The Layout and Basic Information

The open air bazaar in the heart of Nanthalion

Moderators: Thunder, Amara, Kooky

The Layout and Basic Information

Postby Kooky on Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:47 am

The Bazaar Marketplace

Nanthalion Bazaar Structure
The Nanthalion Bazaar is just that, a bazaar. It consists of kiosks and vendors peddling their wares or goods. Spread out blankets, entertainers, fortune tellers, wagons and kiosks are found littered the heart of the town square. Freelancers may find this as a useful place to try and sell their wares for little to no cost. Large shops have been dismantled into small kiosks to aid in the ease of transference of goods and less upkeep cost of building maintenance and upkeep. It's an area where freelancers and artisans can truly thrive. There is a large main stone structure in the center of the spread where the pieces and panels for stalls are kept, along with banners and stock. That is also where the offices for the managers are located as well as a variety of crafting kilns and work stations.

In the heart of the Bazaar is a large open wooden stage. This is not a stage with poles or for slaves, but rather it is a stage for Market workers to peddle their wares, or to put on shows of entertaining feats. This stage is also where auctions for the finest of items are held. The stage itself is of a sturdy red oak wood, made for holding the weight of horses and wagons. It is decorated with ornate rails for the stairs, ramps and trim, and carved-stone mehial and "copper" coins of grand size at 2ft! These stones expand from the stage to around it, creating a barrier to keep back bidders. Along the sides of the stage there are intricate mosaics of tile and stone that in whole, equal to a map of the town in a small scale. The stage is monitored and otherwise blocked off with wares when not in use for events or employees, so non-employees cannot use it. Under the protected stage surface is stored materials for tents or quick-thatched roofing for shade in the summer and protection from rain and snow otherwise.

How the Bazaar Works
The Nanthalion Bazaar is no longer shop oriented and this pertains to the Market; however it is broken into three segments: Crafts, Consumables and Services. Each area has a specific manager that is in charge of that respective area of influence/expertise. These managers are to ensure that all facets of their trade are maintained, promoted and functioning for the general populace to be able to find goods that they may need.
The Works and Chocolates to Cherish ARE located in the Bazaar area. However "The Bazaar" itself pertains to the marketplace, not those shops in particular. To make purchases from them, you will need to seek their employees. Not Bazaar employees.
Why does The Works have the AH tag for Des? Because sometime ago The Works absorbed in the Anvil's Horn and it works as AH concerning the item database. The Bazaar's item database is MARKET.

All Employees work within the function of the bazaar.
- Sales clerks are to sell from the complete inventory of products or services found in the bazaar.
- Freelancers may sell their wares in the bazaar or even sell their product/services to the bazaar. (Players must have logs) This includes but is not limited to hunters, leatherworkers, miners, painters, glassblowers, artists, and even tailors.
- Artisans may become employees and receive a free stall/space for their own talents, while selling the items of the Bazaar.
- Entertainers can be hired by the Bazaar as either entertainment alone for functions and events, or as sales clerks who also have their own space outside for entertaining, and get a bonus for working events.

How do I buy things?
Any sales person employed by the bazaar market has the ability to sell everything in the market inventory. This is to open up grounds for more roleplay experiences, allowing people to always find active workers, and keeps the job fresh and not monotonous. By visiting the bazaar marketplace and locating a salesperson, they can sell items or services.

What is this Market Days?
On the first weekend of every month starting on Friday through Sunday, all items in the bazaar market will hold special sales. Everything found in these shops are 10% off the normal cost. The Bazaar may also hold special sales or promotional items during this time. It is the perfect time to do any and all of your shopping needs to get the most out of your precious mehrils.

What is Artisans' Alley?
Artisans' Alley is a Bazaar event geared towards celebrating the arts and artisans that make the world function through the creation of items. Every craft is cherished at this time. When the event is hosted, approved artisans get a free booth to display their wares and promote themselves. People walk around nude in full body paint and have the chance to get themselves painted, and those wandering the market can watch as some of the crafters do their work right there at their stalls using anvils and small outdoor kilns. Entertainers are hired to perform and sing and this is also a good time to get custom orders done. During this time there will be a contest on a theme, and the artisans may submit one piece of work that they have done that day to match the theme. The grand winner will receive 100mhl, while second place gets 50mhl and third 25mhl.

What are Flash Gamble Sales?
Flash Gamble Sales happen every now and then, and only through a manager or approved by a manager. Flash Gamble Sales are where the clerk will roll 1d10 and the outcome will determine your percentage off. The smallest percentage you can get is 10% while the highest is 100% which means your total order is free. The dice is ONLY rolled after you have given the clerk your list and the total has been tallied up.

What are Artisan Auctions?
Not to be confused with slave auctions! Artisan Auctions are auctions held by the Bazaar that allow artisans to sell selected works of art and fine wares in an auction-style sale. All bids start at 1mhl, but rise depending on how well the artist (or who they hire) is able to sell the work through words. Likewise, service people and entertainers can sell their services through the art of speech in the same manner, so long as what they do is, in a way, portrayed as a work of art. These will be held every other month usually. Sex is in no way a service or item of auction.

