Slaver Carthad -2 Licenses

Available slavers looking for slaves, and slaves looking to be captured by a slaver. Not for private slave registrations.

Moderators: Freelance, Tawny, Azara

Slaver Carthad -2 Licenses

Postby Azara on Sat Mar 31, 2007 7:05 pm

Posted at the Imperial Slave Authority, The Lonely Inn, and other various locations throughout Nanthalion, is the following:

By the authority of the ISA, sanctioned by Stormbringer, Emperor of Belariath, Carthad, has been granted license to aquire, whether willing or by capture, a merchandise slave to train and sell. Let it be known that Carthad is now acknowledged as an official Slaver with all the priveleges, and responsibilities, therein.

What must be posted in this thread:

1) OOC consents of Slaver and merchandise slave.
2) List training skills the slave has aquired (if any). Note: These should be posted during the 6 week interim.
3) When a buyer has been found, OOC consents from ALL parties must be posted, including the selling price.
4) Once approved, post the payment transfer from Des.
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Re: Slaver Carthad -2 License

Postby xmastersethx on Fri May 25, 2012 2:40 pm

I the player of Carthad Droman consent to the selling of Shyntolin and Arumil to Relanoth
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Re: Slaver Carthad -2 License

Postby Shogeton on Fri May 25, 2012 2:42 pm

I the player of Relanoth consent to buying Shyntolin and Arumil from Carthad.

<+Relanoth> So, giving money for the sale of Arumil
<+Relanoth> !money give Carthad 1500 mhl
-Desdaemona- You have 3282 mehrial and 0 copper
<@Desdaemona> *transaction* Relanoth subtracted 1500 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Carthad Droman
<+Relanoth> And money given for the sale of Shyntolin
<+Relanoth> !money give Carthad 1500 mhl
-Desdaemona- You have 1782 mehrial and 0 copper
<@Desdaemona> *transaction* Relanoth subtracted 1500 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Carthad Droman
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Re: Slaver Carthad -2 License

Postby Devidial on Fri May 25, 2012 3:04 pm

I, he player of Arumil give ooc consent to be sold to Relanoth by Carthad
(never have a slave so by a slave so just putting consent in case it was required)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arumil Nerrean Lhaindir Naumil Jeanette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Re: Slaver Carthad -2 License

Postby ashelea jade on Fri May 25, 2012 7:24 pm

i. the player of Shyntolin, give my ooc consent for Carthad to sell Tolin to the mean mean Relanoth
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Re: Slaver Carthad -2 License

Postby Freelance on Sat May 26, 2012 6:30 pm

Sale approved. Please find a registrar to finalize the collaring.
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