These rules overwrite the Website until the website is updated
Any shop steal requires either an OP, or a Shop Manager to be present (ICly or OOCly) to witness the event. Only in these conditions can a shop steal be done. Please do not assume that because someone fitting this description is in a channel, that they are able to witness, always ask and get confirmation.
Set up rolls
These rolls are made pre-scene.
Mod roll:
Some rolls in the shop stealing scenario receive a bonus from a higher class of thief. X2 thieves and higher make a roll that corresponds to their X-level and what is relieved there is added on to other rolls.
x1 = Unmodified
x2 = 10% (1d10)
x3 = 20% (1d20)
x4 = 30% (1d30)
x5 = 40% (1d40)
x6 = 50% (1d50)
x7 = 60% (1d60)
Which shop:
This roll determines which shop will catch the thief’s eye. This roll is important because it determines which items the thief will gain access to be able to steal and whether the shop they are stealing from will be closed or open (not up to the thief). Please use the appropriate channel for the shop steal according to which store your thinking about robbing.
!r 1d14
1 = The General Store (Nanthalion)
2 = The Naked Bird (Nanthalion)
3 = Might Makes Right (Cash ONLY) (Nanthalion)
4 = Body Arts (Jewelry ONLY) (Nanthalion)
5 = C2C (Nanthalion)
6 = The Bazaar (Nanthalion)
7 = Silent Embrace (Tower of Umbara)
8 = Apothecary (Tower of Unigo)
9 = The Works (Nanthalion)
10 = Siren's Call (Valencia)
11 = Belladonna (Valencia)
12 = Real Estate Office (Cash ONLY - Choice of Nanthalion or Valencian Office)
13 = Callista's Vulpine Cuisine (Cash ONLY) (Nanthalion)
14 = Sugar and Spice (Valencia)
How much:
The next roll is to see how much worth of items the thief is able to steal away. This is made with a 1d5 roll. The thief can steal a number of items to total up to the limit of their result from this roll.
!r 1d5
1 = Can steal items valued up to 20 mhl
2 = Can steal items valued up to 40 mhl
3 = Can steal items valued up to 60 mhl
4 = Can steal items valued up to 80 mhl
5 = Can steal items valued up to 100 mhl
In Action
The next step is dependant on which shop the thief is stealing from – if the shop is closed, continue with section A. underneath this note labeled as Closed. If it is open, skip down into section B labeled Open.
A. Closed Shop:
This means that the shop that has caught the thief’s eye is closed at the time and thus the thief will be trying to gain entrance into the shop with their skills (or perhaps a rock) depending on two rolls.
A. Door pick:
The first method the thief will try to gain access into a shop is through the door, a roll of 1d100 will determine what state the door is locked in, ranging from impossible to pick to the door being left open. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.
!xr 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Failed attempt, go to window.
21-40 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
41-60 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
61-80 = Easy lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
81-100 = Hooray! Some idiot left the door unlocked!
A. Window pick:
If the door is found to be impossibly locked, then the thief will move on to trying a window. A roll of 1d100 is made to determine what state the window is locked in, ranging from impossible to open to it being left open. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.
!xr 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Break the window (Go to Step 2)
21-40 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
41-60 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
61-80 = Easy lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
81-100 = Hooray! Some idiot left the window unlocked!
If the window is impossibly locked as well, the thief may then choose to break the window to gain access into the shop.
A. The Steal:
Now that the thief has gained access inside of the store, he or she role-plays out stealing items from the closed shop up to the worth limit but not exceeding it. No rolls are made during this part.
A. Escape:
Now that the thief has their ill gained goods, it is time for them to make an escape. A 1d100 roll is made to see if the thief has left behind any evidence that could be used to determine their identity in the case that the Imperial Guards are called about the break in, or they find it during their patrols. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.
The type of evidence left behind is up to the thief, but it needs to be something that could clearly identify the thief as from their person (foot print, hair, combination of other things).
!xr 1d100+mod#
1-40 = Automatic Failure - CAPTURE or a BRIBE may be attempted
41-70 = 50/50 - IG rolls 1d2 to determine if the Thief is caught - 1 = CAPTURE or BRIBE; 2 = Escape
71-100 = Automatic Success - Escape
B. Open:
This means that the shop that has caught the thief’s eye is open at the time and thus the thief will be trying to steal from it using their guile.
B. Getting in:
Since the shop is open, there is no need to pick the door or window to gain access inside of the shop.
B. The Steal:
The thief can pocket an item while pretending to shop like a normal customer, this roll is made with a 1d100 to determine if the thief is caught trying to shoplift an item or if the shopkeeper is oblivious to the actions of the thief. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.
!xr 1d100+mod#
1-40 = Automatic Failure - Shop Worker sees you (see NOTE), a BRIBE may be attempted.
41-70 = 50/50 - Shop Worker rolls 1d2 to determine if the Thief is caught shoplifting
- 1 = Discovered, a BRIBE may be attempted; 2 = Unseen
71-100 = Automatic Succes
B. The Escape:
If the lift was not detected, then the thief should be able to just stroll out of the shop as a regular customer that has decided to not buy anything.
In the event that the thief is caught by the shopkeeper while trying to pocket an item, or arrested by a member of the Imperial Guard by evidence left over from breaking into a closed shop, the thief may attempt to bribe their way out of trouble, failing that they will have their punishment taken onto the thief.
The bribe option is allowed if both parties agree to it oocly, and the thief must be able to pay for the bribe out of the money on their person, not allowed to go to the bank.
How much:
A roll of 1d5 is made to determine how much mhl the thief will bribe the other person with. If the amount is more than the thief has on their person, then the bribe fails and it becomes a capture.
!r 1d5
1 = 20 mhl
2 = 40 mhl
3 = 60 mhl
4 = 80 mhl
5 = 100 mhl
A roll of 1d2 is made to determine if the bribe is accepted or fails. If the bribe fails, then the thief will also have to pay a fine equal to the amount they tried to bribe with in addition to their punishment and it becomes a capture.
!r 1d2
1 = The bribe is accepted
2 = The bribe is refused
The thief has now been placed under capture and a punishment is to be determined. A roll of 1d5 is made to determine what punishment the thief is deserving of.
!r 1d5
1 = 1 week Criminal Enslavement
2 = 2 weeks debt slave to shop
3 = 3 days on the slave poles
4 = Captor's Choice (personal punishment - current scene only)
5 = Combat (only if IG are present, otherwise roll again)
Other factors may influence the game play of a shop steal.
Good Samaritan
A citizen that observes the actions of the thief may report them to the Imperial Guard or take it on themselves to capture and punish the thief (in additional to the rolled punishment). This requires consent from the thief for the other player to become involved and is meant to increase role playing.
The Thief may keep the items he or she steals, as long as they do not take up an equipment slot (such as items from the Might Makes Right shop) or they may fence the items to exchange them for the value of the items (taking the money option). Pay out is done by the OP observing the steal, or the shop manager.
Log your theft
Just as a reminder to all of those who attempt a shop steal, that logs must be provided in the following format
Which shop did you steal from?
How much were you stealing?
What items did you keep?
Was the shop Open or Closed?
Did you fail/succeed?
Who caught you?
Did you try to bribe them? If so, how much? Did they accept/deny?
If you were captured, what was the consequence?
If you escaped, who did the !payout? or are you still waiting?
Each character must have their own individual thread with the Thieves Den section of the MB. And that to note that shop stealing can only be done once per month.