Creativity and Spirit

Questions and suggestions about the rules of the roleplay and how things work

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Re: Creativity and Spirit

Postby L`aquera on Tue Jun 18, 2013 6:41 pm

Mini adventures are often the most fun. For those running them and those within them. Even rats loose in town is amusing :D And, once, someone had goblins running all over, a horde of them. Was most amusing. Just to watch.

Never be afraid to dive in and just create a fly by the seat of your pants event. After all, it is those kinds of events that often spur rp all over the place with story lines sweeping outwards and ever upwards.
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Re: Creativity and Spirit

Postby miyuka on Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:23 am

Just make sure you poke an OP first to come witness and give 'em a heads up of what yer doing.
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Re: Creativity and Spirit

Postby Phaing on Thu Jun 20, 2013 6:00 am

Right- nothing that would impinge on other players, make anything drastically change in Balariath, and the NPCs all go away once its over.

Storylines... can one of those be started from a spontaneous little adventure that worked exceptionally well, and then expanded into a Storyline that has a concrete and lasting impact on the game setting?
Provided the guidelines for a Storyline and related Quests are met, of course.
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Re: Creativity and Spirit

Postby L`aquera on Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:22 pm

You sound skeptical. Perhaps I would be too if I hadn't seen things over my long tenure here that not only predicted it but proved it. I've been here a long time. Out of the 'behind the scenes' and in 'the behind the scenes' running. Examples? I can give.

A random group of Barbarians came into town. From one channel to the next did they go, the one running the mini quest asked permission in pm if they could kidnap the char. they ran across and it was given. Those gathering together later formed a part of SB's army. Some new, some that had rp'd with each other for a while.

Group of goblins slobber into town. One very manly char. saved another. Those two were lovers for some time and their relationship was very tumultuous.

People have been hired into the IG from random started events because of their char. bravery and grit to fight was seen. Some have been hired by Nobles. Others into shops or simply given offers they could not refuse. Larger events brought larger groups of people together. People that don't generally rp together. Now know each other, now still play with each other.

Even smaller quests. And I should know, a few of my own have come across people they wouldn't normally have and still hang with them, or.. well.. *cough* anywho.. yes, small spur of the moment things, can spurt longer lasting goals then expected.
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Re: Creativity and Spirit

Postby Phaing on Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:41 pm

I get that sometimes when I start to retreat to the cold & clinical language that contractors prefer in the verification process. I'll watch that.

Which brings up a personal point; when I have work, I have no time for this. When I don't, I have tons of it. Thus the high-energy periods alternating with long droughts. Not the ideal participant for your site, but this is why I'm particularly interested in the spontaneous and temporary side of things.
Its also comforting to come back after a couple of months to find the setting intact, more or less... :wink:

Okay, to expand on and get specific on my own point of interest;
(and, btw- I'm wondering why nobody else that had an issue to raise is not following up on their own, but oh well)
Nautical adventure outside the border of the Empire-
This is for ship-owners (like Phaing) and their associates. I'd like to be able to fight enemy ships, stalk Pirates, smuggle goods, explore uncharted islands and all that other stuff. Aside from whatever XP we might gather while messing around and having a fun time, it all generally goes 'poof' once we are done.... even the islands.
After all, Krakatoa did in 1888, and what a ripping-good adventure you could have centered around something like that!

So, to take it to the next level; IF it ever seems worth-while to do so, how would I (or rather, the people following this thread and are too bashful to speak up yet) chart an island, draw it up and submit details to the Bel staff here?
Other than that, given the fluid nature of Nautical adventures, I don't see anything permanent coming of them. But, I have been wrong before.

Still working on a simple formula calculating profits on merchant runs.
My first idea is to have a roll of 1d100 per ton of cargo, -20 per ton, and subtract 100mhl from that per crewman. However, that puts the Cherub class in a bad position; average 30 per ton = 1500, minus 1800 for the crew gets you -300 per trip/month. However, the Cherub isn't really intended for Merchant use anyway, and bigger ships will do much better.
I'll try to come up with something better later on.
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