Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

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Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Twerlinger on Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:18 am

Given the little niggles that have been brought up recently, with some disparity between punishments and some confusion over how to work the shop steal. I'm looking for thoughts, comments, suggestions, areas that aren't clear to all in the writeup of Shop Steal Only. In order to try and revamp them, not rework them completely, more to readjust slightly to try and make things have a little more clarity and allow for people to make more use of this mechanic.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Kooky on Thu Feb 01, 2018 10:33 am

Kooky wrote:Thieves who are active are not that easy to come by.. so IG folks get excited when we know someone is looking to do a shopsteal. But it becomes a HUGE disappointment when an OP NPCs the IG instead of the thief posting their steal to the MB and letting the IG track them down. That's like.. the best part of the job and the most fun; that's our interaction. That's the biggest thing that separates the job from a regular 'guard' job for a House. In a few cases, that's why characters -have- the job, to throw their weight around while serving the Empire. And some have thieves -to- get caught and have that interaction with attempted bribes or talking their way out of it, the play of attempted escape and perhaps manhandling and rape.

Now I know the other side of the spectrum, where the thief-player wants the SL closed up and knit up tight to get on with play or is disappointed no IG seems to be on at that moment and knows their character should be arrested. That feeling of limbo and uncertainty.

It's just.. really, really disappointing when that play gets taken away from the IG folk who are looking to do their jobs. I'm not trying to start anything, just voice an opinion on it and give people something to realize if they don't know.

I play two IG and thieves myself, for the interaction. To me, I'd rather pause and wait for an IG to be available and play out the capture/bribe that way and leave it all up to interaction, to play with a new person/character and see what happens.

From Rants and Raves

I personally do feel that while rolls are good for the game's balance, they at times take away character free-will, and give little option for the ability of IG corruption or thieves with choices and morals (they do exist!) and other such things. I have a few suggestions, which I hope to post here when less tired.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Twerlinger on Thu Feb 01, 2018 1:14 pm

Go for it, any thoughts/suggestions/ideas, specifically on and around the Shop Steal consideration are wanted, whether it be from an IG, a Thief, or simply someone who looked at the rolls and decided it was too confusing to play a thief, or even to consider doing a shop steal, as its not simply limited to thieves only.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Kooky on Thu Feb 08, 2018 4:45 pm

My idea for Thief logs and Shopsteals...

I feel a great deal of it should be left up to interaction, not dicerolls. But I also think that the crime should match the punishment. And so here's a quick thing I just.. kind of tossed together. I also updated it with some info I felt was missing or otherwise just.. in need of adjusting. It may be a little redundant in places but I also did my best to draw from different sources of the IG and merge ideas and punishments that are on the MB as well as what I've seen suggested and my own suggestions.. so.. here we go!

So you want to do a shopsteal?.. Well, first see if an OP is available to oversee. So long as one is, ask in OOC if there is a Clerk or Manager of any shop that would like to possibly deal with a thief. If there is, you can skip down past the shop selection part. If not, time to do some rolls!

Which shop?
If a shop is on this list that your thief would -not- steal from, for whatever IC reason, then you must state it -before- rolls are made to be allowed to do a re-roll for another shop. Otherwise if a shop is selected and you decline, that counts as your roll for the month and you may not attempt another.

!r 1d13
1 = The General Store (Nanthalion)
2 = The Naked Bird (Nanthalion)
3 = Might Makes Right (Cash Only) (Nanthalion)
4 = Body Arts (Jewelry or Cash Only) (Nanthalion)
5 = C2C (Nanthalion)
6 = The Bazaar (Nanthalion)
7 = Silent Embrace (Tower of Umbara)
8 = Apothecary (Tower of Unigo)
9 = Sorcerous Sanctuary (Cash Only)
10 = The Works (Nanthalion or Valencia)
11 = Real Estate Office (Cash Only - Choice of Nanthalion or Valencian Office)
12 = Belladonna (Valencia)
13 = Siren's Call (Valencia)

Nanthalion Only
Want to hit only Nanthalion's shops? Use the roll below to correspond with the list above.
Roll !r 1d11

