New Begining (Traaels family)

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New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby Sha`Ruse on Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:46 am

The torture and constant pain from Tra`Von (Traael's Dragon) were finally over- but at a price.  No longer did Traael look as beautiful and young, now she was tarnished and weathered.  No longer having bright white skin, now is dull and an off white.  Her eyes and scales on her wings, tail and body no longer has the brilliant luster of once before, now dull and sullen looking.  She looked like an 80 year old human in a Dreams body, having all the complications that comes with age. 
Traael still had some of her memory- but only from the day of her bonding to her mate, Maroux.  Anything before then would be forgotten, but she still recognizes faces and voices, from those whom she met after her bonding. 

One of the things that Tra`Von demanded was that her family would weekly offer him a dream of theirs- to become worshippers of him, and to Traael.  Loyalty was now demanded, as was respect and rule following.  If they did not offer a dream a week, then they would be punished severely by Traaels own hand, per her Dragon.   

This is where the story begins; dreams and plays between family members as they all deal with the new changes in their Mistress... hopefully everything will turn out fine turns out for the best for everyone. 
Mun of: Traael, Cameo, Lelay, Varis, Syn, Lyon
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Erin Tarcata on the First Night

Postby CallieO on Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:49 am

Erin Tarcata lights a candle in her room on the first night, and looks at it with devotion. The Lady is not a jealous goddess, so Erin will worship Tra`Von also, as requested and demanded by him. Anything to help Traael return to her former glory.

"Blessed Tra`Von," Erin says, eyes locked on the candle. "I am Mistress Traael's humble slave, and she is yours, which makes me yours as well. Tonight I offer a dream to you, in the hope that it will build my mistress back up in your eyes."

She repeats those words in Vulpani, and then blows the candle out, knowing that Tra`Von had heard her. Then she lies down in bed, and though she finds it hard at first, within half an hour she's finally asleep.

Her dreams this night are stormy and troubled. She dreams that her beloved Mistress Traael dies of old age while Erin, Cruia, and Maroux are forced to watch helplessly. That thought leads Erin back to the human masters and mistresses whom she'd served in life, and how so many of them had died in old age as well. A few of them went before their time, though, in combat, or through sickness. And the last remnants of the family burned to death in a fire while Erin was away on an errand.

Yes... very troubled thoughts tonight.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby VanMasterson on Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:04 am

*cruia knealt at the stature and offered a soft prayer before bed as she then headed to her bed..she was very tired indeed as she curled up on the sheets..having not bothered to undress and still had her hands clasped together as she closed her eyes and her dream began...*she envisioned her mistress healthy again,,so vibrant and beautifull as she smiled in her sleep...she serviced her mistress with her every breathe and then some..she loved her deeply...then she saw the pain tra was going through and her tears started...the dream had reflected life..her silent screamed caught in the darkness as she saw her mistress fade in and out of exsistance as her scream continued...her fingers ripping at that solid shadows surrounding her mistress...trying in all her might to keep a hold of her...feeling the cold..the darkness take hold of her as well as she screamed out Tra von;s name but no sounds came from her mouth...her tears froze as they fell as she could see her own breath and watched them shatter as they his her love's face and then...seeing tra fade out completly as she let out a heart wrenching wail of pure sorrow as she offered that to the dragon..her pain her sorry her fear... as she shivverd in her own sleep and curled up into a ball calling out to her mistress even in that terrified slumber.
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby Sha`Ruse on Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:20 am

It has been a day and a half since the 6 month punishment had begun, and the tarnished Traael was trying to resume a normal life. She forced herself to prepare meals, to take a walk around the property, water the garden, and made herself walk up and down hte hill to their home. it was night time, and Traael was finishing up with the dishes and such, very much in pain, as her back threatened to give out as did her legs, cramping bicept made her pause in her washing to grip it and tried to massage the cramp out, which finally did and thought that it was enough for one day. She let the dishes out to dry, figuring someone else could put them away, or she would get it in hte morning before her shift. She would sigh as she mvoed into the living room, and slowly lowered herself inot a kneeling position and closed her eyes, bringing a hand to her pocket and held both scales that Maroux threw, and started to offer her day to her Dragon. She would offer all the pain, the struggle, and her stubbornness to him, showing that she would not let his punishment keep her from doing what needed to be done, showing him her strength and willingness to do what he wished of her. Once the day was offered, she would open her eyes and places the scales back into her pocket and reached for the statue to help her to rise. She would look around the living room and the kitchen to see if there was anyone around, before going back into the kitchen to get a drink of iced cold tea, before heading towards the stairs to her bedroom, unless somoene else stopped her.
Mun of: Traael, Cameo, Lelay, Varis, Syn, Lyon
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby VanMasterson on Fri Jun 02, 2017 4:35 am

