The Conclave of the Flame

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The Conclave of the Flame

Postby Tehya on Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:09 am

The Conclave of the Flame Part One

Quest held by Sorgram soon to be written for the Bard's Memories Journal

Sorgram paced in the great hall of the Volcano Temple. His mind was reeling at the thoughts about what could happen and he was not in a happy place in his mind. He wanted to know everything was all right. He was happy with chaos that was fun. But he was a bit scared. Not ready to admit it to anyone other than himself. 'You know what you are doing don’t you?' He shook his head, 'I hope you do. You know leaving will allow them access. You are the only one holding them back.' Looking around, he saw the table of wines and other beverages. There was also some fruit. Nothing to for a major dinner, but definitely enough for hospitality's sake.
Sorgram moved his hand over the table as if testing the table for dust or here ash. Not finding any he smiled, he had groomed the temple into a fine staff. His eyes looked over everything and knew it was going to be hot in here tonight and not just from the volcano itself.

Cybil made her way to the temple after asking a few locals the way. There really wasn't a way to get the path wrong as it lead directly to the mountain and there was the pathway, a huge stairway up to wherever the temple was... Cybil sighed at that, why did people had to put things in high places? Had they never heard about conveniently easy to reach? She'd start on the way up none the less thinking she'd give up even before she did 20 steps but as she found out, she wasn't getting tired despite the climb... Well she was getting stronger alright, that or her leg muscles were numb from the training earlier but she could feel her legs so that must not be it. She dismissed that and just kept on going up, closer to her destination until she finally reaches the first doorway.
She pushed by it ignoring the guards and would find herself in the first room, a sort of ante-chamber with quite a few portraits of what was probably this god's history. Not something she really cared about, Cybil knew the gods existed obviously, but she worshiped none and cared for them probably less than they cared for her. She'd push on to the next chamber, the temple itself as she'd
Cybil recognised it. In a way it might have looked like it was inspired on the dwarves. She didn't knew much about the short folk, but she like so many other heard stories of their great cities. She'd take a look around to see how many had arrived already, dressed in her blue dress there wasn't much different the way she usually dressed, though her hair took so many shades of colours and upon her head sat the mithril circlet she had gotten a while back, a very precious gift even if still virgin as far as it came to enchantments. Cybil did make sure she came to impress, even if just by looks alone.

Sorgram was advised by message that the first of whoever was going to attend had arrived at the bottom of the mountain. A mage he had yet to meet, well that would change tonight. His eyes looked over the Temple and he moved over towards the Anvil. Placing his hand on it, he gave offered thanks to Uvelcra and the turned, to await the arrival. Dressed in pressed red robes, he studied them to make sure they were immaculate as he awaited her approach and to study her.

Cybil noticed someone in his read robes by the anvil, what she simply assumed to be the altar in this place. It seemed a rather silly thing to her. Gods were being of great power and those powers manifested them self as magic, a god of fire even more however the chosen altar was something that was used to forge weapon, or toys, like Cybil always called them, for weapons or armor could
Cybil never do what magic did. she approuched the man studying him and for a moment she thought she had seen his face somewhere and in fact she had, she had seen him just last night at the inn but she didn't remebered that much, just something slightly familiar. "I seam to have arived early... Either that or it seams like i'm the only one." She'd finally say, annoucing her presence even though it was unneeded.

Sorgram moved toward her as she entered. He was a smaller black drak, his wings folded carefully over his back as he walked, tail swishing back and forth with carefree abandon. His eyes burned with light violet flames. She would notice that the warmth here in the temple was greater and more pronounced, more soothing to her, it was welcoming. As he approach, she would feel his presence or perhaps ego it was large. In a low tenor voice, he would provide a slight bow and speak, 'I am Sorgram, Grand Mallus to the Temple of Fire and Mountain, welcome to the Hearth of Entropy.' He stated as he looked her over and memorized her features.

