This may at first seem like a rant at first, but it's not.
So, I was roleplaying in the inn one day, when Amber, a new member to TLI was having a little trouble in TLI regarding the slave registering system and inn paying system. The following OOC took place in the IC:
(Just roleplay it, Amber, most of the time it's only tips that people worry about in regards to payment in the Inn. But if you're owned, you do need to have your mistress's tag so that it's displayed.)
[22:34] <Sorgram> [17:01] <+Amber`> ((ummm okay then? I'm unsure if she has the collar yet IC but I can wear the tag
[22:34] <Sorgram> [17:02] <+Kir^Trelander> (Er. If it was approved on the boards, then you're owned. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you're not 'owned' officially, and need no tag)
[22:34] <Sorgram> [17:02] <+Amber`> ((kk she's going to own her though ))
[22:34] <Sorgram> [17:02] <+Kodie_Kovak{Tra}> (She isn;t registered and such yet x3)
As you can see, it lasted just about a minute.
Now, I'm not sure who else did, but I got a Private Message from and op, stating I should keep 'private' conversations out of the IC channels.
Being that I play multiple RP's on IRC, using brackets for a short amount of time has never been an issue before, and so when I got this message I was very confused.
At first I thought maybe he got me mixed up with someone else, or that maybe he was talking about something the OOC channel regarding a conversation around steam.
But no, he was talking about the small OOC brackets I posted at the end. At which point, as one would imagine I pulled the biggest 'wtf' face ever.
Now, I didn't even know it was a rule, but what annoyed me the most was how counter productive this was. Instead of doing this, I had two other options.
Firstly, I PM the five or so people I was with with the message. Big pain in the ass.
Secondly, I could post it in the OOC, where since people are rping and some might not be in the OOC channel, it wouldn't get noticed.
While it was true I lost my rag a bit, and PM'd something I certainly shouldn't have, considering the amount of rules (Such as pretty much most of the rules regarding how the OOC channel is used) It is easy to see how -why- I could get annoyed for something so minor.
So, I post this in hopes some people will approve of the short use of OOC brackets. At the end of the day, PM's are a pain in the ass, and getting people to pay attention to the OOC can also be sometimes an even bigger pain in the ass.
I also hope some would approve of an assessment of the rules and such. As a lot of them are just, well, simply ignored. They serve no purpose for being there and are just confusing really, particularly for new players.
So anyhow, hope people take these points into consideration, and I apologize to any OP's whose time was wasted on such a minor, and pathetic thing as this.