~Shop Stealing and you! Not just for TG Members!

A place for thieves to meet up secretly, swapping stories, fencing goods etc.

Moderator: Belson

~Shop Stealing and you! Not just for TG Members!

Postby WhiteMist on Wed Oct 14, 2009 9:23 am

Just as a reminder to all of those who attempt a shop steal, that logs must be provided in the following format

Which shop did you steal from?
How much were you stealing?
What items did you keep?
Was the shop Open or Closed?
Did you fail/succeed?
Who caught you?
Did you try to bribe them? If so, how much? Did they accept/deny?
If you were captured, what was the consequence?
If you escaped, who did the !payout? or are you still waiting?

Each character must have their own individual thread with the Thieves Den section of the MB. And that to note that shop stealing can only be done once per month.
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