Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Marena on Mon May 29, 2017 3:45 pm

The Redtailed Songmer

Marena surfaced from having surveyed one section of the lake and blew out a small fountain of lakewater from her mouth. She swam naked, her heavy bluey-green tail sweeping gently beneath and behind before she made a few arm strokes towards the beach shore. She'd had 'words' with the 'catfish of the deep' and come to an understanding of the territory so the mermaid was rather satisfied with herself. This was 'her' Lake now...well, her's in as much as she was now caretaker and Lady of it, the big bugger of a catfish was now under her command and he better believe it! The mermaid had caught sight of the redwing some distance away as she leisurely and idly swam her way across the lake surface. She could not make out quite what the torian was doing as she paused to fiddle with something, some kind of shiny red object to her hand that was then again hidden from her sight as the torian jumped into the water from the dockside.

Ellyssa's body gleamed with a flash of magic and then a transformation began to happen Her gorgeous wings started to shimmer like shining scarlet scales. Then they seemed to melt, flowing around her body like the water she was swimming in and running down her back to wrap around her waist, clinging to her hips, thighs, calves and feet like glue. Inexorably, her legs were drawn together by the magical substance and their structure and musculature changed. In a moment that seemed to take an eternity, her wings disappeared completely and the lower half of her body became a shining red mermaid's tail.

"I can't believe that WORKED!" the redtailed mermaid cried out exultantly as she flipped her new tail experimentally.


It was a puzzle that had the sea maiden perplexed and as she neared, heard the torian exclaim. At first she was concerned for her new found friend then began to see something unusual in the change that the Songbird was going through. It was only then that Ellyssa noticed Marena, so focused had she been on her endeavour until that moment. Her eyes were shining, she leant in and tried to swim toward the mer, crying out in surprise at how hard her tail propelled her.

"Marena! The most wonderful thing has happened!" she blurted out.

Marena dipped her head, peered underneath the crystal lake waters and blinked. She dived then, her scaled bluey-green bottom upending to get a better look at the splash of vibrant red that no longer appeared to the Songmistress' back but beneath her. She rose to the surface again to hear Ellyssa's further cry out and grinned if somewhat astonished. She propelled herself closer to now touch to the torian's arm, Marena's golden mass of matted hair once again buffing to damp volume once no longer dipped to the waters.


The young girl now also exclaimed in her stilted silken common with a certain elation even if disbelieving the change though her sea green eyes had seen it happen. Ellyssa beamed delightedly and reached out to fold Marena into a hug pulling the other woman to and attempting to whirl around in the water in her glee.

"No, I'm still a torian" she assured her friend. "But I acquired an artifact that lets me assume the form of a mermaid! So now I can explore the lake with you freely. Or even the ocean! I... was actually hoping you could teach me how to be a mermaid. How to swim like one."

Marena's own glee could be seen to the sparkle to her eyes, that glimmer of her siren's aura if only at its infancy.

"Yes....yes Songbird!" she uttered softly and silkily, though the name in Ellyssa's current state no longer felt appropriate "She work...what magicks?"

She threw the questions at the torian one after the other not even waiting to hear the answer at this point but ducked beneath the lake's surface, excited again to go exploring this wonderous thing that was now the, this..Songmer...well her mind was already whipping through the right titles to bestow as her sea green eyes were darting around the beautiful red scaled tail, its light and colour in the refracted sunlight was glorious and most unusual. However, it also made Ellyssa stand out and the mermaid's thoughts then grew cautious even as her fingers smoothed over the vibrant red scales, caressed over the hip and bottom to trace the tail down to its tail fin.

"Thy tail is beautiful Songmer"

Ellyssa flipped her tail up between the two of them and she examined the beautiful new fin avidly. She took a deep breath instinctively and rolled in the water, using her powerful new tail to overcome the buoyancy of her hollow bones and propel her beneath the surface where she rolled again to look up at the bluefinned Marena. Hesitantly, she tried a breath and grinned when it worked. It seemed she could breathe underwater too.

Ellyssa explained to the mermaid that she had obtained a magical device made by a master mage-smith which she could insert into her body to give her the ability to change it along certain lines. The device now enabled the torian to swim like the mermaid, something she had wanted to experience, especially since meeting Marena.

