Wondering this for a while and cant find anything on the sit

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Wondering this for a while and cant find anything on the sit

Postby Akaton on Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:39 am

So i have a few reasons to wonder about this. Mainly its just been curiosity. But now as im looking at and planning parts pf a quest i kinda need to know. Are there rules for combat in water? I ask because merfolk have this:

To most mortal races the sea is a dangerous expanse... as risky to cross as any barren desert, if not more-so. To the Merfolk, it is quite simply home, and while in its waters they are in their element. As such, Merfolk are fully capable of both casting spells and engaging in combat while underwater, and suffer no 'man overboard' effects or penalties during Naval combat.

So they can engage normally. But is that saying that other races just cant engage in any combat in water? If not is there a penalty system in place for water combat? If not id like to work on one with the Dev team and submit an idea for this as it might not be common to come up, but i believe its relevant enough to have a specific system in place.
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Re: Wondering this for a while and cant find anything on the

Postby miyuka on Sun Jan 22, 2017 1:34 am

there's a section on naval combat: http://belariath.com/combat/ship.html

Otherwise the more obvious part is that one can't cast when under water due to the need for voice for casting. I imagine fighting underwater for a normal being is impossible due to the nature of moving about in water.

There are no number based penalties while in water
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Re: Wondering this for a while and cant find anything on the

Postby Farvel on Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:01 pm

The only relevant thing I could find on the site is this:

Winds of War and Water Reverse both can knock players off of their ships. To represent this, if a ship has been hit by winds of war or water reverse then they halve their crew and until the players manage to climb back aboard they are not counted.

So, using the same ships and PCs from the last example let's say that the warlord and firemage were washed overboard. Until the x number of turns it takes for them to climb back aboard the roll would be based off of 15 (not 30) crew. So 3 PCs are still aboard so 15 – 3 = 12 NPCs, +1 for the artisan, 2 for the mage and 3 for the knight. A grand total of 18. As you can see using those spells can make boarding dramatically easier. But you must have great timing else the crew members may come aboard before you can start trying to board them. (Remember, once at distance 0 you cannot use AoE spells or Naval sphere spells out of risk to your own ship and crew)

(From Miyuka's link).

From what I understand it (the description is quite confusing), if a character is knocked into the water during a ship boarding attempt, they are not considered for roll purposes until they can climb back in. I'm guessing for merfolk that wouldn't apply as they can still cast ranged magic or physical attacks while in the water, hence the mention of "no 'man overboard' effects or penalties".

But I agree, in general a dice roll penalty for fighting in or under water (that merfolk - and maybe water mages - would be immune to) makes logical sense.
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Re: Wondering this for a while and cant find anything on the

Postby miyuka on Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:36 pm

one can't cast underwater, and actually fighting physically underwater is rather impossible, isn't it? I'd assume such a penalty would be very high.
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