A New cause --Temple for Stormbringer

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A New cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:24 pm

The paper slid from her hand upon leaving Alren's party. She was near exhaustion and didn't realize the story she was going to read slipped to the floor. Her first intention was to dance with nude illusions of herself, but after seeing Mera's magnificent performance she changed her mind, besides dancing nude in an illusion was pretty much dancing nude in person, which she never did in public.

Someone must have found the story and passed on the word to others.

(Everyone is welcome to rp giving donations discussing it IC OR disputing it. There is a need for followers which I know already exist to help.)

Temple for Stormbringer

For some perverse reason the Emperor Stormbringer chose the location of his throne in the old palace which had been tainted with evil. That evil was why he became inherit but never sat upon the throne

The throne was destroyed by his followers and I. The door of the room was locked to be never used again. The construction of a second palace overlooking the sea was completed and the Emperor and those within his house moved there while the old palace was taken down stone by stone and the new palace that stands in the forest now was built in all its magnificence. The black presence no longer taints the grounds.

I was entrusted to delve into his private history books for ten years, and brought my own questions to him. I never got a real answer, not even on my private journey with Traghorn the dragon of dreams.

The Emperor has wandered the world for centuries and disclosed this story to me as his personal bard. I question him often of facts I have witnessed through the magical mirror he provided me. You see the Emperor took personal journeys through time which provided him the chance to learn when staying in Har’Amrun and reading their lore about the Elven cities, stories that spanned for centuries. The time he spent with the Fae for longer than most live in a lifetime, he learned to laugh again.

You might say get on with some sexy dancing and why are you telling this story and my answer my dear friends is I am pointing out facts that will all concur at the end of this story as truth and not fable.

I witnessed the Emperor in the temple with the Goddess Ishtar which only dredged more questions from my mind, noticing things I presumed might be not taken into the account of history. Ishtar convinced him not to give up on the essential goodness of mortals and become cynical. But also Stormbringer controlled Ishtar, and I personally watched when he carried her off to do with her as he wanted. The commoner might question how a mere human could do that, and my answer will be at the end of this story.

Little remained of Sturmtsalise, and if you read of that battle you will hear of great wars that this man Stormbringer won, and he didn’t die…there is too much proof that the original Stormbringer is our now dear Emperor. He faced greed and oppression, fear and petty tyrants who ruled by torture and abuse. It was no place for an idealistic dreamer, and he retained his strengths as a barbarian enduring these people and times.

He allows us mortals of his new empire the failings of the earlier empire and by doing so; earn our place in history untouched by corruption.

Traghorn still watches over the land, and perhaps the clean flame of the dragon can be called upon to remove the rot for all time. So you may ask why has the Imperial bard taken our time telling us this story. It will be further explained and demonstrated when a temple is built by her own coin along with those wishing to donate towards it. Just like when Tehya took months begging for coin for the amphitheater this temple will be built. For what god you may ask. The answer is the God Stormbringer.

This is based on years of facts, and I dare anyone to dispute it. He is my god that controlled Ishtar, and the temple will not be garish, but something he would be comfortable within like his walks or rides through the forest. Does he know about it, maybe don’t all gods know what their followers are doing. Will he be in it for you to worship? The answer is no, he hasn’t even admitted to me that he is a god.

The temple will be under construction soon, donations are welcome. In honor of my god, and your god Stormbringer I will do this. The temple will portray nature and the forest soon to be designed and built. You may say I am a dreamer, but I have solid facts to back up my words.

Post if you would like to get involved in this story-line or send me a pm here, or on IRC>>
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Lyanna on Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:05 am

Having found this note left behind after the party, Lyanna has by now sat down to read it. Her reactions?

"How absurd, how obscene! Tehya seems like a charming and intelligent woman, but this... this is insane!"

