Healing & First Aid/Triage - The Manual

For activities relating to healers and those in need of them.

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Healing & First Aid/Triage - The Manual

Postby Lindor on Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:22 pm

Elf sat down at her desk, in the Manager's office of the Healing House. Pulling out a fresh, leather-bound journal, ink-pot and owl-feather quill, the Elfmaiden began to write in the Common Tongue, all that her Teacher gwyneth had shown her and all that she had learned through years of trial and error; with a flowing, elegant script signature of High Elven upbringing.

When the book was finished, Lord Matwyn had his Scribes copy it by the hundreds to be distributed widely throughout the land. A stack of them sits in the Library of the Healing House, available for anyone to take a copy for free.


The Ancient Art of Healing
~ by Arwen Lindor Tindomerel ~

To All Who May Enter this House in Search of Knowledge of the Ancient Arts of Healing~

If you seek to learn the skills of First Aid & Triage, of Healing Magic, or both, I write this for you. If you are among the fortunate who have been blessed with the healing abilities, you are a kindred to my soul. But, possessing an ability without skill, without knowledge, is dangerous. When I was young in this land, I had ability but no skill. I was fortunate to have a teacher who often corrected my mistakes. I learned the hard way, through much trial and error. The time of the Healer's Guild, of mentors and students, seems to have passed. Therefore, I will pass on all that I know here in this book, in the hopes that Nanthalion and all of Belariath may continue to produce Healing Masters.

Healing spells, on their own, are a mere finishing touch to mending a creature, setting them right, making them whole again, but are not the whole of the matter. If, for example, a fallen soldier is suffering from the pierce of a broken arrow, the gaping gashes from sword or spell, or has bones broken and mangled, merely casting a spell on him with no preamble will result in healing him, yes, with that broken arrow affixed in place, with that flesh still split wide open, with that bone still wrenched in twain.... With a strong possibility of healing over dirt and impurities, only to result in a vile infection days or weeks later, of leaving the man crippled. We do not want to leave our patients like this... Ours is more than just a quick and easy fix, it is a sublime and intricate Art, the art of mending the very flesh... Sometimes, making it better than it was before.

Many healers already know that the first spell to be cast is Discern Ailment. Indeed, I would recommend this before even applying the first packet of herbs or stitch.

I would recommend for all Practitioners to acquire the following spells from the Common Sphere, as they will prove invaluable tools during your time on the field or in the Hall:

Floating Disc
Sweet Bliss

And, the spell of Sleep, from the Arcana sphere, which can be acquired as an enchantment (as the spell of Arcana Sphere is not available to those of Healing Class).

For non-Healer class First Aid/Triage workers, the spell of Discern Ailment may be acquired as an enchantment on an item you own, and is highly recommended!

In addition to the spells listed above, I would strongly recommend acquiring the following tools for your inventory:

A good pair of scissors or sewing shears
Needle and Thread
A Healing Kit (small is fine)
A Roll of Bandages
Wooden splints

Once the Ailment has been Discerned, there is a set Protocol that must be followed to the letter~

1.) A.) If there is excessive bleeding that threatens loss of life, apply the herb Agrimony to stave it off. This will give you time to work.

1.) B.) Cure the Disease if necessary. Cure the Senses if necessary. If the patient has been poisoned, you will need a Healer of the appropriate Mastery to cast Cure Poison and cleanse his body. A book on the nature of poisons can be found in our Library at the Healing House

2.) Stabilize the patient. Lie him down as flat as possible. IF there is time, he should be moved to a location appropriate for surgery, such as an examination room at the Healing House, a private bedroom at the Inn, and the like. The best way to transport an injured person without causing further damage, is by means of the Floating Disc spell. This is your magical guerney, conjured upon a moment's notice, at your fingertips.

3.) Remove the patient's clothing with your scissors or shears, if necessary. This is so you do not inflict further injury by forcing the body out of the binding of clothes, and, as you are attending to the wound(s), must have a clear path to the whole of the anatomy without bulk distrupting your Art. The clothing may be repaired later on via the Mend spell, and this is advised as you may not want to upset the patient by having destroyed his good clothes.

4.) Cast the Clean Spell over the whole of him, focusing on any open wounds. This is to remove any impurities that may cause infection, disrupting the natural and/or magical healing process.