Marena twisted about the betailed torian, this new Songmer, a little sad then too that Ellyssa would no longer be dependent on her for her kiss of breath. But she inwardly shrugged, Marena was not one for remaining too sad or upset for very long, save for her one ongoing problem, and she gave a bright grin to the redhead. She spoke in her mer tongue fluently and fluidly if somewhat antiquatedly,

"Much joy, shall I gain from teaching thee Beauty but we shall begin to the lake for the ocean is dangerous and thee are like glowing ruby gem to the seas, so caution advise I, one tail flip at a time. There is much I would show to thee and this makes it easier"

The golden haired one of matted shame nodded in return, tugging the redscaled one down a little deeper and moving in a more graceful twisting somersault, arching her back and stretching out her arms with a little flick of her tail to demonstrate one of the simpler acrobatic moves, then she straighted and used the side fins of her tail with a little arm sculling to make a more horizontal twisting forward motion, rolling her body's length even as she glided forward. She paused then to watch if Ellyssa had noted the style and manner of her body's motions to try to copy.

Ellyssa too experienced a pang of her own that now she did not need to kiss Marena in order to breathe... but vowed to find other excuse! She watched the demonstration of the maneouvre intently then tucked into her own aquatic somersault, arching back and stretching out her own arms copying Marena's movements almost exactly. Not for nothing was she a dancer both on the ground and in the air, with nearly full control of her body and its movements. The flipping of the side fins presented a challenge but she was able to perform the same roll easily enough, if with less practiced grace and polish then the mermaid had displayed.

"Does it really stand out that much?" she asked curiously. "But yes, I agree. I have no desire to be eaten by some sea creature because I haven't learned the hazards yet."

"It is Beauty as thee are, Songmer and thee have done well!" and the mermaid waggled the tips of her fin and fingers in applaud of the torian's first acrobatic swimming to the waters. Both had been done with relative slow speed and Marena would need to teach the lovely redtailed creature the faster paces, it would begin with a race!

"It is only that the distances are far and show I probably too much caution where there need be none, mind me not Beauty! Come play and find speed, now we race!. Another, as thee are and we would truly be a gossip!"

And with that, Marena reached for Ellyssa's hand to at first guide her as they would pick up speed, slowly at first she moved her great tail back and forth with up and down motion that her whole body followed through with which allowed the most directed and efficient movement in the waters. She took Ellyssa with her for one half circle of the lake before letting go of the torian's hand and made to dart forward at a faster speed, willing the Songbird-come-Songmer to pick up the pace and race for the second half circle, the small dock being the starting point.

Initially, Ellyssa put too much emphasis on trying to wiggle her scaley rear to get herself to move through the water, but as she watched Marena on their first half circuit of the lake, she began to get the hang of it. By the time Marena released her hand, her coordination and ability to copy what she observed allowed her to swim in such a way that any non-mer could be forgiven for not realizing that she hadn't been born swimming. At least as long as they weren't comparing her to the easy fluid grace of Marena's movements. The bluefin easily outstripped the redfin on the second lap of their race and the redheaded mer's face knitted with concentration as she focused hard on her muscle movements. This was a sheer joy, but much harder work than she would have anticipated...

Marena slowed as they neared the docks and she was pleased to see Ellyssa, not too far behind and keeping a good motion of tail. She would need to manage many rounds of the lake without breaking for heavy water breath before Marena would consider taking her for an ocean's swim. Still beneath the waters, Marena coiled herself around the other girl, twisting her tailfin to tangle intimately with the Songmer's, her body brushing with light caress to breast and hip and belly.

"Thee must practice this race and build on it Beauty, then some more of the acrobatic before I take thee to the ocean's blue, but thee can do it and will I show to thee the island in good time."

The mermaid's smile was a bright as her hair was golden, happiness flooding her soul at sight and presence of this red-head and -tailed girl and her wish to join her to the oceans. Would that the mermaid could join her to the skies blue also, Marena made a little sigh with that passing thought but she could barely walk let alone fly.

Ellyssa giggled as Marena wrapped around her so closely, tangling her fiery ruby tail. She wrapped her own arms around the mermaid, drawing her in tighter and nuzzling noses.

"I'll do my best to practice every day" she said mock-solemnly, still giggling at the whole experience. "Teacher".

Ellyssa did not yet know the price she would have to pay for this ability, nor how hard it would be to keep that promise. In this moment, all the redtailed Songmer saw was the joy of shared discovery and growing closer to her true mermaid friend.

