Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Weekly projects with absolutely no chance of either fortune or fame. Open to all.

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Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Tehya on Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:19 pm

Society can govern our daily lives but dreams are our own... with no restrictions. This week's theme is Dreams. Feel free to include nightmares.
Artwork, poetry, stories, are open to all to post here.
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby mozenwrathe on Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:45 pm

Rather Than Above The Ocean
by Nápoldë Númenessë, high elven jeweler

and as the blanket that was day's end
floated over the blissful horizon
did I know that once more would I know
that horrors that was the reverie
as in nights once my blessing from work
were now filled with strangeness and woe

this world that was behind my eyes
no longer mine to control and shape
instead debaucheries alien to my heart
and cruelties once forgotten
both center stage and performed
for their captive audience of one

could I not free myself of ivy bonds
wrapping around me within forest of fear
shards of volcanic glass tickling upwards
as a mirror image of myself
except all of precious stone and rare earths
licking its way up my thighs and hips
then shattering once it got to my ribcage
filling me with shards and agony

yet was the parade of pain not over
for my mind still had more places for me
to visit again though were they forever lost
as I had forsaken any right to my one time home
the moment I bid them all farewell
that final time with blood in my eyes
and my hair bound with silver and sinew

resourceful is my deeper dreaming demon
having me walk though my old village
with the bodies of all I left behind
animated like parodies of marionettes
eyes missing and chests filled with worms
arrows still smoking and arms missing
conversing like it was an average morning
all waving to me with open jaws
voices singing to me in marvelous choir
all the while ravens plucking at their shoulders

before I can turn into maddened maiden
raving in sorrow at my fallen world
does chasm open below my feet
making me fall upwards into the skies
for me to crash into a glorious phoenix
speaking to me in voice of my grandmother
asking me if this is what I truly wanted
to flee a land of relaxing reclusion
into a world so vast and merciless
that all may victimize you at will
calling it a just and noble act

it is here where the tears start to flow
and my heart is torn asunder
my sobbing floods this inner world
a wish for all to be just as it was
before I left what was all I knew before
then do I remember my love
and the friendships I have made
allowing me to rise from the reverie
a little stronger than before
current characters:
Prydain Mozenwrathe (Magi, smith, known to the Might Makes Right) ,
Ichilandar Shimmerstrike (dark elf, ranger, merchant) ,
Dasan (Sheykan, druid, real estate specialist)
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Stormbringer on Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:59 pm


Dream or nightmare?
Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Tehya on Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:20 pm

Dreams; the clever dictator of our minds, taking us places where we dare not tread when awake.

Sleep came hard every night, the soft turn of silk against silk and the splatter of golden strands of hair clinging to the pillow…a nightly fight…wanting those dreams. The lure of a whisper of the cold wind outside, and the faint scent of lavender upon the sheets was the catalyst of the fatal dream that would coat her like sweet honey, cut her like a sharp knife, and then leave her bolt right up in bed with her heart beating fast to look around for that face that haunted her nightly.

Her dreams were as if an entity or a person orchestrated the desires she had that were never whispered, the faint touch that she longed for, and the right way she felt life should be.

Her partner in her dreams was the Marquis Relanoth, hair lighter than hers, but blonde and long, eyes that drove her to want death instead of his grasp. He was a cruel man, his greatest enjoyment wasn’t lust but humiliation, and in her dreams she imagined him using her in the most obscene ways. His cruelty was driving the Torian mad and sometimes she would run through the forest wanting someone or something to grab her and take her away from this Noble with a heart of ice.

The pillow felt soft against her cheek, and the flickering candle she kept lit upon the windowsill showed shadows that moved, kinder figures than the man that slept so close by. She watched them move back and forth against the flame, until the dream snatched her into its web and her eyes softly closed seeking release and comfort.

The dream wasn’t as kind that night, not that it ever was, but manipulative just like the Marquis. It had been another day of humiliation, the horse’s tail on the butt plug thrown to the side of her dresser instead of her wearing it, that rebellion brought on the tempting dream that would lead her down the forest path.

