more complex blend. The 'happiness' she had gained the last time she was within the blending room had predominantly been on account of the training. That she'd also achieved orgasm under his ministrations was unexpected and added bonus. Its pleasure was one sided however and the thought of this for the willowly mermaid made her frown again, her golden brows meeting to the middle. It was her nature to 'please' others, to help others, to bring peace and calm to others and for that, she had to learn not 'take' such new found sexual delights without return of such a gift and it was something she puzzled over while she prepared the little room for the lesson.


Seated as before to the bench with the bespectacled lord behind her, Marena willed herself to focus on the lesson and not the sensory thrills she would face, shown to a small whisk and the tutelage of the Five Elements Incense blend, the sea maiden began to add pinches of each of the four elemental essences, dry powders that captured the scents of each element. The whisk was used to mix the elements once each pinch had been sprinkled to the bowl, while soft fur of arm or hand brushed against her on the demonstration. Where her first experiences of wolven fur were pleasant, those of the vulpines she knew soft and cosy, that of the kitten was the softest of all she found but she would hardly reveal that to her vulpine friends.

It was the addition of the fifth and final element, the essence of life that when added after a few droplets of water and oil was to be then slurried and mixed to a paste with her fingers. The life essence scent gave a reminder of musk and fur, a mix of something masculine and feminine combined, a pairing of flowers and of earth, all working together to bring about 'life' as it might be. Marena rather liked the direct touch of mixing essences with her own fingers rather than the crystal rods of before. It was more direct, natural, simple, warmer. The rods were colder and harder, she couldn't 'feel' the mixing process and its closeness as she could now and realised its distance but perhaps it was purer because of it. She worked the mixture to its sludgy mess, coating her own fingers before she helped her tutor package the product and wrap it to a paper parcel, bound by twine.

For a mermaid who was used to the cleanliness of waters, working with the heavily scented mixtures and the earth of a herbal garden directly with her fingers was a vastly different and curious notion. 'Dirty' was beginning to feel interesting.

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2017 5:27 pm
by Marena
Trust in Me

Once again the sea maiden found herself in the watery embrace of the dark lord and this time his braids were unleashed and in tangles to which she offered her assistance. The mermaid missed the arte, routine and pleasure of combing; her own tangles, cursed as they were were impossible, ugly, shameful and it had been many, many months since she had tried. The selkie and the dolphin were different and her natural being seemed to yearn for her fingers to delve and dive into interesting locks and tails.

"I am sure that you are up to it, but remember if the comb catches upon my hair, you are going to need be firm with it. Much like my fingers are firm against your skin."

A challenge it was, but compared to her own, not an impossibility. The lord of the smiths took every ample opportunity himself to massage her form with firm fingers, a slight diabolical smirk to his lips as he watched her tend to his wild ivory head of hair. A nose nudge, a kiss to his temples and the whispered words in their stilted common were offered - her ways of asking him to trust her. By the time she had brought a semblance of shiny plaited order to his freshly made braids, his teasing touches and hardening body had brought her 'in heat' for him but he continued to tease the unknowing mermaid, slippery of tail and twisting in the bathing waters with fingers and dark member prodding and rubbing around regions she was unfamiliar with as being any form of natural mating and the lord was making very sure his hands were almost permanent feature cupping her delectable and slippery scaled posterior.

There was a magic seeping from his skin, a glimmer across his arms and shoulders and from the darker inked patterns that spread to his body. Marena noticed it and it gave her slight puzzle again before he dragged her beneath to growl out his deepest desire of her, his voice laiden with intention so that she fully understood his meaning to leave no confusion. His lust was a greedy one, that despite him knowing she served at least one noble, he wanted her to remember him by heart, mind and body. For her to be so enslaved could mean he might never enjoy her presence again. She refuted any intention to be caught in the snare of a collar, yet there were invisible chains and anchors she felt and on confessing this, the sea maiden tucked her face into his neck when she found an unusual warmth spreading her facial cheeks.


To hide her confusion from that sensation, she voiced her concerns in the silken mer tongue of his intentions and was persuaded by the dark lord's superior expertise that all would be well over time. He quietly let the tones of the words in the mermaid's cant rumble into her ears and watched for the reaction on her face and along whatever bared skin he could see. His fingers continued to dance and tease as he made the deal to himself; tempt and lure before hook and pull, just as if he were searching for a grand swordfish. He needed her relaxed before he was done.

"Marena, I need you to -trust- me and -trust in me.- They are two very different things."

While reluctant and uncertain of this unnatural act, the dark lord had set line, hook and sinker. He lulled Marena with all the right moves; keeping her in her natural form, applying the consistency of his resonating deep voice, teasing her with his firm hold and massaging of her body and he was thus able to lure the young girl to agree to 'try'.

