Quest: Ka-BOOM! Lost and Confused

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Quest: Ka-BOOM! Lost and Confused

Postby Vexademus on Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:30 am

"Come, oh ye who love to shop! The market has opened up to showcase its wares. From those cute little trinkets and knick-knacks to laces of any sort; to the bountiful large baskets that hold silks or vipers or those bratty kitten slaves that make pretty whimpery sounds in the dark! Come find what you need at the market!"

Location: Dethsiris MarketPlace (just off Exit 13; west of Gaea's Guzzler!)

Start time: 06/29/2021 10:00 AM Central Standard Time

A. This short quest has 3 slots open. Sign up quick!
B. Open to ALL of ANY level.
C. Please keep posts (for the exception of an ENTRY post) down to 3 buffers.
D. Listed skills on bio page (ranked and unranked) preferred.
E. Characters may be asked or needed to do things. THINGS!

Update: Players who have filled the slots so far -
1. Callie
2. Mae
"In the whispers of the wind and water to the dance of the flames in the rock, behold the mystic weave of aether, for within every shimmering ember of energy lies the tale of destiny entwined and the magic that binds my soul to the arcanic tapestry eternal."
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Re: Quest: Ka-BOOM! Lost and Confused

Postby CallieO on Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:32 am

I'm in.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

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Re: Quest: Ka-BOOM! Lost and Confused

Postby Odette on Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:44 am

Mae will be in as well!

[Unless you prefer a different char for this quest]
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Vaelora, Cosette, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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Re: Quest: Ka-BOOM! Lost and Confused

Postby Vexademus on Thu Jul 01, 2021 7:07 pm

Quest Completed!

Players' finish: Mae!

Good job! And nice completion of the riddles!
"In the whispers of the wind and water to the dance of the flames in the rock, behold the mystic weave of aether, for within every shimmering ember of energy lies the tale of destiny entwined and the magic that binds my soul to the arcanic tapestry eternal."
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