She was curious, perhaps it came with the description of thieves, always sticking their noses out there where they don't belong and hoping not to get caught and if they did.. with how much? Either way, the little elf was tired of sitting around and not getting anywhere. Tired of waiting to see if things would happen or if somebody would push for a little bit more. She knew how things went and where things needed to happen as she had watched for some time and so she would make her way in the evening around town and to the inn and tack up a little note within
Seeking those that wish to be involved
The time has come to start gathering, to play the games and reap the rewards.
Its time to build and come together if you dare...
00C: Monday August 18th 7:00 pm cst , a certain Elf (Treena) will be exploring the Old Town and seeing what needs to be repaired as well as be available to any thieves that would like to purchase lock picks in #tli-borderlands