Valencia Only
Want to hit only Valencia's shops? Use the roll below to correspond with the list above. This starts at #10 The Works as our 1 with the other locations following.
Roll !r 1d4

How much:
The next roll is to see how much worth of items the thief is able to steal away. This is made with a 1d10 roll. The thief can steal a number of items to total up to the limit of their result from this roll. If your thief would NOT steal more than a certain amount, let's say 40mhl, you must state that before your roll. This way if you do land on a higher amount, you can stick with the 40mhl and thus the 40mhl punishment if you're caught. (See Crime and Punishment below for details)

!r 1d10+1 x Thief Class
Example, a Thief x 5 would roll !r 1d15
The addition does not add to the total, but the rolling ability. Better thieves have better potential.

1-2 = Can steal items valued up to 20 mhl
3-4 = Can steal items valued up to 40 mhl
5-6 = Can steal items valued up to 60 mhl
7-8 = Can steal items valued up to 80 mhl
9-10 = Can steal items valued up to 100 mhl
11-12 = Can steal items valued up to 120 mhl
13-14 = Can steal items valued up to 140 mhl
15-16 = Can steal items valued up to 160 mhl
17 = Can steal items valued up to 200 mhl

In Action
The next step is dependent on which shop the thief is stealing from – if the shop is closed, continue with section A. underneath this note labeled as Closed. If it is open, skip down into section B labeled Open.

A. Closed Shop:
This means that the shop that has caught the thief’s eye is closed at the time and thus the thief will be trying to gain entrance into the shop with their skills (or perhaps a rock) depending on two rolls.

A. Door pick:
The first method the thief will try to gain access into a shop is through the door, a roll of 1d100 will determine what state the door is locked in, ranging from impossible to pick to the door being left open. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Failed attempt, go to window.
21-40 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
41-60 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
61-80 = Easy lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
81-100 = Hooray! The lock seems broken or to have malfunctioned from rust.

A. Window pick:
If the door is found to be impossibly locked, then the thief will move on to trying a window. A roll of 1d100 is made to determine what state the window is locked in, ranging from impossible to open to it being left open. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Break the window (Go to Step 2)
21-40 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
41-60 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
61-80 = Easy lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
81-100 = Hooray! Some idiot left the window unlocked!

If the window is impossibly locked as well, the thief may then choose to break the window to gain access into the shop. At this point, you CAN back o if your character would not destroy Empire property, but this must be logged and counts as your monthly shop-steal. Let's face it, when the fates are against a character, they may feel compelled to back off.

A. The Steal:
Now that the thief has gained access inside of the store, he or she role-plays out stealing items from the closed shop up to the worth limit but not exceeding it. No rolls are made during this part.

A. Escape:
Now that the thief has their ill gained goods, it is time for them to make an escape. A 1d100 roll is made to see if the thief has left behind any evidence that could be used to determine their identity in the case that the Imperial Guards are called about the break in, or they find it during their patrols. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.

The type of evidence left behind is up to the thief, but it needs to be something that could clearly identify the thief as from their person (foot print, hair, combination of other things).

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-40 = Automatic Failure - CAPTURE or a BRIBE may be attempted. At this point, you may call for an IG in OOC or pause your scene to resume with an available IG, no OP required at that point as this is the IG's job.
41-70 = 50/50 - IG rolls 1d2 to determine if the Thief is caught - 1 = CAPTURE or BRIBE; 2 = Escape
71-100 = Automatic Success - Escape (At this point, the OP on duty will give you your payout or you can show a shop-clerk your log and a clerk can do an OOC sale of items for 0mhl in front of an OP for witnessing.)

Capture or Bribe
Now this is mostly based on interaction between the characters. An IG may be corrupt or lawful, or merely in it for padding their pocket. If a 1 is rolled for CAPTURE or BRIBE, it is up to the IG to determine if they will accept that bribe or not. The amount you choose to bribe them with is totally up to you. Prior to any coin exchanged ICly, there needs to be OOC agreement on if the IG will take the coins and let the thief go, or take the coins and still take the thief in. Some IG can be jerks like that! This adds to the drama of the play, and fun revenge perhaps later. In some cases, an IG may capture a thief but still let them go, and may even feel sorry enough for them to give them a gift of coin or item. That's why this part is ambiguous and left up to the IG.
* Keep in mind that when bribing, you need to have the coin actually available and on your person! This -may- be rectified only if the IG is willing to march you to the bank for their payout.

