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New Character Bio...

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Wed May 21, 2014 6:55 pm

<p>Ellyssa of the flaming red wings was born on the night of the last winter storm of the new year. That same night her mother, who had wings of the purest white, breathed her last. The cause of her death was complications from giving birth, though not the kind of complications one might suppose. Ellyssa's father, who was known for his pale blue wings tooks one look at the infants red wings, which he believed to betoken bad luck for his whole family and flew into a blind rage. Only sheer luck on the part of the infant and a fleeting memory saved the baby girl's life. Elturo, for that was her father's name, remembered a handsome (except for his red wings of the exact same shade as the child's) stranger who had sojourned with the clan during the spring and immediately came to the conclusion that he had been cuckolded and cursed by his wife. He did what any mildly sociopathic man would do under those circumstances, and strangled the helpless woman then and there. The mid-wife, dismayed herself by the child's wings was able to convince Elturo to spare the child, under the strongest oath not to speak a word to anyone of precisely how the mother had died.<p>

<p>One of Ellyssa's earliest, clearest memories is of a time (hardly the last) when her father was scolding her for some imagined offense telling her that her mother had died the day she was born and how much he wished it had been the other way around. As a consequence, Ellyssa knowing practically nothing about her mother except that she had white wings and that she was dead, had lived for most of her life with a feeling of guilt that somehow she was the one who had killed her mother. Now, whenever she sees a whitewing, she has an instinctive desire to 'make up' for that imagined sin. Ellyssa's memories of her childhood are filled with instances of her would-be playmates calling her "ill-luck" or "ill-yuck" because of her red wings or the adults murmuring when they thought she couldn't hear about her ill-favored eyes. <p>

<p>In short, she was almost as relieved as she was terrified when she woke up one morning in her tenth year to discover that her nomadic family had flown off without her sometime in the night leaving no sign where they had gone. Fortunately the girl was possessed of an inner strength and fortitude that would serve her well in the coming weeks and allow her to overcome many hardships. Also fortunately, it was early spring and she was in a forest and she had already learned how to fend for herself when her father would frequently mysteriously forget to feed her.<p>

<p>The next five or six months she spent scrounging in the forest for what nourishment roots and berries could provide, until as luck would have it, a wandering troupe of entertainers of various races found her in the woods and took her in. During that time she learned many of the mysteries of tumbling, juggling and dancing though she rarely, if ever, could bring herself to perform before strangers. It was also during that time that Ellyssa learned that she had a facility for healing as her compassionate nature drove her to tend to the aches and pains (and occasionally more serious injuries) of her acrobatic companions. During all of her seven years with the troupe, although her compassion and skill won her the regard of her fellows, not once did she ever get a hint that anyone had ever or could ever find her attractive until Korman, the fat old halfling leader of the troupe invited her to his wagon and attempted to get her to pay for her passage in a whole new way.<p>

<p> With gentle words of praise and admiration he sought to lull her, then he explained to her that as an adult she had to earn her passage and the time had come to pay the toll with her maidenhood. Shocked and betrayed, Ellyssa refused. In a rage, Korman lashed out, beating her and knocking her unconscious. When she came to, she was lying on the floor of his wagon, naked and bruised, her virginity still intact only because the dirty old halfling was still struggling with his clothes. She leapt up and buffeted him with her wings, allowing her to escape, she grabbed a sack of coins off his table and a brown Mage robe drying on a line as she ran, still naked, to the outskirts of the camp. Then, Ellyssa unfolded her magnificent, cursed wings and flew from that place, leaving behind the only people who had ever been remotely kind to her.<p>

<p>For the next year, she wandered aimlessly in the woods, but finding she could no longer bear to live alone she began traveling among the small villages seeking company and some place she could be further trained in the arts of a Healer.<p>
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Re: New Character Bio...

Postby lyllamarie on Wed May 21, 2014 7:12 pm

send that in a .txt file to and I'll take care of it. Thanks
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Re: New Character Bio...

Postby Ellyssa_Flamewing on Wed May 21, 2014 10:30 pm

There Sutara. I sent it to you in three different formats. I hope one of them works for you. Unfortunately, I don't know how to send .txt files on an iPhone yet. Let me know if you need me to try again. And thanks.
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Re: New Character Bio...

Postby lyllamarie on Wed May 21, 2014 11:29 pm

That is up to you
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