5.) Apply stitches and set bones as necessary. You may want to spend some time practicing on a scrap of leather, to acquire good stitching skills. You may want to read up on the anatomies of as many races as possible, to understand how their bones work. All of this information is available in the Library of the Healing House. (OOC Note: i.e., the website, under Races) You may want to know the spells Sweet Bliss and Sleep, as they are the only anesthetic I could find that would stop a Minotaur from screaming like a little girl as you forcefully ram his femur back into the socket.

6.) Wrap bandages into place, with stints if necessary, to hold the stitches closed, and to hold bones in appropriate positions for proper healing.

7.) At long last, now you may whip out those big, fancy healing spells. Casting Heal, after all has been done to prepare the body, sewing and gently prodding it back to its finest shape, you may seal in the benefits of all your hard work, integrating with the finishing touch... You may follow with a Regrowth spell if necessary, if all of your stamina has not been spent.

Now, with the aid of magic, rather than taking weeks or months to heal, the patient will be back on his feet in a matter of mere hours or days.

Which brings us to a question of, how long does it take to heal?

Minor wounds: Bruises, heavy bruises, dislocated arms, dagger cuts and stabs, small burn wounds, a broken toe, finger. Once healed, a minimum of an hour to three to go back into a battle situation.

Medium wounds: Fractured wrist, arm. 5% fire/ice burning to body, half inchgashes. A minimum of six hours to eight depending on the damage caused, IE: you have 10 hp, you are caused 6 hp of damage, [6 hours].

Severe: Wounds caused by swords that slice through arms, legs, belly. Burn/ice/lightning over 20 % of the body, broken legs, arms, back. Crushed limbs. Three days after healing.

As you can see, simply waving your cute and sparkly little hand and squealing "Heal!" ... is not enough to do the trick proper.

This Protocol may be followed by all First/Aid Triage workers up to the last step, those that are aiding a Healer or working on their own, and the patient will be back to one hundred percent either way. The spell of Heal merely speeds up this process. It is recommended that all Healers have assistants to help them with the lengthy and involved job of preparing someone for healing.

This is the same Protocol that should be followed in the preparation of a body for resurrection.

Finally, the Healing House is a resource available to all citizens of the Empire, and especially those who Freelance their services there.

Healing Herbs and Healing Blends are always available for use in the Healing House, thanks to our Garden and Laboratory, and the faithful attendants who keep these well stocked. For those times when away from the House, the Herbs may be acquired from the Apothecary at Unigo Tower, and are a recommended staple of a Triage worker's inventory.

Healing Herbs

Faith Raven- Dried leaves that are good for up to 1 year. May be placed on open surface wounds to restore 1 Life

Comfrey- Dried leaves that are good for one year, place on bruised skin to heal up to 1 Life

Flairen- Dried, chopped roots good for one year, dissolve in cup of liquid and drink within 5 minuites to restore 2 Life

Goldenbay- dried leaves/flowers good for one year. Use against open surface wounds to heal 1 Life

Borage- bottle of oil, mix with liquid and consume within ½ hour to restore 2 life

Aloe- Gel within plant good for 5 minuites after exposure to air, rub against surface wounds to heal 2 life, wounds caused by burns receive an extra +1 bonus to healing

Calendula- Dried flowers good for 2 months, mix in liquid to create paste, press against open surface wounds within 10 minuites of creation to restore 3 life. If dissolved in liquid and consumed within 5 minuites- 2 life. Press dried leaves against an open surface wound to restore 1 life

Goldenseal- Dried roots, good for 1 year, grind into powder and mix with liquid to form paste, place against surface wounds to recover 2 life, paste is good for 6 minuites

Meadowsweet- mix dried herb (good for 2 weeks) with vodka and consume within 2 minuites (1 tablespoon only) to restore 1 life.

Red Pepper- dried, lasts 5 months, crush and mix with small amount of oil to create healing salve, massage into wounded areas to restore up to 3 life (do not use on sensitive areas. (EX: Genetalia, nipples, eyes, etc)

Witch Hazel- Dried leaves, good for 6 months, grind and mix with liquid to form paste, massage into wounded skin for healing of 2 life

Rosemary- Dried leaves good for 3 weeks, grind and mix with liquid to form paste, massage into wounded skin to restore up to 2 life

Yarrow- Dried flowers, good for 1 month, grind and mix with liquid to form paste, press against wound to restore up to 2 life

Agrimony- This plant, good for 5 months, acts as a couagulant to stop bleeding, can be mixed with any other herb but it has no healing value, it only stops the paitient's bleeding.