[[Beautifully played as ever, my thanks again to Ellyssa]]
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Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Marena on Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:48 pm

Gardens and Creations

In Ellyssa's lake, she had no means to organise herself, save by her sight, thought and memory and the scale of her plans meant keeping track of it all was tricky. There was a lot going on. So it was to the Il Mutar Hah, her first home and wilder, colder territory to the north with easier use of house and home that Marena began her written planning for her gardens. At first, she had simply travelled and gathered, used a rush woven basket to transport the samples and specimens from various rivers, ponds, streams and shallows from as far as Thallis to bring to the moat garden and pond of the Verkot castle and to the lake of the Songbird. There were other ponds she had her eyes on as well; one to the south west of the town belonging to a fire hurling drak sen Dragovar where she had seen an already established patch of the 'Bee's Treasure' growing to its banks, the other belonged to the Keeper Kanti and she had yet to determine what was there and what might be cultivated there.

For the sea cavern garden cultivations, she used her arms to wrap the various weeds and algae retrieved from sea weed beds and rocky coastlines, trailing them about her body and making several trips at a time to bring them to the sheltered sea cavern. The newly laid 'gardens' began to take shape. Plantings were laid out in flowing patterns rather than uniform rows and orderly patches, to the untrained eye it might look like random layout but Marena attempted to keep each garden looking 'natural' and with complimentary planting that the sea and fresh water creatures who lived in and about the acquatic herbs and flowers would also enjoy.

Her written garden plans were fairly sketchy, mostly drawings with a few markings and scratched childlike words of common, an attempt to record the patterns and locations as well as a rough sketch of the plant together with the naming she gave to them. She knew many of the properties of the sea plants and some of the properties of the fresh water ones having learned her craft from the Selkie who raised her. Some of the fresh water ones she needed to work on within the Apothecary to fully understand how they could aid in either medicinal, cosmetic or culinary ways. The tools within the blending room would aid more detailed understanding of all the plants secrets.

The Selkie, like the merwomen had knowledge of the sirens' beauty tricks but many of the fashionable products of the sea that aided skins to soften and manage the salt and the sun's rays, that brought colour to body parts to attract and that made the hair shine to sensual lustre also had curative elements of effects. It was just a question of how elements were extracted and how they were combined together.

Marena had a certain knowledge but also needed to take it further. The gardens were still in their infancy and there was much work to do before she would have working, cultivated and sustainable aquatic gardens that could support her homes' needs and those of the populace through the outlet of the Apothecary.

One early idea had taken shape already and the weeds of the sea needed to put this creation into sample form were readily available, though not yet from her sea garden. Marena gathered the necessary specimens from their coastal patches and used the blending room to play at developing her simple product. It would need testing, rigorous testing and approval before it could be anywhere near ready for promotion and sale within the little herb shoppe but it had potential. She only had to name it and bring the ingredients together in the right constituency. It had huge potential for Belariath, given the excessive matings that went on in the region.

Within the Apothecary itself, the mermaid left a scratched short note to both the Lord Twerlinger and the Keeper Kanti, giving the outline of her of many to come but this one, the first. She had hope it would prove to popular a product sale in due time as the one they called 'LP9'.

To the top of her note she finally thought of and added a name to this idea and creation and scrawled it down in her childlike hand...

The Mermaid's Kiss

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Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Marena on Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:52 pm


Some merfolk took to the land easily - perhaps those that had lived closer to the coasts and been raised with their folk to try out the solid earthy surfaces when purpose drew them to the land. Some took to it like a fish out of water...literally. Marena was one of the latter.

What to others used to legs might seem easy endeavour, to a mer unused to the land, even the simple act of walking was an enormous task. Marena had been slow to find her landlegs and even with the months spent to leg around Nanthalion and wider regions as opposed to tailed state, she still stumbled at times when walking uneven paths or turning sharply.

When faced with harder terrains, the sea maiden's legs grew as wobbly as if she were a jellyfish and it would take a whole lot of focus to traverse or climb what was put before her. It helped if the reward at the end of the proverbial tunnel would give her light feet to make it.

Key Obstacles that she had managed so far if not mastered included; a treetop view of the forest, a set of stepladders in the Apothecary and the steep circular staircase to the lighthouse of the Il Mutar Har.