The darkness didn’t frighten her, the golden cloak lined with fur he bought her kept her warm enough, but the worn path to the bushes of nightshade spoke to her that evening.

“Pick these berries, mash them into his juice and bring his dinner to him with the grace he expects.”

“I can’t they will kill me if I poison him.”

Her words were fearful and her fingers shook with temptation seeing the berries glistening red against the green leaves.

“Oh but you can for we will take you away and house you in a dream that will never end. A dream where the night will caress you like you desire, a place where lust makes you writhe upon the sheets, and your lover will smile and touch you in ways you have never felt.”

There was a flutter of her eyelashes, almost waking from such temptation. The dream had other ideas pulling her deeper into sleep. The soft heave of her breasts against the silk sheet showed she was excited in this dream that could tamper with her mind and body so easily.

She could feel that soft touch she craved so, the hands of an expert lover, knowing exactly where to touch her, and the peace of no torment.

That was the night they struck a deal and she wasn’t known to sleepwalk but she did that night. A rise of the sheet released the golden haired Torian, and those golden wings folded to her back as she threw the fur lined cloak over her nude body.

That path to the nightshade was worn down from her frequent walks to stare at it and think malicious thoughts of ending her Master’s life, but that night was different. The dream took her hand and caressed it drawing it to the berries and she picked a good amount of them.

The night’s sky spun before her eyes and she found herself in the kitchen grinding those berries until the bitter red juice filled a bowl, and she looked down remembering his taunts of her becoming a pony with a chariot. Yes he loved juice instead of wine, and she went to the cooling box to draw out his favorite juice and filled a glass. Wicked as she might be with the dream smiling at her side she mixed the nightshade with the red juice and they blended perfectly.

He was in the hall admiring some crystal statue that was given to him. How he loved his art, and it seemed a suitable place for him to receive his last drink. With head bent and a soft whisper the dream laughed at her behavior, delighted that she would go this far.

“Master your juice before bed Sir…here.”

He had hands of an artist, long fingers, smooth flesh that had never seen a day of labor and took the drink in his hand.

“About time your minutes late and will need more practice.”

She bowed her head with a slight grin on her lips that he couldn’t see because he was staring at the statue, and he drank the juice until the goblet was empty.

“What are you staring at slave, be off with you and practice like I told you to.”

She turned with a wicked grin on her face holding the dreams hand tightly in hers and walked down the long corridor to only turn back to look at him.

His face turned red, such a difference than his flawless white skin, and his eyes bulged from his head. She seen him hold his stomach in severe pain, almost as painful as the day he had another use her in the Inn.

The dream whispered in her ear, “It has been done.”

His voice was raspy and his words came out in gasps.


She watched him crumble to the floor wearing his new clothes that he was going to wear to the gathering he told her she could not go with him. Such a shame, he had a nice physique, a handsome man who laid staring with lifeless eyes at the crystal statue he admired so much.

She turned with a crisp step and held her head high for the first time since her capture, returning to her room as if she never left her bed.

The dream ran his hand down her cheek, the soft touch she craved so much, and then lifted her to heights of passion she desired, leaving her in the most marvelous release. She opened the entire manor for the healers to practice and give lessons... using the very dining room table she was punished for sharing with her guests.

Dreams have no recourse or punishment, and she finally fell into its arms to sleep in a relaxed state for the first time in a year.
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Tehya on Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:32 pm

SB awesome picture and I'd say nightmares, and Pry another interesting poem.
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Fariday on Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:37 pm

Nightmare (Shadows Traverse)

Shadows traverse
the expanse of my mind
and fill me with fears
so unlike other kinds

They crawl and they writhe
'till the world calls me 'wake
and still in my mind
'tis my sanity they take

Kicking and screaming
I lay still in my bed
while the shades of my shadows yet

Scream in my head

The light falls on my face
My eyes stay open wide
As the shadows retreat
From the sun climbing high

I cling to myself
Knowing truth upon lie
In the sun I shall wake
In the shadows I'll die

--I know this is a repost of my previous submission from the 'Trick of the Light' Challenge, but it felt like it fit so well.
And another, more recent addition to my short-story compilation:

--Journal Entry 134, Mid-Week, Just after dawn,--

I never realized my true fears until I slept that night. Each day I walked the earth I'd believed that my mind had been put at ease to them. I had long-since come to terms with the possibility that I could lose someone. That I might not be able to save them all.