[[A couple of suitable songs for this scene came to mind and I cannot determine which best fits!:]]
[[The dark lord version]]
[[The Hidden version]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 1:45 pm
by Marena
Tears of the Sea

Marena ventured into the Sorcerous Sanctuary for only the third time since being in Nanthalion with the intention to find some spell or 'thing' that could be done to limit her feeling so tired and drained when she used her stronger healing powers, that which came from the weave in her soul, through her heart and with touch of her fingers and hands could mend a person in many ways.

It was her good fortune to find the Ellyssa, her redwing friend serving to the shop who helped her through to understand how enchantments upon 'things' worked as opposed to spell scrolls of learning. She described how she was able to layer a particular enchantment up to seven layers deep on an item of jewelry or metal object, such an enchantment being too potent to be born by mere cloth. The torian proposed that Marena needed a Focus enchantment which could be set upon her person and attuned to a particular spell that reduced the cost of energy such a spell would incur on the sea maiden, informing her that the healing spells in particular were particularly draining ones so the focus was highly useful for a healer.

There was only one limitation. Marena only possessed one 'special item' it seemed that could bear an enchantment. Yes, she had a few baubles from one quest in the Borderlands, an old sickle she'd acquired upon first arriving to the land, swapping it for some herbs she'd gathered by hand. But this fine enchantment needed....fine 'thing' that held meaning for her. The only other special 'thing' to her possession was the exotic pearl that the Wadeywade had given to her. The limitation was on placing enchantment upon the oyster pearl before it had been set into a piece of jewelry, something the redwing advised against doing. Marena was about to pull away, saying her 'sorries' for taking up Ellyssa's time and work on getting the special pearl into a ring or jewel for her navel when Ellyssa chimed in brightly to suggest another idea, seeing how the mermaid's face dropped to realize the delay. It was rare for the mermaid to get to any shop other than the one she worked in.

To hear Marena talk of the gift from Wade, sparked a thought to Ellyssa's mismatched eyes and she put forward a possible solution for this dilemma. Into her satchel she reached to withdraw a small case that she had habitually carried over the months along with other valuables acquired over the years and placed the case to the counter opening it to show Marena. Inside was displayed a platinum necklace with a deep blue diamond bearing subtle water patterns embedded in its depths.

"This is the 'Tears of the Sea' diamond necklace. I acquired it sometime ago, but when I tried to wear it, it somehow seemed wrong for me. I didn't want to just sell it, but it would honor me if you would accept it as my gift to you"


The torian said softly to the mermaid. A gift from the Songmistress was special indeed and brought pretty and glowing smile to the mermaid's lips, she could do other special enchantment with the pearl once mounted and so the young girl accepted the gift with grace, resolving to find suitable gift in return, perhaps a swim to the ocean's blue. The teardop diamond was imbued by the redwing's sorcery with the strongest of healing focus layers and Marena left the Sanctuary more than contented.

[[An evocative piece:-]]
[["Tears of the Sea"]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2017 4:59 pm
by Marena
The Little Things

"You are a mystery to me, you know that? How you can keep things so un-fucking-complicated. I envy that."

The silver fox chuckled as he took Marena's hand in one and cupped her neck to gently massage it. His silver tails thumped softly against the armchair as he expressed a preference of the type of metal and style of jewelry he would like to see her wear with his gifted pearl mounted.

Marena felt the calm after the storm in the Formidable or maybe he was simply in its eye. So she came to comfort the male out of his frustrations, annoyances and any sad moods that he might be feeling, listening to his concerns as he cared to tell her. The one she realized affected him most was the loss of his own sword, currently held in his Lady's statue's stony grip upon the island's dayhan.

She spoke to him of his own 'little things' that he must feel good about; that he had his health, that he had a home of the island and that he had friends...he had -her- affection and friendship in particular. Even when the larger problems seemed unsolvable, the little things of good could keep a creature going. She gave to him her simple thoughts and soothings and combined it with the comfort of her body's touch while she talked with him then of her own little plans and plots, pausing at each telling to ensure he still wished to listen and that she wasn't boring the silver fox. Perhaps in her revealing how the little things in her life helped her cope with the heavy loss of her treasures would show him, another way for him to refind meaning to his own. Her softness and quietness and the gentler mating that was indulged in may not have given him inspiration, but maybe brought a measure of calm to the zephyr-once-tornado, calm enough for her to gain his approval for her ideas about the island's sheltered sea caverns.

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 8:38 am
by Marena
The Mock 'Gossip'

Marena made her way towards the lovely lake, seeking reward of a bathing and with added purpose, one as yet she had not told the beautiful friend Ellyssa. The evening was pleasant and none too chilly. After the morning she'd spent on a breezy island and driving rain, the forest felt lush and the stronger breezes were either held at bay or calmer in land. The stars were out and the moon lit the path as she stumbled her approach by land. She heard the sounds of female laughter and tilted her head to listen a moment, close to the lake's clearing but still hidden by tree. The voyeur mermaid hid at first, remaining behind a tree to merely watch.

