MMR Work Logs.

Place to learn news about the weapon and armor, and discuss developments. Not for combat dev generally

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MMR Work Logs.

Postby Alta_Nova on Fri Mar 18, 2011 3:32 am

Howdy all. I'm not going to make any changes to what has been done in the past concerning how to post your logs for the MMR.

What is important is to do it in a timely fashion. Starting today I'll be keeping more of an eye on who is working at the MMR in a weekly fashion and who is not...

so please if you are late with your logs get them posted so I won't have to remove you from the employee lists.

If of course there is a reason such as illness or an unforeseen situation that causes you to be posting late, please leave a message so I can take a look.


An Iron Hand Within a Velvet Glove.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:45 am

Re: MMR Work Logs.

Postby Alta_Nova on Tue May 10, 2011 10:59 pm

I am checking the MMR logs and am finding that there are those not posting accordingly.

Please get them posted asap before I am going to be removing people off from the lists.

Thank you.

An Iron Hand Within a Velvet Glove.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:45 am

Re: MMR Work Logs.

Postby Alta_Nova on Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:36 am

For your information. I do come in here to check the logs. And I do read them The people who do work here do get rewarded in small ways through out the year for the hard work that they do.

Working at the MMR is pretty simple actually. Part timers minimum time to work at the MMR is 1/2 or more hours per week. Full timers are 1 or more hours per week.

All people must be available to work, regardless of your working status if there are people in the OOC channel and asks for the store to be open and when you first enter the OOC channel you must offer the store to be open to those in that channel.

Of course if you are already deep into a scene then that is a different manner all together.

If you are going to be in a long term absence please do notify us so we can hold your place.
And finally every quarter we go and go and evaluate those in here on their continued employment.

Generally Speaking we have had very very few problems here at the MMR over the past 10 years since I've been working in this place.

Because we always had good people working in here.

Simple information to pass on.

An Iron Hand Within a Velvet Glove.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:45 am

Re: MMR Work Logs.

Postby mozenwrathe on Sat Feb 23, 2013 3:56 am


Going forward from March 1st, post your working logs in accordance to the month.
A little sentence or two detailing what may have happened even during a monologue would be nice.
Something that shows the characters were active doing something.
Please note, for people working on training their characters for new levels of smithing, this does count. I know that monologuing is a boring thing, but I've noticed that quite a few people have been snagging others for their roleplay in the store. That's a good thing. Yes, Prydain can teach jewel and fine metal crafting along with regular metal smithing.

As well, can you please post the following at the top of your logs:

Total Number of Hours Worked:
Skills Applicable:

I figure that it will be obvious as to the name of the character working. If your character's full name is different from what is normally on the screen, post that on the thread as well. The easiest way to post for the skills is to list the highest level skills that relate to the MMR there. So something like the following:

Total Number of Hours Worked: 4 hours
Skills Applicable: Metal Smithing (Apprentice), Tending/ Etiquette (Apprentice)
current characters:
Prydain Mozenwrathe (Magi, smith, known to the Might Makes Right) ,
Ichilandar Shimmerstrike (dark elf, ranger, merchant) ,
Dasan (Sheykan, druid, real estate specialist)
Posts: 301
Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:50 pm

Re: MMR Work Logs.

Postby mozenwrathe on Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:38 am

As well, everyone (and we need this stickied), please do the following at the start and finish of your shifts:

(7:59:39 PM) Prydain: !time
(7:59:50 PM) Desdaemona: Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2013-03-02 02:34:34 - please remember this is NOT game time

if you need to, cut and paste this entire line into your work log. don't worry about how ugly it may look. I, for one, have -not- been doing this, and I have to. Everyone needs to in order to show the time they spent working within the Might Makes Right.

Please, take a look at the example at this link here:

Now, I have talked with people about the "Session Ident:" tag showing there. If you do not have this tag showing anywhere, please do as I do: cut and paste whatever it shows you as you enter the working room. Whether it be #TLI-town, #TLI-Arena, et cetera. Post that as part of your log. An example can be seen at the link here:

I use Pidgin and not mIRC, so I do not get the "Session" tags. Still, I made it a point to show when I entered a gaming channel and when I left it. Sure, I did not use the !time tag originally, but those who were checking for the hours could see what were my start and stop times.

Please note this well, these steps are vital for being paid.

Those who do not use these steps will not be paid and there will be little to nothing I or whomever is the manager or assistant manager at the time will be able to do for you.


Skills For The Might Makes Right (Tentative List Presented)

Read/Write: Common (for sales, unranked, not for pay, but necessary to work)
Jeweler (Ranked) - this is for fine work involving metals. Engraving and etching are covered here
Leather Working (Ranked) - for making leather armour.
Metal Smith (Ranked) - blatant reasons for this skill.
Mithril Smith (Ranked) - please see the description for this skill's requirements.
Scribe (Ranked) - this can be used in place of Read/Write: Common. Currently not for pay.
Tending/ Etiquette - for those primarily doing sales, this is very important.
Valecite Smith (Ranked) - once again, please see the description for this skill's requirements.

viewtopic.php?f=25&p=113647 - Ranked Skills
viewtopic.php?t=3584&f=25 - Unranked Skills

Skills not for pay but suitable for flavour:

Appraisal: Weapons/Armor
Bower/Fletcher (do not need carpentry for this skill)
Mathematics (makes sense for those playing advanced metallurgists)
Weapon Maintenance (makes sense for smiths and salespeople)
current characters:
Prydain Mozenwrathe (Magi, smith, known to the Might Makes Right) ,
Ichilandar Shimmerstrike (dark elf, ranger, merchant) ,
Dasan (Sheykan, druid, real estate specialist)
Posts: 301
Joined: Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:50 pm

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