B. Open Shop Steal:
No need for break-in rolls, the shop is open!
The thief can pocket an item while pretending to shop like a normal customer, this roll is made with a 1d100 to determine if the thief is caught trying to shoplift an item or if the shopkeeper is oblivious to the actions of the thief. The Thief Mod is applied to this roll.
Keep in mind, even if you got a shop with mhl-only, you can always play it out appropriately by causing a distraction for the clerk to get at the till or by taking a non-descript item that is later sold off-screen to account for the mhl payout.

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-40 = Automatic Failure - Shop Worker sees you (see NOTE), a BRIBE may be attempted.
41-70 = 50/50 - Shop Worker rolls 1d2 to determine if the Thief is caught shoplifting
- 1 = Discovered, a BRIBE may be attempted; 2 = Unseen
71-100 = Automatic Success (The OP or manager may now do the mhl payout, or the clerk can sell you the item(s) for 0mhl)

Capture or Bribe
Now this is mostly based on interaction between the characters. A shop clerk may be corrupt or lawful, or merely in it for padding their pocket. If a 1 is rolled for CAPTURE or BRIBE, it is up to the clerk to determine if they will accept that bribe or not. The amount you choose to bribe them with is totally up to you. Prior to any coin exchanged ICly, there needs to be OOC agreement on if the clerk will take the coins and let the thief go, or take the coins and still call the IG in. Some clerks can be jerks like that! This adds to the drama of the play, and fun revenge perhaps later. In some cases, a clerk may capture a thief but still let them go, and may even feel sorry enough for them to give them a gift of coin or item. That's why this part is ambiguous and left up to the play. If the clerk does call in the IG, you can always try to bribe the IG too!
* Keep in mind that when bribing, you need to have the coin actually available and on your person! This -may- be rectified only if the IG is willing to march you to the bank for their payout.

Crime and Punishment***
Now, the crime should fit the punishment. It shouldn't just be random and this is the one thing that the IG can't make worse (without your OOC permission). The IG -may- reduce your punishment as they see fit based on play interaction and past offenses.

20mhl : One day servitude.
40mhl: Two days servitude.
60mhl: Three days servitude.
80mhl: One week servitude. May substitute for 3 public lashings that cannot be healed by magic and three days servitude.
100mhl: Two weeks servitude or one week in the IG cells. May substitute for 5 public lashings that cannot be healed by magic and one week servitude.
120mhl: One month servitude or three weeks in the IG cells.
160mhl: One month criminal enslavement to the targeted shop and one week on the slave poles.
200: One month criminal enslavement to the targeted shop and one week on the slave poles and one week in the IG cells.

* Keep in mind, your punishment can also be made worse on the IG's end as far as your number of offenses!
** Do not do the crime if you can't do the time. Included above are some substitutes for those who feel that their play would be too restricted, but some time MUST be served. These are -punishments- after all, but some modifications have been made to account for RL and OOC concerns.

The 120mhl+ punishments are a bit more extensive in that they are geared for experienced thieves.

Servitude types:
Criminal Enslavement - Working as a slave to the shop you tried to steal from.
Slave Poles - Being strung up for use and display in the inn, nude.
IG stock - Being restrained in the stocks in town, nude and with a spreader bar between your legs for display and use.
IG Enslavement - Being forced to clean the cells and headquarters, shovel snow and stables, doing icky jobs and tending to the IG with a chance of rapings.
** Keep in mind that despite you are for use and have a chance to be raped, you do NOT ever need to play anything out with anyone that you do not want to. This isn't to say that it doesn't happen off-screen to your character (as per rape rules on the site) but you are not obligated to play such out.

IG cells - The IG cells are enclosed cells with minimal needs met such as basic food, water and chamber pot. You may or may not have a cot and you may or may not be chained down or restrained in the middle of the floor. You can expect no visitors without an IG present. This is a restrictive scenario compared to servitude. In this case you are indeed serving time for your crime. No faemails or Messages (spell) can be sent. You may try to escape.. but if you do so and are caught eventually, you can go to trial for worse fates.