Two beauties lay by the lake side beach, giggling and frolicking near the lapping shore. One she knew, the human girl and concubine to the redwing, the other was new and she could not quite make her out, she seemed human but bore small white wings which could be seen from time to time as she turned her back to the hidden sea maiden. Marena watched the pair for a short time, clearly lovers enjoying the lake and the moonlight before the shape of large bird creature fell from the sky, spiralling down to land with certain grace to the little dock.

The mermaid caught sight of Ellyssa's flight and landing and she watched the naked redwing land with a brighter smile. Marena was lost to the night behind the tree she hid behind so was unnoticed by the three. She almost lent step to her landleg to come out from her hiding....almost but something kept her simply watching for a bit, to learn something of the other two playing to the lakeside beach. Her slender hand went up to touch to the teardrop blue diamond 'Tears of the Sea' necklace to her throat, the finest object to her possession and recently gifted by the redwing. As her almond shaped eyes wandered over the three, they danced to see the females at play. Marena was eager to join in but something prevented her as yet.

The hidden young girl listened to the musical tones of Ellyssa's voice, watched the friendships and affections passing between the girls and the mistress, the playfulness of the two lovers coupled with the reassurance of the beauty that was the Songmistress and it almost made her eyes well to tears. The moonlight caught the shimmer of her tears as she held the teardrop to her palm. Marena was dying to go play with them, her heart was almost bursting to share a moment of their social gathering. The threesome looked to her, like a 'gossip' of mermaids playing to the lakeside and the mer wanted 'in'. She felt the weight of her black bonnetted cap and made not a step still to join, nor hum of voice to announce her arrival. Marena Just watched, curious and with growing excitement.


She overheard part of the conversations with mentions of 'mark' and location, request for position and a granting of the title of 'Lady' before her eyes once again rested upon the flamewinged beauty who now approached the lake, letting the cool rise thigh high as she spoke with her girls. Marena's breath caught. She should be there! In that lake, with the beautiful songmistress and Marena caught her hand on the leafy branch setting it to rustle. She clicked her tongue softly, shifted from the tree to try and skirt the area to other side where the lakeshore neared the treeline trying to get to the lake without being seen by the two lovers on the beach. With many a crack of twig and rustle of brush, the sea maiden stumbled forward to make it to the lake, slipped off her black dress and bonnet and set herself to enter the lake with hardly any ripple of splash.

A jest was made, a musical laugh and another 'Lady' title bestowed, one that brought a small envy to the mermaid, which was then followed by one almighty wash of wave to the beach by the torian's heavy wing. While the small tidal wave aided Marena's own submerging and hiding of her naked form in the lake, it also served to send cool wash over the two beach bound legged lovers. The flamewing covered the rest of the mock 'gossip' with the splash of the fresh waters and Marena heard the jovial and pleasured laughing of the girls as she made her hidden tailed deep dive, gracefully and powerfully propelling herself towards the Songmistress to support the torian's floundering swim from beneath.

[['Gossip' - commonly known collective noun for a group of mermaids]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 9:59 pm
by Marena
The Songbird

A few bubbles rose from her lips in a sigh as she lent support to the swimming torian and brushed her heavy scaled tail against the girl's legs with affection, speaking softly from below in her mertongue "Beautiful Songmistress, thee I greet again to thy home" This startled the redwing momentarily, beginning to struggle at the unexpected sensation as Marena's hand brushed first across belly then to breast. Seeing the badly tangled mop of golden hair and hearing the silken voice, Ellyssa allowed herself to be drawn off her feet and dipped her head to gurgle a few words beneath "And welcome back to my little lake, Dear Friend, I've missed you"

The mermaid beamed her smile, that inherited siren's aura shining upon her moonlit face surrounded by its ugly matting of gold. One tug. Another sharper and Marena drew Ellyssa a little deeper so that her neck and shoulders and base of her wings dipped below the lake's surface. That tug, stronger in the waters than she could ever be to land, guided the torian directly to Marena's waiting lips who kissed her deeply with affection and life giving breath. "Much have I missed thee also, beauty of the skies blue and I see thy house grow and with lovers. The laughter pleases." her voice crooned softly, its sound came across richer and eerier in the waters.

Red wings gleamed as the moonlight reflected off water running down them in rivulets as the pair slowly drifted downwards. Ellyssa returned the kiss with rather more than just the knowledge that Marena's kiss was literally the breath of life. She wrapped her hands around the mermaid, savoring the kiss for a long moment before releasing and listening to the elegance and eloquence of her words "Yes my household grows" she agreed amiably. "Almost to bursting in fact, but there is always room for one more. The laughter is a nice side effect of the friendships and more growing on this little plot of land. I am honored that you could partake of it even at one remove. So what brings you back to my lake on this lovely moonlit night?" She added with an innocent expression on her delicate features as the mermaid pulled her deeper.

