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Uvelcra's volcano active?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 14, 2022 9:22 pm
by Naomi
Up at Temple Uvelcra there is a slight shaking of the ground then it feels a bit warmer to the touch. It isn't something an outsider would notice but the denizens of the temple would. Outsiders would however notice that there is a huge plume of smoke and ash coming from the volcano and every once in awhile sparks and flames would rise as well. Was Uvelcra angry? or was he just making his presence known?

Re: Uvelcra's volcano active?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2022 6:59 pm
by Tawny
Meadow had not been seen for some time now, weeks or more. Where had she gone or had she even gone? In fact she was locked away deep inside Uvelcras temple feeling what the God was feeling and lost in prayer that he would understand that the people were not to blame for now was the time of planting and tending to things that they had to have to survive. But she knew his anger and she felt the shaking in her soul. The smoke and flames hot in her heart even as she begged his forgiveness and promised that soon she and Naomi would bring attention to him and his temple back to the people. She pleaded that he not shower his anger down on the lands and its people but instead allow her to take his wrath upon herself and spare the people his punishment for not showing him what he indeed deserved in offerings and worship.
Yet even as she prayed and fasted she still felt the heat and shaking and knew he was not pleased. Something had to be done soon and she of all people understood this and began even now to plan something grand to cool his anger and bring attention back to Uvelcra and his mountain temple.