Thieving from the Empire (Slightly different from L`aquera's 2007 post)
An 'offense' is the number of times you've been arrested. If caught and released or released on a bribe, this does not count towards your offenses.
First Offense: The standard punishment for your thieving, no additional punishment.
Second Offense: Fined 20mhl plus a day on the slave poles and Jailed for one day within the IG Jail cells located in the forest within the IG Headquarters.
Third Offense: Fined 60mhl, Jailed for three days within the IG Jail cells located in the forest within the IG Headquarters.
Fourth Offense: Fined 100mhl. Public Flogging, 5 lashes. Jailed for Four days. Made to clean up the paths of the Forest from debris, snow, downed trees across the path, twigs, dead animals for two days.
Fifth Offense: Fined 110mhl. Public Trial, announced to all that you are a thief. Small mark placed upon left hand of a closed fist with a dagger within it. Lashed publicly 10 times. Jailed one week.
Anything further on this will be decided at a trial after the thief has been within a cell for one week and two days.

Good Samaritan
A citizen that observes the actions of the thief may report them to the Imperial Guard or take it on themselves to capture and punish the thief (in additional to the rolled punishment). This requires consent from the thief for the other player to become involved and is meant to increase role playing.

Bounty (My new suggestion)
To avoid the temptation of bribes and to offer reward to Good Samaritans for the lawfulness of aiding the Empire, the Empire pays out 50mhl for the live capture of any thief during their shop steal. This includes IG to help keep them on the straight and narrow of doing their jobs. This is a reward gifted by an OP on completion of an arrest. This only works during the thief's shop steal and does not work if you just bring in someone of the thief class or do such after a pick-pocketing.

Closed Becomes Open?!
This has happened before. All of your rolls are done, you're getting the item or mehrial.. and in comes someone oblivious and opens the shop. In this case, you make it known in the room that your scene is finishing up and took place -before- the shop was opened. This way your scene actually has nothing to do with theirs and doesn't interrupt you or their customers.
However if your roll says you're getting caught and the shop just so happens to open, feel free to ask the clerk if they want to be involved in your capture/bribe/escape and play with them! That gets you the interaction and goes right along with your rolls.

Log your theft
Just as a reminder to all of those who attempt a shop steal, that logs must be named with "Character Name's Shop Steals" and provided in the following format and posted here: viewforum.php?f=79

Month Year (Feb 2018)
Character Name:
Number of Offenses: (How many times were you arrested prior to this?)
Which shop did you target?
What did you steal/how much was the value?
Was the shop Open or Closed?
Did you fail/succeed?
Who caught you?
Did you attempt a bribe? if so, how much? Did they accept it or deny it?
If you were captured, what was the consequence?
If you escaped, who did the !payout? or are you still waiting?

Each character must have their own individual thread with the Thieves Den section of the MB. And that to note that shop stealing can only be done once per month.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Miranda on Thu Feb 08, 2018 5:40 pm

A lot here to digest!

And I'll have a mull and respond fully later but two things that I do like very much just from the off:

* Do not do the crime if you can't do the time. Included above are some substitutes for those who feel that their play would be too restricted, but some time MUST be served. These are -punishments- after all, but some modifications have been made to account for RL and OOC concerns.

Yeppers. Absolutely. And the variety in the punishment I -really- like. Miranda in the stocks would be fun. Miranda in a shop....*would go loopy and not have the time one suspects*

Also the bounty idea. I think that one has promise.

Anyhoo...more sensible structured thoughts later!
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Naomh on Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:41 pm

Could there be a possibility of having a potential re-roll on location? For thieves who only want to work in a selected area (just Nanthalion/Valencia) or in other cases that I had just happen where Des just gets stuck in a loop and has you hit the same store time and time and time again?