It would take the catgirl some time to calm down from this initial reaction. The thought of the emperor as a living god, and a temple built in his honor bothered the often irreverent and ever-scheming feline, but as she calmed down her lips would curl up into a smile. "How serendipitous!" she thought. "A symbol of the sort my own goddess would love to see defiled, and right as she seeks to make her mark on the world once again... surely there is opportunity to be had here! Yes... yes I hope it does get built, I am eager to see where this goes!" :twisted:

Lyanna is unlikely to support the temple in any way, but is now quite interested in the idea and how it could be worked into her plotting and scheming!
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:29 pm

Would be nice to see more interest here, since I see I am bored in ooc a lot. This is being done to stir up rp in every sense. Thanks Lyanna for your characters response to this story-line.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Valayne on Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:47 pm

Eyebrows were lifted for a moment as gaze met the paper by accident, the sylvan not one to loiter around on parties, but there were other ways of obtaining knowledge about such things. Sigh left lips, a soft shrug and giggle followed.
"Calling oneself god? How silly. Gods don't bleed, gods don't sleep...humans never cease to amuse me...they and their arrogance.."
Shrugging then as she tossed the paper away, not that she had no interest, observing this matter she would, but not from within, like the shade she had always been, though questions would be asked..
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Sun Jan 19, 2014 6:00 pm

ohhh have such a good response to this one....bring it on! :lol:
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby laerel on Tue Jan 21, 2014 8:36 pm

**Laerel sat in the inn, listening to the chatter as she drank from her water glass. She picks up on the word Emperor, and tunes in, listening quietly. The Emperor.. a God? She laughs softly and nods toward the nay sayers, but in her mind, and in her heart, she thinks... "Tura would be mad if he knew his secret was out." and she looks around, hoping to find an ally. She moves a bit closer to one loud man who was laughing at the thought of StormBringer being a god, and then whispers, "how did you find this out?" After a good deal of groping and fending off advances, laerel finally heard the truth. It was on a paper someone had found. She tilts her head, thinking to herself. Tehya. She smiles, gives the old gent a kiss on the cheek, and is out the door of the inn, to find her sister.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Sorgram on Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:55 am

The high Priest of Fire and Mountains, sat in his office at the Valencian palace going over issues of the lands of Valencia. A note on his desk brought a smirk to his face. He had not suspected that she was going to go so far, but she was. he shook his head softly and said to the room,

'My wife, such a headstrong wench, you need more regular spankings' .

However, he had in more recent memory changed his mind on certain things. He did not believe the Emperor was a god, for one could be blessed by gods and have life extended seemingly like gods. he had come across tales of men cursed to longevity and wondered if that could be the cause as well. However, he was supported of his wife, even in her crazed whimsically schemes, save when it could bring her danger and damage her assets. Not then. His research into history had brought up some interesting tidbits and he devided they needed further investigation of this Strormbringer. Also, he was one of this barbarians minor nobility and thus he had to give him proper respect now, for finally seeing the worth and potential of himself. He could acknowledge a potential godhood, without compromising himself or religion and perhaps further his station as well as get in good with the wife. In this, it would be nigh harmless, he would keep a watch on her and make sure nothing would harm her. Besides, perhaps he could witness something to take back to the Chaosdreamer and share with her.

How mortals created gods.

It would invite interesting diatribe with her and perhaps the other Dreamers. It was always good to interest dragons, sometimes they grants boons to the Dreamed, if their interest is up.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Keaira on Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:39 pm

Keaira had not seen the paper that had started to circulate around, but rather she’d heard whisperings starting about the proposed temple. At first the priestess was incredulous. She’d met the Emperor on several occasions, and there was no doubt in her mind that he was flesh and blood, a mortal man. But at the same time, while she was devout to Ishtar (some might say fanatical), she had always recognized that Ishtar was not the only god.

The longer the idea stayed planted in her head, the more it rose to the surface, picking at her brain. She’d been in the presence of several gods over her years. Most gloriously, of course, was the presence of Ishtar. The moments with her goddess burned clearer than any memory in her little head. And while Ishtar was a goddess, there were still things about her that echoed mortals. Or was it that mortals echoed the gods? That thought lead her down another contemplative path that eventually went back to the subject at hand.