Cybil took note of how he addressed to her, it was definityl different from what she had expected. No doubt she was expecting some arrogance, perhaps even a threatning tone afer the way she put things. The man however seemed to be tailored of a bit more patience than she was used to from everyone else. Indeed she could feel his presence, something different however, some connection was a bit more precise. He was a mage too, and one of fire just like herself, possibly he was a greater mage than she was, that wouldn't be too hard to imagine, there were many people better just as there was many people worse. Given his position, she no doubt assumed the later. "I am Cybil, no titles are necessary with me." Of course they weren't, she hadn't any after all, she wasn't exactly new to this lands, but she hadn't carved a name for herself just yet. She could feel his stare on her, studying ever curve of her body, the way it moved as she passed him by, conforted by the warmth within the temple and pulled towards the edge of temple straight towards the vulcano like a moth to the flame.

Sorgram turned to watch her walk and followed her, acting the tour guide as she was the only one here now, perhaps she would be the only one with curiousity or bravery to show. He was feeling the others were scared as to what was going to happen and decided that if they did not show it would be better. Walking beside her, he would give her time to peruse the sight and take it all in. She would notice, no fumes, were present, not as one would expect being this close to living, flowing magma. His eyes studied it and he would speak softly. 'Fireblood, the liguid that warms the earth we stand on from the inside

Cybil would stop only close to the edge. Like a moth to flame yes, she did was drawn, but not so close as to let herself fall into the pit of fiery death. It was however interesting to think of what would happen to the priest should he fall. Would he be incenerated immediatly or would his gods carry him back up in a warm embrace that wouldn't even harm him? An unspoken question that would
Cybil perhaps go answered. "Curiously enough, the way you describe it makes it look more as the blood that runs through Gaea's veins." She'd answer him and in it's own way, she wasn't so wrong either. "But I wasn't summoned here to teorise about a god's life and how important he is for the continued survival of the lands and all those who dweel upon it have I?"

L`aquera Down. Down into a spiral, slow and easy. Golden hide gleaming for a moment under the low lighting of sky. There was a trill to greet the other beasts, wings snapping out fully to slow its motion down further until strong back legs could stretch out and wings could curl inwards to drop only those last few feet. Gloved hand patted at Sinergys sinewy neck, crooning to her bounded friend before undoing straps and kicking free of saddle to slide down to the ground. "Theres a good boy, go find someone to yap too."
Sorgram would nod slightly. 'A sumons was made be he himself, a mere messenger I was his passed we, this night however, I am as much an invitee of yourself.' Looking down into that liguid, he would mumble.'it is the hottest thing I have ever felt.' As he turned to lead her towards the tables that were set up as a measure of hospitality, as much as it was a summons, it was not to say that he could not make it more welcoming. He was after all the earthly representative of the Hot one. 'You are welcome here if you want to peruse the archives and treatises on Fire magic. Uvelcra has supplied a great many parchments and scrools.' That was part of his work as well, chief archivist of Uvelcra. A message was delivered to him then. 'Ah, L`aquera has arrived. Now that one, will impress you.' Or irritate you.

Meadow{wSw} entered the room and silently she moved to sorgrams side. Not to close yet within reach. Head held up and hands at side with palms showing. Her back was straight and her collar flashed in the light of the room flames dancing off of it as if it were a play ground for the flames. Her long flowing black hair shining and accenting the soft blue and grey silk dress she wore with silver rope about her hips wore like a belt. <

Cybil would take a moment to digest what he had said at first but she acompanied him in silence as she listened to the rest. It took her a few seconds but she then understood what he meant, or at least she thought she did. She was going to meet his god in person... Well, in a manner of speach of course. "I am sure those will be of great use, as much as those of unigo." She'd say with a polite smile though in fact she meant that they would be of little use, likelly she wouldn't understand half of what was written there, she knew the very basics, most of them perhaps not all, it was a small miracle she could use magic altogether but fire made it easy, it was a thing of passion after all. It also explained why she couldn't control it properly.