Note: the following can be used to create pastes: Aloe, Candula, Goldenseal, Red Pepper, Rosemary, Witch Hazel, and Yarrow, Agrimony. These herbs can be combined in any way, stacking their healing properties, though if done the healing value is as such: (Total of all healing values)/2

Note: the following can be used to create drinks: Flairen, Calendula, Meadowsweet, and Borage, Agrimony. These herbs can be combined in any way, stacking their healing properties, if done the healing value is as such: (Total Healing Value)*2

The following herbs can be used normally: Faith Raven, Comfrey, Goldenbay, and Calendula, Agrimony.
When combined the total healing value does not change.

Eucaliptis- The leaves of this tree, dried, last for 2 weeks. When broken the leaves emit a pleasant, relaxing scent for 2 hours used mainly in times of stress relief relaxing the patient.

Dragon's Bone- A dry powder created from the fosilized bones of various creatures, it's potency is constant for 6 months. When blown or otherwise distributed onto its targets who must inhale it to get the proper effect, the powder induces an effect like the sleep spell onto its injured sending them into a sleep while healers can work on injuries repairing damage without causing undo stress to the patient. This powder will allow the patient to awaken naturally feeling a bit drowsy from after effects. The powder lasts up to a half an hour depending on the severity and amount used. This powder is only used inside the guild. Its never sold or taken from it.

Skunk Cabbage- These dried leaves, good for 3 weeks store within them still living plant cells. When broken open and exposed to air the still living plant cells emit an unbearable stench detectable by only someone a few inches away from it, after that distance the smell dissipates. Usually placed next to or under a patients nose, this herb tends to awaken someone from a natural or otherwise induced state of sleep by using the odor leaving a very distasteful smell in the nostrils and the tastebuds of the tongue.

Elf included a floor plan of the building, drawn by her own hand. Lord Matwyn took interest in the little tome and has graciously had his House Scibes produce hundreds of copies, decreed that they be distributed widely though the land. A pile of them are available in the Library of the Healing House, that anyone may take and keep for themselves.

((ON THE NATURE OF QUESTS -- During quests, the protocol above is foregone in favor of practicality and considerations of time. A Healer's abilities will vary depending on the rules set forth by the GM, but the generally accepted practice is that a Healer may use their combat turn with a dice roll of !r 1d10, the resulting number being the amount of HP restored to their chosen target.))

(Description of the Healing House—Click the floor plan to enlarge.)

The Head Mistress' Ledger of Currently Active Freelance Healers and Healing House Attendants

In addition to the above text, Elfmaiden added a portion at the end, scribing word for word, from gwyneth's own hand, the description of a—


Healer's Resurrection:

Anything can be added to this ritual to personalize it to either the healer or the patient, but this as described is the basic necessities of the ritual, the spells (utilizing the IoP), actions, and herbs required to perform it. Calling back the dead without the aid of a deity is a more complex and grueling process than with that aid, and this ritual has attempted to display that while utilizing the natural skills of the healing profession. Use your creativity; add visual flashes, candles, incense, whatever you prefer to make the ritual your own. In some cases it may require two healers to perform correctly, or a brief rest to regain stamina, depending on how much life must be imbued into the body for the Rez to be complete. Having a second healer standing by to assist with the removal of the healer’s third eye and the curing of senses may be a reasonable precaution for most.

Gwyn had already been weighing, considering a spell, a ritual to give healers the power over their greatest enemy. Following her own death and resurrection this search became less of a consideration and more of an obsession. There had to be a way for a healer, a dedicated one to defeat this enemy themselves, without having to send every body off to the priests. Not that she had anything against the priests or the Temples; indeed she owed her own life to one. That was part of the problem. She owed her life to the Daughter of Ishtar, who was her friend, and to both her own Goddess and to Ishtar as well. There had to be a better way.
And so, what had been casual inquiry and an idea that had been formulating in the back recesses of her mind became more serious study. Hours, days spent in the library of Unigo, and, after gaining permission from the Leige she’d served so loyally, the library of Umbara too. She researched old healer’s texts, shaman spells, even the basis for necromancy, not to perform the foreign magics themselves, but to search for a way to create a spell in her own pervue. She called in favors with the shaman and necromancers she trusted, or could trade in such things with, to observe their rituals, their spells at work, the calling up of spirits, and the reanimation of the dead.

