a Invitation to a orgy hosted by Lady Mapleshield

Brief notes about things that are being talked about at the Inn. Not to provide OOC knowledge but events that happened in the open and which other characters could overhear as public gossip. Does not replace the newspaper.

a Invitation to a orgy hosted by Lady Mapleshield

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Sat Feb 04, 2023 10:38 am

The invitations have been sent! it is now offical the castle of Maradias house stands ready and complete and Lady Ronja Mapleshield the matron of Maradia wants to celebrate such a momentus ocation with a BANG ehm so to say. The invitations are stabled across the empires on boards... and being handed out actively by several fae messengers. It reads as follows:

The lady Ronja here by invites the citisens of the empire to her castle for a celebration! Her third ever orgy acompanied by a feast in her grand hall the tables will be set with all manners of delicious things.
Clothes are optional... Though the lady does recomend dressing in a cloak on arrival as the climate is a bit nippy! Bring youre slaves and pets and come and enjoy the festivities and the sights and bounties that the island has too ofer.
This event will be taking place for two days from the 18th to the 19th and we hope dearly to see you there~

Out of character noteation: Arriving does not equall consent if youre character wants to simply arrive to enjoy the food and sights then by all means that is their right and i recomend it. There will likely also be games to enjoy!

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Re: a Invitation to a orgy hosted by Lady Mapleshield

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:28 am

Heres the layout for Ronjas Castle the event will be held mostly in the long hall on floor one but there will also be acess to much of the rest of the castle as well. https://imgur.com/a/uoKPm1P
Of course it might be rude to go sneaking in peoples private quarters so doo be carefull.

The longhall will be set with two lenghty tables in the center with benches on eachs side of them... and food and drinkk will be served along one of the walls. A wast spread of delicasies both from the empire and Maradia.
Pleanty of erotic sweets out of chocolates and other sugery confections will also be served and of course pleanty of booze.

Bring youre own toys or feel free to use one of the ones provided... Dildos whips.. rope... you name it it will likely be put out on some table or another. There will be poles set up for those pets that are misbehaving along with glory boxes for those that like a bit of mystery as to whos they are sticking it to.

For those that would like a softer kind of mingling theres also pleanty of furs pillows and paded furniture provided... put out near the corners to allow leaning back and comfortable seating atop of a raised stage. A nest providing a view over the rest of the hall.
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Re: a Invitation to a orgy hosted by Lady Mapleshield

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:37 am

Games to be had!!!
The fun bar games of the lonely inn will also be avalible during the event. So sit down with a session of inn dice if the conversation or action is stilling. ;) https://belariath.com/locations/inn/games.html

Change dice will also be making a re aperance!

Change dice the orgy game. These two dices are quite the od pair... One a six sided dice with three sides decorated with phallic symbols the other three with yonic ones each slightly different to the other but all with the same effect. The other dice odly shaped containing 28 faces. Each painted with a symbol representing the different races. From Human and elf to dwarf even trolls cithians and centaurs have their own intricatly painted face upon the surface of the dice. Once rolled the dice will change the players aperance completely into the resulting race and gender and the change will either last one hour or untill the players next climax after wish they will revert to the state they were in before rolling the dice. These dice have no effect what so ever in combat.
Dice results
First dice: 1d6 results Od Male even Female
Second dice 1d28
If the gender dont match the race default to the races gender.
In the case of races with mutiple variations the variation is either to be choosen by the player or determined by the !choose command in des.
The apperance of the character is up to the player in question as long as it complies with the descriptions of the resulting race.
1. Human
2. Elf
3. Sheyka
4. Tribe
5. Catfolk
6. Torian
7. Chirot
8. Goblin
9. Dwarf
10. Halfling
11. Vulpine
12. Wolven.
14. Nymph
15. Satyr
16. Duessa
17. Fae
18. Nixie/pixie
19. Centaur
20. Drak sen
21. Magi
22. Merfolk
23. Minotaur
24. Ogre
25. Troll
26. Sithian
27. Swan maiden
28. Wemic
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Re: a Invitation to a orgy hosted by Lady Mapleshield

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Sat Feb 18, 2023 6:27 pm

The matrons outfit for the evening! https://imgur.com/a/wTjDwJW
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