"L`aquera? I am sure I've heard that name before." She'd say not really putting a name to face but she'd doubtlessly remember her when she saw her again.
L`aquera would likely, do both. Impress first, irritate the moment she spoke, moved or breathed. It rather was the way of the diminutive bitch and she didn't really care. One impression to another was simply a new day or a new week. Her moods were as mercurial as that temper. Tossing her head, locks of what seemed flames themselves were sent spraying around her and then slapping to a near bared back thanks to the unusual blouse worn that only covered up those full proud breasts, the sheerness of pattern not only hinting at what was underneath the cloth, but giving one a peek'a'boo affect of gleaming mithril and platinum of hoops pierced into nipples to the oddness of chain that rain between them and the dangle of a dragon in the middle with its winking gaze of cold blue. Leathers were next, always did she reside in the damn things it would seem and then those boots. All three inches of them, butter dark soft goodness that rolled up and over knee, tight to mid-thigh. She moved up those stairs and then down the long hallway to anvil.

Sorgram felt meadow beside him and smiled slightly. 'meadow, my dear, please fetch a glass of absinthe for the soon to arrive L`aquera, I daresay she will be thirsty after the long flight. Cybil, we have a wide selection here, will there be something to your taste perhaps?' He motioned to the tables of drinks and or`deurves on the table in front of them. 'If you would like to peruse the library, I
01[19:31] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> would assist you if there was a particular subject you had in mind to learn about. I am not gifted with all spells in our gifted skills, but I am proficient in translating the more obscures texts.' < 4end 1>

12[19:34] * +Meadow{wSw} turned and walks over to get the glass of Absinthe. She filled the glass carefully then placed the bottle back where she got it from and came back into the room She looked about and spotted the new arrival and tho she didnt know who L`aquera was she figured the new arrival had to be whom Sorgram spoke of and walks over to L`aquera and stops. She bows her head and offers the glass to <mew>
[19:34] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> L`aquera. "Welcome Miss. May this girl get you anything else"? She didnt not move until L`aquera removed the glass from her hands that offered it. <rawr>

12[19:38] * +Cybil takes a look at the table but eventually raises a resigned hand. "I had a drink just before I came so I had better not abuse it, magic and drink selfdom work well." She'd say taking a look at the doors after that and there came the woman which of course she remembered. Impress and irritate was a rather short range of emotions that the woman provoked on her though such thoughts were
12[19:38] * +Cybil kept to herself, today she wasn't here about her either. "I'll have take upon your offer at some time then. My field of study is a little bit different from most mages." Yes, it was actually easy to imagine her field of study would greatly please his god, though Cybil still didn't cared for the gods, after all whatever had they ever done for her?

12[19:42] * +L`aquera raised a brow slowly, silvers sweeping first over slave and then over what was within the glass. Ahh.. the emerald. Perfect. Lets hope she didn't try shoving it up a Gods ass before the night was done. 14"Thank you, dear one. Where is.." 6She paused, rechecking tag to be sure it was one of Sors or, the temples, slave. 14"Your Master?" 6That would work. Fingers sifted around glass and < 14. 2>
[19:42] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> lifted it for a light taste. Belson would have rediculed her for drinking something unknown. She might be sorry later, hard to tell. < 4end 6>

12[19:47] * +Meadow{wSw} smiles " Please follw a girl miss and she shall take you to Master. She turned and made sure L`aquera was walking with her and she takes L`aquera to where Sorgram was waiting. She entered and then stepped to one side " Master, Miss L`aquera has arrived." She then fell silent and allowed sorgram to greet the guest.

2[19:49] * +Sorgram felt her before he saw her as if warned by a watcher. However, he did not turn immediately, already expecting a fire ball up his arse tonight, but not having a complete idea of what was to proceed, he would turn and offer Cybil a chance to walk over with him to greet L`aquera. Whether she accompanied him or not, he moved himself that way and gave a respectful half bow as one does without < 14next 2>
01[19:49] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> offering superiorty. Raising his eyes, those pools of fire looking her over, as always, with all, seeing below the outer coverings, to some their spirits or souls. Returning to his full upright stance, he would speak in that low tenor that almost sang with presence. 'Welcome, L`Aquera. I hope your flight was as eventful as you desired.' His hands behind his back, as to not touch < 14next 2>
01[19:49] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> offensively. < 4end 1>

12[19:54] * +Cybil did walked with him up to her though not so close as him since he was to greet her in a bit of a more official way. Cybil was there doing pretty much what L`aquera probably was too. To see what this was all about. As for herself a simple "Hi." was all that was said for the moment. She was almost sure the moriel didn't remembered her from the mephos cup. She had tried to tease her
12[19:54] * +Cybil a little bit but it seamed like she wouldn't take it and so their interaction was no more than her teaching Cybil how to strap herself to the mephos. She guessed the main event was probably about to start then but certainly this did fell short of cybil's expectations.

