Classic Calvan

Jokes, word games and general un-serious stuff because Jonie said there isn't enough fun on the board

Moderators: Tawny, Keaira

Classic Calvan

Postby Kooky on Wed Dec 28, 2016 9:36 am

This is where I'll post snippet scenes of my character Calvan... being Calvan.

"Try cactus"
[03:53] <+Calvan-C2C> 06The door opened.. and there was Calvan, the catman glaring in his stoic, bitter glory, hands gripping that broom tight. 01"Hello.. and welcome to the C2C, also known as Chocolates to Cherish. How may I help you?"06 He was trying so hard to be.. polite...
[03:58] <+Miranda> Miranda throws her head back and tosses her head, causing long blonde locks to fly around her face before settling back down again, and she beams a -huge- smile at Calvan whilst thrusting out her hand and near bouncing over to him "Wotcha! Name's Miranda, new in town and thank yer for the welcome there sunshine" She looks around, cheeks dimpling somewhat as she smiles before turning back to
[03:58] <+Miranda> him "So...this where you keep all the nice things then. I could do with a few of them for sure. Y'see.." and she skips over to the counter, and pulls herself up onto it! "I'm a dancer right?" she goes on as she swings her legs back and forth "And I need a few things for a new act. Well..." and she shrugs her shoulders "..a girl can't keep shooting eggs out of her cunt every night now can she?
[03:58] <+Miranda> Punters get bored and costs it a fortune in eggs.."
[03:58] <+Miranda> (ack. *Throws her hood back and tosses...)
[04:02] <+Calvan-C2C> 06The offered hand was not shaken, Calvan instead recomposing himself and setting the broom to his side, giving a few sweeps on the floor idly. It was lower work for the lessers.. but eh.. he could handle it to avoid touching this.. girl... As Miranda helped herself onto the counter, Calvan stared, just.. staring as she went on about shooting eggs out of her cunt and needing something new. 05{Cut}
[04:02] <+Calvan-C2C> 05{Cont'd}06 Finally, he pitched in very nonchalantly and monotone, deadpan serious... 01"You could try cactus. I'd pay to see that."06 He would too! He was half-tempted to offer her his own...
[04:16] <+Miranda> "'re funny flower. Real fookin' comedian you are ain't yer" She doesn't look terribly thrilled if truth be told. "Yer need to work on that yer know. Like gags should be funny. Like this one.." and she hops back off the counter "...So, y'know, what's the difference between the invasion of Valencia and a noblewoman? " she pauses "Only 10,000 men went into Valencia" and she snaps out
[04:16] <+Miranda> a laugh "Now that! is funny." She looks around once more "Anyway, why so sodding grumpy anyways. You work in a fookin' sweet shop!"
[04:19] <+Calvan-C2C> 06Again he was quiet, his right ear giving an occasional twitch. He stared onward, head tilting. Even with her joke, not a smile was cracked. When she was done, he considered her question.. but all that came out was, 01"Traditionally, gags are for keeping others silent. Cactus would work for that too."
Dev Team Member | Manager of the Bazaar (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the Arena (Lumio) | Assistant Manager of the General Store (Spotzen Strype) | Manager of Chocolates 2 Cherish (Calvan) | Assistant Manager of the Siren's Call (Sammy)

Most known characters - Lumio, Misk, Rumplelynx, Moxie Fink, and Icki
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Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:11 pm

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