The first had been managed by holding on to the fur to a wolven's back while it was he who had made the climb. The reward was the vista that she had been given pass to but knowing what she knew now, she had been lucky that the creature had not been after reward of his own from her for taking her there.

The stepladder was almost mastered if truth be told. Marena had now been up and down the steps umpteen times with hardly a wobble these days. The reward for so doing was gaining access to the treasures that the Lord and his Keeper had decided to stock up at the 'top shelf' level. These tended to be the most valuable but also the most interesting of the Apothecary blend stocks - the ones that teased a customer by virtue of the fact that they resided on that top shelf and therefore 'must' be the most interesting.

The lighthouse staircase had been a challenge, no --was-- still a challenge to the mermaid it must be said. The reward for achieving its dizzy altitude was the feeling of being worthy and valued to a special friend, that she was needed for something other than her healing ability by tending the oil pots for its lantern to keep the pirates at bay.

The biggest obstacle that Marena now faced was yet another set of steps. But this one was taller than the Apothecary stepladder and more vertical than the lighthouse steps. Its reward was as yet unattainable unless aided and even that she had only managed the once upon feeling a shute of air thrust up her dress, whisking her legged body upwards to reach the first level platform of the Songbird's treehouse in some magical transformation of wind and air. Some climbed, others flew. Marena just watched wistfully from her lake home and falls as visitor, owner and harem made their way easily up to those lofty heights to partake of its treasure.

Player of:
Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Marena on Fri Jun 23, 2017 5:28 pm

The Treasure Hoard - New Lessons

The little bell tinkled as Marena opened the door to the Apothecary. It announced her arrival just as her soft hum did. As she always did, Marena stood back to the now closed door, closed her eyes to take up the scents of the little herb shoppe trying to determine what had been, what was new, what had been moved, blended, poured, ground, spilled. It was always her first pleasure to undertake this small moment of sensory intake and test before she would move with light pad of her barefeet, taking slow steps into the foyer and towards the shop's main counter. The door had been unlocked so she glanced around for signs of activity and presence, scenting too as a test if she knew who was already inside. The day prior, there had been a new girl, a masked tall woman with frog motif on the mask of curious heritage.

"Hello?" She murmured softly and silkily, peering behind the counter to make her mark to the worklog. But no one was sat ducked down behind like she usually did to hide from potential customer while she explored the delights of the stocks.

"Greetings little treasure"

A voice offered softly from nearby which made the mermaid stop in her tracks, turn her black bonnetted head to see a robed arm wave from the office couch through the doorway then she caught sight of the full tall form, those grey tufts and glasses catching the light as her employer moved to the fire. 'Treasure' ...Marena bit her lower lip gently between her teeth as she pondered over his use of that term for her and melted ever so slightly at the nuance of it. The mermaid sighed and shook herself for being so silly and nearly stumbled in the process so grabbed onto the counter to steady before she padded lightly towards the open doorway. She peered in, to gain better view of this Lord in all his elderly glory, her sea green eyes scanning the now dry and fine looking furred ears and tail. The last time she had seen him, he had been somewhat more bedraggled.

"Is....greeting..Lord Twerl...inger yes" her silky soft voice offered those few words of common greeting. She saw the feline Lord shift, his fingers reaching for the pot of heated water and teapot without concern for burning his fingers to lift, tilt and pour so that the brew could be achieved. His lips curled into a smile as he reached out to grasp twin cups, padding slowly towards the desk to set them upon the end and join her.

"And how are you today my dear?" Enquired the feline, lifting a hand towards her cheek to touch it lightly. He made certain not to touch her bonnetted bundle of hair but to just press his furred digits against the girl's skin for a moment "And what brings you here upon this day, looking to explore more within the store or gardens, or just to enjoy the scents upon your senses?"

The sea maiden's lips lifted to her pretty smile, eyes lighting up brightly at the gentle touch to her cheek. It was a subtle moment and movement but she pressed her cheek back against his closed fingers and palm for a second. A flicker of golden lashes and the voyeur closed her eyes for that moment. A sniff, a catch of breath and the moment faded and Marena then swiftly lifted her gaze to his, now wider eyed and back to business. Her response was soft and quiet,

"She...well yes Lord...he well too?" and the girl hurried her gaze with not simply just a professional outlook over his body, though she did hunt hunt for any sign of injury, ailment or perhaps even old-age fatigue that her other arte might be needed to relieve. " pleases him, she like...his company in..maybe little more training hm hm" her query was tentative for anything he wished to do was likely to be amenable to the girl.