12[20:09] * +L`aquera examined the Priest minutely, from his dress to his mannerism and bow. Nose wrinkled. While she got he wanted to show respect to one of her 'station' she never much had cared for the rudimentary greeting. 14"Stop bowing. Its embarassing. I'm just a moriel. You're just a drak." 6Shrug seen, she wouldn't apologize for that husky sultry if not biting tone. Silver depths wove over to Cybil, < 14. 2>
[20:09] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> examining the girl and then nodding to her in greeting. 14"Hello dear." 6Back to Sor did depths go. 14"So? What exactly is going on?" < 4end 6>

12[20:13] * +Meadow{wSw} stay off to one side. Always there is needed but never in the way. She kept those light jade eyes on the ground but it was clear she was alert and aware of everything going on in the room. She wondered why only two had showen and worried abit over that but there was nothing she could do expect be there if she was needed.

12[20:15] * +Sorgram looked over the woman and was about to advise her as he had on that faithful night earlier this week that he was as much a summoned as she was when the floor shook and the magma from the great fire pit shot up. Those in attendance will hear a slow rumble from beneath their feet. They will sense a presence coming amoung them as the temperature jumps immediately and in the touch of that < 14next 2>

01[20:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> presence they will feel a purity. For the fire users, it is pure Flame, pure passion, pure chaos. For those of the Earth, it is a resolve, a strength and an unbending will. Others will feel the power, and a bit of each of those attributes. There will not be any preamble or flowerly acknowledgements. No, Hello, suchasuch, how is your horse doing? Or Hi there, Whosibiscuit, nice dress your < 14next 2>

01[20:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> wearing. As soon as that presence is felt, the volcano will shake with a fury. "It is good that you are here, for those that did not make, well may they rue the day they pissed in my oats. I will not banter with you. I am Pissed. I am not mad. I am not Angry. I am PISSED!. The world has forgotten my gift. It is taken for granted and used daily, but what thanks are delivered to me for such a < 14next 2>
01[20:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> gift. Originally, when the knuckledraggers found it, they would grunt in appreciation. HELL, I dont even get an , Oooh, this fire warms me good.' No, the peasants and peons of the land have forgotten how important my gift is to them. Only a few remember to give proper homage to me. My closest have forsaken me, taken my gifts for granted. used them with no thought as to whom they owe their gifts < 14next 2>
01[20:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> to. It is a shame, I do not ask for much, merely a thanks, I really enjoy eating cooked food. Or Hey U, thanks for the forge heat, the swords that provide me and my family with sustenance are wonderful. But, NOOO. I get nothing. I get squat. I dont even get the left overs of the other gods. That PISSES me off. I have not asked for much, I do not ask you spider worshipping black eared bitches to < 14next 2>
01[20:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> drop her like an ice cube and come to me. No, I am not that rude. I just wanted you to acknowledge the bond we have. But you think you are all that with your fire balls, streaks, comet flares and flaming on command. Well, I have decided. you have one week, homage must be paid to me and it should have value based upon you abilities. Dragonskin over there will be able to give you details. Now for < 14next 2>
01[20:15] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> that bit you have been waiting on, that apocyphra you have been waiting on, that gets you hard and wet. < 14 more 1>

12[20:24] * +L`aquera simply sifted her weight as mountain shook and lava began its rolling plop noises. She didn't wave away any of it but it wasn't her call, nor her Temple to worship. No bended knee, no bowed head. Nothing given nor asked for. Uvelcra was a surely barbarian of a God and always had been. He was cheerful when he felt the need and not cheerful, when he did not, feel the need. Sorgram had been < 14. 2>

