Lucien Valdres

Let people know when you are going to be away, or when you have returned.

Lucien Valdres

Postby Lucien Valdres on Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:59 am

Hi folks,

So, been a long time, and..I disappeared. It has been a hell of a time. My dad developed cancer and complications, we nearly lost him, my niece was found having run away from home in the Summer...from her passed mother's side of the family and is with us now. My eyesight went and got worse lol, varifocals, but for a time was needing help reading anything.

I feel I let people down by having to disappear and having too much going on in life - still have, to reach out and say..I do care for the handful of people that matter to me here, they know who they are. I am not sure when I'll be back, family, trying to get a career change that actually feels worth doing on the go, and getting help I need to recover from this last few years, where I kinda lost myself.

Anyway *bows* much love from Lucien..and all my characters that meant/mean something to others, that helped bring them to life <3
Lucien Valdres
Posts: 47
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:21 am

Re: Lucien Valdres

Postby taria on Sun Feb 19, 2023 10:24 pm

I'm sure everyone understands. Make sure you're taking care of yourself.
Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
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