He pulled his fingers away dragging them lightly over her soft skin to grasp the handle of the teapot, pouring the green tea out into the two cups. Her question gave rise to a lift of his eyebrow. "Hmm.. and what would you like training in?" he enquired softly "Does the lady wish for some more time within the blending room, or the gardens to explore and embrace her work, or is there something else she'd enjoy being taught to do in these moments?" he asked as he watched her quietly for response.

Marena had not failed to note the bandage again to his wrist and knew well now what lay beneath, its twin born upon the Keeper Kanti's own; a bond and anchor. She drew herself out of that melancholy that threatened to keep her in its grasp with another deep inhale of breath, a check to her bonnet's ties that were tight beneath her chin and a smoothing of her palms down her black silken dress. If she mentioned it, the melancholy would take over and Marena, the curious one, was hard pressed to keep on track and not fall to pieces. She swallowed, watching him pour the tea before answering in her broken common,

"Day before...she met new clerk with frog mask...who ask her for alchemy training...she tell...that she also still in training....think she...if she know more, she can help train others pleases Lord...please to help again with blending knowings..." But then a thought stabbed at her sharply and her eyes grew wider again. If she learned too quickly, these lessons would stop. Her lips parted as the conflict reigned over her then added hurriedly "....or..not...can thing yes" Foolish girl! She moved towards one of the cups poured to lift and offer one to him before reaching for her own, cupping it to her two hands.

The feline Lord watched her quietly for a moment, saw that check, that soft utterance of words and he nodded and stepped slowly towards her to take the cup out of her hands. He faced the young girl and peered over those glasses at her with tri-coloured gaze for a moment before he licked his lips slowly "Truth between us Marena" he said softly and quietly, his other hand lifting, waved slowly through the air as he chanted a few words that pushed the office door to close. "What is going through your pretty little mind right now. Why did you change your mind about what you wanted?" he stepped in just a little closer to press lightly against her form as he asked her softly. "Nothing you can say or admit will shock, upset or annoy me. You are far far too lovely for that to happen, so tell me, what was that thought that made you change your mind. And I know you had something going through it, your eyes, your body admit it to me" he whispered quietly.

Marena seldom lied, truths were what she thrived on, learned from and sought. She lifted her gaze to his, somewhat mesmerised yet again by the tri-coloured orbs behind those spectacles. She vaguely heard the door close and felt the tingle of some spell's weave being cast. "Truth....truth is that...she wish to learn...muchly....but truth also...Lord...she not times...with come to end no" There came no blush for such an admittance, no shy casting aside of her eyes. She told him it directly, even as her gaze was trapped. He was the Keeper of all that she currently strived for while she searched and she waited and she hoped. The mermaid moistened her dry lips with the tip of her tongue as she watched his reaction. The young girl was stuck between a rock and a hard place, wanting him but also wanting the knowledge.

Lord Twerlinger watched her as she spoke then smiled softly and gave a soft nod of his head "You are aware there is only a limit of so much that can be taught within a store, so much knowledge that can be imparted which means that if such tutoring is restricted to just here, then at some point, things must come to an end as is nature?" he asked, watching that trail of tongue over her lips, before he shifted "Although, if perhaps you were willing to consider training of things outside of the store... then that might provide the lattitude for exploring your talents in other ways as well, which would extend such time as you would be under me for such firm things" he proposed as an option.

The possibility had not even occurred to the naive sea maiden. The Treasures within this store and its Lord's mind were the original temptation, what else could there be? Marena, though puzzled, nodded eagerly setting her bonnets cap with its heavy burden to bob. There were treasures beyond the store? Marena would discover them all provided it meant keeping company with its master. He was no Songmaster, but a noble with a heap of knowledge and one treasure trove that had already lured her before they'd even met. " not sure...if her arte and her skill...give the talente he seek...but she try yes Lord...if more treasures and knowings..he teach her" that pretty smile was given, that aura beamed out, innocent but with hint of her ancestry. But for the bonnet hiding her golden glory, her appeal was mediocre compared to a trained seductress or active sea siren and Marena was not even trying.