[20:24] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> priest her for a very long time and she oft thought he acted far to much what fable told of the God of Valencia. Sip was had of warmed over absinthe, uncaring if it boiled to be truthful, she liked to be warm, despite the soft sheen of sweat along dark flesh. She would wait, wait until the God had stopped yapping about this and that and come uppance. < 4end 6>

12[20:27] * +Cybil was indeed right when she realised earlier to whom she was to speak... No, that was actually wrong, it wasn't that her was to speak to the firegod, but rather that the god was to speak to her, her and everyone else who atended to this meeting. Cybil not doubt sensed all of that power, she felt the presence envelop her in such ways that she could not beggin to describe, it was like
12[20:27] * +Cybil a power trip all of a sudden, but once he started to speak Cybil finally came to her senses and so she listened. She could have laughed at that if it wasn't for the fact that she still felt she was too young to die, but the god was pissed, he seamed more like a child who wanted attention in so many ways, not so different from Cybil herself. It was however interesting that the god so belived
12[20:27] * +Cybil it was his gift, the flame. Fire could be created in so many ways and even without a god of fire, would the fire magic cease to exist? Cybil doubted that, there was more gods than she could count, some of them gods of magic, it would never disapear, not that easly at least. however Cybil settled to wait and listen what exactly did the god wanted of them.

12[20:32] * +Sorgram The booming continues, the volcano rumbling, the mithril anvil seems to be ringing. "In seven, pay him homage. In seven more, See the dahmage. Payers offered some reprieve. Offenders suffer his leave for seven less or seven more. For fiery lass with plumpest ass with seven plus hear her cuss" As the words spoken, they would be scorched into the wall behind them, blazing orange, which would not fade.

12[20:34] * +Meadow{wSw} had jumped and glanced at Sorgram but did not move. Fear clearly read in those eyes as she looked to Sorgram but they returned to the floor once more and she simply stood there trembling softly and waiting to see what was to happen now.

12[20:45] * +Naumil made his approach though he wasn't all together certain why he had decided to make the walk or what what going on he trying felt ininsane for even crawling his ass out of bed for this. But then he figured if it wasn't anything that would interest him he could always turn about and go find his mates slave he had bussiness to settle with that little pest and he really would be lucky if he 5obs-> 6
[20:45] <+Naumil> 5equ-> 6 didn't reduce him to ash this time. Just thinking of it almost m,ade him turn arouns and go home but he didn't instead he wanted to find out what this was all about. 5 <-ium 6

12[20:54] * +Cybil could understand most of it... Well, actually she could understand it all. He was removing the power of the flame from everyone for a time and then, more time if he didn't get his attention. It was something Cybil couldn't understand. Why did a god needed it? By all of her knowledge, humans... and any other race really were insignificant when compared to what a god was so why all
12[20:54] * +Cybil of this? Did worship in some way actually affected the gods in some way she couldn't compreend?

12[20:58] * +Sorgram spits and walks away from the little group as if to move to confront the being himself. He thought about it. HE was all powerful so why did he need to make the show? Because he wants to. The thought thumped into his head just as if someone had thumped him on the head with a finger. His head actually hurt from it and stopped a decent distance from the group as he rubbed his head in a bit o < 14next 2>
01[20:58] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> pain. < 4end 1>

[21:02] <+L`aquera> 14"So.. let me see if I have this right. For 7 days.. we pay homage or.. what? No more flame on? No more burning as I wish? Are you serious?" 6She looked downright... Uncaring. Coldly calculating. If he thought he could take her flame, he was dead wrong. 14"Let me be upfront. Clearly. Upfront. To take my flame you have to take away the energy that makes it. Do you have the other Gods < 14. 2>

[21:02] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> permission to take what is rightfully mine? Because if you don't? I challenge your dumb fucking ass to come down here in Avatar form and meet me in the arena. If you can kill me, go on, take it, its yours. But if you can't and I can kill that body you use? Pardon me when I say, you've not the power anymore and your people should start kneeling to me for their fire." < 4end 6>

12[21:08] * +Cybil would smirk at that outburst. L`aquera was essencially right, god or no god he didn't had a right to take what was theirs but in this land it was also true that what you want, you take it by force and no matter how powerful the little moriel was, she couldn't fight a god. "Whether or not the flame is taken it won't get you what you want will it god? You want worshipers but look at
12[21:08] * +Cybil me. I care not for the gods, it is the exact measure I get from them, not one but all of them. The day one god gives me something that I haven't had to work hard to get it myself, that will be the day I'll start respecting that god and paying my dues."