Aborted my 5th shopsteal because it would've been the 3rd time I would've hit the Siren's Call, monotonous monotony is repetitively bleh.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Azara on Fri Feb 09, 2018 12:24 am

Naomh wrote:Could there be a possibility of having a potential re-roll on location? For thieves who only want to work in a selected area (just Nanthalion/Valencia) or in other cases that I had just happen where Des just gets stuck in a loop and has you hit the same store time and time and time again?

Aborted my 5th shopsteal because it would've been the 3rd time I would've hit the Siren's Call, monotonous monotony is repetitively bleh.

Just number the Nanth stores as 1-11 so you only roll a 1d11 if you want to restrict your options to Nanth stores.
REB would be @ 11 as it can be either Nanth or Val.
If you want to restrict it to just Val stores roll a 1d3 to denote the 11, 12, 13th numbers designated for Val stores.
And, of course, if you don't have a preference, the standard 1d13 roll applies.

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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Kooky on Fri Feb 09, 2018 3:44 am

Azara wrote:
Naomh wrote:Could there be a possibility of having a potential re-roll on location? For thieves who only want to work in a selected area (just Nanthalion/Valencia) or in other cases that I had just happen where Des just gets stuck in a loop and has you hit the same store time and time and time again?

Aborted my 5th shopsteal because it would've been the 3rd time I would've hit the Siren's Call, monotonous monotony is repetitively bleh.

Just number the Nanth stores as 1-11 so you only roll a 1d11 if you want to restrict your options to Nanth stores.
REB would be @ 11 as it can be either Nanth or Val.
If you want to restrict it to just Val stores roll a 1d3 to denote the 11, 12, 13th numbers designated for Val stores.
And, of course, if you don't have a preference, the standard 1d13 roll applies.


I think that should be allowed and fine. Thieves have preferences and the like. I'm adding it to my revision.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Azara on Fri Feb 09, 2018 6:06 am

I like the revisions. When I wrote up Shop Steal, it worked for the game as it was at the time. Many things have changed, and an update is needed.

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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Balard on Fri Feb 09, 2018 10:46 am

I like it Kooky, though i notice that a lot don't use the lockpicks and i would like to see them, i know some can't get hold of the lockpick sellers thats fine, but it's what i think should be used on the doors.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Kooky on Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:41 pm

Balard wrote:I like it Kooky, though i notice that a lot don't use the lockpicks and i would like to see them, i know some can't get hold of the lockpick sellers thats fine, but it's what i think should be used on the doors.

Honestly I've never seen lockpicks up for sale or in-use.. so I wouldn't know how to implement them. I -do- think however that if they're of use for thieves and available, they -should- indeed give a bonus for those who have them. If you could give me more information or point me to who can tell me about them with currently used info, I'd like that.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Naomh on Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:50 pm

(08:03:07) Desdaemona: (notice) Item 166 'Copper lock picks': type Special, value 0, price 15.00, slots 1, uses 6, level 1 strength 0 class .
(08:03:09) Desdaemona: (notice) Description : The most basic of tools used for picking locks, copper lockpicks are easily bent, and not quite accurate, and give a -10 modifier to lockpicking (though keep in mind that one not using any lockpicks whatsoever incurs a -20 penalty). Because of the relative unsteadiness of the metal copper, they are only sturdy enough to pick "bad" and "poor" locks. Comes in a set of six lockpicks, accomodating for
(08:03:11) Desdaemona: (notice) various sizes of locks.

(08:03:01) Naomh: !itemstat 165
(08:03:01) Desdaemona: (notice) Item 165 'Iron lock picks': type Special, value 0, price 30.00, slots 1, uses 6, level 1 strength 0 class .
(08:03:03) Desdaemona: (notice) Description : A bit stronger version of lockpicks, these are fairly sturdy and a bit well made. The "staple" of what most thieves choose to pick. While moderately stronger than copper, because of the thinness of the lockpicks the metal can be a bit ill-suited for some of the more advanced locks. Iron lockpicks cannot pick "excellent" or "superior" locks, and have a -5 modifier to attempting to pick any
(08:03:05) Desdaemona: (notice) other lock. Good for your average locks

(08:03:13) Desdaemona: (notice) Item 167 'Steel lock picks': type Special, value 0, price 60.00, slots 1, uses 6, level 1 strength 0 class .
(08:03:15) Desdaemona: (notice) Description : The more luxurious lockpicks for those that can afford it, steel lockpicks are well made and are quite sturdy. These are exceptionally good for those who spend their time picking their way through some of the more challenging types of locks. There is no negative modifier for using steel lockpicks, and they can pick any type of locks.

