The little nightling takes quill to parchment and writes out the following announcement, her script beautiful but to watch her write is almost painful to observe, as she does so awkwardly with her right hand.
Wanted: Dost need four people, male or female dost not matter, to serve at a small party art hosting upon an island, though will inform where only when art hired. Dost need men for the heavy lifting, not that women art not as capable, to put up a rather large tent structure. The pay ist considerate upon how much work dost wish to employ upon mine small endeavor. Fifty merhials for just putting up the tent and to set it to rights, so canst walk into it and it be ready to settle mineself and entourage . Shalt Pay more commensurate to the level of continued work to serve both drinks and fresh caught seafood and the like to mine guests and mineself. If dost not wish to serve in the capacity of a waitor/waitress, canst still stay for a bit to enjoy the festivities. Merely a large bonfire, some dancers, naturally and other private or not so private amusements. Please get word to either India or Lianna to sign up. Mine humble Thanks, India.
OOC: All sex and possible rape has to have ooc of course, but be signing up to stay after the work, you are consenting, but may refuse any person at any time no reason needed. Will be sailing out and the date is to be determined and will have to be during the work week unfortunately as I cannot do weekends very well. The date will be decided on how many people can be on at the same time.