Back a week and I'm frustrated

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Back a week and I'm frustrated

Postby L`aquera on Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:04 pm

Well, not like some of you didn't know it was coming. I didn't exactly sit back and watch this past week but I did a lot of slapping of the forehead and yelling out things like "WHAT THE SHIT IS THAT???" "Are you 'serious'" and the infamous "I can't believe its not a rule.. Spray."

ya'll weren't left alone in the kiddie pool that suddenly got deeper but I'm seeing a lot of rule breaking and some rule skirting and some outright arguing with me when I'm telling them flat that wasn't cool. Did ya all forget I'm not unbendable but if you begin to annoy I'm going to start showing you the door? No? Check your attitudes at the door, before you even come inside. Because my own will outmatch a tornado with Sharks inside and laserbeams attached to their heads... While funny... my temper when it gets full steam ahead, is not. And I've enjoyed my relaxed atmosphere and the rules being followed. Gone two months an some of you think they don't apply to you....

I've had several small talks and became only further frustrated. I do much better when I'm dealing with someone that understands while I don't mind 'discussing' things. I don't like arguments. While I don't mind 'listening' don't think that gives you a chance to play pretend to pat the head op on the head... I bite. And its not a nice bite. And I don't like biting. I don't like to leave a scar behind. I want you to get a grip. If I come into your pm, its just to nudge, sometimes its to actually smack you upside the head to follow the rules, mostly its just me reminding you there ARE rules.

Like you, I'd rather not deal in such nonsense. I'd like to go on playing about and giggling at the antics I do and see around me... So.. heres your heads up. I'm getting frustrated at the amount of rule breaking, rule skirting and rude rule quoting coming to my door. Don't come to my door with it and I won't come to yours.
Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..
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