*cruia would awaken from her nightmare shivvering and fearfull but see's her mistress walk past her room and runs out to her..she was in a cold sweat and gently takes her hand and holds onto it..letting her know sh was loved a she wraps her trembllng wings around her sen and does not utter a word of what her nightmare was..that was for Tra von to enjoy as she smiles and leans up and kisses her mistress on the lips and just holds her close and best as she can and also making sue the other family members can also give their mistress attention as well..knowing her mistress needed it and deserved it
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby Sha`Ruse on Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:43 pm

Traael would accept Cruias hand as she slowly makes her way to her bedroom. She was silent as she moved, to ashamed of the pain she was in, and needed someone steady to help her move. Traael felt Cruia wing tremble, but still said nothing. Once Traael was in her bed, she would smile to her. "Thank you Cruia, you need rest. You may sleep with me if you wish. I will keep the nightmares away." she said softly. Being a creature of Dreams, she always had a feeling of what dreams her family were having and it sadden her. With the Dream Realm magic, she would whisper a silent spell, causing a calm and comforting air to the house, allowing only good dreams to her family minds. With a sigh, she would close her eyes and begin her rest, feeling better knowing her family could sleep better.
Mun of: Traael, Cameo, Lelay, Varis, Syn, Lyon
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby VanMasterson on Fri Jun 09, 2017 1:29 pm

*cruia sneaks into her mistress's bed with mar and anyone else who joins them...just wanting the bad dreams to stay away as mistress had said she could that..also another reason to cuddle them all as she falls asleep rather easily...her th dragon and mistress they were vivid...but nice...seeing herself fly through the air flapping her wings and with all of the family..even those without wings..all happy and surrounding traael in her youthfull form and all lavishing attention on the sen...her smile was very promiment even while sleeping as she cuddled to her mistress tightly and draped her wing over hers and tra's and mars and anyone of the bed's form..she wore her silk nightie and scooted under the blankets for warmth because it was chilly but it did not stop the dream...they all soared away to a grassy plain where they sat down and had a meal and laughed and talked and were all joyous her dream kept going on showing the happines they were all having together as she was blushing in her sleep..apart of something so grand and the love that was was a good sleep if not great as when tra would wake up she would see a very happy torian cuddled tight you her!
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby CallieO on Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:45 pm

Throughout the first week of Traael's curse, Erin Tarcata has been with her mistress much of the time, helping her get out of bed, dress, and bathe. As someone who's used to taking care of elderly people, because she did so with her human family, Erin recognizes that Traael's been steadily improving.

Leaving Traael in the capable hands of her husband Maroux and most of the family, Erin headed to the villa of her ex-boyfriend Nairun Moon, to apologize for the abrupt way she'd left him four months previously to get willingly collared to Traael. She'd made a meal for him, and they'd slept together. Erin returns home on one of Traael's borrowed horses, and makes it back before noon the next day.

That night, she again lights a candle and speaks to Tra`Von. "Holy Tra`Von, for the sake of my Mistress Traael, I again dedicate a dream tonight for you. May you be pleased by my offering." She blows out the candle, and because she'd tired herself out this day, she falls asleep relatively fast this time.


The Dream

"Miss Erin, why do vulpines look like foxes?" This precocious question was asked by a six-year-old brunette girl, Jenny Thompson, third-born offspring of Erin's current master, Anthony Thompson. Erin, sitting cross-legged in front of her, has been put in charge of the children for the day while Master Anthony and his wife are at work.

Erin has long since given up the fight on being addressed by the children as "Miss". They all three adore and revere her, far beyond what Erin's used to as a slave, even though she's 385 years old, many centuries older than any human could ever hope to reach.

"Why, the spirit of The Lady was without form before the world came to be," Erin explains. "Then the other gods began to create the world, the animals, and some of the earliest sapient life forms to come into existence." Erin uses ten-mehrial words like 'sapient' because she knows Jenny is very intelligent, and she never talks down to the child. Erin likes seeing the look in the children's eyes when they learn something new.

Young Jenny Thompson is getting that look right now.

"When The Lady decided to take a form for Herself, She first took a look at some of the animals that had been created. She found a kindred spirit in that of the fox, cunning and clever. So She finally chose Her form, based off of the fox's design-- only standing on two legs, like a human. She gave Herself thumbs like a human, too, to help Her grip things, because She's very wise," Erin says.

"She *sounds* very smart, like you," Jenny opines.

Erin laughs brightly. "Oh, she's been around for a very long time even by *my* standards," the vixen replies. "Millions, perhaps billions, of years. There's no way to know. So I'd say She's much, much smarter than I am."

Jenny scratches her chin thoughtfully. "I know how... you like to make things out of wood. Can you make me... a fox?" she asks.

