Seeking an Entertainment Mentor

Private tutoring in skills or any other IC subject available or wanted.

Moderators: Keaira, Tarin

Seeking an Entertainment Mentor

Postby Twerlinger on Tue Nov 01, 2011 9:36 pm

Posted up around the town, none inside the Lonely Inn, although several were gracing tree trunks and other suitable surfaces around it.


A mentor in the arts of entertainment, must have a reasonably wide range of skills to impart to another, preferably with a grasp of the more 'exotic' forms of dancing. Payment will be discussed upon enquiry, and will be consumate with the skills that you would be offering.



Catch me on IRC, or send me a fae with details of what skills you might be able to teach, and an idea of times that you would be on and able to explore such teaching
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