(08:02:42) Naomh: !itemstat 168
(08:02:44) Desdaemona: (notice) Item 168 'Mithril lock picks': type Special, value 0, price 100.00, slots 1, uses 6, level 1 strength 0 class .
(08:02:46) Desdaemona: (notice) Description : The end all be all of lockpicking, they're light, finely crafted, and incredibly durable. These are more for show and status symbols than anything, though that is not to say they are not quite exceptional when actually used, actually granting a +5 bonus to lockpicking merely by using such find crafted tools.

Not sure how this may help but here's the info according to the DB on lockpicks.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Balard on Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:36 pm

To get Lockpicks you have to see Whitemist, Twerlinger and i think Scourge was on the list, it falls under the thieves guild items and so only a couple of people can sell them.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Kooky on Fri Feb 16, 2018 6:38 pm

Lockpicks seem to have built-in modifiers.. but.. how are they used pertaining to the shopsteal rolls?... They seem to go off of stats rather than what we have now as of being simple.. They also seem to have a set number of "uses" too.

I'll see what I can come up with.

So far thinking each lockpick type will give +5 (to a max of +20) for the 'Door' and 'Window' roll.. That will stop it from being too over-powered, but does allow for the Thief mod to work alongside the lockpicking mods, which are 'paid for'..

!xr 1d100+mod#
1-20 = Impossible lock - Break the window (Go to Step 2) <-- Mithril lockpicks would eliminate this right off the bat for Thieves.
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Re: Shop Steal Comments/Queries/Oddities

Postby Naomh on Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:42 am

Okay, I've had several potential ideas that are all supposed to work together for this as well. This is ideas for the process itself, the bribe/capture/punishment parts are left out. Likely a touch complicated but putting it up now for input and thoughts:
The first step to any shop steal is finding an Op to oversee a shopsteal. If an Op is not available for whatever reason any manager (but not assistant manager) of any place can OOCly oversee a shopsteal attempt. Once you find someone capable and willing to oversee you can begin your shopsteal. It is recommended to do any and all rolls in #TLI-Quest or the OOC room.

1: Which shop?
Before you can go IC you first need to figure out which store you are stealing from. If for whatever reason there is a store your character would not steal from it must be announced BEFORE the roll is done. You can only exempt yourself from one store and should you roll it you may re-roll until you get another business.

Keep in mind that if you roll a store that is not your omitted one and you decide to not follow through with the rest of the shopsteal this still counts as your once shopsteal per month.

All stores:
!r 1d13
1 = The General Store (Nanthalion)
2 = The Naked Bird (Nanthalion)
3 = Might Makes Right (Cash Only) (Nanthalion)
4 = Body Arts (Jewelry or Cash Only) (Nanthalion)
5 = C2C (Nanthalion)
6 = The Bazaar (Nanthalion)
7 = Silent Embrace (Tower of Umbara)
8 = Apothecary (Tower of Unigo)
9 = Sorcerous Sanctuary (Cash Only)
10 = The Works (Nanthalion or Valencia)
11 = Real Estate Office (Cash Only - Choice of Nanthalion or Valencian Office)
12 = Belladonna (Valencia)
13 = Siren's Call (Valencia)

Alternatively you may choose to restrict yourself to Nanthalion only or Valencia only stores. The rolls for each region are below:

Nanthalion only: 1d11

Valencia only: 1d4, with 1 being #10 on the list above, 2 #11, 3 #12 and 4 #13. For The Works and the Real Estate Office this is clearly the Valencian branches only.

Additionally, from here on the Thief has a modifier to applicable rolls based on how many times the class has been taken. This modifier is as follows.

