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Quest: Righteousness; Yay or Nay...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:00 am
by Vexademus
There's a new posting on the board for The Lonely Inn and Gaea's Guzzler since the duck incident. And, even the page seems to make mention of it.

"To those who feel the need to help; HELP! Our town has been besieged by road bandits! We cannot trade nor transport our goods unless we pay the band unfair tolls! Please, harvest is almost here and there will be more rains and winds during the cooler months. Any who are willing to clear these bandits, please inspect the paths that follow the river leading out of the Dethsirian Lake, headed southwest. We would greatly appreciate your skill in getting rid of this group. P.S. ~ There may be more than one. Please be careful and report to the small new village of Guilded Green with proof. Rewards await!"

Start time: 08/17/2021 6:00 PM Central Standard Time

A. This short quest has 3 slots open. Sign up quick!
B. Open to ALL of ANY level.
C. Please keep posts (for the exception of an ENTRY post) down to 3 buffers.
D. Listed skills on bio page (ranked and unranked) preferred.
E. Characters may be asked or needed to do things. THINGS!


1. Jaescin
2. Zully

Re: Quest: Righteousness; Yay or Nay...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 2:47 am
by Akaton
Zully will be making a return trip to help such people in need. Hopefully doing things far enough away from their village to avoid collateral damage.

Re: Quest: Righteousness; Yay or Nay...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 4:32 am
by Jaescin
Jaescin will participate.

Re: Quest: Righteousness; Yay or Nay...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 8:19 am
by Odette
Mae wants to join!

Re: Quest: Righteousness; Yay or Nay...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 2:41 am
by Vexademus
Quest Completed!

Players' finish: Jaescin, Zully

Congratulations! To Zully "the Liberator"! And to Jaescin, may you ever remain cruel to those that feign ambiguity in their loyalty.."because fuck if House Deth doesn't get its full due." - Jaescin