mIRC util for Des

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mIRC util for Des

Postby Ehlanna on Tue May 08, 2012 5:17 pm

Just 'cos I can ... and partly inspired by the recent voodoo add-in by Freakuancy here's a little 'gadget' that will, perhaps, help in communicating with Desdaemona. It has finally reached a 'release status' - at version 1.0: there may still be the odd glitch here and there and some minor additions later, but all the basic are now pretty much in place and active. One word of warning ... when first installed the dialog opens and it looks a bit messy - don't worry, that only happens when it is initialised, any further uses (starting using /des) will not do that!
What do you get?
A dialog with 10 working tabs:
1 ) Char Info - the common Des command to get info about a character
2 ) Mail - handle the !mail command and all of the options
3 ) Combat - the basic !clophyatk commands, along with specifying which channel to have the command be used in
4 ) Combatdice - the combatdice command, with buttons to preset the basic stats if you wish, along with the various modifiers available. Additional presets for stealing (trained/untrained added). Ability to link to character templates (see tab 10) added.
5 ) ShopItem - basic commands (list, display, find, sell,etc.) implemented
6 ) Info (renamed from List) - common info providing commands (list, weather, tli-info, tli-quest, news)
7 ) Payroll - basic payroll commands implemented (list, add, mod, etc.), manager stuff not yet
8 ) Me - most of the commands to find out about your currently logged in character
9) Useful - a set of handy commands - if you have any suggestions please let me know.
10) Templates - manage character templates - the ATK/DEF rating, per location, along with weapon and shield and Stat modifiers: load, save and delete these templates (stored in an .ini file) and you will be able to reference the numbers from the Combatdice tab

You will also get a new NickList pop-up command called "Populate CharName" which will put the selected Nick into the character name text field for you, as well as the Nick field (in the ShopItem tab).

To use, download the file, unzip it and put the des.mrc file you'll find into the correct directory - for Win 7 that is /Users/<name>AppData/Roaming/mIRC (the AppData folder is usually hidden so you'll have to turn on the 'show hidden files' option). In earlier versions of Windows that will be /Documents & Settings ...
Once there, start miRC (if not already active) and type: /load -rs des.mrc
Accept the option to initialise.
If you press the Exit button you can get the interface back by using /des. Next time you start mIRC the interface will not display by default, but will load - just use /des to show it.
The Reset button clears all the input fields and resets the variables - should not really need to use that! :)

New version 0.8 added
Gives the reply and del options for !mail
Dropped the Login tab
Added Payroll tab and implemented the basic !payroll commands
New version 0.9 added
Activates new tab (Info - renamed from List)
Removed some debug messages ... oops! ;)
New version 0.9a
ShopItem tab implemented
Minor bug with Combatdice where you had to change tabs before being able to re-use fixed
Actually updated version number!
New version 0.9b
Fixed bug with variable initialisation
New version 0.9c
Added two presets for Combatdice tab - "Steal - trained" and "Steal -untrained"
New version 0.9d
Bug fix: corrected issues with multi-line edit box text only using first line
Bug fix: corrected the !mail recall to not require a character name as the function recalls all messages you sent.
New version 0.9g
Increased horizontal size of dialog box, plus some of the fields, to permit another tab or two to be added.
Added the 'Useful' tab, and started populating it with a couple of handy commands.
Added the 'Templates' tab, as a placeholder for things to come.
New version 1.0
First 'release version'
Character templates finished
Use template checkbox for the 'boilerplate' combat options in combatdice tab added
Refresh Stat modifiers button to update Stat modifiers from the current template added
A little tweaking in positioning of items to tidy up
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Re: mIRC util for Des

Postby Ehlanna on Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:14 pm

Version 1.0 released (see first post, above) - which is just about ready for proper usage.
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