Slowly, slowly a ritual and spell began to take form from her notes and musing, experiments with animals followed, for she would not experiment on people, she was not a necromancer to perform such atrocities. The body was bathed in a mixture of cedar oil and marjoram before the ritual was performed to cleanse it and prepare a pathway for the spirit to return. Many texts had repeated the phrase “the eyes are the window of the soul” and indeed she had used her patient’s eyes often to tell her not only of the health of the body but the person and mind inside. But ritual required symbolism, and so, she prepared a mixture of Basil, Myrrh and Nightshade in a base of charcoal, and wet it with wine which more civilized societies used to symbolize blood. This combination was used to draw an eye on the forehead of the deceased. Sage was then added to this mixture and used to draw a closed eye on the forehead of the healer herself, to protect her from foreign spirits since she lacked the shamanic magic to do so. At this point the linking the bodies spell would be cast.

Then began the Calling the Spirit spell, which called the spirit from wherever it resided, be it still in this world or the next, sending it a summons to the body, using the cedar and marjoram as a guide, and the eye as a focus. This was an exhausting process, which could take minutes or longer depending on how far the soul had traveled from its shell, but either way left the healer much weakened, and yet, the ritual was not complete, for now that the spirit was in the body it must be bound there and given life else it would not, could not stay.

The healer must press down on the heart through the flesh six times, and then blow air over the nose and mouth, giving their own breath to the dead thrice. This was done to remind the heart that has been stilled how to beat, to remind lungs that have been quiet how to breathe. Next, The Gift of Life must be cast, a ritual ‘sacrifice’ of the healer’s strength for the return of the dead, giving life to the body, even if it leaves them weak and unconscious, with life comes healing and hope. Finally, the third eye must be closed so the spirit does not leave back through it, this is done simply by cleaning the herb mixture away.
Early experiments showed that all of these would return life, but sometimes leave the animal confused, as if it could not see, or perhaps hear or smell. As it was impossible with an animal to tell which sense was affected, the simplest course was to cure all of them, and so, the final part of the ritual is to cast Cure the Senses, to allow spirit and body to move together as one. Only after the ritual is completed is it safe for the healer to remove their own closed ‘eye’. By the end of this ritual both healer and patient are severely weak and will need rest and food as well as time to recover. For this reason, it is advisable this ritual be performed only in the safety of the Healer’s Hall or or a Noble’s Home where there is adequate security.


Healer-Rez Mechanics:

Linking the Bodies (1 Slot - OOB)

Before any resurrection can be done, there are certain things that need to be dealt with and sorted, to allow for the proper gift of life to infuse with the form requiring it. The first step is to prepare both the deceased and the one performing the ritual in readiness for what is to come. The exact steps that are taken depends upon the person involved in the ritual, but once they have prepared the dead body for the resurrection they can then infuse both themselves and the dead body with a link, enabling them to continue the resurrection using their own body and soul as the anchor to which they will bind all else in order to make the ritual a success.

Mechs - Costing 1 stamina, and only to be used after both patient and resurrector have been cleansed and prepared for the ordeal that is to follow. This ability is the first thing that has to be utilized in order for a resurrection to begin and be successful.

Calling The Spirit (1 Slot - OOB)

The second part in the resurrection of anyone no matter what race or religion they come from, is to summon their spirit from the realm of death back to where their body lies. This is done in a variety of forms depending on the religion and even the nature of the person doing the summoning, but it all ends the same way, with the spirit of the one to be rezzed left tethered back to their body waiting for life to be poured into it and therefore dragging them back to life. The tether only lasts for 24 hours and if a resurrection attempt is not made within this time frame, then the spirit must be called once again to the body.

Mechs - This ability costs three quarters of the resurrector’s full stamina and takes 1 round to cast the spirit can return at the beginning of the next round. If the casting is interrupted it will be unsuccessful and must be cast again. (i.e. the resurrector has 40 STA, it would cost 30 STA to cast). The ability will leave the spirit of the one to be rezzed tethered to their body for the next 24 hours, and it is within this time that a resurrection attempt must be made, or their spirit must be called again.

The Gift Of Life (1 Slot - OOB)

The last part in the resurrection of someone, is the gifting of life into their form to bring their spirit and their mortal shell back into one being. Once their spirit is tethered to their body, then the one performing the ritual can start to pour life energy back into their dead shell, to start the process of joining physical and spiritual forms into one being again and bring them back to the realm of life.

Mechs - This ability costs the resurrector 1 stamina for every one life point they wish to return to the target being resurrected. For the resurrection to be successful they have to return at least one quarter of the victim's life to them before they can fully become alive once more.

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