12[21:08] * +Naumil made not outright attempt to join in any part of the confersation or rather the ranting that sounde more like childish squables over not getting thier way he was frankly convinced that the whled dasmned trip was a waist of his time when he could of been putting fresh marks on some unsuspecting victim. "So ... this whole production was just some a whining little tantrum could be thrown cause 5obs-> 6
[21:08] <+Naumil> 5equ-> 6 someone 's feeling neglected. Well grow the fuck up I don't have time for any of this bullshit." 5 <-ium 6

12[21:09] * +Meadow{wSw} heard L`aqueras words and paled to nearly completely white. There was a couple different reasons for the paling but she glance at L`aquera for a moment tho no words would leave her lips. She would not disgrace her Master but did this woman really think she could kill Their God? Meadow really didnt know much about L`aquera but U was a God and L`aquera was a mortal being. She wanted to help <mew>
[21:09] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> but right now she was sure how. <rawr>
[21:20] <+Meadow{wSw}> wasnt

12[21:27] * +Sorgram That booming voices quiets and if pondering her theory and considering what she says. 'You speak of Heat, don't you. Heat such as that which starts fires, keeps them burning and increases there force of damage. Such as powers the suns, the stars and reflects off the moon at night. That which heats the very core of that which you stand upon. That energy? So I am being told by a little dark < 14next 2>
01[21:27] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> elf that has grown too big for her britches and shirts it seems that my perview is just the flame that dances in the torch.' The voice paused and one would get a picture of a beard man rubbing his chin in thought. 'Cybil You may not worship gods, that if fine. butit might be a good idea to acknowledge their power. Meadow. You should seek your heart, Choose that which fits you and not because < 14next 2>
01[21:27] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> dragondung here worships me. Naumil, another of Her minion. Know this, You might want to make time. Dragondung. Die. ' A stone would fall near him, within tails length. 'Just kidding' 'L`aquera. dear. YOU! Firewench Spiderwoshipping guanobather. My chosen. It is about time you came here because of me. Of all the people here, I am most agitated with your lack of acknowledgement. I allow you the < 14next 2>
01[21:27] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> closest connection to my direct heart. I allow you unbridled power and what do you do, your go nuts at the drop of a cat's panties and from counting the panties in Ehlanna's bureau, I swear i could make a mint in them. But back to you, you fouled up. You can wield the flames easily enough, but you cannot control your power. I dont like that. There are two sides to your gifts, power and control, < 14next 2>
01[21:27] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> chaos and resolve. When we bonded oh so long ago, such a tasty little morsel then, you had control and ability. Now you have wasted that control, let it wither and now you spit fire like a young man spits spunk on his wedding night. At the drop of a robe, leaf or whatever the hell you girls wear now adays. Nice picture. Back to you, you are out of control and I am sick of it. I am taking it < 14next 2>
01[21:27] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> back. You are gonna be cut off. That tap into my energy that you cherish so much, is gonna be closed. Not going to tell you when, when you least expect it or most need it. Oops, where did it go. No more fireballs. I might even make your hair white. Dragondung over there will work with you and assist you in getting back in my good graces. Maybe he can show you some con < 14next 2>
01[21:27] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> trol." < 14 more 1>

