The BA and Des Commands 101

News and IC events relating to the BA shop and it's activities.

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The BA and Des Commands 101

Postby Avarwraith on Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:05 pm

With what Myra has been doing in moving enchants towards being on the system, we have stepped up our game and expanded from a simple "Jewelry" code, to much more. Starting today, you will be required to code piercings and tattoos under these codes so that people getting their items enchanted will have the proper item code to give to their SS worker.

I have simplified everything as much as I could to make it easier on everyone, and some things will continue to be subbed as they always have been, but let's get started.

To begin, Des commands:

!shopitem find itemname

<Avarwraith> !shopitem find piercing
<Desdaemona> Items found by Shop:
<Desdaemona> AH: porch swing(#252)
<Desdaemona> BA: Ivory Piercing(#1781), Crystal Piercing(#1780), Bronze Piercing(#1779), Steel Piercing(#1778), Silver Piercing(#1777), Copper Piercing(#1776), Gold Piercing(#1782), Platinum Piercing(#1783), Mithril Piercing(#1773), Wood Piercing(#1774), Bone Piercing(#1775), Piercing Chain(#515)
<Desdaemona> End List

This command is to be done to Des in order to help you find the Item#

!shopitem sell “Name” Item# ## mhl Description

!shopitem sell Myra 1173 100 mhl Mithril ring inscribed with runes
<@Desdaemona> -- Selling ShopItem 'Mithril Piercing' to Myra for 100 Mhl and 0 Copper

Right now the shop item categories are rather vague, most of the information will go into the description, you can add the piercing cost into the price, in fact that would be preferred in order to cut down on separate actions, but not necessary since the command is mostly for the item itself. A list of the new !shopitem categories are to follow, the only thing that hasn't been added is henna/paints since those only last one week and are not enchant-able, they will continue to be subbed as is the norm.

Nipple Rods
Piercing Chains
Mithril Ink

Wood Piercing
Bone Piercing
Copper Piercing
Silver Piercing
Steel Piercing
Bronze Piercing
Crystal Piercing
Ivory Piercing
Gold Piercing
Platinum Piercing
Mithril Piercing

Tattoo- Mithril Ink
Tattoo- Regular Ink
Mural/Sleeve Tattoo- Mithril Ink
Mural/Sleeve Tattoo- Regular Ink

Mural/Sleeve Brands or Scarification
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Old Piercings and Tattoos

Postby Avarwraith on Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:16 pm

Anyone wishing to have work that was done before this came into effect put into the system, can, oocly have this done. However, for the moment, please send them to one of the managers, myself or Scourge, and we will deal with it, since it will require either proof or logs that the piercing/tattoo took place.

Please do not try to put your own piercings or tattoos into the system, those will also need to be done through myself or Scourge to keep everything fair.
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