The Heart of the Jungle

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The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Sun Sep 04, 2022 4:30 am

Amidst the chaos and recovery of the Big Whoomph, under the endless twinkling of the unsky those close to nature begin to feel a tug. At first it is as if an annoying itch but the longer it goes ignored and paid no mind the more incessant it becomes; the more urgent until eventually it becomes a pain as though their very own hearts have become ailed though a trip to a healer will reveal that they themselves are well.

The strongest of those close to nature will feel pulled toward Dethsiris and the leadership of Dethsiris will begin to notice that their worst fears during this time have begun to come true with them awakening one day to find the jungle itself beginning to wilt and wither and with the absence of the usual predators in the jungle continuing to be noticed to the point that it is now a large concern. Shamans and Druids already in boundaries of Dethsiris itself will fall ill with a sickness unlike any ever seen in the realms before and any attempts to treat or cure the illness will simply fall short, the healers themselves simply not having the energy or power enough to affect it.

The call goes out from Dethsiris Castle for those brave enough to risk themselves despite recent injuries and despite the fears the Cataclysm has wrought to look into this grave matter and hopefully put an end to the illness of both the Jungle and those who have taken ill alongside it.

OOC Concent/Information section
Death: Not Intended but it is possible and may happen
Sexual content: None
Enslaving/Slavery: None
Other silly shenanigans: This is extremely likely and should always be expected
Combat: Group vs NPC/Individual vs NPC/Group or Individual(s) vs NPC Group

Reward: 100 mhl, 2 WindWalkers by random Dice roll

Restricted to 10 players.
This quest is intended to be a two to three-day event.
Planned for Sept-26th @ 3 PM CST

IC Channel will be #TLI-Borderlands
OOC Channel will be #TLI-Quest
Loves bite is eternal, welcome or otherwise. Once bitten it twines with your very soul and can never be forgotten

Player of: Dante Ambrogio, Victus Ambrogio|Naut|, Kat`ryn Quel`dalre, Elizabeth Graesyn, Vex Windstrider, Valithren Caradoc, Daelmaron Fyresong, Morgran Fireforge, Feindhara Ingolfr, Gashan Nakajima,
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Thunder on Sun Sep 04, 2022 1:16 pm

Will help just not sure as who you will need
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Sha`Ruse on Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:40 pm

Traael will be there
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby CallieO on Sun Sep 04, 2022 11:14 pm

I'll try to be there on Day 2, but I may not be available for Day 1.
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Kable Syranos on Thu Sep 08, 2022 7:55 pm

Kable will join.
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby DehanCoer on Fri Sep 09, 2022 1:11 am

Jason Dehan will join.
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:31 am

September 26, The First Aches.

We made it to the ruins in record time; thanks to our skill at carving paths through the journal; and I might add that our scouts have become very adept at it indeed. I had nearly 2/3 of our own forces at my disposal and several others who came to see that the illness the Jungles have been displaying might be put to right though as I anticipated we were met immediately upon accessing the ruins by fierce opposition... just not with the threats that I had expected. It seems that there are some kind of.... Humanoids; if they can even be called that anymore; that inhabit the ruins themselves and at this point I am not even sure if they are involved with the corruption that you can veritably feel within the ruins or not; they fight fiercely though I am not sure how considering that they have been morphed somehow... whether intentional or not does not matter to me. These men are more bestial than the panthers that I have hunted for months; and if I am honest they are far more disturbing than the sense that I get when I know that I have become a hunters prey; for they have no face and have no nose... all that remains above their neck is their mouth and yet they remain vicious and fierce warriors.

We have been forced to take a rest and we have only been in the ruins for a matter of hours so far; by the nine we haven't even managed to move a foot from our initial entry point from the ridge that I located on my most recent scouting point. I am not sure how long we have to rest here until the cats arrive... but I know that our position is tenuous and that the Jungle knows that we are here; I can feel its sentient mind observing us as though the trees are its very ability to speak; whispered words on the wind between leaves... every imagined glimpse of eyes carrying sights of us back to the heart of this land... Something about this place is ancient... and powerful. I do not know what we will find yet but I know that it is important; especially since the Jungle Imps that like to play tricks on our soldiers have decided to 'aid' us in a way... I do not know what their intent is and I am far too knowledgeable to think that their aid comes without cost.. but perhaps... just perhaps.... no... its a risk that we shouldn't take. At least not on my decision alone. For now though I should try and rest; I can only keep alert and vigilant if I take the few opportunities made available to attempt to rest and squandering them all on writing reports is not a wise choice at all...
Loves bite is eternal, welcome or otherwise. Once bitten it twines with your very soul and can never be forgotten

Player of: Dante Ambrogio, Victus Ambrogio|Naut|, Kat`ryn Quel`dalre, Elizabeth Graesyn, Vex Windstrider, Valithren Caradoc, Daelmaron Fyresong, Morgran Fireforge, Feindhara Ingolfr, Gashan Nakajima,
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:51 pm

[b]The Resumation, Part 1[/b]

I shall be resuming this quest on November 1, with a second session for this set for November the 2nd of 2022. Please reply if you will be present so that I know who will be in attendance from the original group.
Loves bite is eternal, welcome or otherwise. Once bitten it twines with your very soul and can never be forgotten

Player of: Dante Ambrogio, Victus Ambrogio|Naut|, Kat`ryn Quel`dalre, Elizabeth Graesyn, Vex Windstrider, Valithren Caradoc, Daelmaron Fyresong, Morgran Fireforge, Feindhara Ingolfr, Gashan Nakajima,
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Sha`Ruse on Tue Oct 18, 2022 9:46 pm

I should be able to make the Nov 1st but not sure about the second one. Depends on the time of the events.
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Thu Nov 10, 2022 11:28 pm

Sha`Ruse wrote:I should be able to make the Nov 1st but not sure about the second one. Depends on the time of the events.

So; real life happened here ya’ll. Had a plumbing emergency with the farm. I will have a replacement date within
the next couple of days as we have only just fixed the problem last night. Stay Tuned!!
Loves bite is eternal, welcome or otherwise. Once bitten it twines with your very soul and can never be forgotten

Player of: Dante Ambrogio, Victus Ambrogio|Naut|, Kat`ryn Quel`dalre, Elizabeth Graesyn, Vex Windstrider, Valithren Caradoc, Daelmaron Fyresong, Morgran Fireforge, Feindhara Ingolfr, Gashan Nakajima,
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Re: The Heart of the Jungle

Postby Dante_Ambrogio on Wed Nov 16, 2022 7:28 pm

The Quest to discover the source of the Jungles Ailment shall resume on December the 20th to allow attendees adequate time to prepare and re-adjust; I appreciate your patience with this you all.
Loves bite is eternal, welcome or otherwise. Once bitten it twines with your very soul and can never be forgotten

Player of: Dante Ambrogio, Victus Ambrogio|Naut|, Kat`ryn Quel`dalre, Elizabeth Graesyn, Vex Windstrider, Valithren Caradoc, Daelmaron Fyresong, Morgran Fireforge, Feindhara Ingolfr, Gashan Nakajima,
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