He gave her a soft smile as she responded brightly, reaching for his own teacup "Get your cup then, lets go for a walk and see what things you might be interested in," He turned towards the door but paused and glanced back "Some of this.. might be a little upsetting, but if I'm going to teach.. then I need to know what you can and can't handle. I promise that what we do today, won't hurt you." He led her out of the front door to the shop and out into the tower of magic itself.
Player of:
Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Marena on Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:13 am

The Treasure Hoard - Illusions

The mermaid had set foot only once before to the magic tower that lay beyond the herb shop, its office, its blending room and its garden and that was for a brief guided visit to the library. She took a few soft slurps of the tea with the cup held between both hands before lowering it. It seemed to the mermaid that the tea was a requisite for the tower tour, like some badge of entry so she held on to it tightly, holding it and its infusion contents now carefully to her black silkclad breasts, letting the crafted stoneware nestle and her soft bosom act as buoy to its harder mold.


She followed obediently, trailing a little behind him as she carried her tea cup and concentrated on her placement of bare feet so as not to stumble and she caught him up at the bottom of the white tower's steps. Twerlinger waved a hand towards them,

"These lead to the higher levels and to the top of the tower where the Headmaster has his office. Only those who have been granted access can progress higher, and thats normally for those who work within the tower as teachers and instructors, or researchers. This ground floor however, is open to the public so all can explore and make use of some of the limited facilities upon offer"

He glanced towards her before he moved across the foyer towards one of the main passageways.

"There are many libraries within the tower for those who want to research and learn to improve their arts, regardless of what it might be, Arcane, Fire, Water, Necromancy, Healing. Each has areas for study within the libraries and each are open to any that might wish to view it."

His feet carried him down, and hers along behind until they reached the first open doorway to the libraries. He paused to lean against the wall

"Which means, should a lovely little mermaid decide that she wants to find things to learn that might be within the books here, in any language...then she can come and do such to help improve herself"

She remembered and told the Lord of her first visit to the libraries where a merfolk friend was scribing a book in the mer language on healing techniques as a gift for her and explained her issue with her reading ability. At that time her focus had been solely upon the library and her friend and she had not seen much of the magic tower's other chambers. Marena kept close to Twerlinger, listening attentively as he directed her attention to the various side chambers and strode through its halls, reaching to catch hold of his robe carefully and lightly at one point from behind but dropped her light clutch if he outpaced her through longer stride. She kept her hold hidden as best from view and behind his back, not wishing to lose contact nor wishing others or he to see her need for support. Yet the Lord felt that gentle tug and slowed himself so it wouldn't be lost even as she explained things.

"I see, well then.. perhaps thats something we can work on that for you if you want" He spoke softly and turned his gaze fully upon her before lifting his cup to his lips.

"I'm sure that the Headmaster wouldn't have an issue with me borrowing some books into the store if you felt more comfortable there, in order to help you...if its what you would like?" He offered softly. The young girl made a small soft hum, it was an eery sound in the echo of the library, then shook her bonnetted head,

" better to showing..teaching ....not find...easy by book"

The sea maiden was a reluctant student when it came to reading, not being a natural pastime for one used to the underwater life. Reading held less appeal unless she really...really...had to. Scrolls of magic and tomes of anatomy were one thing, Marena pushed herself to read them, but rather enjoyed the pictorial content more. Volumes of scribed text were just a blurr and a puzzle to her.

"Maybe....Lord ask Headmaster....but..she only maybe...take book with...picture also...yes"

Marena copied the feline by taking another slurping sip of her tea, holding gaze with him, eyes lifted to his above the rim of her cup. She noted, he didn't make the same slurping noises and wondered why ever not. She tried another sip without slurping, but always her upper lip took in air instead of sealing to the cup's rim and a light slurp ensued. It didn't bother her too much but she made note to practice some.

"More than a few learn better that way, which is why..."

Twerlinger nodded lightly then paused, grinned and turned to take a couple more steps towards a non-descript door in the wall that looked like a door to a simple closet. His fingers curled around the doorhandle,

"It will be dark inside to begin with"

He warned then pulled the door open and stepped inside into the darkness. The door closed behind the pair and a soft light appeared beneath their feet, the floor itself was aglow with just enough illumination under their steps that he could see her and she him.

"These.. are the training rooms...places for people to come and practice and study things in other ways".

