Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Hokima Tesh-Rimon on Wed May 06, 2020 5:07 pm

*Hokima had never been banned from a place before. There was a sense of pride and satisfaction that he could get under those soft women's skin. It's like they thought they were untouchable just because they were healers. Didn't they realize that they lived in a world of rape? It was nice to know that he now had a place where spirited victims could be found. The HH decree all but guaranteed that the healers would fight him. Still, he would amuse himself with this event. Hokima would pay shady members to act as town criers. They would also post up official-looking documentation, that lacked any signature. If the shady members noticed guards, they usually melted into crowds and attempted to escape*

Hear Ye, Hear, Ye

By official order, the Healing House is now closed. In its place, the Whore Hall is now erected. It shall be staffed by the same members.

Prices are as follows:
1 Copper for regular employees
2 Copper for the Assistant Head Mistress
3 Copper for the Head Mistress

((OOC: Obviously this isn't an official decree, and I welcome any IC consequences for Hokima pretending as such. Prostitution is not something that the healing house is engaging in and it continues to carry implied consent for rape. Though, random peasants may show up at the house because of this.))
Hokima Tesh-Rimon
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Allie on Wed May 06, 2020 6:39 pm

The white feathered small wing walks down the streets of Nanthalion a pleased smile resting upon her expression having completed this most alluring assortment of errands meant to prepare their household for the next chapter of their lives "Oh but you'll love her dear, she's an absolute delight" an appointment at the imperial slave authority set the special items based upon the Flamewing's own design sent in to the general store so that the craftsmen could begin their work and of course a number of other delectable items secured from the naked bird. "Trust me you'll see, I wager that you'll get along famously" yes it was a beautiful day, each seemed to be better then the last and this she was certain would prove no exception.

From above a lovely blue jay flutters across the sky descending to street level to rest in a window sill not too far away instantly capturing the half breed's gaze and admiration only to be startled away by a loud CAW. "Really now? You aren't jealous are you Eshu?" chuckling lightly at that, yes the torian was having a conversation with her bonded familiar.. a bit silly perhaps, but then she wasn't particularly concerned about what others might think now was she. A few more steps down the road and the piercing sound came again CAW CAW CAW "What is it this time dear, a sparrow with pretty feathers? A robin perhaps?" but she would soon discover that the crow wasn't peering at another beautiful avian to compete with but instead a curious looking bulletin that hadn't been there when they'd walked down this street earlier that morning. Of course the healer had to take a look at this herself.

The white wing's eyebrow raises upon reading the words written on the parchment "Well now, *someone's* been busy" spoken in a rather dry tone "But hey, three copper.. it seems that I'm moving up in the world!" gaze turning towards the sleek crow perched beside her "No no, you're right. I ought to be worth *at least* three mehrial." One didn't exactly have to be commander of the imperial guard to surmise who was behind this little bit of nonsense, surely it was that ridiculous nomad who caused all the trouble at the inn and even more at the healing house the night before. The first in the Empire to manage to get himself barred from the house and rightfully so by her estimation, most were smart enough not to attack the very healers that would be there to save their asses after they got themselves in too deep.. and she didn't know of many who dove so deep as he, she couldn't exactly say that she was surprised.

"What? No, I can't imagine that many are daft enough to believe this nonsense" but then again she knew better than to bet against stupidity "Well yes, *of course* I'm going to take it down you silly bird" and the torian would do just that removing the obviously false decree from the side of the building. "Yes you're right, the imperial guard really ought to be made aware of this" lying was one thing, lying in the name of the Empire something else entirely "What? That psychotic moriel warlord? Are you crazy, surely we can find another to assist in this matter.. you don't want to wake up in her dungeon do you? Right, I thought not!"

She was hardly going to let a silly little thing like that ruin such a wonderful day and so humming an unnamed tune once played by the red wing she would continue down the street only to find another one of those blasted 'decrees' "Oh wonderful, he really put some effort into this didn't he?" rolling her eyes at the thought "One would think that he had something better to do." This one naturally would be removed as well but by now she realized that she was fighting an uphill battle in this regard, it was a pointless thing anyhow.. the desert bunny might be having these things plastered all about town to annoy them, perhaps distract them, but she knew better than to think that this was really his game. "We're going to have to prepare the guard, we'll have an unwanted visitor banging on our walls soon enough."

The white wing sighs, continuing down the street she spies someone approaching hand held out three coppers resting upon his palm.. she didn't say a single word to the miscreant offering only a sharp and pointed glare, it did the trick and the half breed had to admit that she took some bit of satisfaction watching him running swiftly in the opposite direction. As she expected, stupidity will always win a few. "What? Tell Theressa?! Absolutely not, do you have any idea what that woman would do?!" although the more she thought on it the more she rather liked the idea and the more she almost felt sorry for the nomad should he truly decide to cross her. Suddenly she found it rather easy to smile once more.
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Wed May 06, 2020 9:44 pm

Hear Ye, Hear, Ye

By official order, the Healing House is now closed. In its place, the Whore Hall is now erected. It shall be staffed by the same members.

