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PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 6:26 am
by Eucep
So, some might have seen me pop in lately again. But thought it wise to tell what has happened that made me just vanish for months again and again for literal years.

In 2011 I got into an accident, this gave me permanent damage to the back, which results in 24/7 pain, making concentration bit of an issue.

The real issue started 7 years ago when I became main care giver for my parents. My dad with chronic q-fever and my mom with parkinson dementia. For all of this, I pretty much stood alone as I have no siblings.
In 2019 my dad passed away from complications of the q-fever and now in june 2021 my mom passed away as well.

I am still on the path of recovery myself, but at least my anxiety is dying down and mentally am in an improving state.

Am I fully back? I do not know, it's still hard to concentrate, but it's now less likely I will feel to depressed to do anything.

Edit: Oh yeah, almost died myself from ruptured inflamed appendix literally 2 months after my mom passed away, so also still recovering from that.

Re: Eucep

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:41 pm
by Infernis
It's good to see you.

Don't be afraid to come in and sit down and do nothing in the OOC.

Re: Eucep

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2022 11:32 pm
by Ehlanna
Sorry to hear of your issues. You are ever welcome here, Eucep!

Re: Eucep

PostPosted: Sat Jan 15, 2022 10:39 pm
by Adonai
All I can say is take it one step at a time, and glad you are still alive. Sorry for all the troubles you have had to face.

Re: Eucep

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:03 am
by Eucep
So still flakey with me showing up, well more shit happened.

Since about 1.5 year I have been having problems with a downstairs neighbour, mentally challenged and getting more and more loud as well as having more and more psychotic periods.

This has led to a lot of times of having to contact the police, the social rental office from which we rent our appartments and other instances.

Now 3 months ago after another week long case of him having psychotic periods, meaning he started screaming in the middle of the night and slamming on walls and other things to make as much noise as possible, I had to call the police again.

This led to 2 months ago him suddenly cornering me and beating me up for calling the police.
Injuries were limited, but my mental state is a mess.

Right now, I am waiting till he has to come before a judge because the rental office wants him gone for having gone violent.

Re: Eucep

PostPosted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:42 pm
by Goldentiger
*Gives the Eucep lots and lots of hugs and kisses.*