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It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:24 pm
by Archaon
This has been something I've been juggling in my head for months if I am to be brutally honest. It's been 20 years since I have set foot here. Despite the created date Archaon holds, he was actually first created on Christmas Day 2002. It was pretty fun when his journey started.. from little drak mage, growing into the necromancer everyone knows to this day. Things were great, and I was also brought into the Oply fold before Arch even hit 15. 2008, however, that's when everything changed.

October 15th, 2008 I was let out early from my college class that day, and had made plans with my brother for a party that weekend, but that never happened. A semi forced me off of the road, and the last thing I saw was a big ass tree. I woke up, probably a few hours later, in the hospital with a makeshift cast on my right leg and one on my left arm. I didn't know what was going on, what happened, or why I was there. All I could feel was being pissed that my clothes were chopped up. Turns out my arm and leg were broken. 3 bones.

Fast forward through all the therapy and rehab and all that other garbage, I endured more than just my own personal pain. My mother was going through chemo for breast cancer, and my last two grandparents had passed away. I tried to come back to being here and thinking things would be the same, but they weren't. I felt like I lost my old self that day. I didn't want to RP, or do a whole lot of things, and much as I've tried, I really couldn't feel it anymore.

Not much has changed with me in this regard. I still haven't really done a lot of rping. Dethsiris felt like that was a change in a good direction, but now I find myself back to where I was, and perhaps much further down. I don't find any joy in any of it any longer, and it's with a heavy heart that perhaps it is time that I let go. Perhaps time for me to ride off into the sunset, and perhaps time for Arch to finally find favorable judgment with the Elder Dragons.

To everybody, it has been nothing short of irreplacable. Far too many memories, friends, birthdays, and good times to let go of. I honestly don't know where I'd have been if not for this place. I just hope that all the good will forever remain.

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 9:51 pm
by Vexademus
My character will be lost without her Midnight.
He was an indelible mark that will never fade from the Magess nor any of Belariath.

As a player, I understand your decision and wish nothing but forward for you. It must have been one of the toughest choices because of so many years. So many memories. Some beyond awesome and some not so much.

In this, I thank you for being here.

Good travels and extra Oreos.


Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:28 pm
by Thunder
Well I know you was one of the very first people I met here. I know I will miss you. I will miss getting to talk to you and laugh and get your opinion and learn a thing or two from you. Just remember no matter what we will always be there. And you can always poke me no matter what I will be an ear or a shoulder. Be safe always.

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 11:55 pm
by Caolan
Be safe, and be happy. That is, by far, the most important things you could ever do. If your path ever wanders you this way again, I am quite sure you will be welcomed with open arms. Just. Be. Happy.

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:03 am
by Adonai
Be safe bud, will miss always having you as one i could talk to <3

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:52 am
by Tawny
Well cant say too much but thank you for the good times and Babi will always remember painting your place purple and pink. You have always been good to me and I shall miss you but I fully understand how life can change you in just one instant. Keep yourself happy and safe and try and find something that brings you happiness in life. Well wishes and lots of snugs and hugs.

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 2:28 am
by Sikyat`Pallaton
You will be missed oh great Oreo Drak. Hope things get better for you and you have a good life. Perhaps we will see you again even if it just for a visit.

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:12 pm
by Ryke Masha
I still remember my first night in tli and how you were the only OP online who could help. Throughout my whole time in tli you have always been a great help and a great person to chat and rp with. I wish you nothing but happiness for you archy and I hope things get better for you. I will miss messing with the great necromancer drak sen with shaman nonsense and I will miss just chatting with ya in the ooc. *hugs* You deserve only the best oreo drak

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:54 pm
by Dante_Ambrogio
You have long been considered a friend by me and have often been one that I have gone to for advice or when I have had a problem that needs resolving; You shall always have a space among my count of shieldbrothers and I have nothing but well wishes for you. May you find many blessings and may your shield always be strong and may you find the strength of heart that you need to achieve the healing necessary for your own well being and hopefully an eventual return to us.

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 11:08 pm
by StormWind
All the best wishes from me and mine. The place wont be the same without the oreo-drak... but i hope you can find what you need to get you back to the shiny side

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 6:13 pm
by Akaton
Everyone has said a bit here and there. But honestly Archy you were a great dude. You were there when I had my issues here. You were the one person that was most civil to me during all that. But after everything I have just one question.....
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Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 10:19 pm
by Stormbringer
You have been a major part of how TLI developed over the years but I really do think you are making the right decision, if not to leave the world completely, at least to retire Archaon. As you said, the accident changed you, perhaps more than you realised for a long time. It would have changed everyone. My own experience was less intense but no less profound and we can't go back to being the same as we were before. Now it's time for you to let go to a part of your life, not in a negative sense but as a way of moving yourself forwards. perhaps you will find yourself wanting to return in another guise. If you do, we will welcome you then. If not...

Pain makes you stronger.
Tears make you braver.
Heartbreak makes you wiser.
And getting drunk beats philosophising about life ;)

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 12:35 am
by Ehlanna
Fare well in all you do little Drak. It has been an honour and pleasure knowing you!

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:06 am
by taria
I knew this decision would likely happen at some point or another, just remember how much you're truly cared for by so many here. You deserve the world.

Should you need me, you know how to reach me. Stay safe, be happy, you've got this. ❤️

Re: It's Been a Difficult Decision

PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2023 3:43 am
by Lucien Valdres
Never really knew you as others did and do Archaon, but you were always kind, so very pleasant to interact with the few times we did. As someone still trying to find my way back to myself, similar life challenges. I sincerely hope you the best in whatever direction you choose to take now. You will be sorely missed, for if I ever remember anyone by anything, it is how they have treated both me and others and in that I have the highest respect for you, more so for knowing all you have been struggling with too

Best of wishes
