Please Read through this link fully before looking into having a job at the Temple. ... Itemid=223
Read through the expections for full and part time jobs as well at this link so you know what your getting yourself into. ... 5&catid=24
Priest of Ishtar:
They are there to facilitate the Worship of Ishtar, but they are not the ones that seek new followers. Their Main focus is the faith of those already following the path of Ishtar. They are to oversee and join in Orgies in Ishtars honor once every two months. Once a week they are to **"pray" with any of the following. Hand of Ishtar, Clergy of Ishtar, or Voices of Ishtar. In order to bolster the faith of the faithful. (Hiring for this position is limited to: Clerics, Priests, and Paladins.)
Clergy of Ishtar:
There duty is to keep the Temple Clean and prepared for **"Prayer" at any time. They are chagred with the cleaning of the toys after Orgies and **"prayer" sessions. Once a week the are to post either of cleaning the temple or enjoying a **"Prayer" with patrons of the temple or the Temple staff. (Clerics, Paladins, Priests and those intending to become Clerics or one of the others can become Clergy.)
Voice of Ishtar:
The name pretty much says it all. They are the voice to the people. They are the ones that *seek out other to join the faith of Ishtar. Therefore their jobs is not limited just to the temple, but once a week they are to bring one person back to the temple to **"Pray" with them before Ishtar's statue, in an attempt of converting them.
Hand of Ishtar:
They are the ones that *seek out those of the faith that believe they have or have sinned against the Goddess. The forms of sin are freely up to the rpers to decide upon. They are charged with the purification of the unfaithful to Ishtar's path, through pleasure and pain. (This is for you Dom's out there looking for a place within Ishtar's Temple) Their job is not just that they are also to punish thoses that speak out against the Temple, through the same means of pleasure and pain. Once a week they will be required to seek out someone that needs the purification of Ishtar. (They may get asignments from the Temple Leaders as well.)
The Jobs described above are there for one purpose the main dirrection that the Temple of Ishtar has. That of course is the glory of the Goddess and the spreading of her beliefs. The Priest of Ishtar are there to advise and facilitate the worship of the Goddess for the Clergy, Voices, and Hands of ishtar to keep their faith strong so they can perfom their job well and never loose faith in the Goddess.
The Temple is here to bring glory to The Goddess Ishtar. How best to do that is up to the players that have the job as long as it falls under the goddess's sphere of influence. Each job is easy to do and follow. Just do as what the job says and try to bring others into the faith and you will be following the dirrection of the Temple.
* Seeking out is the main part of the job. If you are not able to find a suitable person to perform your job the seeking part is all you need just post the times you did your seeking.
** By Prayer we mean some sort of sexual activity, Sex, Masterbation, oral, Or anything other form of sexual action you can think of. Ishtar is a goddess of sex and pleasure so it is only Natural that prayer to her is in the form of sexual actions. Rape, and the use of Slaves are also forms of prayer. ... Itemid=223
may help as well.