Erin is speechless for a moment. Whenever she's sculpted up to this point, she's done it in her own free time, simply because she enjoyed it. She wouldn't consider herself an expert sculptor by any means. But seeing the plantive look in Jenny's eyes quickly breaks down any lack of confidence on Erin's part. She'll love it simply because Erin put the work in. Which, on the other hand, is not an excuse for half-assing it.

Erin leans in and kisses the girl on the forehead. "Yes, I will," she replies.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby Slavya on Sat Jun 10, 2017 3:06 am

*Had moves to the statue, looking to it with slight sadness, wanting it all to end. She knelt before the statue, igniting the candle and bowing her head and whispering to the statue, hoping she can soon be done with this. She looked to the floor before again looking to the statue* Tra`von...please take my dream for my mistress... *she blew out the candle, heading for her room for the dream start*

Had was younger, much younger, only 18 again. She was home, her old home with her parents. She was in a small room, her mother gone and in the room with her father, who was chanting something. He was wearing heavy robes, while she was wearing nothing. She looked up to him, covering her herself with her wings, feeling a dark energy flowing from her father to her, binding to her permanently. He'd look up to her, leaving the room as she's left there, not knowing it but he had just placed a curse on her, one that would affect her later in life. She felt different, like a dark magic clung to her always, unable to get rid of it.
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby VanMasterson on Mon Jun 12, 2017 1:35 pm

*cruia smiles and yet always seems to be moaning softly as she moves.her mistress;s gifts making it so as she walks by the statue and smiles and kneels to it offering up her prayer and her dream for that night as she blows out a candle and heads to her room to fall into that slumber after releasing herself from all of her clothing and laying there naked..for the dragon to see those fresh rings in her swollen nipples and the slickness between her thighs..she offered up the experiences of that day...of having both her nipples pierced by metal and then again by the rings...such intense pain and pleasure had her almost gushing in her sleep as she squirmed..her large breasts swaying with the movement of her tossing about..her breasts slapping together softly as she turns and it makes more moans illect from her between her ruby red lips...showing him how her mistress was dominating her..turning her into a pain slut for his and her enjoyment and she loved every moment of it..her dreams so vivid as if she was having it done gain..and her mistress promise to have it done to her clit brought forth a pleasure able moan within her sleep as a hand moves down her stomach to part her if to bed to the dragon or tra von to enter her and fill her with pleasure. Her body was hot with need as she was always in a constant state of arousal and whimpered in dire stress as her hand splayed open her flower of tanned petals to Tra von and her mistress and any as her door was fully open..her other hand tugging at those orbs and almost touching her nipples as i her sleep state of mind..those were for her mistress to touch at this time of soreness...she liked to hear her firebird scream out and cruia was more then happy to oblige her mistress's darker desires.......this she offered to Tra Van to appaise him and more as her energy and lust were directed to both his dream and to him.
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby VanMasterson on Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:56 pm

*cruia smiles chanting her mistresss name as she falls into a easy event of that nigh flowing through her mind..the gift...the collar coming off..her joy her tears her love for he drak sen she gave her heart mind body and soul out to were all there...she could not putthem to words but letted her feeling gush out to tra von...he would see that the firebird was bright as a sun with her heat overflowing for traael..her mistres and lover..she would offer her dream of pure estatic bliss to the dragon..her heart could not contain it would not and she would shine there in that dream..offering all the love and pleasure and contentment and tears that her mistress had brought upon her with taking her as a concubining show....she would offer no images just blinding pure light of seet enjoyment and happiness...that was what she would offer..what more was better then that and her chanting her mstress;s nale and love within that dream as she laid herself bare to show the dragon that her love for Traael as pure and strong!...that was her dream she offered this night (9sunday)) to the dragon
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Re: New Begining (Traaels family)

Postby VanMasterson on Mon Jul 17, 2017 4:03 pm

*cruia drifted off to slumber in her master's arms...her mistress turned male as that night had been one of dominance of her and then loving tenderness after...she dreamed of the keep where she had surprised her mistress with her special nightie and underwear in thanks for that meal...the sweetness and love that was shred by both untill her mistress then went into the bathroom and came out massive and strong..a male drak sen and at that moment cruia realized what true dominance was...his commands upon that bed and then wisking her away to the bathhouse where those commands...demands and her compliance were all given...her eyes as she was taken so brutally an used as such then made to make her master orgasm and barel able to walk...that tie of his leading her by her nipples as she was walked naked through town and then the blisfull pain of that clit of hers being ringed only to be rewarded after with buying her lots of clothing...yet not able to wear it untill they went home and then..on that bed with her master..her mistres her sen as she was cuddled and told how brave and good she was...this dream of this day was everything to her as she offered this to Tra Von..showing him that Traael was not weak at all..that she asserted herself upon her willing firebird and in turn..the rewards after...this was the dream she offered this night*
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