One of the brightest memories of Ishtar actually involved Stormbringer. She remembered quite clearly how the two of them had interacted. At the time she’d been taken back by the familiarity between the two. While Stormbringer obviously held Ishtar in great regard, there had been a sense of equals between them. He had not cowered and given the goddess deferential treatment. Although at the same time, Ishtar was not the kind of goddess that demanded deferential treatment.

The thoughts tumbled through her head, keeping her up at night, finally driving her from her bed into the temple proper. For hours she ‘prayed’ before the statue of Ishtar, pushing herself to the point where she could not go on any more. A temple worker picked up the sobbing, limp priestess, gently washing her wounds, and taking her back to her bed where she promptly fell into a deep, healing sleep.

Dreams and memories plagued her to the point that she couldn’t tell if the dreams were memories, or vice versa. When she finally woke there was a burning in her spirit. Before she could double guess herself, she donned a cloak (an oddity in itself), and hurried into town. She took extra care to be sure no one except the banker knew the identity of the cloaked figure. Once she was back within the safety of the temple, she sat down at her desk and carefully penned a note. She went through several drafts, each successive failure going directly to the flames in her fireplace. Finally she sat back exhausted, rereading the note for the umpteenth time. A peace settled over her, letting her know that she had Ishtar’s approval in this endeavor.

She sealed the note, attaching it to a small coffer. She employed the services of one of the most discrete tanani, instructing him to see that the lot was safely delivered into Tehya’s presence, but warning him to not see the bard himself. She knew even that much was a risk. Anyone going in or out of the palace was observed by a dozen or more people, and if the elf was curious enough, she’d discover who had been there.

Once he was gone, she decided to take a rather long, luxurious bath, her heart lighter in her chest.


The coffer and note would find its way to Tehya’s apartments at the royal palace. The note itself was on fine paper that spoke of refinement, perhaps a noble or someone of stature, not the rougher paper that was used for common distribution. The hand was neat and precise. If Tehya had ever looked at any of the accounts from the Temple of Ishtar she might recognize the hand, although since Keaira had been gone awhile, may not be able to place it readily. There also remained the slight rose scent that Keaira bathed in. The wax sealing the note closed was the same dark, blood red of Keaira’s gem, a gift of Ishtar, yet she had not sealed it with either her personal seal, or the seal of Ishtar, rather it looked to have been sealed with the end of the candle.

The coffer itself was nothing special, given as issue at the bank for those withdrawing large sums. The weight was rather impressive, leaving little imagination that it was full to the brim.

“To the Royal Bard, Tehya.

“It has come to my attention that you are building a temple for our Lord, Stormbringer. While at first I thought that perhaps you were overstepping the bounds of the gods, I can now only wonder if this is how the gods are truly born. And if there were to be a new god born, who better than the illustrious Stormbringer.

“I hope this donation will help you on your way to bringing about your vision, and I look forward to seeing the end product.


“A faithful subject of Stormbringer.”
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Cangelosi on Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:46 pm

Morgannus Drakewing, Viceroy of St. Eva and the Northern Marches and noted scoundrel, had been indeed been caught up in conversation with Tehya about this exact same thing during Alren's party. Being a noted patron of the arts and services, his donation reaches the Palace by dwarf, as message fairy would be unwieldy and awkward. Within there is a quickly-written note in his plain handwriting:

Friend Tehya,

The discussion we had the other night about proper enshrinement of our God Emperor has given me quite a bit of thought. As you well know, I am a worshiper of Syune, the Dragon Goddess of the North, as is most of my northern countrymen. When I was passing through Bathgate overseeing the rebuilding efforts, the Duke Garstal mentioned to me that he had allotted a portion of his own wealth in thanks for the Imperials for saving his town and the lives of his subjects. He sends this meager offering with the blessings of his court and in the honor of his late father, whom you remember perished just as the town was liberated.