His free hand lifted to make a wave, leaving a trail of light of rainbow colours in its wake,

"They respond to your will and your mind. A strong mind creates something more sturdy than those who aren't focused, so some use this as simply a way of focusing their minds. Others...."

A snap of his fingers banished the darkness and revealed a beach upon the ocean, waves lapping against the sandy shore, palm trees waving in the breeze as the sun shone down with just a gentle warmth rather than full scale heat,

"Others use this to hone their skills in various ways".


She couldn't help it. Astonished, Marena's jaw dropped inelegantly as she watched the rainbow light show and the appearance of the vision of a beach. Her senses were teased by the imagery and she attempted to gauge and test just how real this was. Long golden lashes blinked to gain clarity of sight, her head tilted to listen for the sounds that came with the beach; the lapping or roll of wave, the song of birds, the rustle of leaves to the trees of the breeze, the scuttle of crab and crustacean and slither of worm in the sands. Keeping hold of his robe with one hand, her other slender hand lifted out to try and reach and feel the sun's rays upon it. And lastly, she lifted nose to smell the sea, its saltiness and its weeds.

"He....have make home? What...power he have....for more"

The ideas now shaping to her mind were endless. Many 'what ifs' coursed through her young naive mind. Problems could be solved with one waggle of his finger. Here was a treasure like no other.

The feline noble smiled softly "It is only an illusion Marena. It affects the see the beach, you feel the sand, you hear the water, you can taste the salt if you drank it, but none of it is real, which is the sad point about it."

His fngers shifted slowly to undo his robe, its sash and its clasps, letting the material slither to the floor and from her grip which left him standing in just his breeches and sandals. Even his foot coverings were discarded to leave him bare footed.

"What it does though, is allow you to shape the world within as you want, to feel, to hear, to experience things as you would want it."

With a narrowing of gaze, a small oaken table formed slowly out of the sand, rising like a hand through the water till it was standing as if it had always been there. A small orb of china formed upon the top of it and the noble turned his gaze towards her, reaching out to slowly curl his fingers against her hand.

"Trust me?" he enquired softly.

Marena turned her awed gaze from the illusion to Twerlinger, the Keeper of the Treasure Hoard whose treasure chambers had now just expanded exponentially - Marena had no idea what that word would have meant but easily substituted it for 'lots...and ..lots' in her young untrained mind - finally setting down her cup to put her trust in the Lord the same as he had done to her the time before. She laid her finger tips to his furred hand, lightly and tentatively. He had partially disrobed, was she meant to also? Another small quandry for the mermaid to figure out the etiquette within the magic tower but for now, she simply gave him her hand to lead her.
Player of:
Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Marena on Mon Sep 04, 2017 8:44 pm

The Heart's Ache

It was rare of late for the mermaid to be wandering in the town, news of a certain missing Songbird had left the sea maiden morose and lolling to the lake or to the sea garden beds, nuturing her plantations. Even thoughts of the herbal aromas, greying tufts of fur, silverbolt streaks, tri-colored eyes peering over spectacles or the heat of a drak or a dark lord had not enticed her easily to seek them out. Progress on her searches was becoming daunting and limited. The mermaid, usually cheerful, had fallen into a melancholy. A few weeks passed and she stirred, seeking the company of others again albeit it in small doses and this time not of the sea kith variety.

So it was, she stumbled near literally into the dark lord bearing tool at his waist, near barrel chested and she hesitated from throwing herself into his arms to lay kiss to his darkskinned features having missed him. Time had moved on, perhaps somethings had changed. That thought passed momentarily to her simplistic mind whereupon she was grabbed by the waist, growled at in some semblance of a language of the land, squeezed most thoroughly to hips and thighs and promptly whisked to sit to the dark lord's lap upon nearby bench, a lap that was solid, firm and comfortable.

"It would seem that you still call me 'lord', little Marena. You do realize one of these days I am going to take you somewhere quiet and fill your sweetness with my heat and claim you like a prince does a kingdom."

It was a veritable throne for any princess and highly suitable for a slight mermaid to coil up against and curl atop. She let her weak legs dangle over his muscled thighs and her pert bottom nestle to the darkly clad fine lap, her arms wrap about his shoulders and neck and her face to bury into his neck to nuzzle for a moment, drawing in the musky and manly scent of him before lifting gaze to meet his, sea green eyes shining brightly with a true happiness to be taken thus, into his embrace.