The sea maiden did not hesitate to give more to the kiss once her gift has been passed but only on Ellyssa's initiation and finding herself further embraced, slid her own arms about the girl to draw her closer, close so that their breasts met, bellys touched and hips bumped in slippery slide of skin and scale with the torian's feathers and the mermaid's mass of golden hair glimmering behind each girl's body. Hair and wing would have been of similar thickness and length were the mermaid's clumped cursed locks free from tangle. "Thee have something I desire, a thought and I come to ask boon of thee...that I may use your lake, maybe call it second home and work the waters for my needs, beautiful Songmistress." she asked her favour searching Ellyssa's face for positive response, wary of rejection but hope shining still to her sea green orbs.

Ellyssa found herself finally pulled all the way below the surface, but in Marena's company, she no longer minded the distance from her beloved Air. She listened to the request with an open expression. "You are most welcome to stay here as long as you like Dear Friend" she said at last. "And do whatever you like to make yourself at home, but I admit to being curious.What did you have in mind?"

With the torian beauty now to her clutches, the lovers to the lakeside too engrossed with each other, the mermaid twisted and spun them both slowly in the dark lake waters throughout the continued embrace, enjoying the contact and the feel of soft feather brushing to her scaled tail as it was held in its magical glimmer. "I ask permission of thee beauty, to bring garden to the lake and falls, weed and frond, plants of the water to grow and nurture for the purposes of my knowledge, that I may share of them with Lord and employer. I seek good pond or lake, permission have I already from the Formidable Wade for his sea caverns and thee must know this noble Lord of the Apothecary has another who tends its garden, her terrain. I have no terrain of mine own, my skills are to the waters" her lengthy sentence flowed in its old mer tongue, its fashion was old in style for even one of her own race. She nuzzled lips softly to the Torian's again, not as part of her plea and request but actually because the mermaid rather liked it.

Ellyssa wrapped her bared legs around scaled tail, her sex spreading and kissing at the joint of flesh and scales as her wings trailed behind her. She pressed her small breasts against Marena's larger orbs as the sea creature spoke. She found it hard to credit how much more beautiful her friend's voice and word choice are below the surface than on land, and she knew that her own voice, so musical in the air was a contortion of itself in water. She could have listened to Marena speak for hours in this setting. Carried away with her emotions, but no less sincere for it she exclaimed. "Lady, the Lake is yours to do with as you like! Indeed all that I possess is yours to use as you like for the asking..please feel free to make the lake your own.". She told Marena to be mindful of her gardener's terrain and to seek her concubine should there be any conflict of interest. Seeing another kiss coming, the redhead was not at all loathe to return it...

A tinge of coral pink coloration spread to the scaled area of the mermaiden where it touched to the torian's bared mound, hinting at the mermaid's own arousal from their play in the water and touch of Ellyssa's body to her own. Her eyes wandered the winged creature whom she had drawn into her world with a certain awe and the pleasure of her response and agreement brought new shine to girl's pretty face. She knew this gardner when the name was told her " Thee must not worry, tail will not tread to hoof, toe or other tail Songmistress, this I vow and I thank thee from the bottom of my heart." she laughed then, her mirth and joy brought an effervescence to the lake waters and she moved to nudge her nose to the redwing's before joining her in new kiss.

Nipples stiffened as bosom pressed bosom, warmth built within each's depths at the physical and emotional contact and pleasure of the embrace between the two otherworldly women. But the torian denied the pleasure for the moments she chose instead to quiz ther mermaid on a few pecularities she had noticed of the young girl's mannerisms and sought to learn something of her back ground; why did she press noses?, what meaning did it have?, did see think of herself as one of the ocean creatures who she mimicked with this gesture? why were those sea creatures important to her? Ellyssa's pleasure was put on hold as she teased at the strands of this knot.

Marena spoke simply of her tale, the one she knew and the Songmistress was the first who had asked in such detail and been given the gift of its knowing . Marena's eyes wandered to Ellyssa's form, such small breasts compared to her fuller ones. The young girl gave into the tempation to touch and explore, brushing one slender finger over the rise of that soft freckled skin just above her nipple, watching her fingers path with inquisitive gaze.It nearly lured the redwing into partaking of the sensuality but still the torian held off, asking further question and connecting one answer to the puzzle that was her cursed matted hair but also giving encouragement to the mermaid to explore.