[21:33] <+L`aquera> 14"Don't come threatening me old man. I'll kick your ass. And well you are aware. Out of control? Because she whom I worship wishes it. It is HER call, not yours what I use. Had you come to me, politely, even on some eccentric rant I would have listened. I would have paused, Kirva herself would not have faulted me for listening. But no.. oh no.. Not you. You, unlike her, do not get to tell me < 14. 2>
[21:33] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> what to do. I've already given her the finger. I've sat here long enough with your old man rantings as if you've the right. The fire doesn't come from you assclown. You are just to fool hardy and egotistical to realize it. Our energy we call upon.. comes from the earth we reside upon, and from the God or Goddess, we chose to follow. But they don't exactly 'give' it to us. No. The riddle here is < 14. 2>
[21:33] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> what you don't say. You can only take it if we believe you can. I know you cannot. The riddle here is that, you didn't work to gain what I have, you worked to gain what you have. Therein, lays the difference. You see... Kirva shares. You don't see fit. Apologize, or I leave here and I make sure every fire weilder and earth mage knows the truth and you'll be left all alone on this Mountain top < 14. 2>
[21:33] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> with no more worshippers because, without someone to kneel and call

12[21:36] * +Meadow{wSw} blinks and could not believe what she had just heard. She had prayed to this GOD every night. thanked him for the fire and the heat and now he says this to her. Well she was a slave but really one could only push anyone so far. She stepped forwards and after L`aquera spoke she bows her head and clears her throat. " May this girl speak? Speak for her self and not for her master or who or what <mew>
[21:36] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> he worships? This girl seeks to speak her mind and say what is on her heart to you Uvelcra. This one shall wait until you give her permission but she ask that you grant her the right to answer your words to her. <rawr>

12[21:42] * +Cybil watched the debate going on between them. U was mostly pissed off at the moriel because she didn't worship even in the smallest of ways. Forget words, Cybil could see he wanted worship, not just acknowledgement. Cybil acknowledged all the gods, she didn't go on thanks them for any shit. Every little thing she had she had paid way moe than it was worth for in her life until recently,
12[21:42] * +Cybil things had indeed brighten up since she hit the capital, no more scrounging for money, no need to steal, no need to put up shows for perverts and even time to try and learn magic. If she ever had any gift, that came from a dragon and that truly had been a gift. She would have been much more willing to ever worship that dragon over a god who gave her nothing. "Do as will god. If you truly
12[21:42] * +Cybil are powerful as you are supposed to be, you will know more than words can ever convey. I won't pay you any dues until you give me a reason to do so and that reason won't be taking."

12[21:47] * +Sorgram looks over to that stone and instantly recalls the temple histories and how a mallus can be changed. His eyes widen slightly at that, but listening to the discourse, he is concerned that she may be underestimating the god and his power. Who knows what the gods talk about, what if he was not the only one that thought her rear was too big and if it burst out of her britches the world might < 14next 2>
01[21:47] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> collapse. Shaking his head, he listened as he knew for him this night was far from over. < 4end 1>

12[21:49] * +Naumil sweep a hand out dismissively "I long ago gve up on the gods even the goddess who I by blood right deserves my worship has not seen tribute from me in years. There no chance that I'm gonna give two fucks bout some simpering child that throws a fit when the attention is on someone else. There's only one deity that I would ever expect to demand anything from me as sure as hell don't think 5obs-> 6
[21:49] <+Naumil> 5equ-> 6 you're her" He had long sind abandoned the temple and goddess he had always given himself to in favor of the oblidation he had on the physical plain having set aside the needs of gods and temples since even when he worshiped faithfully it had always proven to be a useless endevor "So if that is everything you had to say I do believe I am going to get the fuck out of here I have a list a mile 5obs-> 6
[21:49] <+Naumil> 5equ-> 6 long of things I'd rather do ... maybe I'll go muck the stalls at home seems a better us of my time than listening to this nonsense." 5 <-ium 6

12[21:54] * +Sorgram The voice would speak again and directly to meadow. 'child, I will hear you when you speak, even in your sleep. ' To the others, 'Then I guess it is a game of wait and see. If I dont have the power, then in a couple of weeks, you can all sigh with relief. If I do have the power, well what can I say. I know, but I will reserve that for a later time.' The last comment seemed directed at < 14next 2>
01[21:54] <+Sorgram> < 14more 1> L`aquera. 'Guards Make sure the doors are open wide, we would not want them to hit Her Fireness in the ass on the way out.' < 4end 1>

12[21:56] * +Meadow{wSw} shakes her head. " This girl wishes the right to speak now please. You have accused her for something and she would like to address this now. Girl does not wish to speak in her sleep she wishs to speak now just as everyone else you have accused had spoken here now.