Prices are as follows:
1 Copper for regular employees
2 Copper for the Assistant Head Mistress
3 Copper for the Head Mistress


Abby would watch from within a crowd as the town criers announce that the Healing House has now taken a new venture! Either that is very false... or The Healing House truly has taken 'comforting people' to a whole new level. But this sort of thing does not sound like something Amethine nor Allivia would do... else the former would have said something to her or a certain fae by now. As the guards come by to scare the criers away and call for the townspeople to disperse, Abby too would follow.

Though not before she managed to grab a copy of the notice.

-- At a later time, back at home...---

"... so I guess accordin' to this Ammy would cost 2 Copper." Abby ponders as she sits by the dinner table, with a cup of tea inn one hand. "And people like Nissatani would cost 1. Glad we're just volunteers, though."

And due to that their names are probably safe from this kind of predicament. As per Abby's worry not too long ago: ever since the Healing House has gained success, it has garnered attention - both good and bad. She has got a few names in mind, but for this to happen so soon after one particular person was banned from the place? Cannot just be coincidence.

No signatures, though, but the writing looks so well-made that it could pass off as an official document.

Well, it is not her problem until someone asks for her help in this, of course.

But when that happens, she does have something a lot of people do not have:

A Scouting Fae.

"Bet Ammy'll freak when she sees this, though..."
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Gabriel Storm-Dancer on Thu May 07, 2020 12:30 pm

Crowded streets of the Town. Packed stores and civilized folk going about their day to day. Not the ideal place for one such as Gabriel to haunt. But he had a responsibility. To himself, to the folk of Nanthalion, and to the Empire itself. Responsibility was not something the man took lightly.

Leaning against the wall of one of the buildings, blended into the surroundings, hiding in plain sight...just seeming to be another face in the crowd, he would watch as the missives were disseminated and posted all around the Town and listen as the town criers pronounced the declaration. Not much reply would be given than a simple snort of disbelief.

With little effort, and a shadowy agility that led to a grace that was belied by his size, he would snatch one of the 'shady figures' that had a stack of the parchments and head off down one of the back alleys with him, unnoticed. Attention was given elsewhere by the folk of the town, given the situation. And given that he was nothing more than regular person with a forgettable face. At least for now.

From the skies overhead, a large golden eagle would soar and circle a few times, then fly off to places unknown.
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Amethine on Thu May 07, 2020 2:07 pm

The catgirl had been sleeping after a particularly busy day at the Healing House, so it was a by a fae's prank that she was awoken from her slumber but eventually she was told of the recent flyers circulating about town and Amethine let out an exasperated sigh. "Two coppers...? I'm worth more than THAT surely? Such an idiot... kinda regret not taking 100mhl off him and giving him the change in coppers now. Perhaps next time...". Amethine then explained the recent events to her two friends, largely dismissing the flyers, not believing anybody would be dumb enough to actually believe them, the reputation the Healing House had garnered would surely outlast this pathetic excuse of a smear campaign. She had expected some form of retaliation, but this had to make her chuckle at least a little!
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Markov_ on Thu May 07, 2020 4:15 pm

The sylvan stopped in his tracks.

Had... had he just heard that correctly? Markov turned around and walked back to the town crier to listen to the message one more time.

Ok... ok... that was interesting. That was 'real' interesting. He was going to go out on a limb and assume nobody would believe this... and it would probably be months before they stopped getting people trying their luck. Now... the second question was, was this Hokima or not? Circumstantial evidence pointed to 'probably', but, there was a chance that it wasn't him. Still... still, after a few seconds, the young mage began to laugh.

He regretted that laughter 10 seconds later as it re-opened the hole in his side and he winced with pain. It wasn't so much the pain itself which caused him discomfort... he could ignore that... but, he didn't know when it was coming and it kept taking him by surprise. Ok... well, this was either going to work out a little badly or really rather well. Whichever way it worked out... he doubted it would be boring.

"Excuse me!" He yelled up at the town crier. "I ah... not that I am assuming anything or accusing you of anything, but... I believe I saw a member of the Imperial Guard around here not long ago... are you quite aware of what they do to those who spread lies in the name of the Empire? No less, lies about the Empire itself? I ah... I just thought that you should know... not that I am saying that this is false!"

The crier looked at him and Markov waved a hand in the air at the crier, as if trying to gain his attention and weaved a lie speak spell into his words... yes... yes, there 'really was' an Imperial guard member poking around here... no, it wasn't a lie... don't be ridiculous... this friendly sylvan was just trying to make sure that this poor town crier knew what he was doing.

The colour drained from the crier's face and the man quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Markov turned and started laughing again... a laugh that lasted about 5 seconds before it turned into a wince of pain again.