I've also been in communication with the clergy in St. Eva, since you had mentioned Traghorn, the dragon of dreams, as being instrumental in your discovery of our Emperor's deification. They were notably surprised at the army's use of the mephos during the Battle of Talon Keep, and this revelation of an actual intervention by a dragon has given them much more to worry. I am told there will be a Priestess of Syune due to visit Nanthalion within a fortnight to investigate these claims. I am sure you and your household will show her the proper deference and gratitude. If she can verify the intercedence of one blessed by Syune, you may find St. Eva to be more favorable to the Empire, perhaps even kindred.

Until then, the standing invitation for you and Master Sorgram to visit my newly built keep Ktechlahan still stands. It won't get any colder and we will supply plenty of furs.

Your humble servant and friend,
Dekkard Morgannus Drakewing
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Shogeton on Wed Jan 22, 2014 9:47 pm

Shogeton had gotten the message through, and the Chirot paladin has flown in a rage rarely caused by someone who wasn't Torian, Stormwind or gwyneth. He too had written a note. But he'd be more... public about it. The letter was not just to her, but it was for 'public consumption'

To the Imperial Bard Tehya, and all who wish to read it.

What hubris, What blasphemous, sickening hubris has reached my ears? The second time this is that I am faced with people with power, who feel they are fit to make decisions on the matter of gods. Let me be clear. The Emperor is the sovereign lord of the Empire. I obey his laws, I fought in his wars. I have been a loyal citizen. I am glad to hear that he himself has not seconded this claim, though saddened he sees not fit to debunk it.

Stormbringer is a man. A mortal. A powerful one, a very powerful one, but a powerful mortal, is still but a mortal. To think that some delusional dreams, if they are not simply made up in some desperate bid for attention, should be enough to put him side to side with the gods, the very beings whose will drives the world is the most raving of madness or the most treacherous of deceit. I saw a man who thought he was a god when I fought the K'sir, and he died like any mortal men, despite all his vaunted magical might. Divinity is not something that can be acquired with power. Not can one trick one's way in it.

No, this alone enrages me. I worship Mother Sheara alone, but I respect the gods of other races. Kirva, Gaia, Ishtar, and many others. I even recognize that Kiroaja, evil and treacherous as he is, is a god, for he is Mother Sheara's brother. To put a man who forged an Empire here less than a generation ago, impressive as he might be on an equal level with my goddess is a slap in my face. A vile provocation not only to me, but to any who worships an actual god or goddess. You even claim his supremacy of an ACTUAL goddess.

And in that, you make yourself my enemy.

I call upon the Emperor to refute these mad claims, much as I imagine it pains him to even acknowledge them. They are not only an insult to the gods and an invitation of their wrath, they are a threat to the stability of the Empire. Faithful citizens might feel that in showing loyalty to the Emperor, they might insult their gods, and it might inspire rebellion.

I call upon all men and women of all faiths to publicly reject these claims. To state clearly and without question, that there is noone walking on Belariath who can pretend to be their equal, let alone their better. That to spread such words is blasphemy and heresy. And that none, faithful to actual gods, give any aid or assistance to the construction of this false, deceitful temple, nor visit it. May those who work it find their skills failing, may the very bricks and timber reject such an unholy purpose and may the very earth QUAKE to bring it down.

I call upon the bard herself to realize the insanity of her claims, and repent them. I call upon those near her with healing gifts to see if her mind is perhaps broken and twisted to make such a mad claim. If she is not insane, than I cal for her to recant her poison lies.

And I call upon Sheara, and I would encourage others to call upon their gods, to show mercy to the Empire. And not curse it, for allowing this mockery to happen to it, lest this incarnation of the Empire will last a lot shorter than the previous one.

