How to Register your new slave

For posts by owners and slaves to complete registration or de-registration of slaves.

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How to Register your new slave

Postby L`aquera on Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:07 pm

Slave Registration

The Authority maintains a list of registered slaves and their owners, which is available for public viewing at any time. Owners of slaves are required to register their property with them and pay the slave tax but in return, the empire offers protection against having registered slaves stolen or damaged.

Registering a slave costs 100 Mh and is required before a slave can wear a collar in TLI and before such ownership is officially recognised.

Included in the registration fee are a collar, and leash, made of simple leather for each slave registered. In addition, ONE training lesson given by a Sanctioned ISA Trainer, will be covered by the fee. The lesson can be given to the slave (OOC consent from the slave is required), or the owner in the form of a "How to..", by a Trainer of their choice.

Before registration can be accepted, players of both owner and slave must post notification on the Message Board. This post signifies their OOC agreement to the collaring and that they have both read and understood the rules of slave ownership.

Continued registration costs 20Mh monthly which is automatically deducted from the owner's bank account.

There are no limits on numbers of slaves owned except the ability to pay for their ownership and having enough equipment slots to hold them.
Benefits of Registration
The slave must wear a character collar in TLI in the form of <name{Owner Abbreviation}> signifying their status.
The owner's name will be shown in a slave description via Desdaemona.
A slave owner gets the security of having the empire protect his property from harm where needed, especially when he is absent.
Should a slave be abducted, the Authority will pay all fees for a bounty hunter to effect their recovery and for any punishment of the abductor.
Slaves have the knowledge that they can approach officials for help if their owner mistreats them beyond reasonable limits.
Slaves do not pay the standard 10Mh/month for room and/or board as they are considered fed and housed by their owner.

A personal collar takes the form of {SB} for example to denote the name of the owner, in this case StormBringer.
Each slave owned by a character takes two equipment slots.
If you don't have the free slots you have to buy them or free them up.
Slaves may not be uncollared sooner than 30 days after registration.

Business Slaves

Shops and other official bodies are allowed to buy and own slaves to assist in the activities of their enterprise. Such slaves are subject to normal acceptable use but may also find their duties are more varied. They are not considered the personal property of the shopkeeper but that individual is ultimately responsible for the correct behavior of any slaves owned by their organization.

Two slaves may be owned by any officially recognised shop or enterprise except the Lonely Inn, which has no restrictions.

A business collar takes the form of {NB} for example to denote the Naked Bird.
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Postby L`aquera on Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:09 pm

NOTE: For convenience I term slaves as female and owners as male. That is the most common configuration but everything here applies irrespective of the various genders.
Defining a Slave Owner

In simple terms a slave owner is the possessor of a piece of property in exactly the same way as your character may own a sword. The slave has no rights to hold any possessions of her own or to do anything without your permission.

So that sounds wonderful doesn't it? An attractive girl who will do whatever you want, any time, anywhere. But with ownership comes responsibility. This is your possession, so you are responsible for the care and maintenance of it. A good owner will take care of his slave's needs (as opposed to wants) and will provide guidance and training to help her become a better slave and thus increase both the value of his property and his enjoyment of it. A bad owner will let his slave run free without any rules, mistreat his property or neglect it. But consider this: if you don't tie your horse up properly and it escapes to cause damage, you are responsible for it's actions. Similarly, if your slave gets into trouble due to your carelessness or neglect, you are responsible for the consequences.

If you don't feel able to give that degree of commitment to the ownership of another character then you should consider carefully if taking a slave is the right thing for you to do at this stage. You should be especially careful of collaring a number of characters in a short period. Careless decisions will come back to haunt you.

OOC Note: You are very strongly advised to make sure you understand not only the implications of taking a slave but also your prospective partner's understanding of what is involved. Get to know the person OOC first and discuss what you both want from the owner and slave relationship. It avoids a lot of pain later on.

Remember too that you are collaring a character not the player. Doing so gives you no rights at all to regulate the activities of the player concerned. Trying to do so against her will is considered a form of harrassment and will result it OOC action against yourself.
Becoming a Slave Owner

Inherited Slaves

People who come to the Inn already in Master/slave relationships need do nothing more than register themselves via the Message Board to have their relationship formalised and protected by the empire.

For those of you who wish to bring in a character that is -already- collared to another character, the following rules apply:

1) The posting of OOC consent is required under the normal posting rules.

2) Under NO circumstances is the collared slave to appear IC before the collaring takes place (this means the owner must see a registrar IC'ly without the presence of the slave).

3) DO NOT log the slave character into Des for -any- reason until the collaring has been completed.

4) The 100 mhl registration fee still applies.

5) The waiting period is waived.

Taken (Forced) Slaves

By arrangement in OOC chat, you can roleplay a scene of capturing and enslaving another character. Once done, you should both go to the message board to confirm the relationship and register your new property.

Do note that taking a slave in any way requires the full OOC consent of the player. It cannot be forced under the guise of role play, combat or by telling a newcomer that this is 'just how the room works'. Slaves taken in any of those ways will be freed and your character will be reduced in levels. Repeat offenders may find themselves completely banned.

Registering a slave is compulsory before the character is recognised as your property in TLI channels. It carries certain benefits.
Registration marks you as the legal owner of the slave.
Unregistered slaves are not considered owned and may be raped or stolen with no official censure.
Registering a slave gives the protection of the Authority to back you up. The Slave Authority will return a runaway slave to you and will also protect the slave from harm by others. If someone tries to rape or steal your slave they will face the wrath of the empire (subject to OOC agreements on role play scenes).

