It took it several years but....

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It took it several years but....

Postby Tawny on Sat Dec 30, 2023 12:19 am

Well I gave in and went to ER yesterday and they confirmed what I figured already... I have Covid. Took all their shots and still I have Covid. I will be watching the mb As long as I can and unless this gets worse I might even drop in but This craps sux. Breathing is a big problem and cant seem to stay awake very long at a time but good new is so far my lungs are not in bad shape. If you need me for anything please leave a mb pm as I will be checking that as well. Anyway this is why I guess is why I haven't been feeling well for while, I dont know. Doc said could have been another virus that I had that left my system depleted and that how I got covid. Whatever the reason is or how ever it happened I got it now. Happy New Year all incase I cant be here to wish it on time.
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Re: It took it several years but....

Postby Serena on Sun Dec 31, 2023 12:44 am

Take care hon. That stuff sucks. I had it twice and each one was kinda bad in their own differing way.
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