What is the Huzzah History Event?
The market is the hub of all things where people from all across town and beyond come. So every now and then, the Bazaar will host Huzzah History events, which is a celebration of Nanthalion history. During these events, key moments of history and the founding of Nanthalion will be focused upon, displayed in shows of entertainment and crafted items depicting this fine history. Time to time, they will even share in Valencia's fine history and cater to the smiths of Valecite to hosts their wares as exotic and unique. Nobles likewise can team with the Bazaar for hosting their own history events and sharing their greatness with the people. This is also a fine time for Nobles to display how great their Houses are and boast on how they have influenced the world around them. Freelancers and artisans will often make special items catering to these events in the hopes of sales and displaying their talent in how they can capture history and feeling.

All approved businesses within the Empire may use a kiosk at no charge. This means that during events at the Bazaar, other shops like the Body Arts Shop may have a kiosk set up to promote themselves.
Kiosks may be used by all freelancers/tradesmen free of charge given the following criteria are met:
- sex is not a trade/service allowed to be sold
- selling goods/services still requires showing their acquisition/creation
- need to maintain work logs to keep their kiosk
- all kiosks fall under bazaar management (this means they must be approved and you must be hired or marked as a Renter via having a thread in the Bazaar area that lists your wares/services)***
- suitable uses include such as freelance sales that don't break any game rules or competition restrictions, entertainers, fortune tellers, etc
*** If you wish to use a kiosk and NOT be hired by the Bazaar, you will have to pay for your kiosk the REB. But, you're freely welcome to lay down a blanket or pull up a cart to sell your goods too!

Bazaar Manager – Oversees general function and purpose of the bazaar. Works in conjunction with the assistant bazaar managers and employees/freelancers to create a fun and useful role-play atmosphere. This person is part of Town Council and the figure head over the Bazaar’s success and failures.

- Works with other managers to ensure their needs are being met.
- Go between from players to administration/town council.
- Makes judgment calls over disputes found within the realm of the bazaar.
- Responsible for all things within the realm of bazaar.

Crafts Manager – This manager is in charge of all products related to crafts. By crafts, this includes furniture, metalware, pottery, tapestry, etc. The manager ensures that the pricelists are up to date and trades people are being trained as well as performing their crafts.

- Works with tradesmen of various crafts.
- Provides training or arranges for mentorship programs within their area of expertise.
- Promotes and works with freelancers to increase trade with craftable items.
- Responsible for all paid bazaar craftsmen and freelancers.

Consumables Manager – This manager is in charge of all products related to food and beverage. They are responsible for all facets involved in the creation and acquisition of consumables including produce, alcohol, confectionaries, etc. This person also keeps tabs on freelance hunters and their game is processed.

- Works with tradesmen of various consumables.
- Provides training or arranges for mentorship programs within their area of expertise.
- Promotes and works with freelancers to increase trade of consumable items.
- Responsible for all paid bazaar craftsmen and freelancers.

Service Coordinator Manager – This management job is heavily OOC work oriented on the message board forum and database issues. They are responsible for the scheduling of promotional events, work log verifications, payroll, and database issues that arrive. They help to field the general problems that may arise or answer the questions that often arise. This individual also employs and manages those who sell services such as fortune telling, dancing class, slave etiquette courses, entertainers or bards, etc.

- Works with bazaar personnel to sort out problems and issues that arrive.
- Checks work logs of freelancers as well as paid bazaar workers.
- Creative in event organizing and scheduling for bazaar festivities.
- Responsible for all paid bazaar servicemen, salesclerks, and freelancers.

PAYOUTS: Those who are doing "payouts" to characters MUST reply to the log posted by the player, including their payout from Des, be it mhl or an item payout. This will prove that the payout has been done and will keep track of it. This way no one double-payouts or misses getting a payout. It keeps it all organized and allows for payouts to be done at any time.

Sales Clerk – This employee position is simply that… focus primarily on sales. These individual sell all products found under the umbrella of bazaar including consumables, crafts, and services offered.

Service Worker – This employee position provides a service for the bazaar. These individuals may include mentors, trainers, maintenance, etc. These individuals provide service to the bazaar and are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted.

Tradesman - This employee perform the construction or making of products for the bazaar and are available for freelancing their services rather than just the sales of their products. These individuals may include carpenters, brewers, butchers, hunters, potters, glassblowers, etc. These individuals are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted.

Artisan/Crafter - This employee performs the creation of their wares in the bazaar at their stall. These individuals may include carpenters, potters, glassblowers, leatherworkers, blacksmiths, weavers, candle makers, sculptors, painters etc. These individuals are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted as well as to show they have made what they sell at their booth.

Entertainer – This employee position provides an entertainment and marketing service for the bazaar. These individuals may include jugglers, poets, singers, acrobats, fortune tellers etc. They promote the bazaar and its artists and entertain the wandering customers. These individuals provide service to the bazaar and are required to provide work logs indicating their work is being conducted.

OOC Changes
- 3 Segments of bazaar: Crafts, Consumables, and Services
- Dissolve of individual ‘shops’ to promote bazaar mentality.
- Free kiosk use for employees
- Working on getting Siren's Call instruments and such..
- Added new events
- Added new positions
- Made bazaar more "freelance" themed
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:11 pm

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