It was new to the sea maiden to see Ellyssa react as she did herself when touched to the breast in her matings with males, her gaze flicked up to the girls unusual eyes; the one green, the other blue before dipping again to watch the effect of her fingers touch to bosom. She cupped palm over the tender flesh, feeling the bud of its nipple pressing against her palm. Permission had been given for this exploration but it seemed payment was the telling of her tale. She minded neither and wanted both. "Thy feel pleases me too Songmistress" she sighed softly at the realization, normally swayed to sensory pleasures by the few males who wished it, the Songbird was powerfully exotic and entrancing to cause it too. Marena told tale of her mother, the treasures, the curse upon her hair, the Songmaster and her own foolishness and her search. The irony was, Marena was now feeling great affection for this torian, another Songmaster but female but the sea maiden had nothing else left to lose to this one, her heart and treasures were already stolen. In telling the tale, once again her sorrow came to the fore and brought a welling tear to her eyes, tears that were as bright in the moonlight as the sparkle to the teardrop blue diamond the 'Tears of the Sea' necklate that circled her throat, the Songmistress' gift.

Marena heard the torian give pleasured sigh then found her own song joining with the redwings when her own nipples were caressed. The continuation of the story bore upon Ellyssa and she once more wrestled her desires under control to focus on her enticing companion. She stared hard at the girl's hair trying to determine if the clump of matted gold had been magically altered, but in the end, she could not tell if the slight sparks of color she saw at the roots of her hair were magical or true color. The torian was becoming too distracted to think to take off her circlet to investigate more so instead leant forward to kiss the mermaid again, to brush the tears away with the lake water and, feeling some heaviness of heart in empathy for her friend's plight, gave soft murmur of aid.

Ellyssa denied herself no longer, the payment of tale was made and with Marena as willing explorer, the redwing nudged noses to the mermaid and, bearing blush to her cheek for the forwardness of it, asked her to share in a new type of kiss to the waters. This would be firsts for both girl's; one to savour a girl for the first time, the other to kiss a mermaid's pussy for the first time.

With lighter mood and tears washed away, the innocent mermaid smiled her willingness to the request "I am told by the males with whom I have mated, that I am sweet once thee pass beyond the scale" she told the torian in her soft silken mer tongue " if thee show me, may I taste also?" The mermaid did not blush though she saw the colour suffuse the redwing's own cheeks. In fact, it was hard to actually cause Marena's cheeks to turn to a rosier hue. Only once in recent moment and memory had the sea maiden found a warmth to her face and cheek, a new sensation that caused her to hide her face directly so its meaning would be hidden also. While the mermaid might be naive and innocent to somethings, she was not shy when it came to the natural acts, merely lacking in knowledge and forwardness.

The idea struck both girl's in tandem and with a flick of the mermaid's broad bluey tail fin to keep the pair in stable position without spin in that depth of the lake waters, the redwing dancer made a nimble pivot and a dancer's split of leg. The little voyeur found herself face to face with the centre of the Songbird's pussy, as hairless as her own legged one and as pretty as a picture. While she paused to study, the redwing leaned into kiss her own jutting prominant pink folds and bud, creating a seal over which she gently sucked. Marena drew in a watery breath of delight at that first sensation but not to be left behind, she dipped her head lower to find and flick tongue tip over the little bud that lay nearest, before swiping more broadly forward over the fleshy petals in her first ever driving long tasting lick of a pussy.

Both girl's aroused, the sounds of the lapping, sucking, licking and soft moans were muffled in the water's embrace as the pair tasted and enjoyed. When Ellyssa drew fingers to play alongside tongue, so too did Marena feel and copy the gesture learning from the torian's skills at pleasure giving in this way. Slick with essences and giving a tail tremor of delight, the mermaid managed to slowly rotate the embracing couple in the waters whilst strumming the redwing's pleasure bud with her finger as if she were the bard playing the lute that was Ellyssa. The Songbird had been more in tune with her arousal and climaxed first while Marena was exploring this new passion. Ellyssa upped the tempo, changed octave and even tune and with a touch to her armlet drew out a gleaming ornate flute from out of the metal. With a muted spoken word the flute shimmered and reformed into a single ended bulbous object, and the Songbird guided one head of the toy into Marena's sex. With her mouth to the torian's pussy, Marena missed the almost evil grin upon the Songmistress' face when she made secondary magical command, setting the object to vibrate.

A blast of bubbles shot out of the mermaid's nose to tickle against Ellyssa's thighs when she felt a more solid probe and then the thrust of a blunter object slide between her nether lips, stretching her more than the torian's tongue had managed. It was a colder touch and whirred its wiggling trail inside of her. Her broad tail fin gave a massive tremor to send the pair spiraling deeper in the lake as the overload of sensation of it all sent the mermaid into molten spasms of climax. Her flexible tail bucked and fins flailed causing a strong under current in the lake. "Mmmmmmmwwaaaa! " her face lifted from her sucking of Elly's nethers on a last squelching kiss to exclaim to the catfish of the deep, who peered up at them in fright and scurried off with a slither and swish of tail.

