The Guild

A place for thieves to meet up secretly, swapping stories, fencing goods etc.

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The Guild

Postby Myra on Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:13 am

She was curious, perhaps it came with the description of thieves, always sticking their noses out there where they don't belong and hoping not to get caught and if they did.. with how much? Either way, the little elf was tired of sitting around and not getting anywhere. Tired of waiting to see if things would happen or if somebody would push for a little bit more. She knew how things went and where things needed to happen as she had watched for some time and so she would make her way in the evening around town and to the inn and tack up a little note within

Seeking those that wish to be involved

The time has come to start gathering, to play the games and reap the rewards.
Its time to build and come together if you dare...

00C: Monday August 18th 7:00 pm cst , a certain Elf (Treena) will be exploring the Old Town and seeing what needs to be repaired as well as be available to any thieves that would like to purchase lock picks in #tli-borderlands
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Postby Lindor on Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:35 am


Re: The Guild

Postby Velve on Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:58 am

Could be fun!
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Re: The Guild

Postby Twerlinger on Fri Aug 15, 2014 8:15 am

The note was spotted and read by the bastard of a moriel. Eyes rolled for a moment with the way it was written, but even he had to admit that it was time for the guild to move on and up, and maybe some fresh blood and some new ideas might be something that was required. A flicker of fingers, quill taken out before pausing.. would it cause too much stress and strain.. perhaps.. but then that was fun as well.

'Might be there...D'
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Re: The Guild

Postby Jodice on Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:38 am

Jodice shifted her weight from one foot to the other, the collarless concubine wearing a lopsided grin as she read the simple note. So, someone was intertaining a gathering of those with light fingers? This should be interesting. A simple reply of " I'll be there" was left as the dark eyed silver tongued thief turned and left, lifting a pouch of mhl from some unsuspecting drunk as she faded into the shadows.
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Re: The Guild

Postby Tehya on Fri Aug 15, 2014 3:29 pm

Character Jada: Perhaps a whisper at the Inn told her while tending the bar about the plan, and their was a slight smile of appreciation since she planned on being there.
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Re: The Guild

Postby Angst on Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:14 am

Lilly's brow lofted as she read that note. Now there was something she didn't encounter every day... Interesting Tallies. Delicate fingers lift to trail the note. "Silly Tallies..." She coos the words, full lips twisting into an impish little grin. "Interesting but silly..." She speaks aloud. To whom? Her whimsical musings were for her own benefit. Fingers fall from note to brush along the too large robes that hung from her shapely frame. Of course they didn't fit properly, the fine silks having been 'borrowed' from a Tallie as she had a roll in a field. Yet, she wore them, never-the-less, even if they showed off a good portion of cleavage and drug behind her to expose shapely limbs. Tossing lustrous tresses behind her, the tallie sized pixie walks away. Uninterested? Perhaps. Yet she was curious. Perhaps she'd crash the party, cause a bit of mischief and, of course, she loved her shinies.

Angst, Anisa|VRK|, Latanya|STB|, Kacela, Inara{Chris}, Taini, Nixxle, Lilly{FRST}, Jilaiya, Jace, Kai, Tirnel, Esme{DVK}, Samina, Samiya{Mal}, Leila, Talen.
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