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Please Contact Me

Postby Zex on Tue May 20, 2014 1:57 am

One of the Ops (Other than L'), please contact me in PM. I'll do the respectable thing and keep it in private. :D
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby L`aquera on Tue May 20, 2014 3:15 am

Perhaps if you had done that in the beginning, you wouldn't find yourself out for a while from the channels. Right? Ha ha! I thought it was funny. So did you when I warned you :D

And might I add. Continuing to poke the bees nest, will not find you in the channel any faster! :D You cannot Op hop. Have fun on your time off. Perhaps you'll learn to stop inserting your thoughts when another is being talked to. As you've been told, before.. *gasp!*
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby lyllamarie on Tue May 20, 2014 3:23 am

I'm afraid you will have to resolve whatever issue it is with the Op that kicked you. Op hopping is not looked at kindly in these situations.
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby Zex on Tue May 20, 2014 3:30 am

Even when the Op was blatantly wrong in what they did, as has been discussed on end in PMs ever since I was banned?

L', I was trying to be respectable, and go about this in an appropriate manner, but since you seem to want to get the final word in, and be immature, allow me to give you a nice big Godsmack.

Many people are actually agreeing that what you did was assinine, childish and immature. In fact, you're actually the laughing stock of many who have PMed me, rallying behind the stand I made in the channel. So keep snickering, if you wish. Know that the countless others are snickering much louder.
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby L`aquera on Tue May 20, 2014 3:45 am

We have told people. Over and Over. If you don't know the situation and you are not an Op? Don't insert your opinion into the matter. And you have done that. More then once. And been warned. To stop. Since you do not learn. I will happily think its amusing. Let me know how those patting you on the back help you.
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby Zex on Tue May 20, 2014 3:48 am

They helped me realize, TLI is not the place for me. When it allows people who abuse their operator powers to run rampant with no check or balance, on the whims of her PMS-induced judgements.

Allow me to quote something directly from my PMs.

[09:45.02] <Zex> I wonder how she'd feel knowing she's a laughing stock
[09:45.17] <----> I find it sad because, frankly, nobody wants her there. All she's done is take away any fun there is in being
[09:46.06] <----> The only ones who 'like' her at those benefiting directly from her. Like Elth.

Names, of course, protected for others who aren't a part of this. How's that for chuckles?
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby lyllamarie on Tue May 20, 2014 3:54 am


We know what went down.

We will uphold L`aquera's decision.

Even now your actions point to an attitude that no one is amused with, and that is not an invitation for you to continue to dig the hole you dug yourself in.

Take this time for self-reflection and come back when your ready to understand that the OOC is not your soap box. It is not the place to insult us, it is not the place to think you know better on the subject, and it is not the place where you can feel indignant when you were warned and continued on the path because you felt you knew better than the one wearing the @.

If you don't like that idea or ruling, then it is not the place you need to be. You, or the friends you wish to protect. (( as if that really is protecting them ))

As for the rest, the subject is closed.

Thank you.
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby Zex on Tue May 20, 2014 4:04 am

The truth is, I will not be coming back. I am sure you are all so heartbroken, right? Sorry, sarcasm tends not to translate well over the internet.

Anyway, I love all the people (well, most of the people) of TLI, and have not really had any issues with anyone during my time there. Truth of the matter is, I will never be able to respect L' again, now. I won't be able to take her judgements or her warnings seriously ever again. I feel she doesn't belong in the position she is in now, and as such, I feel that my return would only be temporary, as inevitably this standoff would just result in me being banned again in the future.

I appreciate all the friends I made while I was here at TLI, and it actually surprised me how many of you reached out to me after I was banned in PMs to chat with me and shoot the shit. Love you all. But its time for me to move on.

Keep on keepin' on, guys.
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby L`aquera on Tue May 20, 2014 4:30 am

Yup. I'm still amused. Will those that are benefiting from me *not you Elth! I'm not clear what you're getting in any of this!* please stand up? Oh wait. That would be.. EVERYONE. Thats right. EVERYONE. Benefits. From me. Including you! Including my Ops. Including the channel owner.

How is that possible?

I do my job. No one is paying me to do this. No one said it would be easy. No one said it would be fun. In fact, I was told the direct opposite. So in my time. I've written a few of the Gods. Yes. That was me. I made the Spirette. The Northern lands. The Wind Walkers. The Mephos, the jhore. A LOT of story lines to this day, are still mentioned. The ships you see in play. To the more simplistic rules. I've handed out levels on holidays and meherial galore. I rewrote the site! A lot of what you see up there was my handy work as was wanted by the Owner. I've done tons and tons and tons of Dev work and tons more of Quest and Events. When someone has a question, they come to me. When their pay is wrong, they come to me. When they want to get paid! I pay them. And yes. When they get into trouble, I'm on them. I am not the loveable op. I've said this time and again. You break these rules. And it will be me you end up dealing with. I'm also the one that listens to those that just need an ear. Advise. To look at their characters. To help them with whatever they need and sometimes, I go above and beyond. If I left, would the channel fall? No. No it would not. Know why? Because you have a slew of other ops that would take up the slack and do a damned good job. Do not insult Elthorion because someone has a skewed way of looking at things and since they are not Ops, they have no idea the amount of work we do. And the amount of time we sacrifice, FOR this channel. FOR these players. You haven't insulted me. You haven't even budged the ticket on making me feel bad. I've heard it all, time and time again, and always when I have to smack someone or ban them because THEY did wrong.

You being banned. Was your own fault. I don't care if you like it, or not. You continuing, was not respectful. not in the least. And you are well aware, it was not. Do I think its hilarious? Certainly. Do I feel bad people are patting you on the back and saying someone is benefiting from me? Certainly not. Because more then likely, they have benefited from me. Pot meet kettle. And strangely enough. I've benefited from them. Odd right? Maybe when you get your head out of your ass and decide to contribute to something other then complaining and getting yourself banned. I might actually have some respect for you. Apparently, the warnings weren't enough because as you've stated, you didn't actually care. You didn't respect what was being said. I'll let you know when I've felt insulted. But I can tell you now. It isn't from this.
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Re: Please Contact Me

Postby Stormbringer on Tue May 20, 2014 7:58 pm

Oh it's been a while since I saw one of those 'nobody is having any fun in TLI' posts from someone who just got banned. I take it s/he will be leaving along with you seeing as how they have an opportunity to escape from the way we force them to visit this fun-devoid desert of sterile boredom? No? How odd. Perhaps some masochistic tendencies keep people showing up here for years instead of going where the grass is greener and the fun just never stops 24/7?

Actually, we'll probably all follow you since it sounds so much better than TLI. So where would it be, this place of mirthful merriment where everone is free to gambol around like little lambs who have yet to see a bottle of mint sauce? And most puzzling of all, how is it that eight from ten of those who leave come to a realisation that they actually were acting like dorks and return to TLI. Of course it's probably despite the lack of entertainment here. They do it because this is where their friends hang out.

Some friend you are to them, making them stay here instead of showing them the pathway to a better, brighter place, eh? Just leaving them here to suffer so that you can eventually return to share their pain!
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