Registration also costs money as well as an upkeep fee and takes up some of your available equipment slots. For more details on this visit the Information pages.
Rules for Slave Owners
Owners must have received the free OOC consent of the slave's player before giving a collar
Owners must visit the Message Board to confirm their ownership. Unregistered slaves are not recognised as such and have no protection from the empire and no status in the game.
An owner can only take a slave's money with her OOC consent.
While discipline is your decision, the Authority or Imperial Guards may have to imprison your slave if she is acting inappropriately for the social conventions when you are absent.
Slaves are expected to be properly trained and controlled, but for role play purposes, conflict and tension between an owner and an IC unwilling slave is encouraged.
Abusing a slave beyond OOC consent will see the empire taking protection of the slave. They will decide whether to return the slave to you or judge you an unfit owner. There is no refund if the Authority removes your slave and your char will be penalised a number of levels based on how severe the abuse is.
An owner is responsible for his slave's actions whether he is there or not. Owners may be fined or suffer other penalties for his slave's misdemeanors.
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Postby L`aquera on Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:10 pm

Defining a Slave

The simplest definition of a slave is that they are owned property in exactly the same way as a horse or a pair of boots. They have no rights and can be treated as an object to be used, given, sold or thrown away by their owner as he wishes.

Naturally there are as many variations on this as there are relationships. Everyone interprets differently the degree of possession and the amount of freedom a slave is allowed. While the game is tolerant of these interpretations, the definition above, tempered by the mores of civilized behavior, are the basis for all attitudes towards a slave.

If you don't feel that is the sort of character that you can play, then you should consider carefully whether you want to become a slave.

OOC Note: While the expectation is of a quiet and well-behaved slave, role playing one who is unhappy at having been captured, rebellious about their training and resentful about their position is very acceptable and opens up a lot of opportunities for interesting scenes. Of course you should discuss this OOC with the owner-player to make sure it fits the type of relationship they desire.
Becoming a Slave

Inherited Slaves

People who come to the Inn already in master/slave relationships need do nothing more than register themselves via the Message Board to have their relationship formalised and protected by the empire.

For those of you who wish to bring in a character that is -already- collared to another character, the following rules apply:

1) The posting of OOC consent is required under the normal posting rules.

2) Under NO circumstances is the collared slave to appear IC before the collaring takes place (this means the owner must see a registrar IC'ly without the presence of the slave).

3) DO NOT log the slave character into Des for -any- reason until the collaring has been completed.

4) The 100 mhl registration fee still applies.

5) The waiting period is waived.

Taken (Forced) Slaves

Anyone can sign up on the Slavers Bait list in the Message Board to become a slave. Once on this list you are considered fair game for slavers to kidnap and sell. Once a kidnapped slave is collared by a slaver as merchandise (with OOC consent) they may be trained until a sale is arranged. Slavers normally sell their captives via the Slave Authority auctions with OOC consent from the slave as to who buys them.

Alternatively, you can privately arrange your capture with another individual. This is normally on the basis that you will be kept as a slave by your captor.

OOC Note: Since only licensed slavers are allowed to take slaves as merchandise, you will be registered as the personal property of whoever captures you and have to keep that collar for the required amount of time. So it will pay you to consider who you allow to collar your character. Get to know the player first and make sure you share a common view on slave ownership.

Debt/Money Slaves

If you work yourself into a debt, or are in need of money you can pawn or sell yourself as a debt slave until you are back on your feet again. This is organised by the Pawn Shop at the General Store.

Common Slaves

Several locations such as the Lonely Inn own slaves for general use. This involves your character being owned by a business rather than an individual. For example, Inn slaves are expected to serve and also service customers on demand (with OOC consent). If you want to be a slave but not owned by a single individual, this option gives some wider options for role playing with numerous other characters.

Registering as a slave is compulsory but it does carry certain benefits.
Registration marks you as the legally owned.
Unregistered slaves are not considered owned and may be raped or stolen with no official censure.
Registration gives you the protection of the empire, both against predatory characters and against unreasonable actions by your owner.
Rules for Slaves
There is no such thing as a protective collar or an 'I'm not reeeealy a slave' collar. You are either a slave or you are not a slave.
Slaves must have given their OOC consent before taking a collar
Slaves must visit the Message Board to confirm their ownership. Unregistered slaves are not recognised as such and have no protection from the empire.
Until registration is complete, you cannot add the collar to your nick in channel.
A slave can only list a single owner at any one time. If you choose to be owned by more than one character that is your affair. But there will only be one registered owner.
Slaves cannot own other slaves. They also do not own weapons, equipment or money except by permission of their owner.
If a slave is put to work, any money they make is the property of their owner. Whether the owner chooses to allow the slave to hold the money or not, since a slave owns nothing, that money is not her own.
An owner can only take a slave's money with her OOC consent. A slave left without money by an owner who dumps her may be taken as merchandise by a slaver.
While normal slave discipline is a matter for the owner, the empire, via the Authority or it's Imperial Guards, may step in and lock up a slave who is behaving outrageously. This may result in a fine for the owner, enforced training for the slave, or other penalties.
Slaves who are abused beyond their OOC consent can request Slave Authority protection. If upheld the slave will be protected by the empire until the matter is resolved.
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