Thief x1: No modifier
Thief x2: +1 to rolls
Thief x3: +2 to rolls
Thief x4: +3 to rolls
Thief x5: +5 to rolls
Thief x6: +7 to rolls
Thief x7: +10 to rolls

2: Gaining entry
Now that you've rolled out which store you are going to strike, it's time to go IC and start roleplaying the shopsteal. For Nanthalion locations the channel is #TLI-Town and Valencia locations reside in #TLI-Borderlands. From here it is recommended to spend at least one post approaching and 'scoping out' the store. If it is closed proceed to the rolls below, if it is opened you may enter freely and skip ahead to step 3.

2-1: Picking and entering
The store is closed, which means you must now find a way in. All entryways are typically locked, including windows. It is the thief's choice to start with windows or the doors but only get one attempt for each category, meaning one can not try four different windows and two doors. If you fail at your first attempt to unlock an entryway then you can abort the shopsteal which counts as your monthly shopsteal attempt, or move on to the other.

Roll !r 1d100, if you rolled a 100 you are fortunate and someone forgot to lock that window/door! If not then apply your thief modifier and a second modifier based on your lockpicking tools listed below:

No lockpicks: -20 to rolls
Copper lockpicks: -10 to rolls
Iron lockpicks: -5 to rolls
Steel lockpicks: no modifier
Mithril lockpicks: +5 to rolls and consult to the chart below:

After applying your Thief and lockpick modifier to the roll, consult chart below:

less than 5 = Jammed lock - Your fumbling jammed the lock, just be glad you didn't break your tools. 1 round of RP then move on to other entryway. If this is your second entryway attempt then move on to step 2-2.
6-25 = Beyond your talents: For one reason or another this lock proves too stubborn for you to unlock. 4 rounds of RP before you can give up and move on to second entryway attempt. If this is your second attempt then move on to step 2-2
26-50 = Stubborn lock - 3 rounds of RP to unlock it
51-75 = Sticky lock - 2 rounds of RP to unlock it
76-100 = Easy lock - 1 round of RP to unlock it
Greater than 100 = Your deft fingers and quality tools handled the lock as if it was as much of a barrier to entry as a simple doorknob. You may enter the store immediately.

2-2: breaking and entering
You are unable to pick the locks. The only way for you to enter now is to force your way in. Hope you brought something to smash the windows in with. You may choose to instead abort the shopsteal at this point, but you must roll on the chart at step 4 for your picking attempts earlier and this will still count for your monthly shopsteal attempts.

3: The Theft
Now you have made it in. It's time to spend at least one post looking around and 'acquiring' goods. Be it coin or items to pawn off to an NPC fence later. How much a thief can take depends on a combination of skill and luck and is represented with the roll down below. If the store is closed proceed to 3-1 after rolling, if it is open move to 3-2 after rolling.

The roll is a 1d(x) with (x) being 10 plus the number of xthief you are. So for instance a Thief x5 would roll a 1d15, a Thief x2 would roll a 1d12. Compare the roll to the chart below to figure out the MAXIMUM value of coin and goods you can take. If you decide for whatever reason to take less you are free to do so, just announce the total amount you are stealing before moving on to Step 4.

1-2 = Can steal items valued up to 20 mhl
3-4 = Can steal items valued up to 40 mhl
5-6 = Can steal items valued up to 60 mhl
7-8 = Can steal items valued up to 80 mhl
9-10 = Can steal items valued up to 100 mhl
11-12 = Can steal items valued up to 120 mhl
13-14 = Can steal items valued up to 140 mhl
15-16 = Can steal items valued up to 160 mhl
17 = Can steal items valued up to 200 mhl

3-1: Closed store
The store is closed, you have free reign to spend a minimum of one post collecting goods before moving on to step 4.

If the store becomes opened while you are stealing in it, it is up to you and the clerk opening the store how to handle it. You can either opt to have it be two separate scenes, where you steal and have left while the store was still closed, or the clerk can walk in on you during your stealing attempts and move on to step 4 immediately.

3-2: Open store
The store you have chosen to steal from is open and you must RP out sneaking items and/or coin while the clerk is not looking or otherwise distracted. The clerk and any customers inside the store must roll a 1d100 to see if they notice the thief stealing wares. If they roll a 100 they notice your thieving ways otherwise they will subtract your Thief modifier and add their own, suffering a -5 penalty if no levels in thief are taken.