Marena's hold loosened as she came and once her tail's tremors lessened, Ellyssa took the opportunity to gently disengage, spinning upright and holding onto one arm. Another command to the enchanted flute and its handle shifted into the head of another dildo. Wrapping her legs around the blue tail, the torian pulled herself down and onto the toy, sheathing it in her depths, her eyes rolling up in her head as the vibrations hit her just so, drawing the two women's sexes together in a parody of a kiss around the vibrating toy that connected them.

With the Songbird's body now pressed breast to breast against her and in the trembling ongoing aftermath of climax, the mermaid shared of the dildo dual kiss of pussies gently rocking into the sweet sensation.Without even thinking that it was probably time to draw the Songmistress into another life giving kiss, she turned naturally to it. A gift of thanks, a gift of affection, a gift of breath. Her lips sought the torian's as her hand's wrapped behind her back as she melded lips and offered her tongue to tangle and gently play.

So joined by music and magic, the two girls rose on a crescendo and cascaded in second release, coupling to the vibrating tones of the Songbird's magical flute. In aftermath and in gentling embrace, released from the flute's vibrations, cocooned in a redwing embrace and coiling blue tail each spoke again as they drifted towards the lake's bottom.

Marena felt some contentment of a connection and friendship, perhaps something maternal too that had been missing from her life in the soft and large embrace of the wing."Thee are beauty to me, Songbird, Songmistress of the skies blue. Shall I keep thy lake in tender care and thy falls in fresh state, thank thee for thy trust in me and I give mine to thee always" she murmured to the torian's ear, a silky whisper and a promise.

"And thou shalt be Lady of my Lake and ever welcome in my home and life Sweet Marena" the Songbird responded softly. "Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me. Thy confidences honor me and thy regard is a delight" she said, falling into similar cadences to the mermaid before allowing her voice to still and her embrace to speak for her.

Some time later, Marena drew Ellyssa back to the surface and to the lakeside beach, where she wallowed in the shallows letting the wobbly legged Songmistress be to return to her main house and home. Marena would give her a parting kiss and dive to the depths of the lake once more, to rest, sleep and dream sweetly of her friend.


[[For Ellyssa, in gratitude....Songbird]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2017 8:37 pm
by Marena
The Spring Kitten

Marena had awoken in the beautiful lake by the falls, beaming to the sunlight as her face emerged from the watery depths which fell too on the sparkle that was her teardrop diamond lending its many blue facets to shimmer and send numerous prismatic rays at complex random display about her touching to the lake where she was now to be Lady. She had been given a boon late that moonlit night and the mermaid was brimming with pleasure. But there was work to be done, so she drew herself from the waters, smoothed the droplets that streamed from her scaled tail with her hands to let it dry a little before finding her landlegs and the little black dress and bonnet that she had left by a tree the night before. She ambled then by track and by trail, heading to the Apothecary. She had no mind for her saftey or thought of predatory presence, such a trance the young girl was in with her thoughts and pleasures and little schemings. She approached to the herb shop from the side path and saw the lord Twerlinger making his own thoughtcast way so she loudened her hum to announce her arrival, her pretty smile present and brightening the more to see the older male, a dark furred feline type, bespectacled and robed with a little bandage to his wrist. She noted his contemplative and thoughtful visage as she made greeting and he gave her the time and an opening for her little schemings and to 'hear her out'.

It was into the forest she led the lord and kept fairly silent on their way to her goals. The mermaid walked slowly, for Marena could not rush her way on her landlegs. Indeed she stumbled from time to time, grabbed on to his arm to balance and her barefooted tread broke random twig underfoot and scuffed the dirt without thought for the trail she left. Her track would make any predatory scout gleam at the ease of this prey for meal or capture. She made towards a hot spring deeper to the woods, its path well hidden by fern and bracken and over hanging tree - an overgrown oasis for a discerning mermaid.

"Now...he take clothe off yes" The mer maiden told him directly in her silky soft voice, her bonnetted head nodded and she drew in a breath of courage herself, for this next part would require her to fully reveal all her accursed shame. But this 'elderly bespectacled feline hybrid landlegged' could be a key feature to her future so the mermaid took the risk and would bear its consequences -it was the conversation she wished with him and this would be easier to water. Giving the male a full frontal view of her body at first without hint of shyness, the sea maiden slipped out of her black dress and only turned to hide herself when she ducked down to remove the bonnet and slip to the hot spring waters. She hoped the distortion of the water and the shadow of the tree and bush around pool would still give her some measure of 'hidden' when she submerged. The kitten refused the need for the silver ring, recognising its enchantments. The sea maiden lifted a hand up and out of the water, reaching out to the male as he stripped and joined her to the waters, head and shoulders above the surface.