Ok, maybe he'd asked for that.
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Cevelt on Thu May 07, 2020 10:37 pm

There would have been the rumble and whomping noise of a Jhore and the Captain herself was soon seen approaching the gate of the Imperial Guard headquarters. They were quick to open up and quick to find all their jaws dropping as the woman slowed her jhore down and they could finally see she wasn't alone. Strapped to the back of the whomping beast was a rolled up human in the saddle blanket of the jhores saddle. Once the beast did stop that is.

She glared at everyone staring and they quickly found something else to do while sending furtive glances her way. She tied off the beast and then shouted for a couple of IG to help her. She was NOT lugging the brute formally known as Hokima, off her jhore. It had taken a lot of effort to get him up there.

"Take the body down, put it in cell 4. Lock it up. I'll have a healer over to heal and rez before the night is over. NOBODY is allowed to go in there but the Commander or myself. Fucking brute uses people to fight with."

They stared at her. Hard and all she could do was glare back, her mood soured. If she could kill him again? She would. And it wouldn't be so pretty again.

When the IG lugged the body off and headed into the depths of the cells, the moriel moved for the office of the Commander and sat down to write several notes. One to the Healer House and one for the Commander, Balard.

~To Amethine,

Good afternoon. You may let your guard down some for a while. The criminal known as Hokima was caught at the Inn just an hour past. He's dead. For now. If you can't send someone over to heal and rez him tonight, we'll have someone here do so. He'll be needed tomorrow for Questioning by our Commander.

Signed; Captain Cevelt ~

~To Commander Balard,

As to our discussion earlier at the Healing House, the criminal known as Hokima has been arrested. He's dead. Sorry. But he swung a fucking Dwarf at me! He even used the bloody thing to act as a shield! I kicked him a few added times after he was down and bleeding for the insult. He's being kept in Cell 4 until he's healed and rez'd by tonight. Tomorrow you can question him. He'll be charged 50 mhl for the rezzing and the healer is to get 100 of that as well for the job of healing. I hope she kicks him a few times for the trouble. All paper work is filed and copy of said order placed neatly on your desk as per usual.

Details: I was at the Inn tearing down his stupid flyers and sat to have a drink. He came in, sat his ass on the couch. Some woman soon followed and touched him. I immediately announced whom I was and the charges. The criminal ignored me and chose to kick the woman. She didn't run. Really strange. Don't most woman after getting kicked run? I would have hit him with a chair myself. Anyway. I digress. After blatantly ignoring me, I shot an arrow at him. Then, the stupid brute hid behind the couch. I got up on the bar and shot him with an arrow, again. He proceeded to get really mad, I laughed and he charged me while gripping onto said couch he'd previously tried to hide behind. It was funny. I can't lie. When he missed. Of course. I shot him again. He tried grabbing for my bow, missed. I was further amused. I mean, how dumb can you get? Then the stupid brute used a FUCKING DWARF and tried hitting me with it! I am SERIOUSLY pissed off. Dwarves stink. It had a huge beard! Fucking brute. He missed. I pulled my blade, missed because he used the stupid dwarf as a shield. I mean, seriously? Anyway. He missed hitting me AGAIN WITH THE FUCKING DWARF! I'm still pissed. He took my blade to the gut and l left a mark. He died. Hes in cell 4. Orders given to not allow others in until you've spoke about charges time and meherial. I'm still fucking pissed. Theres your fucking details. Happy? Salute.

Yours lovingly, Captain Cevelt~
Of course I love you... ignore the dagger.

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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Serena on Fri May 08, 2020 1:24 am

Theressa, being the wife of the Head Mistress of the HH, had seen the note as well. Being that Hokima is speaking of her wife, she merely takes note of it all and files it away for the meantime.. In her mind, she's not happy with it at all.. *I got ya bud. Regardless of what occurs or has occurred already.. We're going to have some words.*
Theressa Annaert, Pledged Lifelong Bondmate to Allivia Annaert and Lady of the Annaert Household
Player of Theressa, Kytte{Naya}, Vonni and Remlie.
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Re: Healing House now Whore Hall (Not Really)

Postby Kiki on Fri May 08, 2020 11:53 am

Laying down after an exhausting time sating the pleasure at the market square pillory, Lianna's sleep had to be rudely awakened by town cries of how the HH was taking on a new venture. Pointed ear twitching to the sound of it, her eyes opening wide as a smirk would dance across her expression.

Wait! The HH is a whore house now?!....No..nonononono....that's the temple of Ishtar with the blessings that come after! Now even the HH was trying to follow in the footsteps of the temple?! Healing AND whoring?! what a perfect combination!. Smirking to herself as those thoughts ran through her head, she found herself quite, no, very satisfied with the turn of events.

Heck, she had been healing with a happy ending for a while now. Why not get a large tip....perhaps she could now be stuffed full of it! The nagging thought at the back of her head only reminding her that perhaps her mistresses wouldnt be too pleased of this....
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