For example for a Laymen to notice a Thief x7 stealing from their store they will roll, and if not 100 they will subtract 10 (the Thief's modifier) and add -5 (no thief levels taken) to their roll. Meanwhile a Thief x3 would roll, subtract 10 from the Thief's modifier, then add 2 to their roll for being Thief x3.

After rapplying modifiers consult the chart below:

Less than 30 = Failure: You failed to spot the thief stealing.
31-80 = Chance of being spotted. Roll !rstat INT+modifier against the Thief's !rstat INT+modifier, if spotter beats thief the thief is spotted, otherwise thief is not.
Greater than 81 = Success: You have caught the thief in the act. Proceed down to step 4-2.

4: Escape
Now you must get away with your ill-gotten goods.

4-1: Closed store
After you have grabbed your goods and decide to leave roll 1d100, on a roll of 100 you make a smooth getaway. Otherwise apply your thief modifier to the roll. If you had to break in, unable to pick the locks, you do NOT apply your modifier and instead subtract 10 from the roll for such a clumsy and unprofessional job. See below for further details.

Less than 5 = Caught
6-25 = Identified
26-45 = Evidence left behind
45-65 = Suspicion
Greater than 65 = Clean getaway

Caught: Someone catches you in the act, preferably a player character but if necessary it can be NPC's. If NPC it's always members of the IG that have caught you but if a player's character it could be anyone whose attention you caught with your fumbling around and poor luck. Preference still goes to IG members spotting and catching you if any are available.

Identified: Someone saw you and recognized you, or has a solid enough description of you that the Imperial Guard can actively hunt you down.

Evidence left behind: You left something behind, or someone caught a glimpse of you and willing to share it with the Imperial Guard. What exactly is up to you, from a fragment of cloak to a descriptor similar to 'It was a catgirl with a ring around her tail' or 'Dark-haired human male'. Every time you leave evidence behind you will record it and then roll 1d100 adding your thief modifier. If your roll beats the number of evidence times ten. For example, among all of your shopsteals you have left 1 piece of evidence, perform another shopsteal and leave a 2nd piece, now you roll against a threshold of 20. Should you roll lower than the threshold the Imperial Guard now have enough evidence to hunt you down. If you do not leave any evidence behind you do not need to do this roll.

Suspicion: Nothing from any witnesses or evidence behind is useful, but they are well aware that they are stolen from. The next time you steal from this store half the value of goods you can steal due to everything being locked more securely. For simplicity this only impacts your future shopsteal attempts, no one else's.

Clean Getaway: As it says on the tin. You get away like the smooth criminal you are.

4-2: Open Store
Listed earlier the chances to be caught are rolled by clerks and any customers within the store. However there is more than one way to be caught. Roll 1d100, if you roll a 100 you make a clean getaway otherwise add your thief multiplier and check your result below:

Less than 10 = Detected while leaving
11-35 = Detected after leaving
36-50 = Suspicion
Greater than 50 = Clean getaway

Detected while leaving: "Hey wait a minute...!" While you don't get caught sliding the things into your pocket, the clerk notices the missing wares are you try to make your getaway and are capable of stopping you at the door and/or calling in the Imperial Guard.
Detected after leaving: The clerk notices the missing wares and are unable to stop you from leaving, or perhaps you already have left. Either way they know who took the good and are capable of giving the Imperial Guard a full description that they can hunt you down with.
Suspicion: Something is missing. The clerk has an idea what but not who may have taken it and give a list of people and rough descriptions. This counts as an evidence counter and the thief must make their evidence roll as described in 4-1.
Clean getaway: By the time the missing wares are noticed you're long gone, forgotten about and the clerk doesn't want to say anything. Well done.
Avatar courtesy of: Lucky/Isilindil :
Team member of: Dev, SI, Quest, Ops
Manager of: Sorcerous Sanctuary (Anaya), Unigo (Headmistress - Keani), Lodge of Strength (Head Priestess - Robyn)
Assistant manager of: Thallis (Lady of the Azure Isle - Naomh), Sutara's house (Majordomo - North), Arena (Records Keeper - Kateri)
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