But it never hit me just how powerless I could be.

Gods, it's been but days since the raid upon the inn, and I have had the nightmare twice in that period of time. Twice. And I have never remembered a dream so clearly:

I'm walking along a narrow corridor, thousands of doors on either side of me. My ebon wings graze polished oak wood with every step. My hand moves to a doorknob of its own volition, even as my mind screams that it's a trap. The silence is broken only by the creaking of that door, and my eyes gaze over her form, burning, screaming silently upon the stone. The burning flesh of the Swan-Mae torches my nostrils with every breath, immolates my lungs.

And so long as that door were open, or I inside that room, I would always be shackled, never allowed to run to her, never closer than fifty paces. I could run, I could fly... But she never got any closer.

The gods have forsaken my peace.

The door would slam in my face, the hallway would echo with the reverberation... I felt cold, so cold... Ice formed on my brow with each step along the hallway, my dream-self forgetting why I was so afraid. But then I would be forced to stop at the next door, and open it to the same Gods-Damned sight.

Every door. Every door. All the same. Thousands of them, all the same...

And I could never help her.

Xana finds me in my sleep, drenched in sweat. My familiar of only a month, she stirs me from the nightmare with a nip on my wing, and soothes me with words that a mother might say to her child; such is our bond.

I write this in my journal now because I know I will have expunged the nightmare from my mind subconsciously by later this day. As I did yesterday. But I need to know it's not me. That I am not powerless.

That even if the Gods will challenge me, I will protect her.
Let the blood flow,
Let the tears fall,
Open your tired eyes
And realize that you're just too late.
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Augustus on Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:21 am

The Day Dream

A warmth, filling the diaphragm.
Growing into an ache that seems to vibrate through eternity.
Muscles vibrate, twitch, and tear.
Mind clearing and goes blank, a white light builds softly.
Nerves catch fire, uncontrolled urge to shake
pressure, wanting to explode.


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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Saybera on Sat Feb 11, 2012 5:39 pm

I refuse to allow my foot to slide
and dangle off the side
because down there under the monsters reside

My pillows have to be just so
In case I turn to and fro

I'm tucked in and cocooned, and ready

I want the dreams to come and carry me away
on translucent wings to the dreaming place

running me through a field of wild flowers
my hands drop and are tickled by them

but suddenly without kind warning
the sky turns black, its rather alarming

the tall grass moves and does sway
"I'm coming to get you" it says

I start running fast and faster TILL
I trip over a root and take a spill

my heart is pounding in my chest
its going to explode if I don't rest

I get up and start running again
I look back - its starting to gain

The trees I pass, their branches scratch
my face, and arms, down this path

I see a light in a tunnel ahead
I run straight for it and nearly hit my head

Once Inside I collapse with relief
I left the monster behind, it didn't catch me!

Bending over and looking at his clock
A ticked off rabbit says, "Late. Just as I thought!"

"COME" said the mad hatter with a loud laugh
We've been expecting you, aren't you Alice??

Far away I hear a voice "Wake up Saybie, Its only a dream"
Wake up wake up...I heard you scream

Bolt upright I sat in my bed.
I trembled and glanced while rubbing my head.

I looked through the dim gloom
surrounding my room

I sighed with relief as I realized it was true
it would seem ---- Twas only a dream,

As at last I shut my door
to return to my dreams once more

Something glittered by my side
I reached for it and to my surprise

I heard something that made my heart stop
the ticking of the rabbits watch
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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Ehlanna on Sun Feb 12, 2012 4:38 pm

You can blame Adisa for this ... she made a comment in OOC.

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Re: Feb. 6th Weekly Challenge Dreams

Postby Tehya on Mon Feb 13, 2012 3:41 pm

Well dreams went well everyone's work was awesome and feel free to keep adding to these challenges even when I add a new one.
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