Linking fingers she gave a small tug, then another, preparing to make a third to test his willingness to trust her. She hummed her song from beneath in encouragement, an eery sound but richer below water than to the air and fuller in its musicality. She beckoned with that tug and that song, the siren's daughter trying to lure the kitten beneath with nothing but her song and her smile. But this was Marena, and any siren's aura was but a gentle and innocent wish and will of a lure. Her fused tail waved idly beneath and gave more strength to her tug of encouragement. A couple of deep breaths and the feline ducked his head and allowed the tug to be his guide, sweeping arm and limb to draw himself down, relaxing at first with his own temporary breath. An instant later he was embraced, caressed and kissed by a joyous mer maiden with the golden sworl's of matted hair tangling around them and he found he could breath without needing to surface. She swept it back hurriedly with an arm and tried to hold eye contact to retain his focus on her face not her shame.

Marena was as graceful in her words as she was to her body while in the water, no longer ungainly and awkward. "Lord of the Scentses, Master of Aromas, Keeper of a Treasure Hoard, I welcome thee to my world. Pleasure I find for thee to grace me with thy presence and honour me with thy trust. I thank thee" She doled out the sequence of titles with flowing eloquence of an old fashioned style. She moved to nudge her nose to his as sign of affection, something perhaps he might have noted also was not a common trait of a merfolk used to the landlegged. Something had the feline giggling in a bubble of gas that escaped towards the surface while her tail curled around his furred legs. She was rewarded then with a soft smile, a tilt of ears and head, a working of his mouth as he tried to return words in her mer tongue.

"I.. wagon.. donkeys.. hindend.. eyeball..fabric.. bugger" he grumbled quietly and lifted hand requesting to give him a moment. More concentration, no magic, a little mind adjustment and a closing of eyes before he nodded and spoke again "Think.. I this have," his eyes opened to regard her "Pleasure tis to within be" was his offering, his mind clearly awash "Your embrace and world." His head shook and he tried to do better. "Fuck" he whispered quietly but the mermaid's eyes widened having heard the curse. He took a deep breath, "Get it together" and he exhaled a trail of bubbles to the surface and made new attempt "Thank you..Mistress of the deep, for your hospitality and safekeeping within your world" he managed to utter in the mertongue before his lips clamped together to avoid making a bigger fool of himself.


The mermaid blinked surprised as a bundle of nonsense spewed forth from the Lord's lips but graciously she kept from giving grimace to her pretty lips as the Lord was kindness itself to put up with her shoddy common. He was the first landlegged to truly speak to her in her world and tongue and without use of magic. The kitten found himself swept into another giggling embrace, bubbles effervescing around them both now and a promptly placed kiss, swift, sure and soft, prevented further attempt for a moment. But there was no need for life giving breath again so soon. No, this time her kiss was simply one of pleasure for his gift, no matter how botched. She took liberties then, excited and overjoyed and began to hurtle more words of mer at him, fast and flowing while her svelte and curvy form wrapped its naked slippery self around his own naked furred form to the pool's depths.

"Ask for more kiss, should thee begin to feel out of breath and I will gladly oblige thee, Lord of the Scentses. Wish I here to relay and tell thee of recent developments, for I will need thy aid to bring them to pass" for one experienced of the mer tongue, he might have made some realization that her own accent was maybe different to one he might have studied before. A furred hand touched to her cheek as she received reply and a twinkle of tri-coloured orbs, no longer distorted by glasses which had been left to the spring side.

"Thank you" he offered quietly and simply in her tongue "I will hard try, not to abuse gift of your lips, no matter how feel sweet be they" And it was then Marena felt a soft caress to her mind, like a nose nudging her skin in such a way as to be making affectionate request, a little inquisitive probe...but this was not to skin nor arm nor cheek nor lip, this her head. The words were silent but her mind brought them forth in 'his' voice while he held her gaze...

"Forgive me for this way, but I fear that making a fool of myself might be far beyond what you had hoped and might spoil whatever image you might have of me. I wish to thank you for your invitation into your world, and am completely at your command within this moment Mistress of the deeps. And it is an honor to be allowed this sight of you, for which I feel inadequate to even recompense with the rest of my life of trying" The words echoed softly within her mind almost as a whisper but his lips never moved.

He had trusted her, the mermaid tried to relax and allow him within...slowly....carefully....tasting of his mind's touch with perhaps another sense as yet undiscovered, feeling the magic's gentle nudge to her thoughts with a flurry of blinking golden long lashes. The words that followed further relaxed Marena, drawing that smile to brighten again, realising that it wasn't some kind of mind probe merely like a.... soft furred caress to her sixth sense of thought.

Between her words of silken mer, his wispy mind thought, she spoke of her plans and her plottings and the little schemings of her endeavours, told of her homes and her passions and talents and desire to grow in them with his guidance. He spoke of his own wishes in these endeavours of hers, showed an interest and gained her willingness. With the golden sworl of temptation abundant, the link of eyes broke and she felt his hand reach for a clump of gold. The mermaid shied aside and the sadness again threatened her in its grip. What in water made her think she could lure him and keep him from noticing its presence by her wide eyed holding of eye contact and her brush of youthful lithe body to his own furred one!? "Please..." and Marena's graceful eloquence suddenly came to a halt as she made a single plea, that sorrow to her eyes evident with the shine of unshed tear, a pool of blue that now mimicked that of the blue teardrop diamond 'Tears of the Sea' that circled her neck and aptly mirrored now to her eyes.

