Temple of Ishtar Job Requirements
Full time workers should roleplay the job for at least one hour per week. Part time should roleplay the job at least 30 minutes per week. There is nothing to stop you playing the jobs for longer periods than that but the basic pay is not affected. If you like your jobs, you can play them as often as you want. Those times are the minimums. There are no maximums. Managers may give a bonus to those who play more often but this is not guaranteed.
It is a requirement of any paying job, including manager, that you log your hours worked. This does NOT mean keeping full logs of any roleplay. It simply means recording the hours worked in the appropriate forum on the Message Board.
You are hired to work for the Temple of Ishtar, that means the main purpose of your employment is to share the name of Ishtar and her glories with others. For the most part this is sexual in nature, since sex brings about the most intense pleasure response in others. (This is why I think working for the Temple is the best job in the game.)
The main reason to have a job is for the role-play it generates.
This means that you do not hide out in the Temple channel, hoping someone will stumble upon you while you are in there logging hours. Go out and generate play. If someone is interested in coming to the Temple, then by all means, please play in the Temple channel. But your play does not have to be restricted there. Go to the Inn, expose someone to the goddess, try and lure them back to the Temple. Try and make a follower of them so that next time they will willingly come to the Temple to worship. Generate play, get out there and get your character working on exposing players to Ishtar. If there is a festival, go to it. As long as you are trying to convert people, or are preaching the name of Ishtar, it will count as work hours. I understand that there will be times that no one is willing to play, that you will have to monologue. But I have confidence in everyone’s gaming skills, and I want you to share those skills with others, not keep them to yourself.
My pm is always open, so please feel free to message me anytime you have questions or need to talk.