12[21:58] * +Sorgram The Voice says, 'speak child for at this moment you are the same to me as any of them.'

12[21:58] * +L`aquera smirked and turned, striding away as if this God, then, was of no further consequence. She was far more correct then most might garner. He didn't wish to come down a lil on his demanding and throwing about. And he thought she was too big for her britches? Really? Think again... Out she went and down the hallway, setting glass to some statue, likely his and spilling it with a flick of < 14. 2>
[21:58] <+L`aquera> < 14.. 6> fingers. The last seen of the firebitch was that glorious mane of flame bred tresses. < 4end 6>
03[21:59] * +L`aquera ( has left #TLI-Temple

12[22:03] * +Cybil was a bit surprised that L`aquera was the first to leave the temple, she had almost expected it to be the male moriel but if her guesses were correct he was going to be the next. Cybil was likelly not to be the last, she couldn't see herself staying longer than the priest or his slave. Still she listened for a little bit longer, it might just be interesting to hear what the slave
12[22:03] * +Cybil had to say and who knows what the god would answer. She decided to hang around a little while longer though not expecting the god to ever change his mind. If Cybil was as stubborn as she was because of the fire, the damned god was bound to be worse than she was.

12[22:04] * +Meadow{wSw} bows her head. " When frist brought here I knew nothing of you. But once taught since then I have prayed to you and given thanks to you every night and sometimes during the day. Of all here other than Master I have proven myself to you the most. Yet even I have to wonder about what you intend to do. If you wish the people to worship you I ask you this... do you wish them to worship you out <mew>
[22:04] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> of fear or out of loyality? Fear is not the way to gather worshipers that will remain loyal. Punishing those who already worship you will only make them wonder why and question your loyality to them. Master does not deserve to pay for the wrong doings of others but rather should be lifted up as an example of what you give to those who worship you. I ask nothing for myself, but please dont harm <mew>
[22:04] <+Meadow{wSw}> <meow> master. <rawr>
[22:05] <+Meadow{wSw}> And please dont question my loyality to you. I worship you because I choose too. Not because of Master.

12[22:13] * +Naumil scoffs he had heard quite enough these threats and demands were no way to gain his compliance he had little patience for such and would not stand any listen to the wild ranting a moment longer. Rollling his weight onto the ball of his feet he would twist hmself about and start to march toward the exit with only the light sound of his thick soled boot pounding the ground as he marched away. 5obs-> 6
[22:13] <+Naumil> 5equ-> 6 He had a stack of things to do and this was doing nothing but wittling away his time to do so. 5 <-ium 6
03[22:13] * +Naumil ( has left #TLI-Temple

12[22:20] * +Sorgram The voice said only this. 'It aint his time. As for your worship, the reward comes from the giving.' There was a feeling as that presence left.
12[22:21] * +Meadow{wSw} just shakes her head and sighs softly.

12[22:24] * +Sorgram dipped his head and he caught sight of the rock and turned away from it. It was a warning he thought as he moved towards meadow and stroked her hair. It was then that he noticed Cybil and the fact that she remained. ' Oh, you are still here? would yo like something to eat? I am sure the kitchen has stuff that we can raid'
12[22:25] * +Cybil had seen it all, the god not giving the girl much of an answer though she had made quite a good point, even if her point was, better not to really do anything and let things roll. Cybil could agree with everything the girl said but alas that was that. Stubborn to the end the damaned god. "Well, this outha make for an interesting week... I'll be looking for you firepriest, I liked
12[22:25] * +Cybil talking to you but I'm sure you have a lot to digest right now so I'll take my leave. But I surelly will take up on that offer sometime." And with that the last firebitch left the temple hoping that really nothing would happen to her powers but if she did lose them... Well it was back to the whip for as long as this lasted.
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