Human Creation Myth

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Human Creation Myth

Postby Aramis on Tue Aug 26, 2008 2:41 pm

The Creation

In the beginning the world was formed whole and peaceful, but it was empty. It had beautiful lakes and tall mountains, vast fields and deep forests, but it had nobody to swim those lakes, climb those mountains, farm those fields, or explore those deep forests. Therefore, the entire Pantheon of Belariath, gathered together to create a people to inhabit this world. They didn't know how to do it, so they sought the advice of Mana, the wisest and oldest of them all. She told them to gather up a large piece of Belariath and use it to create their peoples.

They gathered and thought together, looking out over their world, trying to find the best place to gather material. They searched from the highest reaches to the deepest depths looking for that perfect place. Finally, in the lowlands of a mountain chain, they found what they were looking for.

The piece of scooped out rock wasn’t beautiful, but they all saw such startling potential that it broke their hearts to look upon. It sat in their great presence for many years as all of them just looked upon it, unable to bear the thought of working it, for fear that their creation would not do the rock justice. Finally, one by one, they all came forth and blessed the stone, each hoping to keep it pure.

Adiya, goddess of beauty and love, granted humans the gifts of love and passion, hoping that they will always be inspired to greater things.

Chike, god of strength and determination, granted humans with willpower and the stubbornness to continue on, even in the face of unsurmountable odds.

Foluke, goddess of protection and nobility, granted humans with an innate sense of their own greatness, so that they will never fear change and will always fight for what they believe in.

Galfrid, god of peace and tranquility, granted humans the ability to find peace within themselves, not wishing to watch them destroy themselves.

Korie, goddess of death and the night, granted humans with the fear of death and the cunning to avoid it.

Matar, god of nature’s bounty, granted humans with the knowledge of agriculture, and the ways of the seasons, so that they may never go hungry and may always be prepared for the next winter.

Raamiah, god of storms, winds, and travel, implanted into humans a wanderlust and a zeal for life, the desire to never allow themselves to become stagnant.

Sigaliya, the goddess of secrets and treasures, blessed humanity with the desire and greed to always have the best, and to be the best, and the acceptance that sometimes you have to walk over other people to get what you want.

Zakia, goddess of purity and knowledge, gave humanity the ability to create things with their wits and their own two hands. It is from her that they learned how to craft, from works of art, to simple homes.

Pleased with what they had done so far, the gods took their gift before Mana, showing her what they’d done. She was so moved by it that tears fell from her eyes, falling onto the stone and soaking into it. These tears are important, for they represent her wisdom, in the form of allowing all humans to use magic, regardless of learning, background, or breeding.

Finally, the gods all set the stone down and took one last look upon it before they finally settled down to work on it.

Starting with the rough and unworked exterior, they slowly went to work breaking that away. Setting it aside, they never noticed how the pieces got up and walked off on their own. These pieces settled in rough regions that would always challenge them, eventually earning themselves the name of Barbarians.

In the interior, they found clay and it slowed them a little, but they tried various ways to remove the clay, from fire and earth magic to spirit magic, breaking a little off at a time. Where the clay fell to Belariath, it became people who found themselves sundered, but at the same time tightly bound. Lacking a better name, they came to call themselves the Tribe, still favoring the colors of clay to this day.

Finally reaching the heart of the stone, the gods found a beautiful gem. They took it and polished it, working to increase its clarity before finally gently separating it into pieces, carefully planting these pieces around the world in the form of the High Humans.

What the gods were not expecting however, were the pieces of the stone that chipped off and flew away, carried by the winds to every part of the world. These pieces would evermore always be wanderers who lived for the moment, eventually calling themselves Gypsies.

Looking down upon their work, the gods were pleased. However, the creation tired them, so they went back to their homes to rest, and they continue to sleep to this day, all of them, except for Mana, who keeps a silent vigil over her children, the humans.
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Re: Human Creation Myth

Postby L`aquera on Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:50 pm

Very.. nice... a grand bit of work here.
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Re: Human Creation Myth

Postby Aramis on Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:25 pm

Thank you. I tried to use something unique and different. :)
"The world is a mess, and I just need to rule it."
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Re: Human Creation Myth

Postby Pog on Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:34 pm

Is this official lore? It should be.
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