Even as he asked forgiveness - first poorly in the mertongue, followed more flowingly in the mind whispers - and drew away, she chose to reach out again, more upset to have this intimacy spoiled by her accursed inhibition than now worried to have his focus on her tainted beauty. Oh the Vanity of the Merfolk! "No! Please....I bid thee not shy from me, do not be so shy of me" and she made a wild clutch again for his hand. The merfolk are by typical nature both a shy and social folk, shy for other races observations and social for their own, but Marena's upbringing was such that she bore little shyness and sought that social and safe contact of others. Fearful of losing his grace, she told her tale once more of her folly and her fears, the curse and the thief and of her Treasures.

The lord paid a high gift of compliment and soothed her vanity a little but the mermaid could hardly believe her sixth sense. "A lovely vision" he named her and to distract the mermaid, he bid her forgive him when he requested another of her life giving kisses. Was the Lord blind? His glasses were left to the side so perhaps that was the answer. His words were but of politeness. A noble such as he must be used to making little lies and tales to smooth what must need to be smoothed and charmed for diplomacy's sake. Either way the sea maiden moved, twisted and coiled her willowy betailed form about him, drawing him back into her naked embrace to brush lips to his then with a firmness and fuller mouth to deepen the kiss, sharing of her life giving breath once more. Lips moved again in the deeper growl when the kiss broke, no nudge to her mind this time but a watery word begging forgiveness again as the Lord of the Scentses, the Master of Aromas, the Keeper of the Treasure Hoard, claimed the young mer girl's lips and body to further enjoyable passions.

He also bid her play and pose, for some purpose of his work's 'musings'. Marena had not really grasped for why she turned an acrobatic sleek somersault in the small spring for him, only that it was a gift she 'could' return in payment for his own and even offered to turn his sodden bedraggled mess of fur back to some semblance of shining glory when they finally climbed out of the spring.

[[Props to Twerlinger for giving me the time and patience for the marathon RP and hilarious fun! One song sorta came to mind for Twerly if not the scene totally, though it is fairly generic, I couldn't find one to portray a bedraggled moggie growling and hissing telepathically at a fishy who tugged him under, sorry! In addition, I thank thee for giving perfect opportunities to get a few lines of her own song in! ]]

[[Principles of Lust, Enigma]]
[[Marena's song "Don't be so shy", Imany]]

Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2017 6:19 pm
by Marena

The silver five tailed Formidable had been the first to bestow upon the mermaid the permissions she required. Some of her planned plantings would be managed within the sheltered sea cavern. He had even given her permission to take her closest of friends to the island to view her gardens but she would take a care not to disturb him when he was in need of his solitude.

Ellyssa, the Songbird, saw fit to bestow both gift of title and permission for the sea maiden to make use of her lake and waterfalls. Yet despite this torian's permission, there were others beneath to either do battle with or appease and Marena had to settle score with the 'cat fish of the deep' and his co-hort the 'master pike' to ensure her presence was now law beneath those fresh waters.

The Lord Matwyn with the bounciest of russet five tails, had given her leave and permission during a special tail combing to apply herself to the gardens behind the Keep. The area nearest to the moat would serve her purpose and she had promised not to disturb the bee boxes nor uproot the many white five starred flowers also found there. Indeed, it was this Lord who introduced her to resident of the Castle's pond, a pretty short blue skinned and haired naiad named Sydonia, who took up his other side to the bed after Marena's combing and the mermaid had chance to ask the pond's Keeper if she might make a few plantings to her waters. The water nymph kindly gave the sea maiden leave for her garden area and also promised to keep it clean and free of pest both of the insect and curious goblin variety.

It was the Apothecary garden's keeper, the Assistant Manager of the Apothecary, whom Marena found herself more nervous about to meet but here too she was given leave to aid the creamy furred kitten in learning from the little garden and to help tend and weed it but more importantly she was invited to assist with Kanti's own pond when it came to plantings for aquatic herbs. She liked this female who laughed with her stumblings and excitement and took the time to listen to her. Marena began to make her first learnings of the pretty kitten and saw the Keeper's 'anchor' marking of ink upon her wrist, learning of its meaning which brought both a pleasure and a melancholy to the mermaid.

"She have something...most to be treasured...that it is returned...the most precious of all yes...blessed be Keeper Kanti...keep hold of her treasures well"

The mermaid's melancholy was soon assuaged by a sharing of an infusion, a calming companionship and the promise of another pond to play in.