So say I,
Sacred Knight of Sheara, Goddess of all Chirot.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Raphaelwyn on Thu Jan 23, 2014 5:44 pm

Fawkes would come across these tales in the inn the man smiled to himself as he would listen in to those who were supporting this wild notion or those who thought this was prehaps a step too far for the emperor and he had stepped in to madness. Fawkes didn't mind he brought rounds and agreed with both sides as he gained information he should have known it would be that alluring wench Tehya behind most of this. His mind began to work and he left the inn to walk and think.... Maybe he needed to visit this Tehya once more
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Stormbringer on Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:14 pm

IC - SB is quietly amused by what he hears but as always refuses to be drawn on the topic by confirming or denying. Perhaps he doesn't know himself, or perhaps he doesn't want people relying on him to solve all their problems. Maybe he is just someone who adopted the name of a long-ago emperor to lend mystique to his recent conquests?

OOC - some good potential for long-term roleplay here. Have fun!
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Naomh on Thu Jan 23, 2014 9:06 pm

"Cursed fox! Stop taunting me so!" Her voice echoed from behind the mask, violet eyes catching another glimpse of the gray beast that has led her through another chase. With a harrumph, she followed it through the unfamiliar land of snow covered forest. While the land was new to her, something about it told her it was the forests that surrounded the town the sheyka now lived near. Forests she now called home, but a part she had yet been.

This was a change, normally it kept bringing her to the lands she once called home, to the place where she had earned her exile, as if a mocking and painful reminder of the mistakes the warrior had done.

A storm was stirring, the winds were whipping her braids around her head, the force enough to bend the trees surrounding her but still she trekked on in the continuous chase between her and the fox. Even as the sky thundered and rain poured, she continued the hunt. Then suddenly, through wind-swept bushes, she spotted it again, with a cry of triumph, voice carried away in the gale winds, she charged forward to finally catch the accursed spirit only to stop just before finally laying hands on the beast she had hunted for years.

There, on top of a hill in a large clearing, was a man, features unrecognizable in the storm, but undoubtedly a man The clouds were circling directly over him, as if summoned by him, the sheyka looking down at the fox, its ears were folded back, teeth bared at the figure on the hill. The beast was angered by his very presence, however it was clearly too small to do anything about him, that's when it looked up to her, as if for help. Nodding in understanding, she lifted her spear and turned to face the man in the clearing.

Just then a bolt of lightening hit her square in the chest.

Violet eyes open wide as she awoke with a loud gasp, a glance around reminded her where she was, under a rock outcropping, next to a fire for a bit of warmth while she rested. She rubs the back of her neck with a soft grumble, the fox had used less... shocking ways of waking her from dreams before. Still, this dream she felt was more important than the constant reminders, the repeated walks through her old home.

It was an call for help.

This man had angered her guardian spirit and it was calling for her to do something about it, but who was he? This bringer of storms? Her hands return to rest upon the mithril spear draped across her lap, staring deep into the fire as she thought. She remembered overhearing the arena healers talking about a temple being made, a place of worship for a new 'god', or great spirit... Stormbringer!

She stood at the realization, knocking pieces of snow and ice into the fire before walking away, adjusting her mask. Stormbringer, the chief of this land, was now calling himself a greater spirit and was having a place built where one could worship him. She did not think much about it at the time, the practice of a 'temple' to worship such spirits was strange to her, but she did not question their ways, unless it was the damned fox she called her protector. However, this time its message was clear. This place being built has angered the spirits, and her protector had come to her for help.

The temple was being built soon, she needed to figure out how to stop this from happening.


"A temple? For the emperor?"

The hunter nodded up at the centauress, "That's right, word around town is his precious bard is collecting support on getting a temple build for the new god, Emperor Stormbringer. As you can probably guess, it's starting to make a bit of a ruckus. Now it ain't my place to judge any but if you ask me it's a bit mad. A man becoming a god, though heaven knows, if anyone'll be able to pull that off it'll be him... Well, there's the inn, come on in, I'll buy you a drink for the help."

Halima waves her hand as he pulls his gear and catch for the day off of her back, "Your company and the news is thanks enough. I have hunting of my own to do while there's still sunlight. Stay safe."

"You as well, not too many of your kind around here, and I'd hate to see something happen to such a lovely face."