"She go where he will, where he ask..when she meet him yes" sikily spoken words, light in their tone as the mermaid was somewhat breathless from the emotions swirling upon her. "She miss him muchly" a little bonneted nod, an innocent statement but a heartfelt one even so. She beamed her pretty smile, white teeth now displaying and promptly dropped her lips to his, pressing gently in a sweet kiss. It was not one that lingered with passion, nor delved deep into any raunchy mood, but was simple and fondly given showing her willingness. Marena was fully comfortable in this male's embrace and a giving soul when comfortable.

There was a certain vanity to the dark skinned male in wishing her to remember him, to out and out dream of him and wake up panting and wanting more. But little did he know that the sea maiden could never forget the magi who had shown her so much. He owed her a commission, a promise made is one to be kept but any gifts he could give her or the riches he could afford to spend on her were nothing compared to the treasure of his time and the glimpse of his passion or affection she caught to his amber eyes. Anyone who knew her and saw her with him, might wonder if she really did 'love' this 'songmaster she'd spoken of, should they have caught sight of her to this male's arms.

She checked him over for injury or bruise, felt over his body for fresh scar that suggested he had need of her more than for a simple embrace and lap sitting. She quizzed him about his absences, if he was in any danger offered him solace and escape to her underwater hideaways. It would have meant him taking regular kiss and risking severe wrinkling of his dark skin to remain beneath for any length of time and though the thought of her constant mermaid's kisses appealed to the lord of the smiths, he was perfectly capable of hiding and taking care of himself. To her ears it sounded like he was about to be gone again, this meeting as with the others but fleeting and rare. It put her in mind of her melancholy and he could see her concern and enquired of it. She spoke of her missing friend, the lack of time to say her farewell and the ache to her heart.

"..when music of Songbird dies and fades... a little of her die also"

She stroked a finger across his cheek. Perhaps this was why the mermaid was extra clingy this day. She didn't want to lose him too. He nodded to her and spoke gently

"That is the way of life. When something you care about goes away, an ache shows up within you. In time, it will get easier to deal with, but you will live on and move forward. Whatever songs that you remember from your friend? Keep them with you and allow them to lift up your spirit whenenver you feel down and depressed."

His words were a comfort, his embrace a rock to cling to on a turbulent sea and his kisses magical. Marena could get lost in his kisses, be they warm and gentle or deeper with that tendancy to engulf her in the flames of his furnace. Her lips lifted obediently and eagerly to meet with his, her tongue would peek out to play should his seek it, her body would bare and give willingly at his request. Yet the mermaid was still not one to initiate coy or forward advances. She merely gave to him where he asked and learned as he taught, explored then in that learning. She murmured soft words against his lips,

"If he -ever- hurt...think to come to her...if he ever have need of her....he come to her...if he wish just for company...she there for him...if he ache or need old body tending...this she do...if he wish mate...her body wish mate for him...she not want that ache to feel for him...nor time to pass to have to deal with that ache truths spoken yes"

Each knew the other had other lovers and special friends but it was accepted and her melancholy partly lifted to hear a returned promise,

"If my body is shattered, I will rise from the dirt and stride to you in request. If my fires are brought to low embers, shall I call upon you to stoke the tongues back to full rise. If spirit seems to be in ruin, shall I rest my head against your thighs until the tapestry of my soul is rewoven. In you do I trust, Marena, more so than most."

To receive a vow of equal standing was a delight to the mermaid, to feel that whatever time might pass until their next meeting, she would be remembered and valued, to know that this ache was not one of loss but of the dearest even, made her whisper against his lips before they parted company again,

"His song, very beautiful...his word is music even though...he is no songmaster"

She pressed her nose gently to his, letting it linger, a clear sign of her affection for him "..time will she make for him, below...or above, to her waters..or to his skies dark lord of the Magi " and with a light giggle, a musical laugh she was happier again, the melancholy waved away for that day as if the tide had washed it aside, just by having these moments with him.
Player of:
Marena - "Take a breath, Rest your head....."
Rowan Capell
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Re: Marena: The Meaning of Treasure (Open)

Postby Wadeywade on Wed Nov 29, 2017 10:06 pm


Left on a stone near the black sanded beach, a note fluttered beneath a sunstone that gleamed golden in the dying winter' sun. The note had only one word, "Marena" printed on it in neat, blocky letters and nothing else.
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