Halima chuckled softly and shakes her head as he went inside, turning to return to the forest. Stormbringer, a man who is having a temple built for him and being listed among the ranks of the gods. The centaur knew many similar stories and most of them ended poorly for the new 'god'. However, when she thought about the stories she knew about the gods, and what little she had heard about this Stormbringer. Well as legends tell time and again, just about anything is possible.

Good or ill, this event has the promise to make an interesting story of its own. While she was neither opposed nor for this temple, the centaur was thinking about finding this 'precious bard' and talking to her to further her knowledge in this forming tale. A possible legend was forming either way, she could tell.
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Ryke Masha on Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:00 pm

*Joe picks up the letter found in alren's home just floating around and starts to read it fascinated by it and looks around to make sure no one is around and starts to copy before pocketing his and putting the original back so he can go to the bard and question her some about it*

*zournban cult leader is in his private chambers as he hears a knocking at his door and watches as a recruit comes in bearing the information heard throughout the town and smiles at the news "tell me recruit have you told anyone of this yet" he said calm and relaxed in his chair as the recruit shakes his head "good" was all he said as throws 15slots of fire blot at the young wolven "tsk tsk wolvens always so flammable" he speaks political loud to himself as he gets back to work*
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Re: A New Cause --Temple for Stormbringer

Postby Tehya on Thu Mar 13, 2014 4:46 pm

It had been two months since the letter of her intent on building a temple was found with the story of her god Stormbringer. She had met those that had to be convinced and took them to the dragon of dreams Traghorn. Those that were curious enough seen the battle of Sturmtsalise but they not only seen it they came out with injuries fighting by her god's side. Still disbelief simmered even after such a reality and Traghorn's attempts to let them relive history. History could be read but not lived again but Traghorn brought them to that reality and Tehya was convinced Traghorn wouldn't have taken them to this dream if her conclusion wasn't correct.

It wasn't such a foolish idea she found many who agreed with her, but some were afraid to come forward, others wanted to be secret backers, and others were in awe wanting the temple built handing her donations.

In the intern she met Shogeton who loudly protested in the Inn, and screamed his denial of her god as others listened on. It didn't matter to the Imperial bard and she went to visit Twerlinger to see where and what land was available. Nothing not even her own mate would stop her, though she was surprised Sorgram didn't protest loudly. Maybe the years of Sorgram watching her ripened the fact he knew her and didn't want to change her. After all he took her to a long list of places of history in dreams.

It took weeks to find just the right piece of land and she chose acreage where the Emperor daily walked or rode through. The property was near the palace, a sparse wooded area with new trees sprouting up. It was along the river and had a lovely view.

The temple had been drawn out when she discussed it with Twerlinger and it would be stone laid to look natural, but she needed a team of workers and had a nice sack of coins to pay them through people's contributions. She had paid a sum out of her own savings for the temple and being thrifty as Tehya was... it was the most money she ever spent on anything. People's donations would be used to stimulate economy in her eyes and many workers were needed and would be paid. It didn't matter if they believed or not though it would please the bard if they did.

A very elaborate sign was copied along with a picture of the land where the temple was being built.

Workers needed! Believe or disbelieve the temple of Stormbringer will be built and you will be paid for your work and that alone.

Masons, blacksmiths, artists, sculptors, wood crafters, and druids will be needed to bend the trees around the temple so it looks like part of nature.

Seats inside will be carved trees, turned over with cushions of velvet over them. A statue is needed, and drawings of history along the walls. The Artists`Ambit is open for those needing shelter to work, easels are set up and there are covered alcoves for sculptors to work.

OOC: EL 900.00 5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage temple purchased

Twerlinger` nods... ok... so that'll be 6900 if you want rough cobblestone for the outside... and in 12 weeks time you'll have to finish up with the cost of the constructin crew, anyone you get to work on it icly and who post logs.. Will reduce the amount you have to pay to the REB for it.

If interested please post here, and when you rp your work post below. Donations that were made to Des will be used to pay workers.
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